I and Ogechi..... Episode 34 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi..... Episode 34

That’s all I spent the day doing. I was
thinking about how to detach strings with

Cynthia without hurting her feelings and
breaking her heart. The kind of affection
she had for me was too much that it
frightened me. Was it even possible to
leave her without creating enmity between
us? As far as she was concerned, she had
found herself the Nigerian man of her
dreams. And no matter what ill displays of
character I put up, she won’t consider them
flaws. She had settled in her heart that
heaven sent me to her to make her life
complete. She over rated me, and that was
a major problem which required the council
of Ahithophel to deal with. In case you don’t
know about Ahithophel, he was King David’s
adviser whose council King David likened to
THE WORD OF GOD. There came a time
when Ahithophel joined in the coup to
overthrow Kind David and crown his son
Absalom as King of Israel that David broke
down and prayed to God saying; OH LORD,
FOOLISHNESS. God’s answer to King
David’s prayer was what saved the King
from being a victim of such council. Now
that was the kind of council I needed to
handle Cynthia’s case. Too bad Ahithophel
is long dead and gone, so I had to do what
I’ve always done, which was consulting the
brightest part of my brain for possible ways
out. Perhaps I was the Ahithophel I needed.
I freshened up for that day by 7pm. I had
been on bed since morning thinking of one
person; Cynthia. After freshening up I went
down to the bar of the hotel to cool off a
little. All work without play, they say,
makes Jack a dull boy. I considered those
thoughts that played in my mind as work
which I needed to rest from by relaxing in a
bar where various activities would serve as
a distraction from it for the time being. It
was definitely coming back afterwards. But
the bar proved not to be the best place to
cool off, as what was served there was a
little more than I had expected. I had
Cynthia and Ogechi to deal with, and didn’t
need another to add to them. So I quickly
finished up my drink and returned to my
room and thoughts. That was that for that
day and before I knew it, it was morning. I
brought out my new cell phone and called
“Hello” Cynthia greeted.
“Hi Cynthia”
“Hi, who’s on the line please?”
“You mean you’ve forgotten the sound of
my voice already?” I said with a cold voice
“JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!” Cynthia screamed.
“Oh my goodness you got me worried.
Where have you been? And why did it take
you this long to call? And what the hell
happened to your phone?”
“I’m sorry Cynthia. I lost my phone in a
cinema where I went to entertain myself a
little. You know how we do it right?”
“Yeahhh I do. But you should be more
careful when out in such places. You got
me worried sick that I almost cried my
eyes out and blamed myself for letting you
go out alone. That will never happen again”
“What? I’m a kid now huh? And why did you
worry that much that you almost cried your
eyes out? Because you didn’t get a call
from me?
“Of course not. It all started when I called
you and heard your phone ring from the
pocket of a strange guy who took to his
hills the moment he saw that he was
discovered to be in possession of a cell
phone that wasn’t his.”
“Wait a minute, you mean my cell phone
found its way to Regina in just a matter of
hours after I lost it? And in possession of a
guy just close by you that you could even
hear the phone ring from his pocket when
you called? Are you sure you know what
you are talking about?”
“Yes I am. I know what I’m talking about
like the Pastor knows his word. He had you
cell phone with him and absconded before I
could confront him.” Cynthia affirmed.
“If what you’re saying is true, then
someone is trying to play some prank on
us. You may have to leave Regina for a
while to avoid danger.” I said as though
ignorant of what she’s saying.
“It didn’t happen in Regina.” She replied.
“Really?” Where did it happen?”
I exclaimed over exaggeratedly on hearing
that. If Cynthia’s mind was not beclouded
by L-O-V-E, she would have picked a thing
or two from my exclamation that depicted
more of an act than a reality. But she fell
for it as usual and began telling me about
her trip to, and encounter in Oklahoma. She
told me why she went there, and also of her
new acquaintance, Ogechi. Then she said
she had good news for me but won’t break
it to me on phone. I knew what she wanted
to tell me; that same good news that
almost brought about a scandal at Ogechi’s
party. Nevertheless, I pretended not to
know and promised to be home that same
day. The kind of joy she expressed when I
told her I was coming home made it seem
like I had been away for years, and I
wondered what she would do if she was
Ogechi who had been away for years
indeed. Our talk came to an end and she
gave me a kiss on the phone. It was really
going to be difficult ending things with
Cynthia. Did I say difficult? IMPOSSIBLE!
I was in Regina before 6pm and found
Cynthia already in the airport waiting to
receive me as though I was a first timer at
Regina. Smiles, smiles, and smiles took
over her beautiful glowing face. I could see
the joy in her heart finding expression
through her smiles and actions. Indeed, if
Ogechi had not found me in the VIP that
night, I would have tied the nuts with
Cynthia, not minding if she was five years
older than me in age. After all, I never felt
like I was with an older person during all
my stay with her. Instead, she made me
feel like a King whom she was working hard
to deserve, despite the fact that she
literally catered for my needs and exposed
me to people that mattered. Breaking up
with her was no way to repay her kind
gesture. But my meeting with Ogechi and
our little romance session wasn’t
something I only wanted to make a memory
of. Our bond was strong, and if we ended up
with different partners, adultery would be
the sin that would damn our souls. I could
never resist her, neither could she resist
me. Clearly, Cynthia had to know about
Ogechi, and I was going to tell her on our
arrival at home.
While we were still on our way home, she
began singing about the good news she had
for me. She told me to guess, and I
guessed the wrong things on purpose. For
whatever reason, I believed that if I kept
guessing the wrong things I would get her
to forget about the subject and get to
something else. That didn’t happen, as we
kept playing the guess game until we got
home. As soon as we got to the sitting
room Cynthia sat me down and said; take a
deep breath, which I did, and then she said;
let it out, which I also did, after which she
began her story.
I got a call from a guy I knew when I got to
Regina newly. He was into music, but the
music thing didn’t favor him, so he resorted
to managing singers, and that fetched him
quite a lot of money. He talked about hiring
some models for a music video he wants to
shoot for one of the singers he’s managing,
and that made me embark on a trip to
Oklahoma which is where he and the singer
in question are based. We met and talked
business, but then it happened to be that
the said singer is Nigerian by name Ogechi,
my fellow Igbo girl. Can you imagine that?
She has been abroad for years now doing
music and I didn’t even get to know. Well, I
don’t blame myself for that since I’m not
much of a music person. But the good news
is that I talked to her about you and she’s
willing to do a song with yoooouuuuuu. Isn’t
that great!? We had a fair bargain on that.
What’s left is for you to get ready to go
over to Regina, this time not to try and
recover from sleeping sickness that never
existed but to get famous! Your time has
come darling. There’s no stopping you now.
I’m sure by now you know how difficult the
whole thing is going to be for Jesusboy. Yes
you do. So what now? Well, I couldn’t break
the news to Cynthia again the way I wanted
to. I had to think of another way of breaking
the news to her that won’t drive her nuts.
Does such a way even exist? The next thing
Cynthia wanted to do was to celebrate her
so called good news by making love to me.
Damn! Wahala don dey! Why would I do that
to her when I was planning on leaving her
for Ogechi? I had done a lot already by
concealing some facts from her which had
become a thing of concern to me, and was I
going to add to that by making love to her
before leaving? That would be a very
wicked thing to do. But how do I get her to
understand? And I dare not resist her this
time, for that would spell out loud large
question marks. As she was unto me with
kisses and cuddles I paused her in-between
them and said;
“Cynthia, I need to talk to you about
“Oh’ dearie, whatever it is can wait for
later. I’m not in the mood to listen to
anything now”
“It’s very important. You have to hear me
“oooOOh’ what’s the problem again? Why
are you like this? I’ve told you, I don’t want
to talk. All I want to do is to ease up my
tension. I’m sure you need that too.”
“No I don’t” I replied gently. “I really need
to tell you something”
“Well I’m not ready to listen to anything
now” she retorted. “What’s up with you J?”
Why do you get like this whenever I give
myself to you?” Do you have a problem or
something? C’mon J, if you do, you can
talk to me about it. We’ll find a solution
together. I’m sick of always trying to get
you to do something it seems you don’t
want to do. Or don’t you want to do it for
real? Are you gay?”
“Damn it Cynthia!” I retorted. All I want to
do is talk! If you don’t want to, fine! Just
don’t call me names.”
“It didn’t call you gay to get at you J! But
from the way things have gone between you
and I all these while, I couldn’t help but
think you are. If you really aren’t gay, then
prove it!”
“Don’t push me Cynthia. You’re not going to
like this.”
“Try me.” She challenged.
She left in anger after saying that,
expecting that I was going to want to prove
myself not to be gay by coming after her to
screw her. I went to my room instead and
freshened up. Cynthia’s maid came to my
room and called me to come down for
dinner. Cynthia was there eating already. I
joined her but we said nothing to each other
until we finished our meal. She stood up
and went to watch TV in the sitting room
while I went back to my room. It appeared
to the maids as though we were holding
grudges against each other, something that
had never happened before. By that time I
had three months left to be done with My
Masters’ degree program. I went up to my
room afterwards and called Ogechi. Her
manager picked up again but this time I
asked him to let me speak with Ogechi.
Still, he refused. I had to lie to him that it
was something about the models Ogechi
needed for her video before he connected
me to her. Even at that, I had to hang on
for thirteen minutes before talking to
Ogechi. Hmmm.
Ogechi finally came on the line and we got
talking. I made her understand how
displeased I get whenever that manager of
hers tells me I can’t speak with her. I told
her to make him know who I was in order
for him not to prevent me from taking to
her whenever I call. She just laughed and
said okay to that. “How about Cynthia?” she
asked. “Have you told her yet?” I explained
what happened to her. She didn’t have to
instigate me to act fast and get done with
it quickly. Of course she knew she had my
heart, so she didn’t have to contend with it
anyone for it. We stopped talking Cynthia
and began talking us. We confidently said
all we used to be afraid to say to each
other before. We soon got fed up with audio
call and switched to Skype; that was her
idea not mine.
She went into her room, shut the door, and
we started talking. Our discussion was so
enjoyable that I laughed out loud to her
jokes. We were having such a good time; a
kind we hadn’t had in years. Nothing in the
world was going to come between us again.
As soon as I was through with my program I
was getting back with my Ogechi full time.
Before then I must have found a way to deal
with Cynthia; so I thought. I and Ogechi had
been Skyping for nearly one hour and it felt
like it was just ten minutes. Someone
knocked on her door to inform her that she
had a guest. She told the messenger she
was coming and the messenger left. “This
is where we end it for today” I said. But
she objected, telling me she hadn’t had
enough yet. “What about your visitor” I
asked. I’m going to dismiss whoever it is
soon enough and come back to you. There’s
a lot to be talked about. There’s a lot to be
watched too…..,. Don’t go anywhere. Stay
on the line until I return. “Yes Ma” I
replied. She grinned, gave me buzz and
left. I was just smiling like those guys on
the cabin biscuit packet after she left to
attend to her visitor. Nawa o.
I was there waiting for her return so that
we could continue our chat but she spent a
lot of time out there. The Skype call was
still running. Thank God it wasn’t those
days when I had to subscribe to MTN’s
200MB for N1,000. I definitely would have
ended the call before my MB was exhausted
over nothing. Thanks to the unlimited
internet access in Cynthia’s house. I could
afford to Skype for three days and three
nights without having any fear of MB being
exhausted. But when I waited fifteen
minutes without Ogechi’s return, I decided
to leave my reading table where I usually
kept my laptop and lay on the bed to relax
a little. I didn’t know when I dozed off.
What woke me up was the loudest scream I
had ever heard in my life. Even a dead man
could be brought back to life by such a
scream. The scream brought me back from
dream land to the real world, and I saw that
it was Cynthia who screamed with her both
hands on her head and her eyes wide open
in amazement. “Why was she screaming?” I
noticed she had her eyes fixed on my
laptop computer and I turned to see what
freaked her out. Hell no! It was Ogechi on
the other end. She was sleeping too.
Obviously she had come back to continue
the call only to see that I was sleeping.
Instead of hanging up the call, she left it
running and positioned the device she
Skyped with such that she could be seen
lying on her bed. She had rolled and rolled
while sleeping that her nightie gave way to
her killer body. That was what freaked
Cynthia out.
“Cynthia” I called out with a shaky voice.
To be continued.


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