I and Ogechi..... Episode 33 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi..... Episode 33


I had never been in that position before. A position where all hell broke loose and I couldn’t seem to device a means
of escape.
She saw me. She couldn’t believe it was

me. I stood still like a stature with a blank
mind, while she was still trying to come to
terms with the fact that it was really me
she was seeing in her apartment. We stood
silently in utter amazement on seeing each
other for nearly 60 seconds before she
finally broke the silence.
I didn’t respond. I didn’t move. I didn’t
shake. I just kept looking at her like a
lunatic. I wasn’t supposed to respond that
way in that situation, but I guess the
feeling of guilt had consumed me so much
that I couldn’t help but act like a culprit. If
Ogechi didn’t know me, I bet she would
have called in the cops the moment she
saw my face. Or maybe she could have
called the cops if I still maintained that
weird display of mine. But she called on me
“Ogechi” I replied.
Hearing my voice, she opened wide her
mouth and covered it with her both palms,
her eyes wide open in further amazement.
She was confused. She didn’t know whether
to ask how I got there or what I was doing
there, or why I was snooping around and all
that. She may even have thought it was my
spirit she saw and not me. I made some
steps towards her and she motioned me
with her hand to stop right there. My
problem from that moment was not Ogechi
anymore. After all, she had seen me
already. My greatest and only problem was
Cynthia. I feared Ogechi was going to
create a scene that would draw the
attention of others to us, so I was very
careful in dealing with her to avoid that.
“Ogechi it’s me.”
“You? How..how…how?”……
“I can explain please. I have a lot to tell
“Explain? I found you snooping around like
a bugler. Do I take it that it was me you
were looking for so you can explain? Who
the hell are you? Are you sure you are the
Jesusboy I know? I better call in the cops
before I get hurt by whoever you are”
Immediately I interrupted her and said; “I’m
the one the cops are looking for?”
Ogechi didn’t understand that too. “The
cops are looking for you?” she asked.
“Yes” I replied. I’m the guy who came to
earlier and demanded to talk to you in
“Wait a minute,” Ogechi said, motioning me
with her hand to keep standing still. Oh my
goodness! It was you?”
“Yes it was.”
“Why did you disguise yourself?”
“It’s a long story. Right now we need to
make sure the cops don’t know about this.
This should remain between you and me.
None else should know about this”
“Why are you so frightened? Have you done
something wrong? I do not really understand
all these. What are you doing in Oklahoma?
In my house?! Please start explaining
before I lose my mind”
I had hoped that our reunion was going to
be initiated with a romantic hug and a long
passionate kiss, but the reverse was the
case. She didn’t get too close to me
because she was still afraid, though she
managed to keep her calm. It’s a good
thing she didn’t scream from the start. Now
she wanted to know what exactly was going
on, and I started talking. I explained
everything to her, starting from my arrival
at Cynthia’s house till that very hour. Then
she understood all I went through because
of her. She didn’t need to tell me anything
anymore, for I had already heard all she
had to say about her life during her little
story session in the VIP. We both knew all
there was to know about each other again
and it was clear that true love still burned
in our hearts for each other. After I got her
to understand the circumstances that
surrounded my presence in her house, she
gave up every fear and embraced me
dearly. It was so warm that it felt like she
just unleashed the warm she had been
saving up all those years just to give to me
the moment we saw each other again. And
indeed, she kissed me passionately like I
expected on a day we met again.
Tears started raining down our eyes as we
held tightly to each other. We didn’t want to
let go of each other again. We then sat
down and began tingling our ears with
romantic words for about ten minutes, after
which she took a firm look at me and said;
“I missed you,” to which I replied “I missed
you too.” Ogechi held me by the hand and
lead me from the VIP section to her room.
We entered and she shut the door. You
know that feeling when you find your long
lost love and want to show him or her how
much you missed them?” Well, that feeling
registered its presence in that room and we
welcomed it dearly. Hugs graduated to
kisses, kisses graduated to cuddles, and
the heat intensified. We lost stamina and
fell right on the bed that was there to catch
us lest we fall. We lay sideways on the bed
facing each other and continued with the
activities that pushed us down. Our heart
beat increased, and we could hear the
sound of breath loudly. Our clothes
developed sudden hatred for each other and
couldn’t stand each other’s touch anymore.
We had to separate them to avoid a fight,
as that was the last thing we wanted at
such a time. So I initiated the process by
quickly unzipping her dress from behind
without a warning. I was so fast that she
got tickled by the speed at which I drew the
zip from her collarbone level to her waist
level. It happened in less than half a
second. She shifted closer to me in effort
to prevent the zip from cutting her skin in
the process, and then she gave me the
“bad girl” smile, which I reciprocated with
the “bad boy” look.
She then responded by ripping off the
buttons of my shirt and almost doing same
to my singlet if not for its commendable
quality which prevented an easy tear. It was
becoming more like a wild-wild west. We
shared the same naughtiness, and our
hearts could no longer contain the desires
it had bottled up for the past years. We
were on the verge of committing the
sweetest taboo, and whatever was going to
be the aftermath of that act was not put
into consideration by either of us. Half way
to the blonder, our whole being was overly
ready for the merge that would fuel the
transfer of all we had to exchange; the
good, the bad, and the ugly. I guess we had
played “the heroes” long enough and it was
time to take a trip down to the valley. (Not
A knock on the door was what continued the
validity of our salvation, as it definitely
would have gone down the drain if Cynthia
lacked the courtesy of informing Ogechi
before taking her leave. Though we had
ignored it initially, Cynthia’s persistence
certainly stalled our little foreplay, and we
hoped to continue after attending to her.
“Hold on Cynthia, I’m coming.” Ogechi
“She must not know about us. Say nothing
to her” “okay?” “I’ll find a way to take care
of things, trust me”
I had told Ogechi about Cynthia after she
found me in the VIP section when I narrated
the circumstances that surrounded my
presence in her house to her. So she also
understood the complications of the whole
matter, and did just as I told her. I got into
the bathroom to hide myself until she was
done with Cynthia. She opened the door and
Cynthia came in.
“I just want to tell you that I’ll be leaving
now. I’m going to the police station to
report my man missing.” Cynthia said
“What? You don’t have to do that. I mean,
we don’t even know if he’s missing or not.
He could just have lost his cell phone
somewhere or got robbed or something. But
not missing. He doesn’t appeal to me like
someone who can’t take care of himself. He
could already be in Regina as we speak.”
Ogechi responded.
“You have a point there. But why hasn’t he
called yet?” Cynthia asked.
“Have you forgotten that he lost his
“Yeah, you’re right. In that case I’ll hold on
a little. If I don’t see or hear from him in
three days, I’m going to the cops.”
“That’s better. I’m sure you’ll see him
before then.” Ogechi said positively.
“About the models, there are ready for you
anytime you need them.” Cynthia said.
“Alright. I’ll let you know when I’m ready.”
“Thank you. I’ll take my leave now.” She
made to leave the room and suddenly
remembered something. “Our deal still
stands. You’ll pay 60% of the original price
for the models and do a song with my man
when he’s found. I know he’ll surely be
“Yeah. Surely! Deal still stands.” Ogechi
They thanked each other and Ogechi
escorted her to a cab, which drove her to
the airport where she boarded a flight back
to Regina. Ogechi came back to the room
and I came out of the bathroom. The spirit
we were in before Cynthia came was no
more. The issue now was Cynthia. Ogechi
wasn’t comfortable with her referring to me
as her man. At the same time, she felt so
bad for Cynthia. It was indubitable that
Cynthia had to be out of the picture for our
lives to be perfect and complete again, but
I owed Cynthia a whole lot and she and
Ogechi had become more like sisters on
discovering themselves to be indigenes of
Eastern Nigeria. There was no way for a
happy ending to be without hurt feelings.
Ogechi trusted me to come up with means
that would save the situation to our favor.
It was fully morning, and she had to go
ahead with her superstar activities. We
couldn’t have time to ourselves anymore
because her manager was unto her to get
ready for a performance somewhere. I got
her number from her but didn’t give her
mine because I was going to get rid of my
phone in order to leave no traces to the
whole night’s incident. We kissed again and
I made to leave. She offered to drop me off
at the hotel I lodged but I objected and she
insisted on escorting me to a cab. Some
people who saw us walk out of the building
had confused looks on their faces, probably
wondering who I was that made her give me
such attention. We got to the road and I
boarded a cab. We bade each other goodbye
and off I went.
As the cab was moving on high speed, I
winded down the glass and dropped my cell
phone outside which got smashed by
following vehicles. I stopped on the way to
buy a new cell phone and SIM card before
proceeding to my hotel room. On reaching
my room I called Cynthia but the call didn’t
go through. I called Ogechi and her manager
picked it up. I dropped the call without
saying a word. I then fell on the bed and
began thinking about all that had happened.
It was indeed an adventure. Finally, I
reunited with Ogechi. We kissed, hugged,
cuddled and nearly bleeped, if not for
Cynthia who hindered the process. Talking
about Cynthia, what was I going to do with
To be continued.

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