My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 10... | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 10...

DPO Nelson had
another worry apart from
being sacked, his friend’s son was missing, he
had gone to
check John’s apartment but he found out that
it was empty, he
had also gone to the motor park where
someone confirmed that
about six corpers were on the missing bus, he
knew but he didn’t
want to tell his friend on the phone, he had
told Peter Adeboye to
meet him in his office within the next 1 hour
he had
somewhere to go to ……………………………
Adeboye was driving
along the express road, he was deep in
thought only for him to
look foward and see a plank full of nails right
ahead of him, he
immediately slammed on his brake, suddenly
two hefty armed
men came out of nowhere, one man opened
his door and
knocked him out cold with the bottom of his
Some men were
carrying fire wood to the
king’s palace, John had caught a toad, he
planned on putting it
inside the king’s soup which was going to be
cooked with the
firewood, he only had to get closer to the pot,
he had killed the
toad and cut It’s legs, it now looked like a
piece of meat, if the
king wanted to have his Joy he could have her
in hell, they
dressed like palace errand boys, they had
gotten the clothes from
where they were spread, John and Tomiwa
carried firewood to
the palace kitchen, as he dropped the
firewood, he quickly tossed
the toad delicacy into the boiling pot of
soup ,.they walked away
slowly not to arouse any suspicion, the king
was in the palace
with all his chiefs, he has chosen Joy and
to be his new
wives while Becky would be his new wives
servant, he dismissed
his chiefs and went to have his supper, he ate
his akpu like a
glutton and then devoured his meat he saw
one strange piece of
meat and tasted it, it tasted delicious, he then
tossed the rest
into his mouth, little did he know that he was
eating his last
supper ..
King Emeka drank almost a two liters of palm
wine, now it was
time for him to go and sleep with one of his
new wives, he tried to stand up but he fell
back to his chair
immediately, he was a little
bit drunk, he then used the table in front of
him to support
himself, he staggered towards Chinelo’s
Chinelo was not in the least bothered, she had
just become the
wife of a king, she was a Queen now, ‘Queen
Chinelo’ she said to
herself, she had left the bush home where she
was with her parents, at least life in the
palace won’t be as
boring and
stressful as life in her parents home, she
admired the new
wrapper she was wearing, it was given to her
by one of the palace maids, she could now do
as she wishes,
she would
convince the king to build a new house for her
parents, suddenly
someone had entered her room, it was the
king, she stood up and said Igwe good
evening, the king didn’t even
say much, he pulled
the wrapper she was wearing off her body,
she now stood uncladbefore him, he pushed
her and she fell on the
bed, he pulled his trousers down and lay on
her with his heavy
weight, Chinelo did
not even try to resist, she knew the king
would love her more if
she bore him a child, she knew the result of
se*x and she was ready to bear the
consequences, King Emeka
entered her and he
Nelson had
waited for two hours and his friend had not
showed up, he dialed
his phone number but it was switched off, he
wondered what
must have gone wrong, maybe he had missed
his way and his
phone’s battery was flat, he left the police
station as he had more
important issues to attend to, he instructed
the constable to bring
Mr Adeboye to his residence when he comes
the station, he
entered his SUV and told his driver where they
were going to,
they set out and a patrol van followed
Adeboye woke up in a
small dark room, he was unclad, in chains and
all his hair had been shaved off, he was
terrified, he was
alone in a strange
place, he thought about his son, maybe the
same thing he was
experiencing had happened to his son, he
Nelson would find him, but it was a matter of
The wore his trousers, he was fully satisfied,
his new wife had
given him pleasure that he had not
for a long time, he wondered what his other
new wife had in
store for him, as he
turned to go out of Chinelo’s room, he
felt a sharp pain
in his stomach, before he knew it, a seizure
took over him and he fell to the ground,
Chinelo saw what was
happening and she
shouted for help, immediately two guards
came in and saw their
king vomiting foam, suddenly he stopped
moving, one of them placed his chest on their
king’s heart and didn’t
detect any heart
beat, hell was about to break loose, their king
To be continue

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