When the tide of the heart change....Episode 9 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart change....Episode 9

Johnny got home feeling a bit happier with
himself and the world.
he slumped on the couch on entering his
sitting room giving out a heavy sigh.
the air condition humming mildly oozing out
dry chilly air caressing his body but inside he
was feeling warm.
He grabbed his phone and dialed Yvonne’s
watching the phone display dialing window, he
took long deep breathe to calm himself at the
same time mulling over what to say.
“Hello” he was jolted back to planet earth by a
soft female voice.
“Ach-angel Yvonne, its John” He blurted out
with his heart racing and thumping.
“Oh yes i know it was you ach angel john”
Yvonne replied giving out a soft laugh.
Johnny and Yvonne talked extensively with
yvonne giving out cracking laughs every now
and then.
They agreed to meet the next tuesday at the
Evergreen restaurant at area 10.
“Who was that you were talking to Yvonne? a
voice came from the background.
“Just a friend mum!!!” she intoned letting out
a huge sigh, slumping down into her bed with
her mind racing back to the events.
The way he talked, his soft baritone voice
sounding melodious like a singing orchestra.
His eyes sparkling as he keeps his eyes on her
face but she could swear she caught him a
few times taking a nasty look at her boobs
which gave her butterflies on her stomach.
Those smiles that he always flashes making
him her eyes broaden when ever he smiles.
She could see his tall frame stretch up from
the chair towering much higher than her who
was barely 5’9…
“Why dah heck am i thinking about a guy i
just met a few hours ago” she questioned
herself, hitting her hand gently on her fore
“So will you be free next tuesday, will like to
meet you again” She recalled his voice as he
proposed they meet up again.
She could still hear herself say “alright thats
cool” faster than she would normally do.
“silly girl” she muttered to herself with a wide
smile…Seriously looking forward to tuesday.
Johnny was singing as he took his bath,
whistling and giving out little micheal jackson
moves with wild spines.
He was called by to reality by a wild ring of
his phone, he swooped the phone up hoping to
see the name Yvonne unfortunately for him
the O letter was more like it.
“mtcheeeeew” he hissed loud and threw his
phone back to his bed with those big grins
that filled his face giving way to a slow
intruding frown.
the phone rang 4more times then a beeb, he
checked and it was an apology letter from
Onyinye. “This boxer should leave me alone
na, maybe it will even be better if she joins
boxing since she likes hitting things…
His heart raced back to yvonne as his smiles
slowly returned, then bimbo came into the
picture. the thought of her sent slight tingling
fear down his spine, he had never been much
scared of a woman before, he couldnt even
remember being scared of any woman before.
“Anyway am so gonna love this tuesday” He
reminded himself as he was dragged by nature
into the world of dreams.

To be continue

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