Journey to Nomansland.... Episode 6 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Journey to Nomansland.... Episode 6

We were all taken to the station and separated
into different cells…..I heard the police saying
they followed a robbery and murder to the
house they caught us……….I was put in the cell
with some other guys…How do I explain this or
notify my people at home of my ordeal…is this
how everything will end? What if we were
taken to court and sentence to death, who will
even know that this is what I passed
through…………This life na wah…………….
Very early the following morning on Sunday,
they called out the other guys in the same cell
with me (those that we came together)…
hour, two hours to five hours they didn’t come
back, it was later someone told me they have
been released…..i asked one of the police
officer that came to check on us about the
other guys in the other cell and he said they
have been released too……So, am the only one
remaining here? I explained my ordeal to the
some guys that have been in the cell before I
came, it was all pity and some of them said I
should take it as my faith and pray to my God
to see me through……This was when I realized
I need to be closer to God………………I requested
from one of the police if I can get a phone to
call my people at home and he declined that
there was no credit on any of there phone
except if I can buy recharge card on
it…..Where will I even get money to buy card, I
pleaded but all enters deaf ear………………
Our police cell is nothing to write home about
but it was like people I met there are use to
that life, they share their experiences with me
and most of them regretted being in that
situation…….like play like play, I spent another
night in the cell. Around 4pm on Monday, a
police officer came to call my name and asked
me to come outside…in my mind “WHAT
NEXT”…I cant even phantom what will
happened next to me…I was taken to the
DPO’s office where I met a fair, slim young
lady discussing with the DPO…….from the tone
of their discussion, I realized the lady came
for me, but I don’t even know her from Adam…
Who is this?what does she want again? Na
wah oooooo but all the questions doesn’t
matter to me as what I wanted that moment is
to get out of the police station as its not even
the best place to be.
Babe: Thanks so much darling
DPO: U know I will do anything for u
Babe:Do we need to fill any bail
DPO:bail bond ke? U don’t need that baby….
Babe:Thanks so much dear
DPO:Just tell your brother to be careful of
friend he roll with
I was surprised…”brother ke?”…..i hope am
safe again
Babe:Don’t worry dear, he was just at the
wrong place at the wrong time ni and I guess
this wont happen again………..she moved closer
to the DPO and kissed him.
The DPO called one of the officer to bring my
cloth for me and it was a surprise too when
they told him I don’t even have any cloth
whatsoever….so, I have to leave this place with
my short soaked in dried blood……….we
stepped outside and I was still wondering
what to do, either to run away from the girl or
what but if I run, I cant go to Lagos like this
and I cant even walk on the street like this as
people will see me as a mad person ………We
stepped outside the station and here I saw a
clean red Toyota muzzle parked outside with a
lady by the passenger side……..she opened the
back door for me and asked me to enter with
“sorry” sorry….sorry at every interval………………..
(Where are they taking me to again)
After driving for about 10mins, she parked in
front of a pharmacy and the lady in from got
down, went inside and came back after
10mins…then she continue driving but this
time around she introduce herself……
Babe: Am Shade and this is Tolu
Me:Am snakie
Shade:We already know your name…….so sorry
for what you have been going through since
Me:You know all have been going through?
Shade:If we don’t then how do we come and
bail you
Me:Thanks for coming over
Me:But who told you about my ordeal and
how did you know I was there
Shade:Don’t worry about that for now, all your
questions will be answered but the most
important thing is for you to be okay and
strong, then we will talk
Me:But where are you taking me to
Shade:Somewhere safe…you ask too many
questions…don’t worry yourself, you will be
alright and you are in a safe hand now……
She drove to an estate, guess its big man
estate cos it was quiet and clean…The estate
is definitely for tush people (Ajebo)…………She
opened the door and ushered me into the
house…Waoh,the inside is as beautiful as
outside…….Immediately we entered, she
ushered me to a room upstairs and requested
I wait for her…………………she came back 5mins
later and she already dressed down putting on
normal house wear….she showed me to the
transparent bathroom and instructed me to
drop my short inside a bin…I was shy in the
first place to do all this as she didn’t step out
of the room for me but I summon up courage
and was fully unclad inside the bathroom and
I can see her starring at me from
outside……..even the towel I will use was on
the bed or which kind of person is this?
Atleast she will excuse me for privacy sake as
I don’t want fall into another trouble
again………….I finish taken my bath and came
outside, I made up my mind to assume there
was nobody in the room……I clean myself with
the towel…”so, what will I put on?” atleast I
cant be naked in the house…..she brought out
a boxer and two white BYC top for me to put
on saying she will go out later in the evening
to get me a better cloth…she asked for my
trouser size and all sort which I told
She led be back downstairs where Tolu was
waiting…..she brought out yam and egg to the
dinning table, we finish eating and I we all
went to the sitting room where Tolu brought
out all she got from the pharmacy and some
injection…..i decline in using them but she
assured me Tolu was a trained Dr and even
show me evidence from her ID card and other
stuff to convince me…..after so many drama, I
accepted for tolu to administer the drugs and
injections on me after which I also use the
drugs..i felt weak afterwards and dozed
To be continued

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