We Are Able * ATouching Story*...Episode 40 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

We Are Able * ATouching Story*...Episode 40


It pained me to the marrow that Mrs Omotayo would no more look at me with good eyes, having believed that I took her son out to beg for alms. To her, begging was a taboo. She hated it so much. She really lived by it because she hadn’t had any course to come to our apartment to seek any assistance whatsoever, but she had forgotten that she came to beg for me when her son, Biodun, was becoming sickly.

Toyosi crowned it up that Mrs Omotayo
even vowed to harm
me if she set her eyes on me. I was
scared of stepping out of
our apartment because of her. I had wept
all the tears I thought
I had in my lachrymal gland, so there
was not a reason to cry
I set my crates of eggs on my head and
headed for my lonely
spot beside the road to start my trade.
As usual, Chinedu came
to drop his showglasses, but it didn’t
work. Where was the
voice of Biodun to call people’s
awareness to what I had to sell?
I was dejected and confused. When
Chinedu came two hours
later, he was disappointed at the little
sales I had recorded. He
just took up one of the showglasses and
left. He came for the
other one later, without paying me any
commission for the
ones I had sold.
I couldn’t sell more than two crates,
thanks to those who knew
me earlier. Those ones just came to the
spot directly to buy the
eggs. When they asked me where Biodun
was, I just waved
speechlessly at them.
Around 3pm, Albert came close to where I
was. He was a
student in the SPECIAL SCHOOL where I
was attending with the
children of Mrs Omotayo earlier. Albert
signed to me that he
was the one who reported Biodun’s deed
to his class-teacher.
“Why did you do that?” I signed to him in
annoyance and he
replied me.
“Is it right to beg for alms just because
we are disabled? Did our
teachers not warn us to abstain from any
act that would make
people pity us, thereby making us look
inferior? Yet, you were
the same person who took it upon
yourself to preach it in the
school those days, but here you are,
begging for alms.”
“I am not begging for alms!” I told him in
annoyance. He
“Am I blind? I saw you yesterday with my
two eyes; you were
both begging for alms aside what you
were selling. People
gave you money without picking up an
egg,” Albert said.
“We are not!” I signed to him but he
signed back to tell me that
I should shut up.
I got angry. I rose up and locked him up
by the collar of his
shirt. People were already gathering
around us. Earlier, they
had been captivated by the way we were
moving our hands to
communicate. But now, they had to rush
to us to separate us.
“You are a hypocrite!” Albert told me.
“You don’t practice what
you preach. You said we are special and
we are able and we
shouldn’t in any way draw up people’s
pity towards us, yet
you were doing it in broad day light. So
good, nemesis has
caught up with you.”
I submitted to the elderly people around
us who separated us,
else I would have shown him my true
colour, I thought. I
wanted to weep, but I laughed instead as
I went back home
around 7:30pm with two full crates of
eggs. I came with four in
the morning but two was left, whereas
the day before, I
successfully sold twenty crates with the
help of Biodun. Indeed,
two heads are better than one, I thought.
I thought Toyosi would have arrived, but
I was surprised she
wasn’t home. Even John too was not at
home. I wondered
where they were. Taiba saw me and
turned her head away
from me. She didn’t want to have
anything doing with me in
her life anymore, perhaps heeding the
warning of her mistress.
I walked briskly into the apartment and I
was more surprised
when Bode was absent too. What could
have happened? I put
the crates of eggs aside and went back
to the parlour to have
my buttocks on something, the sofa. I
stretched my legs and
put my right hand over the back rest. In
a flash, I had
disappeared in the spirit to the
My dream was not sweet at all. It was
something unspeakable.
My mouth trembled when I woke up. I
shook like leaf. The
same friend who brought food for me on
New Year Day, Mrs
Omotayo, was the one I saw chasing me
about in my dream.
Now it wasn’t Toyosi anymore, but Mrs
Omotayo, why
couldn’t she forgive me? I thought.
To my surprise, it was 9pm and my
guardians had not
returned. I was afraid to sleep alone in
the whole house. How
would I be able to do that when Mrs
Omotayo had crept into
my dream to torture me too? I wondered
why my enemies
seemed to be more than my friends. I
really missed these three
people, Hannah my mother, Mrs Oyin my
class-teacher and
Rachael my aunty. My heart yearned to
have them back. I
wished I could hook up with them in the
dream and never
wake up again. Even, the last dream I
saw my mother in it, she
was asking me to come with her to the
land of the dead.
I picked up a pen and a paper and began
to write something
down, a poem. It would soon be May 29,
next two days, so I
needed to write something about it,
though I was not expecting
anyone to read up my write-up. I had just
finished writing a
poem about the Children Day which
would fold up in the next
few hours from now.
I prayed a little prayer before I slept,
confessing my sin of
fighting. It was not my fault that I
fought with Albert, I thought
as I prayed. Was he not the one who
started it by lying to my
face that I did what I didn’t do?
I imagined how Biodun would be feeling
right now. I felt for
him. If only I could hook up with him in
my dream tonight, I
would be glad. When I finally slept off
around 11:30pm, I
hooked up with someone other than
Biodun and that was
Bode. As usual, he was tormenting me.
He was even bigger
than me in that dream. I was like a two-
year old girl before
him, yet in the real life, he had quite a
small stature compared
to mine.
When Bode gave me a punch on the face
in the dream, I
screamed and woke up, only to discover
that I was alone in the
parlour. Where is the whole family? I
thought. Sleep had been
deleted off my face by fear. I didn’t want
to sleep, else I would
see something more horrible than the
one I saw in that
nightmare. I was going to make the TV
my companion,
perhaps I would be kept company by
those ‘dumb’ people on
the screen (or maybe I was the one that
was deaf). As I
switched on the TV, a horrible creature
brandished its teeth
before me as if it would jump out of the
screen. I screamed.
Nobody told me that I had to switch the
thing off before I did.
I slept off around 2am. When I woke up,
it was in the cruel
hands of Toyosi I found myself.
“Since when did you begin to sleep in the
parlour?” she signed
vehemently at me. Her sign skill was
good. I didn’t have the
idea how she was able to master the
language as such, since it
was only a little I taught her back then.
“Get out of here!” she signed at me in
annoyance and I fled.
When I turned my head backward, I
discovered that she was
weeping. I was shocked. What could be
the cause of her tears?
Did anything happen to my father or
Bode? I sensed that
someone had died, perhaps it was her
husband who was
abroad, I thought. Maybe he had plane
crash on his return to
Nigeria. I kept on flipping through the
leaves of the imaginary
magazine of thought in my heart.

To Be Continued


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