Jane had returned to her senses and to her normal cheerful self.
The orientation camp was finally rolling up,various activities were in tow for interested participants.

After so much persuassion from Ajoke and her few other friends,Jane agreed to participate in the Miss NYSC beauty pageant and she won,she was very happy.

Ajoke also contested and came as the second runner up,she was a smooth dancer too,she participated in dancing and playing of football,it was such a beautiful and fun filled week as people would be dispersed into various schools,hospitals,infrasture and government organisation.

Jacob had asked Jane if she truly enjoyed her friendship with Ajoke,to which she screamed an outright yes,he had demanded for some of her documents which she sent to him online,although she didn't ask why he needed them.

It came as a surprise for her when she and Ajoke were posted to the same company for their primary assignment,a private organisation for that matter.Ajoke and Jane had been so happy saying their goodbyes when they checked their name on the board.

The ladies were very excited,Ajoke wondered how this was possible,and explained to Jane that someone must have pulled that,Jane on remembering Jacob's hand of network when he changed her serving state,hinted Ajoke that it might br Jacob's idea.
Jane put a call through to Jacob,he'd accepted responsibility for doing that,and promised to get them settled soon.

Jacob had worked them in a reputable organization in Lagos with good pay for a corper,he also got them apartment that was tastefully furnished for two,which was not too far from their work place.

Jane and Ajoke agreed to go home for a week since they'ld be resuming in a week's time and they were both lagosians.

Ajoke was so excited to go home and also see her fiance who was quite a busy man.Her parents are government workers,they are average Nigerians,and she is the last of five children and the only daughter of the family,which makes her the baby of the family.

Jane had gone home a happy girl too,Bibi was so happy to receive her,she'd cooked her favorite delicacy of porridge and vegetable.Even rose had gone all the way to make her some orange squash.

Bibi was so happy to have her at home,Jane dazzled with her crown on her head,her mother was glad her daughter had won the crown amidst other beautiful ladies.

Jacob had promised to find time from his busy schedule to take her out,and Jane was excited about it.

Jane had been home for 4days and Jacob was no where in sight,he called constantly and sent her gifts.Lucy kept her company day in,day out and never bored her,she always had one place to visit,a new movie in the cinema and other places of interest.

After the prolonged wait,Jacob called to ask if Jane would go out with him on Friday,to which she screamed yes,his driver would come pick her up.

Jane had dressed up when the driver arrived,she invited him in for a drink to which he was a smooth ride which she enjoyed.She was surprised when the driver did not head towards Jacob's family mansion.
'Bash,i hope you have not missed the road' she asked politely.
'No ma,i haven't.' He replied as calmly as she had asked.

He drove on towards the island,he drove into an estate before entering a very beautiful and modest buiding,she was surprised,but kept her calm,surely Jacob would explain all this to her.

Bash opened the door for her to get down,and led her into the house,Jane followed in his steps till they arrived a beautiful living room,tastefully furnished and decorated,he asked her to sit and that he'ld be back shortly as Jacob would soon be here.

She sat on the sofa but was not relaxed,yes,she she could perceive that he lived here,the smell of his cologne was everywhere and his favorite perfume too,she hoped all was well.
'Hello Beautiful one' a strong male voice said from behind her.
She had been lost in thought.
'Hi Jacob' she answered without turning her back.
'Hello sweetheart' he said coming to face her.He lifted her up from the chair in one swift act,and held her in his arms like a baby.
'You look good as usual' Jane said.
'Thanks for the flattery,you're looking great too.' he smiled warmly into her eyes.
'Thanks honey' she smiled in return.'I think its time you put me down.'
'I will,don't be in a hurry.'he said putting her down gently.
'Is this where you live now?' she asked.
'Yes,this is where i live at the moment.'
'Do you care to shed more light on that?'
'Yes,but not now,Come let me show you around' he pulled her up and took her around his home.
'I'ld like to show you my bedroom,i think you might not like it.'Jacob said.
'I'ld like to have a look' Jane asked anxiously.

Jacob showed her his furnished bedroom where he had a mini office,it was a big room,he playfully pushed her on the bed,Jane laughed as he fell in beside her.He'd kissed her like a starved child,exploring every angle of her mouth.

For a moment,Jane felt utmost guilt sweep through her body,she was tensed for some seconds,wondering what it would be like to tell him all that happened,she was going to do that but definitetly not now.

Jane urged him on,but he was being careful not to loose his control,he had felt her grow cold in his hands some moments ago.he stopped kissing her and led her to the sitting room.

Jane asked where he'd been to when she arrived,and he pointed towards the dinning.'I went to get some food for us'

After a sumptous lunch,they talked about everything and anything,he was happy to learn that she was happy with the company she'd chosed for them,he asked after Ajoke.

Jacob asked after Bibi too,he still spoke with Hannah a day before,she was doing fine and preparing for her exams.

Jacob wanted to go and drop her,when he received an urgent call,so he asked Bash to drop her and left in another car.

It was late in the evening when she got in bed,reminiscing about her day with Jacob,she had enjoyed herself,he had promised to cut off his golf course on sunday and take her somewhere special,she prayed in her heart that she finds the courage to tell him about Dickson so as to have a free conscience and stop feeling guilty.But how was he going to receive her confession.she pulled the duvet on her body,before sleep stole her away into the unknown.
That was a bombshell! Adetoun sat still awaiting the answer as the atmosphere grew tensed and became cold,

Biyisi was shocked beyond words,she hadn't expected such a question,each time she opened her mouth to talk,words refused to form,she was sweating with the AC on.

'Biyisi,you heard my question' Adetoun said more as a statement than a question.

Everyone was staring at Biyisi,the environment grew quiet,
'I am listening' Adetoun bellowed.

'You are my daughter' With a voice that sure didn't belong to Biyisi because it was so shrill and quiet.

'This is no child'splay' Adetoun said dangling the knife before a shivering Biyisi.

'I am your mother' she repeated with much confidence,in a flash Adetoun was by her side,putting the blade of the knife by Biyisi's throat,slow drops of blood trickled down her neck.

Everyone watched in bewildered silence,none dared to talk.
'And for the last time,who is my mother?'

Biyisi stood up and stared her daughter in the face,'I am your mother.'she spat.

Adetoun hit her hard across the face,'That was for maltreating me' she hit her face again,'Thats for the numerous slaps i have received',she hit her face the third time,'Thats for all the blames and lies you heap on me.'

The slaps caused her head to wake,Biyisi burst into hot tears,and screamed all of a sudden, 'I hate you.'

'I know' Adetoun admitted quietly her anger brewing.
'You don't know,you little wretch,you little bastard,i hate you with passion' that was the first time she had ever saw her mother emotionally torn apart.

Biyisi was crying hard,hot tears ran down her face,her emotion was in a turmoil,'I hate you with all my life you brat.'

Adetoun watched as her mother rattled on like a poisoned snake,was it the slap that affected her or the bleeding on her throat.
'Why do you hate me this much?' she asked calmly.

'I hate you because,you ruined my life,you destroyed me,you made me what i am today,i got pregnant while i was in my final year,my parents are very rich but strict disciplinarian,i was thrown out of school,because i was carrying you in my womb,i was thrown out of the house because of you,i lost my family membership,and access to their inheritance and wealth after their death,and to top it all my boyfriend denied the baby and disappeared from town.Biyisi paused to take some breath,as every eye was glued on her.

'As if that was not enough,i attempted abortion three good times,but this stubborn foetus would not get out,i ate so many dangerous pills but you would not leave my womb,i almost hanged myself,but still,you were in there forming,breathing and making life hard for me,friends deserted me,i had no one to run to.' She stopped screaming as fresh water drops drizzled down her pretty face.

Adetoun was stunned,surprised.'Was that why you have always treated me like poo'

'Thats not all'Biyisi swallowed.'I became a street hawker because of you,i lost my dignity,people avoided me like a stigma,i cried night and day that God should take my life but he wouldn't,

'I went through hell carrying you in my womb,i became a thing of ridicule and shame,let me tell you that i was Molested twice by a group of men,when i carried you with a potruded belly,until one dark night,you rescued me' she said pointing at her husband. 'Until he gave me shelter,he clothed me and i told him my story,he agreed to marry me with all of my shame,we ran away from portharcourt to Lagos to begin a new life,when i gave birth to you,i attempted to flush you twice,i wanted to kill,rather than die,you grew stronger and fatter,and together we resolved to make your life miserable as mine,is that not enough reason to hate you daughter of mine?' Biyisi stopped talking slumping on the chair.

Adetoun could feel the pain all over her body again,she rushed towards her mother,dragged her from the chair and pushed her on the floor,Biyisi let out a scream.
'Was that why you allowed this To Molest me?

The room grew silent,everyone was shocked beyond word,Titus must have wished the ground swallow him at the moment,Adekunle rushed on Titus,kicking and punching his face,he was kicking him with all the power in him,'So you were the bastard driving her crazy' Adekunle slapped him continously and kept swearing.

'I wanted to tell you,but i knew you'ld never believe me,and thats not all,Titus Molested me for good two weeks,mutilating my soul,and to top it,on one of those night,i was expecting Titus as usual,but he didn't come,this lunatic' Adetoun pointed at her father,' he came and Molested me twice in just one night'

Another bombshell!
hell was let loose as Adekunle and Biyisi jumped on the man of the house,biting,kicking,tearing him with their teeth,even Adeola and yemi were not left out,there was so much pandemonium.

Adetoun seeing that everyone was fighting,picked her knife and began to cut herself in various places,her wrist,her face and everywhere her free hand pointed to.
The days were hurrying by,no hold up,no bars,it was a cool weekend.

She'd woken up with a new rekindled spirit this sunday morning.

She was kind of excited at the prospect of going out again with Jacob today,she got out of bed,brushed her teeth,she had a nice little chat with her mirror before taking a quick bath.

She remembered an episode that happened last night with Lucy,who had insisted she wanted Jane to be present at a friends birthday party,Jane had declined the invitation saying she had a date with Jacob,Lucy had planned to introduce Jane to her friends as 'the girlfriend of a multimillionnaire' they had both laughed over it as she saw her off.

She smiled at herself in the mirror as she dressed up for church,she often wondered what so special about dating Jacob Smith,Lucy was always quick to introduce her as Jacob Smith's gf,Ajoke had said 'she was lucky to be a virgin and to date Jacob was a special thing',even her younger sis Hannah had said'she was proud to be a sis to the lady dating Jacob Smith.' whats the special syndrome self,she liked the attention in all honesty,but she wanted to be able to say Jacob smith was lucky dating her.

She laughed at the thought as she wore her hat carrying her bible and went to the sitting room.

Her mother was seated already,they had a breakfast of breadtoast,butter,tomato ketchup and fried egg over a cup of tea.
'Nice outfit' bibi said adjusting the collar of her dress.
'Thanks mother' Jane said smiling.

Jacob had just finished talking to an excited Jackie on the phone,she'd told she just won a big contract to plan a wedding for five ladies,she was very good at her work.She works as an event planner,everywhere in the country,[b]JackieBridals[/b]rings a bell and yet the owner is unmarried.Life was indeed funny,she'd planned thousands of wedding,and here she was,yet to find a suitable suitor for herself.

Jacob had to twist his friends,before they got off his neck,one of them had even teased him that he was probably going to visit a lady,they'd all laughed over it sharing a bottle of wine,finally he was free.

He'd decided against taking her out,his home was special enough,as she said she wanted to confide in him and she was returning so as to prepare for monday's work.This time he'd gone to pick her himself,saying a quick hello to Bibi.

Jane had just returned from church then.Jacob drove her home.
'You said you were taking me out' she said as they walked into the living room.
'A change of mind' Jacob answered.'Make yourself comfortable'

Jane sat on the same sofa she sat on the first time she was there,she secretly hoped that he would carry her again but he didn't.she walked into the kitchen.
'What are you doing?' Jacob asked over her shoulders.
'I am getting myself a glass of water.' she said,she made to turn but Jacob held her there.'I am thirsty' she protested.
'I am thirsty of you'he said too. Jane glowed inward at the prospect of another hot kiss but her joy was shortlived.
'Please let me go jo' Jane said playing him,when all she wanted was those sexy lips on her mouth.
Jacob made way for her without an argument,she felt disappointed that he hadn't kissed her.

They both walked to the sitting room,'Shall we?'Jacob said pointing towards the dinning.
'Yes i am famished.'
They discussed as they ate,Jacob didn't want to talk to much so as to give Jane a chance to say what was on her mind.
'Can you cook?' Jacob asked.
'Ofcourse i can.' Jane said smiling.
'How can i know,you've never cooked for me,neither have you voluntereed to make good use of my kitchen.' Jacob said swallowing.
'Thats a challenge,and i hope to surprise you someday.' she laughed.
'You wanted to say somethings' Jacob asked since she refused to bring it up.
'Yes' she said,shaking her head,she was afraid of what he would say and what his reaction would be.
'You have a listening ear before you' Jacob said.
'Actually,its not something serious' she began'I'll say it some other time'
'There's no problem' Jacob said sipping from his glass.
'How is Mummy and Jackie'she asked.
'They're glowing,Jackie sends her greetings'Jacob said,'Would you like to settle down anytime soon?'

Jacob asked the most important question lingering on his mind this past week.
'I will when the time is right.' jane said.

They finished their meal,had a good chat,Jacob even played a movie for her,before driving her home,he asked if she needed anything to which she said no.He gave her a peck before leaving.

Jane was happy all the same,she had already packed her bag,she spent about an hour saying goodbye before driving off in her car.

Ajoke was home already waiting for her,the ladies embraced like they'd left each other for a decade.Jane wanted to gist her but Ajoke told her there'll be time to do that later,they had to look good on their first day at work.
The two ladies were excited as they prepared,Jane was more excited,she couldn't wait for morning to come...
'I don't think i went offboard,with the kind of reaction you girls are giving out,i am beginning to get afraid' Hannah said staring at her friends.
'Has anyone ever told you,how proud you are?' Rukayat asked rolling her eyes.
Hannah was silent.
'You see,there are many ways to kill a bird without throwing stones,you over reacted by pushing him,thank God you didn't slap him' Rukayat said.
'I am no judge of person's but you shouldn't have led him on by all the touching and all that' Cynthia spoke calmly.
'When will you learn to say the truth mother theresa' Rukayat hissed,'Just tell her the damn truth,why is she posting the guy,and whats so special in what he asked for anyway?'
Shade looked at her roomies,silenty she coughed to get their attention.
'Hannah are you a freshy?' she asked.
'How can she be?' Rukayat said laughing.
'Let her answer or are you now Hannah?' Cynthia asked.
'I am' Hannah said without looking up.
Shade and Rukayat burst out laughing,
'I don't think thats funny' Cynthia said.'If that is true,then i don't blame you for your actions'
'Little wonder,you hardly talk about sex,arhhh,i can't stop laughing.Freshy? Wait o,that means you have not been tested and cannot be trusted' Rukayat laughed and Shade joined in.
'I think you should apologize to him' Shade said.
'And when you want to do that,pls go there without your undies o,to make the apology easier'Rukayat said.
'You don't have to listen to their rubbish,i can't ask you to do something you're not willing to do,i am not a saint here,and i am not new in this game.'Cynthia advised.
'Thank you girls,i'll think about it' Hannah said putting off her dress.

Finally,it was light out for Hannah,she tossed and turned as sleep had deserted her,she thought about what happened between her and Rotimi,her refusal to get down with him and her friends advice,the more she thought,the more her confusion.

Bibi's words of encouragement hung in her heart,she wasn't planning on keeping herself that long,she just didn't think Rotimi would be an instrument on this mission.

Her phone vibrated by her side,it was Rotimi,he was calling to apologise,when she should be doing the apology,that was one thing about him,he's caring and understanding too.he bade her goodbye before dropping the call.she was about to log into her facebook act when another call came through,she wished it would be the voice she wished to listen to.

Thank God it was him,Pink shirt,he noticed the boring tone in her voice and asked her what was bothering her,the last thing she wanted to do was burden him with her issue,but he was persistent and unyielding.

Haven declared to him on their second date that she was involved,she felt free to load her trouble on him,he didn't give her a direct solution,he only adviced her to be true to her heart,after wishing her a sweet dream,she bade him bye.she wished they could go on and on without dropping the phone.
What was it this days about wishing,wishing and wishing,and what would it be like if all her wishes came true,she just couldn't imagine.she laughed silently at the thought of having Pink shirt has a lover,she brushed aside such thought.

She had a boyfriend already,she was smiling when sleep closed her beautiful eyelids.
It was 2days away to Rotimi's pool party for his birthday celebration.she was yet to pick him a gift and it was 10days to exam kick off,she was doing a good job with her course notes,she had gone far already being a good scholar with sharp retentive memory,she had only two courses to deal with.

She went shopping the next day for a dress for Rotimi's party and to get herself some provision,she had gone shopping alone because she disliked tagging friends along,such friends end up confusing your choice of what to buy,she shopped for herself first,she picked a Dror sleeveless gown that fitted her.

She was walking to the counter when she saw two guys taking a look at a wrist watch,it was a cool one for a guy,she lingered around pretending to be checking on something else,and prayed inwardly that the guys would not buy the watch,and to butter her bread they didn't,because it was expensive.

Immediately,she picked it and dropped it into her basket,paid for it and left.

She was lucky to find all her roomies out when she got home,she hurriedly wore the dress again examinig herself in the,she put off the dress and folded it neatly,she tried the watch on,it was a good one,though expensive,she packed her provisions away,slipping on a bump short and a armless top she lay on the bed.

Her mind was troubled about something she didn't understand,she wondered if Rotimi had other girlfriends,and if they'll show up at the party,she would definitely not be disturbed to meet a rival at the party.

The sound of her phone broke into her thoughts,she was glad,it was no other person than pink shirt,she was happy as she picked the call,
'Hello' she said,expecting his cool voice across the phone.
Amidst the uproar,neighbours knocked violently trying to get in as the noise grew louder every minute,this was the real fuji house of commotion,there was so much screaming and fighting,insults were being hurled from every angle.

Titus was about to escape when Adekunle sighted him through the corner of his eyes,a heavy side kick on his groin and he was groaning in pain,as torrent of water poured down his hairy cheek.

Adekunle continued to punch Titus furiously leaving his father for his mother to deal with,Adeola's scream alerted him,he directed his gaze towards her only to see a bleeding Toun,he rushed towards her,he succeeded in getting the knife from after series of cut on his hand too.

In one swift movement,he carried her towards the door,Biyisi followed him opening the door,the neighbours rushed in and everyone collided,falling on the of their neighbour sighting Adetoun carried her and ran down the stairs towards his car,Adekunle and Biyisi followed,the man drove fast to the nearest hospital.

He parked the car and carried her into the hospital panting,the nurses came out,putting her on a stretcher pushed her into the emergence ward.

The man who brought her in paid a deposit of 30000,and got the necessary card and forms.Biyisi supplied the needed info,treatment commenced instantly as the doctor attended to her.

Biyisi sat at the reception shedding tears of sorrow,Adekunle stood by her calm but definitely sad with a broken heart,he didn't cry but he was devasted,the happenings of the day mesmerized him,the confession stunned him and the actions of the man he called father startled him,this was a broken family,his uncle had Molested her beloved sister,little wonder she found it hard to confide in him,how could one believe such? He now understands her vow of secrecy,the reason for those sad eyes,the cold,the tears and the unspoken word.

The doctors arrival revived him from his torrents of thought,the doctors sad countenance drove him crazy as he waited for him to speak,he asked who the mother of the patient is,Biyisi stepped forward,but could she be referred to as a mother? I mean a real mother in every sense of that word.
The doctor asked few questions which Biyisi answered shivering,he assured them,all was well and that the cuts were not deep,they could go home and come back the next day,sitting here would do nothing to help the patient.

Their neighbour drove them home,there was pin drop silence in the car.

After getting down,they went to their apartment thanking their saviour.Olakunle Adepoju,the father of the house sat on the sofa with another neighbour rubbing some ointment and balm on his body,he also needed medical attention but refused to visit the hospital.

As they entered,Titus came into the sitting room with a bleeding head and nose carrying his two travelling box,as he walked towards the door,Adekunle rushed at him from behind giving him shoving him down and kicking him in several places,he was strong for a boy of his age,the neighbours had to pull him away from Titus,
'That was for all the pain you caused her,you lunatic' he screamed,crying as they tried to calm him down.

Titus was a sore for the eyes as he left without a goodbye.

Biyisi thanked the neighbours asking them to leave,Olakunle wobbled to his room like a pregnant bride locking the door,Adekunle hugged his siblings as they sobbed silently,Biyisi slumped on the floor as fresh tears made their way down her face,she felt sober indeed.

Adekunle and Biyisi visited Adetoun in the hospital constantly,although she refused Biyisi to come in,the nurses and the doctor persuaded her,but it was a strong NO,she didn't want to see her mother.

Only Adekunle went in to see her each day,Adetoun was getting better and her wounds were healing fast,what the doctor failed to realise was that her soul was wounded too,and emotionally she was sick and hurting badly,and no amount of injections and antibiotics could heal that.

It was always a crying session each time Adetoun and her step brother talked,

They'd come as usual one morning,Biyisi sat down in the reception as before,Adekunle went into the ward,as he entered a female nurse came in carrying a tray,Adetoun was not in bed.
'Let me check her in the toilet' the nurse said,opening the little door while Adekunle peeped in.
'Is she there?' Adekunle asked.
'No,she isn't,she might be taking a stroll in the compound,i'll check her right away' the nurse said dropping her tray and walking out.

Adekunle sat on the visitors chair waiting for Adetoun's return.

The door flung open,the doctor walked in wearing a forlon look as was his attitude,with the nurse following behind him,
'Is your mother here with you?' the doctor asked.
'Yes,she's at the reception,what happened? Where is my sister?' he asked impatient.
They all went to the reception,
'Good am ma'am,i am sorry to say...' the doctor said adjusting his stethoscope.'I am afraid that she has run away'

To be continued at 3pm.

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