Total Love........Episode 65 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love........Episode 65


The Queen continued thinking. ‘Who is this person?’

Winnie and the philosopher got to Tony’s
place after receiving his call before he
left the hospital that his wife gave birth
and he’d like to visit the palace the
following day. He called them so they
would sort things out on their traveling
plans for the following day.
The gate was opened. Winnie thought
within her that maybe the issue of his
wife giving birth to a son has made him
forget to close the gate. They walked in
happily after knocking severally and met
the inhaler on the center table in the
living room. ‘Is anyone at home at all?’
Philosopher faced Winnie.
“But that’s the inhaler that signifies the
presence of Mr. Tony at home.” She
‘Alright. Mr Tony!’ The man shouted his
Tony had heard the shouts and added to
his shouts in the kitchen for them to
notice he’s there and couldn’t just get to
the living room to get the inhaler.
“Something is happening.” Winnie
thought and dropped her handbag,
straight she went to the dining and
finally to the Kitchen.
“Mayor! Get the inhaler!’ She screamed
on seeing him on the floor. The kitchen
was already stuffed with the smoke of
the food on the cooker & has added to
his attack.
The philosopher rushed to the kitchen
easily after seeing how Winnie walked
there, it was easier to locate the Kitchen
than looking for it. He was with the blue
inhaler, Tony was rushed out of the
smoke and was aided. Straight to the
hospital after the first aid.
The Queen ordered the guards to get the
greatest hunters of the Kingdom
immediately. They must go and quickly
search the forbidden forest to quickly get
Dan and Dara. One of them should be
the one that will save the King. She
The hunters got to the palace. Dressed in
their various hunting clothes, ready for
the forest.
The Queen granted their warrant and
ordered their departure immediately. The
King must be saved.
The hunters got to the exit of the
Kingdom after a quick race. The forest
guards refused on letting them into the
forest. “Some people were sent there
today, I can’t allow you to go there with
them.” One of them uttered.
“The Queen sent us, the King is seriously
ill and we must get those people out of
that place.” One of the hunters
“Not possible!” One shouted.
Two of the hunters got back to the
palace to inform the Queen about the
issue of the guards. The Queen got into
the car with them and they drove there.
7:26 pm…
The hunters finally got into the forest.
They were six in number, with their giant
touch-lights. They started searching and
dismissed one another to start searching
the forest, the way passed is
7:34 pm…
Tony woke back alive. He sat on the
hospital bed staring at Winnie and the
philosopher. “I’m so much grateful for
this.” He smiled looking at them.
“Its nothing. We just have to thank God.
Which is hospital is your wife?” Winnie
“Em.. HIS GRACE.” He replied.
Winnie and Mayor, the philosopher
looked at each other and laughed. “We
are in the same hospital then.” He
They all stood up and was about leaving
the ward when Tony fell on the floor and
started foaming out things from his
mouth suddenly.
Mayor and Winnie were surprised. Winnie
rushed to the reception immediately to
get the nurses who will assist her to get
the Doctor that will attend to him.
Everything was changing and getting out
of hands.
Tomi was informed about what just
happened to her husband. She was
panting on the bed she was laying on,
she sat down still looking around.
“Someone should just come in and lead
me there. At least I don’t know the way,
this hospital is too big to be searching
for someone.” She cried.
She dialed the number of her pastor
some second later and got him informed
about the incidence. “I never knew it
would be you. I’ve seen a great vision
that must be……”
08:11 pm…
The hunters were already scattered in the
forest searching for Daniel and Dara.
They all were thinking that they must
have been devoured by wild animals or
killed by some spirits.
They continued searching. 12:00 pm is
the deadline!
The Queen and her daughter were with
Ray in the room, both crying profusely
and praying that those two were found
and gotten to the palace within the
11:04 pm…
The Queen was getting more and more
uncomfortable and covered with sweats.
The palace had turned upside down then,
no one could sleep, all awaiting the
arrival of Darasimi and Daniel. Everyone
sobbing that they’ll loose the King.
11:37 pm…
Dami got inside the car and ordered the
driver to rush down to the Kingdom’s
exit. They waited there, all hoping to see
the hunters come out of the forest.
11:41 pm…
They finally got there, watching here and
there. They should just come out! The
Queen was shouting, with her heart
beating very fast.
12:00 pm…
It was 12 pm sharp. The Princess’ phone
call was received.
To be continued


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