Total Love........Episode 41 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love........Episode 41


The Doctor eventually confirmed she was pregnant. There was nothing much like happiness in her life before, she was more than sad before but now, she was

more than happy. She was happy to the
core, the King who was just getting
alright too got off the bed on hearing
this happy news.
The Queen and her best friend got back
home together, they were driven by the
driver in a Benz car. Her joy was just
overflowing, her friend was also happy
for her. They started their gisting from
the car. “I thought the King had
impregnated someone before, that’s why
you are unable to conceive.” Oluwaseun
‘Does it matter?’ The Queen asked
‘See me oh, you that was crying some
hours back, now laughing. Then don’t tell
me you don’t know that if a King has
impregnated anyone before becoming the
King, he won’t be able to have any other
child, especially a crown prince.’ She
‘Never knew. That’s their business, at
least I’m carrying my baby now, its a
thing of joy!’ She shouted.
‘Anyway, don’t stress yourself sha oh. I’ll
be checking on you every day and spend
more hours than before with you. You
can’t know how happy I am, as if I’m the
one that is pregnant.’ She laughed.
The Queen laughed too. “Thank you my
dearest friend.” She continued laughing
The King was back on his throne with
happiness written all over him. He was
very happy and joyful that at last he
would have a child. He suspended the
meeting with his chiefs that afternoon
and was in his wife’s room playing with
her. Olatoye too was really wondering
that she had never seen the King so
happy like that before. He was always
frowning and exclaiming on the word
The Church congregation and Pastors
arrived in that Kingdom, that afternoon.
They came to come and win souls for
God which was an abomination to the
Kingdom. It was only Feyi, a young
woman that was preached too and given
bible. Her soul was totally won before
the King ordered the whole people to be
brought before him.
He was so annoyed but in him he was
thankful they’ve not preached to anyone
and they’ve not shared their “useless
bible” as he usually address. He ordered
them to be burnt in the village square.
He was without mercy during his reign. It
was only a woman that was pregnant
“Feyi” that could only be preached to.
The Doctor was invited to the Palace for
questioning about the pregnancy. He was
dressed in a cream suite and around his
neck was a sthetoscope, he sat with the
Queen and his wife in the palace and the
discussion started.
“Is it possible for the unborn baby to
have asthma also?” The King asked with
eagerness written all over him.
‘Yes your highness. It is 100% possible
and it may not happen also, no one can
tell.’ He replied.
The King sighed. He wasn’t pleased by
the answer he heard, he didn’t want his
unborn child to have asthma. “Thanks
Doctor.” He replied smiling.
The doctor smiled back and took his
stand, ready to leave back to work.
He was on his way out when the chiefs
also walked into the palace. They were
holding their walking sticks and in
Agbada attire. The exchanged
pleasantries and walked into the Palace.
They greeted the King normally and all
took their seats. “This one that I’m
seeing a Doctor from the city, hope no
Problem?” Chief Koku asked smiling.
The Queen stood up and excused herself
to her room. The King laughed. “Its a
thing of joy.” The king replied smiling.
‘Abi our expectation has come to reality.’
Chief Koku asked smiling.
“Exactly!” The King laughed out.
The chieves all laughed and were happy
to hear that. “I just hope its not this
Doctor that will carry out the delivery”
Chief Koku uttered.
‘Haha! Koku! You talk too much, since we
came in, you never took a rest. Just
asking questions and hoping. Nawa oh!’
Chief Tola shouted.
The King started laughing. It seemed the
pregnancy had turned the King to a free
person, unlike before, the meeting was
usually hot.
‘Abi o.’ Chief Okunola added too.
‘That’s your business.’ He replied and
faced the King back, smiling.
‘Its according to our tradition, the
midwife will carry out the delivery on her.
We can’t allow an outsider to do that for
us, although, everything is now turning
into a civilized world.’ The King uttered.
‘That’s great!’ Chief Koku quickly said.
‘Urgh!’ Chief Okunola shook his head at
Koku. “Always foolish.” He thought.

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