The Perfect Couple (Adults Only)…Part 16 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

The Perfect Couple (Adults Only)…Part 16

Paul was surprised when he got home that Friday
evening and Ruth failed to surface. Recently, she
would at least make an appearance and serve
him dinner. He wondered if she was in the house.
Yes she was. He found her lying on the bed in the
bedroom like she had not noticed his presence.
He observed her for some time, dropped his work
materials, removed his jacket and left the room.
Something was wrong with her, he was sure. She
was avoiding him and acting like he didn’t exist.
But there was also something different in the way
she lay on the bed and played with her mobile
phone. It wasn’t her old Christian like self.
Paul actually didn’t care about how she felt
Perhaps it was guilt or something, but ever since
he had affair with Boma, he didn’t seem to want
to dwell on s*x with Ruth anymore. She could
keep to herself for all he cared. He wasn’t
interested in her boring kind of s*x anyway. Paul
knew what he did was wrong. He had cheated on
his wife but somehow he felt it was worth it. Ruth
wasn’t the only one who was missing out in this
whole s*x escapades.
Now he felt like a ‘bad’ guy. He felt like the man
in charge and men in charge didn’t go about
crawling after their women when they start
acting out.
The only problem he had now was the fact that
his conscience wouldn’t let him be. He had
sinned against the God he had faithfully served
for years now and he didn’t feel worthy enough to
ask for forgiveness. He couldn’t ask God to forgive
him for an act he undeniably enjoyed.
The best thing he should do was to stop worrying
about it and forget about feeling bad that he had
hurt the woman he loved.
Ruth on the other hand was not sure she was the
same person in the same skin. Had she actually
committed the abominable act called adultery?
What was wrong with her? How had she gotten to
this situation? If she could do it and even enjoy it,
why had she spent years condemning the act
and people who had been found guilty? She felt
like a hypocrite.
But the feeling of guilt wasn’t really that
depressing. The feeling was just strange instead;
she felt like an animal that had just shredded its
She had suddenly been wishing that her neigbour
was the man she loved. She had enjoyed every
bit of touch from him and it pained her that it
was all illegal and wrong.
Why was Paul, her husband, not capable of
making her reach climax just as her neigbour had
done to her this evening? Now replaying that
abominable moment in her head was the only
sexual pleasure she knew. It was plain sad.
She felt like her life had just begun? Why had she
remained a virgin all her life? What was the gain?
Now look at all she had lost? Ruth couldn’t believe
she had once hated s*x and thought it was
sacred and meant for her matrimonial home.
What was that? How could God make such a rule
and at the end give her a man who wasn’t
capable of giving her the best.
And this got her asking; was the sacrifice worth
it? What had Paul really done with her virginity?
Of what use had it been to him?
But it was adultery. She had done something God
Didn’t her husband cheat on her first? She tried
to rationalize, yet she felt dirty.
She wondered what the future had in stock for
her. How was she going to face her husband and
how was she going to face her God?
Was marriage about to end? What would be her
fate now?
When Paul came home, she saw him as the
reason for her dilemma. It was all his fault that
she had found herself in this situation.
Still she felt dirty.
He had always loved her just the way the bible
had instructed. But he had gone to have s*x with
that lady.
Had he enjoyed the lady more than her? No!
What she had watched in the short video had
shown that he was nothing but the one minute
man he had always been with her. She was sure
the lady must have gotten so mad and driven her
out of the house.
Then she remembered that a second tape had
arrived her home right after she had had s*x with
her neigbour. She had been so carried away in
the awe of what she had done that she had not
bothered about watching it. What else would be
there if not a video of her husband making love to
that petty LovePeddler?
Was her husband in love with her? Did her
husband think the lady was prettier than her?
Well, she was going to watch the other CD the
next day. For now, she could do with totally
avoiding him and dwell on the wonderful s*x the
young man had given
her this evening.
She really didn’t care… tomorrow will take care of

To Be Continue

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