Compilation Of All Urhobo Names And Their Meanings. | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Compilation Of All Urhobo Names And Their Meanings.



Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God

Anaborhi Naborhi UNISEX Be born with good destiny

Edewor Dewor Male Sacred day of worship in
traditional religion

Ejiroghene Ejiro Unisex Praise God

Ejokparoghene Jokpa or Oghene Unisex Let's trust in God

Ejomafuvwe Jomafuvwe or Jomafu Unuisex Let peace reign in my life

Enohor/Elohor Nohor or Lohor Female Blessing

Erhiaganoma Erhi or Rhiaganoma Male Guardian
spirit overpowers the body

Erhimeyoma Oyoma Unisex My guardian
spirit (God) is good

Erhinyoja Rhinyoja or Onyoja Unisex Guardian
spirit (God) meets our challenges (hears our prayers)

Erhinyuse Use Unisex Guardian spirit (God) answers prayers

Erhiroghene Erhi or Oghene Unisex The spirit of

Eseoghene Ese Unisex God's gift

Eserovwe Ese or Ovwe Unisex God’s grace or Free gift

Oghenebrume Brume Unisex God decided in my favor

Oghenechovwe Chovwe or Oghene Unisex God aided me

Oghenefejiro Ofejiro or Oghene Unisex God is praiseworthy

Oghenegaren Garen or Oghene Unisex God is great

Oghenekevwe Kevwe or Oghene Unisex God gave(provided for) me

Oghenekohwo Oghene or Kohwo Unisex God provides

Ogheneme Ome or Oghene Unisex My God

Oghenemine Mine or Mimi Unisex I look up to God

Oghenenyore Nyore or Oghene Unisex God answers prayers

Ogheneruemu Oghene Unisex God makes things possible

Oghenerukevwe Rukevwe or Ruks Unisex God did this for me

Ogheneruno Oruno or Runo Unisex God has so much (great) 

Oghenetega Tega or Oghene Unisex God is worship- worthy

Oghenevwede Oghenede or Oghene Unisex God owns the day

Oghenevwogagan Gaga or Oghene Unisex God provides all strength

Oghenochuko Ochuko or Oghene Unisex God provides my support

Okeroghene Okeoghene or Oghene Unisex God’s own time

Omamerhi Mamerhi or Oma Unisex Good guardian spirit

Onakpoma Ono Unisex Who creates life?

Onomavwe Ono Unisex Who is my creator?

Onomine Ono or Mimi Unisex Whom do I look up to?

Onovughakpor Ono or Onovughe Unisex Who can predict what life can bring?

Oyovwikemo Kemo or Yovwike Unisex May our children be blessed

Oyovwikerhi Kerhi or Yovwike Unisex May my
guardian spirit (God) be blessed.

Achojah Achojah Male Rise up to challenge
Aruegodore Egodo Male We have come (established) home
Edojah Dojah Male Day of challenge
Efemini Efe Male Let's see how wealthy you can be
Efetobo Efe Unisex Wealth is achieved
Efetobore Tobore Male Wealth has now been achieved
Etanomare Tanomare or
Nomare Unisex Freed from blame (despair)
Ighomuedafe Igho or Dafe Male Money intoxicates the wealthy
Miriodere Miriode Unisex I now have a name
Mitaire Mitai Unisex I have achieved (reached) their match
Mivwodere Mivwode Unisex I now have a name
Oboganriemu Obogan Male Be strong to survive(eat)
Ogbamremu Ogba Male The brave meets a lot of challenges
Ojakorotu Jakorotu or Orotu Male This is a group challenge
Ojanomare Janoma Unisex I have met the challenge
Onajite Ojite Unisex This is sufficient
Onanojah Onojah Male This is a challenge
Onogaganmue Ono or
Ogagan Male Who is intoxicated with power?
Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?
Udumebraye Udume or Dumebraye Male My presence gives them heartache (challenge)
Edafetanure Tanure Male The wealthy have spoken
Efemena Efe Unisex Here is my wealth
Efemuaye Efe Male Those intoxicated with riches
Efetobore Tobore Male Wealth has now been achieved
Etanomare Tanomare or Tanoma Male Freed from blame / despair
Etaredafe Dafe Male Words of the wealthy
Ighomuedafe Igho or Dafe Male Money intoxicates the wealthy
Ighovavwerhe Igho Male There is joy in riches
Irikefe Kefe Male First to become wealthy
Miriodere / Mivwodere Miriode or
Mivwode Unisex I now have a name
Mitaire Mitaire Unisex I have reached their match
Odafe Dafe Male Rich individual
Odavwaro Odaro Unisex I am contented
Oghomena Ogho or Omena Unisex Here is my respect
Oghonoro Ogho or Onoro Unisex Respect is greater than gold (riches)
Okagbare Kagbare Male Now I have all styles / skills
Omonigho Omo or Igho Unisex Child is greater than riches
Omonoro Omo or Onoro Unisex Child is greater than gold
Onajite Ojite or Jite Unisex This is sufficient
Onogaganmue Ogagan or Ono Male Who is intoxicated with prowess (power)?
Orodena Orode Male The great one


Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God

Ejiroghene Ejiro or Oghene Unisex Praise God

Eseoghene Ese or Oghene Unisex God's gift

Norioghene Norien Unisex Look at God’s judgment

Oghenebrume Brume Unisex God decided in my favor

Oghenechovwe Chovwe or Oghene Unisex God
supported me

Oghenefejiro Ofejiro or Oghene Unisex God is praiseworthy

Oghenekevwe Kevwe Unisex God gave me (this child)

Oghenenyerhovwo Nyerhovwo or

Oghene Unisex God answers prayers

Oghenerhoro Oghene Unisex God is great

Ogheneruemu Oghene Unisex God makes things

Oghenerukevwe Rukevwe or Ruks Unisex God did this for me

Ogheneruno Runo or Oruno Unisex God has
done so much (great)

Oghenetega Tega Unisex God is worship worthy

Oghenochuko Ochuko or Oghene Unisex God provides my support

Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?

Oyovwikerhi Kerhi or Yovwike Unisex May my guardian spirit (God) be blessed

Akpobome Akpobo Unisex My own life

Akpofure Ofure Male Life is now peaceful.

Akporovwovwo Akpovwovwo Unisex Good life in later years

Anaborhi Naborhi Unisex Be born with good destiny

Asaroyoma Sayoma Female Comfort zones (people prefer comfort zones)

Ataikiru Taikiru Male Talk (plan) before taking

Avwunudiogba Unudiogba Unisex Those who profess strength with mere talk

Edaferierhi Edafe Male The rich have good destiny

Edemirukaye Ede or Demirukai Male The day I did
them a favor

Eghwrudjakpor Jakpor or Eghwrudje Unisex I have come to stay / Stranded in this world

Eguono Guono Unisex Love

Ejaita Jaita Unisex Let them say

Ejoyovwi Joyovwi Unisex Let it be good (a success)

Emarejedje Omare or Ejedje Unisex The elderly also
run for life

Emetitiri Metitiri Male Mine is famous

Emudiaga Mudiaga Male Let's stand firmly

Emuobosa Muobo Unisex Your own thing is precious (unique)

Emuvoke Voke Unisex Every thing has time

Enakpodia Nakpodia Male The way life should (ought) to be

Enita Nita Unisex Watch what you say

Enitekiru Eniteh Unisex Think before you act

Enivwenaye Nivwenai Unisex Compare my achievements with those of my detractors

Erhinyuse Use Unisex Guardian Spirit answers prayers

Erhuvwun Erhus Unisex Beauty

Erukainure Rukainure or

Eruks Unisex We have aided them (met their

Etarakpobuno Etabuno or Tabuno Unisex The world has so much to say (much gossip)

Irorokpaka Rokpaka Unisex Our thoughts went far (deep thoughts)

Isio Isio Unisex Stars

Miriodere Miriode Unisex I now have a name

Oba Oba Male King

Obatare Atare Unisex Destiny

Oborerhinrin Berhirin Unisex It’s your destiny

Odirin Dirin Unisex Patience

Ogbeta Gbeta Male Bad talk

Oghomena Omena or Ogho Unisex Here is my respect

Okiremute Okite Unisex There is time for every thing

Okpako Kpako Unisex Senior

Omafuvwe Mafuvwe or Oma Unisex I am at peace
(All is well with me)

Omenasan Menasan Unisex Mine is unique

Onogaganmue Ogagan or Ono Male Who is intoxicated with prowess (power)?

Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?

Onome Onome Unisex This is mine

Onomine Ono or Mimi Unisex Whom do I look up to?

Onoriode Ono Unisex Who knows tomorrow?

Orodena Orode Male The great one

Otevwobrise Otobrise or Otobru Unisex It’s sufficient to make parables

Ovie Ovie Male King

Oviereya Ovieya Female Queen

Ovigueraye Ovigue Unisex Everyone with his/her own destiny

Ovuevuraye Ovuevu or Vuevuraye Unisex Everyone has his/her own minds/thougths

Oyabevwe Oyabe Unisex Tired of sojourn

Udumebraye Udume or Dumebraye Male My presence gives them heartache (challenge)

Ufuoma Fuoma Unisex Peace of mind

Ughwubetine Betine Unisex No more deaths (dying)

Uruemuesiri Esiri or Uruemu Unisex Good deeds

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