Vacation in Obudu.... Episode 57 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu.... Episode 57

He entered the room like he had forgotten something, only to pause
briefly saying
“Cant you guys lock the door?” hissed
and went straight to the wardrobe, picked
his wallet and left slamming the door
But all the while, i noticed Fay didn’t
even blink an eye as she continued
moving, grinding slowly on me till my
D**k became limp. she pulled out and
left the room without saying anything
about Frank. But i was too exhausted to
leave the bed as I just slept off.
I woke up to the voice of mom calling
Frank to come open the gate and him
leaving the room. Everywhere was dark
and I was sweating. Then again, in my
subconscious state, I began to wonder
how come i slept on from that afternoon
till now. Then about 30 seconds after
Frank has left the room, I heard the
sound of mom’s heels on the tiled floor
as she walked through the passageway
from their room.
Damn, it had all been a dream. I reached
into my boxers to feel my D**k and
realized it actually sticky and wet. Wow, I
had a nightmarish wet dream. It began to
make sense to me, I had come to bed
thinking about what Frank’s reaction
would be if I opened up to him I had
slept with Fay. Or since Fay told me he
knew, though not being specific about
the level of his knowledge of our affair,
was he actually cool with it? So with
these kinda thoughts going through my
head when i slept off, it made sense why
I obviously had that dream. But again,
was the dream meant to tell me he
actually knew we were fvcking and didn’t
sweat it?
I reached for my phone, time was
5:45am and i realized i was sweating
because there was no power supply,
hence the fan was off. Minutes later
Frank came back into the room and
returned to bed. My heart was racing
with thoughts if i should just open up to
him. But I decided I would discuss it with
Fay first so whatever his reaction would
be, wouldn’t get her pissed at me.
I just continued with surfing the net as
Frank put on his ear buds after we had
exchanged morning pleasantries and a
brief chat.
Now unlike in my dream, the day dragged
on as if it was heavily pregnant. Mom
had asked Frank to buy bread for
breakfast and he had gone outside the
compound. Favour on her part didn’t
come out of her room untill 8:30am when
i just finished washing my mouth in the
bathroom. She met me by the passage
full of smiles as she stretched while
yawning with hands raised into the air.
As she did this, her shirt went up
revealing her smooth and flat tummy
“Sleepy head, see time you woke up from
bed” i said to her as I kissed and hugged
her. Wrapping her arms around my neck
while pressing her braless boöbs into my
chest, she kissed me back full forgetting
she hadn’t washed her mouth. I still
kissed her all the same.
“I finished off from where you stopped
last night that’s why” she said after
breaking the kiss implying that she had
brought herself to orgasmm when she
entered her room.
“Wish I had done that myself” i replied
squeezing her obviously bare as§
through her shorts as i pulled her into
my D**k that was already hardening.
“yea, wished you had with fury” she said
kissing me while also moving her hand
down to grab and squeeze my D**k
gently. Breaking the kiss, she continued
“but for now I need to use the bathroom”
“We need to talk Fay” i said as i went
into the room and she the bathroom.
“What about?” she asked opening the
bathroom door
“You and me” i replied her as i entered
the room.
She called out requesting i meet her in
the kitchen when she left the bathroom.
On my way, she was leaving her room
and we went to the kitchen together.
I started by telling her the dream and my
worries if by chance he found out what
his reaction would be. She just kept
laughing and when she finally decided to
talk she shocked me by saying “perhaps
you don’t know me and your friend all
that much. Though i kept the details
from him, but since I told him we had
something going, he already knows me
fvcking you wouldn’t be a problem and
would be my idea. No need discussing it
with him because you’ll just make him
feel awkward, but trust me, he’s cool.”
Though I didn’t believe her all that much,
i dropped the issue. When Frank returned,
we had breakfast together and left for
church in her car with her driving and me
sitting in front with her.
From after the mass, the day just went
by so fast. After lunch I slept off only for
Favour to come wake me up around past
3pm that i should get dressed, she
wanna take me out. Frank was in the
living room with Juliet, Mom had gone
for meeting at chief’s residence (hosted
by his wife) and Dad was to go out with
chief from there.
Initially I had thought Frank and Juliet
were coming with us but it turned out
she wanted us to leave the house for
them. In the car she told me they’ll meet
with us when they were done. (Returning
later to see the sheet changed confirmed
that Frank and Juliet had fvcked
themselves silly).
We first went to her friend’s place to say
hi before she drove me to the Lake resort
out of town. Now, I used to hear Frank
and other guys living in Obudu talk about
the lake in Obudu back in secondary
school, but I never got to visit the place.
Perhaps because it was far from the
main town. When we got there, a world
bank funded water supply project was
ongoing. After taking pictures at the
picnic section,, she then drove out only to
turn halfway and drive towards a set of
buildings that turned out to be the lake
side hotel.
We ordered chicken pepper soup. While i
drank a non-alcoholic drink, Fay helped
herself to a bottle of Smirnoff. With the
way our discussion went, it was only
normal I was turned on. As we left the
restaurant, Fay just led me into the hotel
building and whispered in my ear “get a
room, i want a farewell sex now”
Some 15 minutes later, we were ripping
off each others clothes. I’m not gonna
bore you with details, because it was
nothing out of the extraordinary, but
Favour rode me good. Real good.
We got back to town around a few
minutes to 6:00pm and drove straight to
the clubhouse only to meet Jude, his
girlfriend, and Anna. I called Frank who
said he was just leaving the house with
Juliet and they both met us there. We
went on to order another round of drinks
but this time, Frank and Juliet doing the
alcohols and getting high parts.
I drove on the way home and surprisingly
Dad and Mom hadn’t return from their
outing. They returned some 20 minutes
Later on the bed chatting with Ella and
Rose, they asked what happened to my
numbers as they tried reaching me but to
no avail. Told them I had go to the Lake
and no network connection there. Rose
joked i missed the opportunity to fvck
them both and asked me to see her
before I left the following day.
By 7:00am Jude was already parked by
the gate waiting for me. In my normal
habit of packing my bags the morning
I’m travelling, I had woken up as early as
4:00 and began getting set. Fortunately
there was power supply, so i had no
difficulty at all. Mom had asked if i
wasn’t going to eat before leaving, but i
told her i usually don’t eat while
Dad gave me a brown envelope telling
me to greet my folks in Lagos saying
they might just come over for the
Christmas holidays. Favour and Frank
walked me to the gate and before i
entered the car, she came over to give me
a hug only to kiss me for like 10 seconds
right before Frank. My heart was
pounding as i walked over to Frank but
the smile he had on his face was just the
assurance I needed to know he was
actually cool and that there’s more than
what Favour had told me about his
I pleaded with Jude to just quickly pass
through Rose’s place so i could see her. I
called her to say i was on my way and
wouldn’t spend time as i was in a hurry.
When i got there, Jude waited for me in
the car while i hurried in.
Knocking on her door, she answered by
asking who it was and I told her I was
the one. “Hold on” said as i heard her
walking towards the door. Hiding behind
the door, she opened and peeped to see
if I was alone before asking me to come
in. Going in, the lights were still turned
off and with the blinds drawn, the room
was still dark. I saw her putting on just
her panties while her jugs dangled freely.
I was just about to say hi when i heard
Ella’s voice from the bed “Fury, you’re
leaving without saying goodbye abi?”
I turned to the bed and saw her lying
completely nüde on the bed face down
with the sheet covering only her legs.
“That’s what I’ve come to do” i replied as
the thought of how this girls must have
been fvcking themselves all night began
to give me an erectiön.
“You only came to see your sweetheart
Rose, you never knew i was here” she
replied turning to face me.
“Yea, you right. But would have called
though”. Turning to face Rose, I moved
towards her and hugged her while she
crossed her arms across her boöbs. “I’ll
miss you babe” I said as she just kept
staring into my eyes
“You no dey miss me na. Only Rose fell
in love with you. I get it” Ella interrupted
from the bed.
“And you too Ella” I said as I and Rose
started laughing.
Removing her hand from her boöbs and
placing them on my chest, she asked “So
when are you inviting me to Lagos?”
“Just call me whenever you are ready to
make the trip, I’ll send your flight money”
I told her moving my hands to grab both
as§ cheeks
“Ok, but I’ll keep the money and use
bus.. Have a phobia for heights not to
talk about flying” she said
“We’ll be coming together, so just keep
our return flight money also” Rose said
from the bed.
“Sure” I said. Squeezing her as§ through
her panties, i pulled her in for a kiss. We
kissed for like 20 seconds me not
minding she hadn’t washed her mouth
yet. While we kissed, I put my hand
inside my pocket and brought out the
10k I had kept there to give her and
pushing it into her hand, i broke the kiss
saying “your mouth tastes like Ella’s
She pushed me away saying “Go jor”
while Ella who was now sitting on the
bed said “Admit it Fury, you’ll miss my
pvssy more than her own. See how much
you know my taste”
“You’re not serious” i told her as i moved
towards her and kissed her pinching her
nipplë in the process. “ouch” she
screamed as i moved away from her
while she was busy looking for what to
throw at me.
I literally ran out of the hostel building
so as to give Jude the impression i
hurried up. Just as i entered the car,
Laura called saying she was set. Told her
we were on our way. We left Obudu by
7:30am and by 8:10am we were already
in Igoli (Ogoja) to pick Laura.
Cindy came out with her and gave me a
hug while Laura went to put her stuffs in
the car and say hi to jude. Then breaking
the hug, she held me by the shirt and
said in a low tone “Laura told me how
much you wanted to fvck me. You see
your life Fury? And to think I felt safe
hanging out with you, while deep down
your head, sticking your big D**k up my
as§ was all you thought about. Eh Fury?”
she called out laughing
“Haaa, Candy girl… Is that supposed to
be my welcome?” Besides, like you
weren’t crushing on me but kept
pretending to hate me because Laura
did. By the way I never thought of your
as§, I remember saying while i was in
her, you’ll sit on my face and I eat you
out or something like that. Damn you
Cindy, gosh, so you fancy the backdoor?
Anyways if you give me I’ll gladly have
my first backdoor experience with you” i
said smiling
Slapping my arm, she gave me the
middle finger gesture saying “keep
dreaming” before adding “she even said
you fancied a party with us both and you
just confirmed it. Poor you… I can
imagine how often you jerked off to the
thought of fvcking both of us.. Gosh,
you’re so disgusting Fury.
“Yea, coming from a dyke herself” i
replied pulling away as she made to slap
me. Giving me the middle finger again
she said “choke on your D**k queer”
Laughing i replied from afar saying “We
both know I’m not bent. I’m as straight
as a pole”
“yea right, but you wouldn’t mind
shoving your D**k in my ass if the
chance arises. That’s how it starts
sweetheart” she said giving me the five
fingers gesture
“Not quite, yours is soft actually soft..
I’m Having a hard on already thinking
about it Candy baby” I said laughing
from my vantage position
“I don’t blame you Fury. If you want it
that bad, get married to her and
whenever i come around for a visit, we
might invite you to join us” she said as
Laura came back to meet her and then
walked towards me.
“Gosh, You’re one sick fellow Candy, so
you feel you’ll come to my house and
fvck my wife without me fvcking you?”
what have you been smoking in Ogoja?
“Laura never let this boy go again, he’s
always at his best around you” she said
laughing and left us as we hugged while
she went to the other side to say hi to
Jude who had stayed put im the car.
NB: Though i called her a dyke, she’s in
no way masculine and is a very classy
chick in her own right with the right
figure, boöbs and ass. It was just ment
to be a spiteful remark. Also back in
school, I had replaced the letter “I” with
“A” in her name to come up with her
nickname “Candy girl” that stuck
We left Ogoja by 8:30am, talked about
our different holidays with me omitting
anything that would suggested i had
been fvcking like a rabbit in Obudu. On
her part. She didn’t have to tell me of her
sessions with Cindy as she assumed i
know already or at least not with Jude
with us. We stopped over at Ikom to refill
the fuel tank and buy Bananas and
groundnuts before proceeding.
“So where are we staying Laura?” I asked
wondering if she had a place in mind or
wanted us to get there first.
“How I’m I responsible for your
accommodation Nite Fury?” she asked
calling my full name. Then she added,
“for your info, I’m going to my sister’s
house, so better start keeping you hotel
“Na you carry me dey go Calabar, now
you don leave me for road” i said
“Na you sabi” she said in a her Ibibio
accent making all of us to laugh.
We got to Calabar by 12:30pm thanks to
how fast Jude was because he was
returning to Obudu same day. She
alighted by mobil telling me to call her
when i sort my accommodation out so
she can come pick me up for lunch and
I told Jude the hotel to take me to and
paid him when we got there. He gave me
5k from our initial agreement saying i
should use that for my room bills. Saying
he’ll pick passengers on his way back
and would fuel the car with their money.
Inside the room I laid on the bed tired.
Remembering the envelope Frank’s Dad
gave me, i brought it out of my bag and
checked inside to see 20k. Thank
goodness. I called him thanking him
saying we arrived Calabar safely. I also
called Mom, Frank, Fay, Rose and Ella all
in that order telling them i got to Cali
It was around 2pm while i had slept off
that Laura called asking for my room
number. I told her and a few minutes
later she was inside saying “get dressed
lets go get something to eat”. She
handed my flight ticket to me as i got
dresses. I thanked her and kept it inside
my bag before we left. But in all, i
noticed her tone was now different. Now,
i didn’t remember calling her to tell her
the name of the hotel, but she knew
that’s where I’ll be lodged.
We took a cab to one of the Mr Fans in
the city and ordered a plate of rice and
chicken both. As we ate she asked what I
was discussing with Cindy earlier. Told
her and she laughed.
Though she was laughing, i could read
the signs that something wasn’t quite
alright. Like she had something bothering
her. As we sat eating, a young girl came
in with a baby boy, got some items and
left. All of a sudden she turned and
asked me “What’s your thoughts on baby
“My thoughts how? And who says she
just a baby mama and not married?” i
asked her knowing the girl that just left
the restaurant made her ask the question
“Like can you marry a single mom? She
had no ring on her fingers” she replied
“I don’t know, I’m indifferent towards
them. But while I don’t mind marrying a
single mom, the situation that led to her
having the child would matter to me.” i
answered her as i continued eating
“Situation like?” she asked not showing
any intent of dropping the topic
“Like did the guy deny the pregnancy?
was she violated? Is she divorced? You
know, all those kinda questions would be
asked.. But thing is, that she didn’t abort
the pregnancy doesn’t make her bad, so I
really don’t judge them” i said hoping
that would answer her
When i finished saying that, she kept
quiet and was looking tensed. Picking
her phone from the table, she flipped
through and passed the phone to me
saying “here, flip through”.
I collected the phone and in it I saw a
girl of about 2 years smiling. As i began
to flip through I saw several pictures of
her and the little girl in France (Eiffel
tower was in the background of a few).
“My daughter, Vera” she said as i flipped
It made sense now, she wanted to know
what I’ll think of her as a single mom.
But besides the baby being light skinned
like her, there was nothing to suggest she
was a product of an interracial
relationship. Which meant her baby
daddy must be a Nigerian or a Black
man at least. “So cute” I said as my face
lit up with smiles. “So where’s she?” I
asked curiously
“Here in Calabar, with my elder sister.
She had visited me in Lagos with her last
daughter who’s about the same age as
Vera. Vera cried saying she wanted to
follow them to Calabar when they wanted
to leave, while Faith, my niece said she
wasn’t leaving Lagos without Vera. So
since i was gonna come for the wedding
in Ogoja, I allowed her to go with them.
My passing through Calabar is just to
pick her.
“So where’s her dad?” i asked looking up
to her, believing that was the next
question I ought to ask
Looking down to her plate of food as she
played with her spoon, she answered me
saying “He never knew of her existence
untill now”. She then looked back at me
saying “I named her after your mom”

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