Vacation in Obudu.... Episode 58 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu.... Episode 58

My University***
NB: The seminar was just after our

Industrial Training. So this was first
semester final year..
I was so angry at everyone including
myself at what Laura just did to me.
God, there was no way I was gonna let
this go. Agreed that we were never in
talking terms, what made her feel she
could do this and get away with it?. I
don’t care if her elder bro (only one was
now left in the school) was the most
dreaded guy on camp, I’ll surely give her
a slap come what may.
These were some of the thoughts that
ran through my head as I waited at the
departmental building for the lecturer. I
couldn’t believe Laura got the best of me
in this game we were playing. Not like
when the chips are down, I would be able
to lay a finger on her. I get the liver? But
at that point, I deceived myself I would
hit her.
After about 1 hour, that looked like one
year, the seminar session went on break
and the lecturers all walked to the
departmental building. I could see Laura
walking behind the seminar coordinator,
likewise Cindy and a few other students
who only wanted to know how everything
would end.
While the other lecturers entered the
HOD’s office where they were usually
entertained, the lecturer called Laura and
myself to his office
Lecturer: So Fury, what happened to her
slide? Why did you alter her
Me: Sir I didn’t alter her presentation,
when the presenter before her was
rounding up, I got a Flash drive from
behind with this note attached to it
(fortunately I had kept the note in my
jotter, and quickly pulled it out, passing
it to the lecturer), saying she was up next
and her presentation was the only
document in the drive. I barely had time
to preview it because she was called up
almost immediately the guy presenting
left the podium, only to see a blank file
which I believe was deliberately made so.
Every other person presenting today gave
me their PowerPoint presentations
yesterday evening. Only a Nk brought
hers this morning before the presentation
Lecturer: I guess you wrote this? (the
question was directed at Laura)
Laura: yes sir…. But I..
Lecturer: Shut up.. After my instructions,
why did you submit your slide at the time
you did.
Laura: (she started speaking their
language. But with the way she kept
pointing at me, I knew she was
complaining how I do snub her and
something to do with her wanting to
avoid me, bla bla bla… (Switching back
to English) But I think the mistake was
mine, I now realized I copied only my
front page and intro thinking that was
the complete file.
Lecturer: Where’s your laptop?
Laura: It’s with Angela.
Lecturer: go and get it, copy the correct
document and give it to him (me). You’re
presenting first after the break. Enough
of these childish nonsense you call beef
going on between you. Now, apologize to
The look she gave the lecturer that
instant was similar to the one you’ll give
to someone who asked you to eat glass.
But she managed to grumble “I’m sorry”
She eventually copied the file and
literally threw the flash drive at me when
she met me in the hall. Though I didn’t
tell anyone what went up other than
telling chucks I’ll take over back from
him (in controlling the PowerPoint
presentations), the few people who saw
the was she threw the flash at me knew
somehow I had won.
Surprisingly, her presentation wasn’t bad
other than the way she commanded me
whenever she wanted the next slide
displayed on the projector.
That was on a Friday, so we didn’t see
until Monday. Though Cindy and I were
in talking terms, but she just always
pretended she disliked me because Laura
her bestie did. But she smiled when ever I
or anyone else called her Candy girl. So I
needed something from her and went to
meet her (in the lab). I took the seat next
to her unknown to me Laura was the
person sitting there and had gone out of
the lab.
After calling her candy girl and all the
sweet names I could come up with just to
see her smile, I began to ask for the
assistance I needed from her. Laura
came back into the Lab. I was backing
the entrance door and didn’t see her
come in. She saw me sitting on the seat
and with no warning whatsoever, she
pulled the seat off my ass saying “I’m
seated here”
I assume you guys know how tall lab
benches are. Since I wasn’t relaxed with
the way I was sitting, as I hit the ground,
I heard a sound followed almost
immediately with sharp pain. I didn’t
scream despite the sound being audible
enough for student in the lab to hear
even when the did not see what actually
happened. As I looked under the lab
table from my position on the floor, I
saw where I felt the pains. My left leg
which I had twisted somehow under the
table was broken.
This was followed almost immediately
with a cry of “Jesus” from Cindy as she
stood up and realized my leg was
broken. Even in that state, I was still
shocked by her actions as she gave
Laura two resounding slaps in quick
succession. “Laura are you mad?” she
screamed at her.
By that time, people had gathered around
me. Nathan and another guy i cant
remember helped me up, as I writhed in
pains. Seeing the state in which my leg
was, tears began to flow from my eyes.
Looking at Laura’s face as she stood
motionless, I saw her shedding tears
also. I wasn’t sure if it was from the slap
Cindy gave her or from realizing how
much damage she had done to me. I
think the former would have it. Because
nit even me the victim, believed Cindy
the usually quiet one, who’s only vocal
when it comes to supporting Laura would
give her such slaps and scold her. On my
own part, I never muttered a single word
to her as she looked visibly shaken.
How I got to the school clinic from there
to the teaching hospital and finally the
orthopedic ward I do not know, but Theo
only thing I remember was waking up
Tuesday morning to see my mom and
later in the afternoon she and Frank. I
spent the next 6 weeks at the hospital
before I resumed school. Having my leg
in POP and hanging from the ceiling
wasn’t funny at all. The second evening,
Laura, Cindy and Laura’s mom came to
see me. Frank went back to calabar
wednesday, but would come Friday
evenings and go back Sunday evenings
for the 6 weeks I spent there. Mom went
back to Lagos Saturday when I had
stopped shouting.
Cindy and Laura were regular callers in
the evenings. A few friends and a couple
of course mates stopped by every now
and then. The first evening Cindy and
Laura came around, Laura was hiding
behind Cindy, only for Cindy to pulled her
and push her forward to my bed. Looking
back at how the “calm, collected and
quiet” Cindy pushed her around and the
slap she gave her that day, I began to
feel Cindy had always been the dominant
partner in their lesbian relationship
despite being very quiet outside. The
direct opposite of Laura.
Sunday evening alone, I heard a gentle
knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting
anyone. Mom left yesterday, Frank had
left earlier in the afternoon (He had
hooked up with one of my class mate
who had come to visit me. Major reason
he came every weekend because my place
became his hotel room with her and
away from his girlfriend in Calabar).
“Come in” I answered only to see Laura
walk in with a flask. “Hey” she said as
she walked towards the head of the bed
and places the food flask.
“How’re you feeling. I brought you food.
Cooked it myself” she said joyfully but in
my head I was wondering if it was to
finish me off completely.
“Better I guess. Thanks” I replied her.
Taking a seat opposite me we began to

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