Total Love......Episode 12 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love......Episode 12

Daniel ushered Ruth to the balcony. They

both sat together, he taught her all what
she requested for. This time, the queen
had been searching for Ruth.
“Ruth.” She heard from some distance.
‘That’s mum calling you my princess.
You have to hurry.’ Daniel uttered.
‘Yeah, I can hear also.’ She stood up and
left the balcony immediately.
Daniel had a soft breath and rested his
“Where have you been? I’ve been
searching for you.” Queen uttered.
‘I’ve been upstairs with Dan. She uttered.
‘DANIEL? Both of you all alone?’ She
‘You are surprised? Yes we’ve been
together. He has been teaching me
Math.’ She smiled.
‘Alright, just checked your room and
didn’t see you, the driver also said you’ve
been at home, that’s why I’ve been
searching for you.’ She smiled back.
‘Alright mum.’ She replied.
‘And call me Daniel, the king wants to
see him.’ The queen added.
‘Oooh! See him? What for? We are busy
now!’ She complained.
‘He needs mouth organ. He said he is
bored.’ The queen smiled.
‘Alright, but its not fair mum.’ She said
as she was going.
She entered into the balcony back, she
met Daniel playing a football game on
his phone. She smiled and had her sit
beside him back. Daniel continued
playing the game without raising his
head to know who entered.
‘Doesn’t he know that I’m here?’ Ruth
thought in herself.
‘I’m here!’ She exclaimed.
Daniel raised his head and paused the
game. He looked at her and smiled. “I’ve
forgotten someone entered.” He
continued smiling.
Ruth’s phone started ringing, she stood
up and stepped to a corner to pick up the
call. It was her guy that was calling her.
‘Then why are you calling me!’ She
shouted on phone.
Daniel that had continued playing his
game paused the game and raised his
head up on hearing the noise.
‘Are you sick, you know I have my
standards! I’ve told you I don’t like it
when you call me by that name.’ She
uttered angrily.
‘What sorry are you saying! You must be
really crazy!’ She said and hanged the
call. She was already looking angry.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I will be able to
continue with the mathematics. This fool
has spoilt my mood.’ She said and
walked out of the balcony.
“What is the meaning of all this?” Daniel
thought and continued with his game.
The noise of someone falling from the
staircase was heard by Daniel
immediately Ruth left the balcony. She
already had her asthmatic attack on her
way to her room, she slipped on the stair
case and fell.
Daniel rushed out and hurried to meet
her on seeing her. He rushed to her room
to get the inhaler, it didn’t look as if she
was with it. This time, the maidens were
already around, they’ve surrounded her,
one of them was running to Ruth’s room
when she ran into Daniel and both fell.
Daniel stood immediately and hurried to
where she was, he pushed all the
maidens around and shivered to the
princess to apply the inhaler on her.
The King was already coming this time,
he rushed there and started shouting at
the maidens for not guarding his
daughter properly. He was totally angry,
he watched Daniel as he was trying to
help her out of the problem.
Sooner, he carried her to her room and
was beside her.
……To be continued

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