Frank grabbed her by the arm, "Okay, when are you coming to see my parents?" He pleaded, "please we have to see them first"
Bola paused for a while and spoke, "when are you taking me there? I'm ready even if you want to go now"

"I have to call them first"

"Then call them now"

"But ermm...", Frank scratched his head. "I don't have credit on my phone"

"Take, there's enough credit on my phone" she said handing him a phone from her bag.

"Okay" he took it reluctantly and dialed a number. After a short conversation with the caller in his dialect, he dropped the call. "My mum says we should come on Wednesday"

"Are you sure?" She looked at him suspiciously

"Yes" he replied, "we'll pick the date that same day too"

"Okay, just remember that it must be this March" She said and walked out of his office immediately.

Frank cursed under his breath as he walked back slowly to his seat.

Things were not working rightly as he planned, he was already processing his international passport and his Visa but the money he was expecting for the sale of the salon had not come and he needed enough money to take with him.

He sat down frustrated and began to remember how he got into the mess. He remembered how they met Amarachi, how he met Bola andhow he fell into her trap. He began to think if it was really worth it to leave the city, if he was trying to escape from getting married to Bola because he didn't love her, how was he sure he would find love where he was running to? And was he going to ever love someone else like he loved Amarachi?

He picked up his phone and after some seconds of scrolling through indecisively. He dialled Amarachi's phone number.

"Hello Amarachi, its Frank... Yeah... How is your health now?... Please would you give me a chance? I need to see you... Please, I just need to clear some issues with you... Oh! Please, don't refuse me, just give me this chance... Please..." The call was ended at the other side.

He redialled the number, "Please Amarachi, just a chance... It's really important... Okay, I'll meet you there by four thirty... Thanks"

He heaved a sigh of relief as he ended the call. He couldn't just run away like that, he decided to try again if he could find favour with Amarachi.

Amarachi sat quitely in her office busy with the computer set on her table. Her Boss had gone that morning on the official training trip. She was left with a lot of work to do which were not necessarily her duty.

Before Dennis left, he came into her office to say goodbye planting a kiss on her forehead before he left. He had just gone few hours and she was feeling like he had gone for years.

A knock sounded on her door interrupting her work. "Yes, come in please"

Dennis' secretary walked into her office full of smiles as she curtsied, "Good morning ma"

"Good morning" Amarachi replied, surprised at seeing the Secretary smile at her for the first time.

"Are you busy?" She asked gently

"No, what can I do for you?" Amarachi answered, eager to know her mission.

"I brought this for you, you need to check it and add to it from your research before I print out the final copy"

"Okay" Amarachi collected the document and scanned through it.
"Alright, thanks, you may leave " she said, dismissing the secretary who didn't move away .

"You can go" Amarachi repeated looking up at the secretary who was standing like a small kid being corrected for doing something wrong.

"Sorry ma, I just wanted to apologize to you for the other day I insulted you. I'm sorry, I was being misled by envy. Please forgive me ma" the Secretary finally said.

"Ermmm..." Amarachi was unsure of what to say. "It's okay,I hold nothing against you"

"Thank you ma" she curtsied once again and turned to leave.

"Wait" Amarachi stopped her. "Please, stop the ma. It's making me uncomfortable, just call me Amarachi"

"Okay Amarachi" She said smiling sheepishly

"I don't know your name"

"My name is Cynthia"

"Alright Cynthia"

Amarachi watched her as she left the office still wondering what could make the secretary who had insulted her a week ago become so meek and gentle to her.


"Hi " Ini got a WhatsApp message from an unknown number. She clicked on the profile to check the display picture and recognised the person at once. It was Sandra Benjamin, she didn't remember to save the number when Sandra had called her.

"Hi Sandra"

"How are you? Are you on break now cos I'm on break here"

"I'm Fine, you? I'm on break too"

"Okay  "

"Yeah, how has work been today?"

"Great, thanks Ini. You know what?"


"I like your personality, that's why I want to be your friend. I barely keep friends but I saw the way you talked and composed yourself, I concluded you must be someone great to be friends with"

"Wow, thanks. Nice words"

"You're welcome, I'm just being truthful though"

"Thanks all the same. It's nice to meet you too, it takes a great personality to know another"


"Yeah, so how are you coping with work there?"

"I'm managing, just managing. I really don't like working under a man"

"Why? That's strange. Most times, Men are the Bosses in the offices"

"Yeah, I know. It's just that most of them reminds me of my ex boyfriend"

"Was your ex boyfriend that bad"

"Yes, he was a notorious cheat and a violent person"

"Eeyah! That's bad, I'm wondering how badly he would have treated you"

"Oh! I just thank God most of the scars I got on my body from the relationship are cleared now"

"Awww! That's really bad. How did you get into such a relationship?"

"Just lets forget about it. What brought it fresh to my mind was seeing my Boss' girl friend come visit him in the office last week"

"Oh! Which of your Bosses?"

"Same one you know, Mr. Kelvin"

"Mr. Kelvin? Are you sure she's his girlfriend?"

"I believe she is, he hardly entertains unofficial visits so I strongly believe she is. I just pray he's not abusive and does not spoil her pretty face "

"Are you sure of what you are telling me?" Ini replied, her hands shaking as she typed.

"Lol, why are you acting so concerned? I'm sure about what I'm saying, the Lady's name is even Amarachi, she's fair, has dimples, well she's really pretty",Sandra perfectly decribed Amarachi facial features.
"Please let's talk about something else jor. Lets talk about you and your work"

"Wait, is this the Lady you're talking about?" Ini attached a picture of Amarachi to the message.

"Yeah, wow! So you even know her"

Ini's phone dropped from her hand as she read the message, her eyes filled up with tears. Amarachi and Kelvin had deceived her, Amarachi must have been visiting Kelvin during her stay at home. Bola was saying the truth after all.
Amarachi walked down their stairs hurriedly, she was sure Ini would be waiting for her in the car as she didn't get any response when she told her on the phone that she would be coming home on her own.
She looked straight to the parking lot as she got outside the building. She couldn't spot the car. By the time she walked closer, she was sure that Ini had left already as there were no signs of the car.

Her phone rang that moment, the caller was Frank.

"Hello, I'm outside the company now"

"Okay, I'll meet you"

She cleaned her sweaty face with an handkerchief and walked out of the gate. She looked around to find Frank and saw him walking towards her.

"Good afternoon Amarachi" Frank greeted kindly

"Good afternoon Frank, what is it you want to see me for" she replied sternly and started to walk slow to the road.

Frank followed her, "why don't you let us go to somewhere quiet and discuss?"

"Go to somewhere quiet?" Ama paused and turned to him, giving him a questioning look. "You think I'll go anywhere with you? Just say whatever you want to say as we walk down to the bus stop. That's our agreement and I'm not about to spend more time with you"  

"Please" he ran after and knelt before her."Please just give me a chance"

"Come on, whats all this? Don't create a scene here, Please get up" Amarachi pleaded already feeling embarrassed.

"Please, let's go somewhere so we can talk better"

"I don't want to go anywhere with you" She replied sternly, folding her arms.

"Okay, why don't we just have a drink at the restaurant over there?" He pointed to a place across the road.

"Okay" she replied after giving it a thought. "But I'll only spend a maximum of twenty minutes with you"

"Thank you" he smiled.

They sat on the table, directly opposite each other.

"What would you like to take?" Frank asked

"Frank!" She snapped, "I don't have time for all these. Go straight to your point if you have any"

"But you have to order for something, the waiter is waiting for your orders"

"Let him serve water and you better start immediately or I stand up and leave this place now"

"Okay, just get soft drinks for us" he said to the waiter who stood by his side and turned back to face Ama.

"Start", She snapped.

"Ama, why do you hate me so much" Frank started with a calm voice and looked straight into her yes. "You never want to see me or even give me a chance"

She took her gaze off his eyes, his eyes showed deep and pain and suffering inside, he looked like someone who had been maltreated. "I don't hate you. Just say whatever you want to say now"

"If you don't hate me, why are you always acting harsh towards me?"

"Why won't I?" She looked back to him. "You have a girlfriend who is dangerous and doesn't want to see me with you"

"I don't have a girlfriend" he replied sharply. "If you are talking about Bola, she is not my girlfriend, what happened between us was all a mistake"

"She's pregnant for you by mistake"

"Listen, I was drunk that day it happened. You were at the party and saw me drunk. I didn't know what I was doing, I swear."

"Okay, you didn't know what you were doing, sorry about that, you shouldn't have taken alcohol at first. But tell me exactly what you want me to do for you now"

"I love you Ama, I've loved you since the day i saw you and since then, I've not been myself"

She stared at him deeply and swallowed before she replied.


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