I tried everything to convince Frank that you could not back stab him, he wouldn't just agree. He says he has been suspecting you before" Bode chattes with Kelvin as they sat down together on the rug.

"That dude needs serious help, I don't know if he doesn't have his brain with him anymore. He knows how desperate Bola is, how could he believe such a lie from her?"

"It's Okay, don't make it worse than it is already" Frank cut in, "but how are you sure it us Bola that told him?"

"No one else could have done that. That's the same lie she told Ini"

"She told Ini the same thing?", Bode paused and thought deeply for a while, biting his lips.

"Yes, she did"

Bode looked at Kelvin with suspicion in his eyes, "but you never told us anything about it, when did we start hiding things from each other?"

"You see, I thought it wasn't necessary especially because I didn't want something like this. Frank might have taken it in a bad way"

"You would have still told us, that would have been better than the information coming from an external source. He would find it difficult to believe you now since you hid it from us at first"

"Didn't know it would turn out this way " Kelvin sighed.

"Let's go meet him in his room and sort this out" Bode stood up,
"he's been indoor since, I know the reason he doesn't want to come into the living room is because of you"

"I know that too, I'm sure he wont even be patient enough when he sees me in his room?"

"Let's try first", Bode said and proceeded to Frank's room with Kelvin following him closely.

"You know what?" He turned back and signalled for Kelvin to halt. "You wait outside his room while I go in first"

Bode walked into the room without knocking and met Frank who raised his head as he saw him walk into the room.

"How far Bode?" He greeted in Pidgin

"I'm fine o, what's that you are doing?" Bode asked observing the different papers on Frank's desk and a biro in his hand.
"I thought you don't calculate office income at home"

"I'm not calculating office income" Frank smiled at him, "I've gotten a buyer for my three salons and I'm just trying to draft out some documents"

"Nooooo" A voice was heard from outside the door.

"Who is that?" Frank asked with disgust all over his face seeing Kelvin's shadow at the entrance. He made his way to the entrance.

It's me Frank" Kelvin replied and opened the curtain to walk in,

"There should be other ways to solve this, not selling your salons, we know how hard you worked to make those salons stand" Kelvin continued with concern in his voice

"Tell Kelvin to leave here, I don't want to see him" Frank said to Bode who was obstructing him from moving close to Kelvin.

"Calm down Frank" Bode replied

"No, tell Kelvin to get away from here first. He should stay away from anything that concerns me"

"Don't sell of your business, don't run away. You're a man, you should be able to think of something else" Kelvin said and walked away from the room.

"Get lost Bastard" Frank yelled.

"Is that her?" Sandra looked at Bola as she dropped her phone.

"Yes, that's her voice. I guess the number she gave you isn't the one I have"

"Okay" Sandra replied and rested her head on the wall.

"So what do you want to do with the number now that you have it"

"Oh! Nothing", she faked a smile. "I'm just eager to know the girl who's got the heart of the man I love"

"So you won't do anything?"

"What should I do" she continued spreading her arms in a questioning manner. "Should I go and start fighting her?"

"Hmmm, No . But I know you Sandra, you wouldn't just leave your man like that without a fight" Bola smiled slightly, "or you don't want to tell me your plans because you think I'm her friend?"

"No o, I don't have any of plans"

"Hahaha, you?" Bola laughed.
"Don't worry, that girl's been messing up of late. I'm looking for a way to deal with her before. "

"Ehen" Sandra looked more interested now, "so what were you thinking of before?"

"You know, I already laid a foundation of Kelvin cheating on her with a friend of hers"

"Who is this her friend?"

"Ama, she stays with Ini and also works in Videx but in the accounts department"

"Oh! I also have a friend in their accounts department"

"Good. You know this her friend is the one who's contending with me, she's trying to snatch my boyfriend. So I think we can do something with that, we can separate them. Then I'll have Frank to myself and you Kelvin"

"Hmmm, sounds nice. So what's the plan now?"

"Ermm, I don't know yet. But I will come up with something very soon"


The days rolled out quickly and it was Saturday already, Ini and Ama journeyed to Ama's hometown to visit her family and to check her just recovering father. They left the city as early as possible to avoid the Saturday's traffic congestion.

"Heyyy! Aunty Toyin" Sophia who was watching their car as it parked outside the house shouted for joy as Amarachi came out of the car.

"Mummy, Daddy, aunty Toyin has come o" Sophia ran to the window and beckoned on the rest of the family members.

"Welcome Aunty" She hugged her sister.

"How are you Sophie"

"Fine" she replied,

"Ooh! You came with Aunty Ini" Sophia asked surprised as Ini walked out from the driver's seat. She ran to the other side to greet Ini too.

"How are you?"

"Fine ma"

"What of Mummy and Daddy?"

"They are inside, let's go in"

"Lets take what we have in the boot first"

They took the gifts they brought and walked into the living room of the Old building. They were welcomed warmly by Ama's mum and her Dad who were very glad to see them.

"Mummy Toyin, please get some food for them na" Mr Kolawole said to his wife and turned to Ini who sat on a stood beside him and held his hands.
"Thank you Ini for taking care of my daughter, she's looking fresher now. Thank you"
"Haba! Daddy, Toyin is my sister, whatever I do for her, I do for myself" Ini replied and looked at Ama who was sitting at the front and smiling at her.

"Thank you my daughter" the man continued as he sat up. "Toyin also said you gave her the money for the hospital bill, may God bless you richly and give you long life"

"Amen Daddy" Ini replied full of smiles, she looked around the house for some seconds and turned back to Mr. Kolawole.
"What happened to your business sir? How come you people now live here?"

"It's a long story my dear" the man started, "Amarachi, come closer. Let me tell you what really happened, I've not been opportuned to tell you this before"

He paused and coughed, he sat up and began. "Listen my children, my business did not go down naturally. It was brought down by someone who I met through a very close friend, Olatunbosun. Chief Olatunbosun ,he is now known as a powerful politician, I'm sure you know him too" The man paused and looked at them for confirmation.

"We met each other after I finished my service as a youth corper and started my business. We were not really friends because our lifestyles were totally different. He was a son of a rich man so he spent extravagantly and I couldn't act like him. So we knew each other but stayed apart since we had no business together.
After sometime when I met your mother, he began to show hatred towards me. I found out that he wanted to marry your mother who wasn't interested in him but seemed to get along with me even though I wasn't dating her then, I wasn't even in love with her yet.

After we started dating, he got mad at us. He fought our relationship but couldn't stop it as we got married even with all his threats. He had to leave us in peace when he saw there was nothing he could do anymore.

But we met again seventeen years later, he had become a prominent politician then and was even like Godfather to the President of our nation then. When he found out about my company, he decided to punish me. Through the influence of the President, my licence to run the company was withdrawn and the goods I distributed were labelled as illegal products. I was also made to pay heavy fines to escape jail. Thank God he didn't kill me because he ended up killing my friend who opposed his actions"

The man wiped his face as tears was already dropping off .

"That's how I became who I am today, he sent me packing from the city"

Femi Fadeyi patiently waited for Chief Olatunbosun in the Living room watching a Tv show and sipping wine. After about twenty minutes, Chief Olatunbosun finally showed up.

"Governor Femi Fadeyi" he hailed, smiling cheerfully as he walked into the living room.
" How are you?" He asked, extending his hand to Femi for a handshake.

"I'm fine sir, thank you" Femi replied happily, standing up to receive the handshake and greet the man properly.

"You can have your seat" Chief Olatunbosun said as he settled into a sofa facing femi directly. "So, how is Logi and your people?"

"Logi is fine sir, the people send their greetings"

"Oh! Say me well to them"

"Sure sir"

"Okay, so let's go straight to business. So tell me Femi. What is your plan for the country? How do you intend to move it forward? I already heard about a lot of things you did in your state already, so I'm expecting so much from you"

"Yes sir, thank you so much for this opportunity" Femi started speaking extensively on his plans for the country.


"Bola, I'm not ready to get married, don't you get it?"

"See stop all this rubbish, it's either we pick a date for the wedding today or you call my Dad and tell him that you are not ready yet"

"Okay, just give me some more time . I'll get back to you"

"No, no more time to waste" Bola slammed, "let's pick a date now or I'll be forced to tell my Dad that you don't want to get married to me after impregnating me"

"No Bola, don't do that. I will get back to you as soon as possible"

"Oh! Never mind, you don't need to get back to me, you'll explain to my Dad when you are ready" she said and picked her bag.


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