The next day was a cloudy morning, that it looked like it was going to rain. People were going to farm peacefully, seems they
ignored whatever signal the sky were giving. Some of the farmers didn't work yesterday because of the rain that lasted almost the whole day.
Uju and her sisters had spend their night in the kitchen, their skins were swollen from the sting of those 'witch mosquitoes'. Oby was now slighty ill, it started with cold that they had sustained all night, but her case was a bit different, the cold had accumulated in her soft body, and had aggravated into a fever accompanied by headache and soar throat. Uju became worried and frustrated that she never knew when she began scolding her sister for being sick.

"Don't vent your anger towards the sick girl," Ulumma said angrily, "did she made herself sick?"

"Ulumma, please! Just don't incite me, because what you'll get may be something worse than a thunder strike." Uju was now getting more serious.

"You're sick too, maybe you should check yourself." Ulumma giggled.

Kpowaaa! The line of Uju's palm was visible on Ulumma's face, that it woked Oby and people inside could have heard that. Uju quickly realised what she have done was uncalled for, she stooped down to her knees and pleaded for her forgiveness.

"Ulu, please forgive me, i never knew what came over me." Uju pleaded.
For the first time for some period of time, the strong hearted Ulumma was dripping tears like a new born baby, she sobbed loud and Uju held her to herself and caressed her hair with her hand also in tears.
Oby would have said something during the drama, but it seems they had come back to their real selfs.
Ulumma held the spot on her face where Uju slapped tightly with her palms, while Uju used her palm to rub the spot to cool it down.
Ulumma's cry could make someone wonder if it was Uju's slap that made her cry, or her pleas, it was so rare to see Ulumma cry this way, even if she got injury.
Despite Ulumma's 'never-let-go' attitude, she wouldn't had returned a fight for her sister's approach even if she hadn't apologised. The last time Uju and Ulumma had a fight was as far way back as four years ago, then as children, with their parents all alive. Ulumma was so stubborn that she wouldn't even listen to her sister, she fought with almost everybody in her peer groups. Uju couldn't even win her convincingly in a fight, although a fight involving the duo was rare, it would rather involve in slight exchange of words which Uju will be fast to give up. Sibling rivalry between Ulumma and Agunna was an epic one (if you grew up in this kind of family you'll understand quite well), the age gap was close, just two years in Agunna's favour.
Agunna was another tiger, hence you can see it in his name, its literal meaning is "father's tiger."
He was violent when there's need to be, he couldn't condone Ulumma's nagging, he used any means even if its beating to halt her. As they grew up, their rivalry grew with them but fighting was minimized, Uju played role more of a mediator between the duo, she would stand and defend Ulumma and when it was beyond her powers, her mother will now come in, and give punishment to whom it is due. Agunna didn't give elderly respect to Uju, she never mind, she anticipated that. He would outwit Uju in ownership of properties, she would simply let go, but there's only one place where Uju had the upper hand, in kitchen. She used that area of food to threaten him to work. Ararume, their father wouldn't take this lightly, he could shout and scold everyone for Agunna's sake, not until he died, that was when Agunna met his bosom friend, Ihedi.
Ihedi was only child of his parents, and life was so boring, no matter that his parents provided him with whatever he wants, he met Agunna who felt also like an only child staying among girls, he did not had anybody to have a man to man talk with, just as he had with his father before his death. From then onwards, Ihedi and Agunna became friends, they did hunting together, played together, and played some mischievous pranks on other children and so many other things. Sometimes Agunna ate in his friend's house and sometimes Ihedi also ate in Agunna's house, neither of the family on both sides disturbed their relationship.
Oh lovely memories, Uju recalled as she moved her arms gently away from Ulumma who had almost fallen asleep in her arms but was startled by Uju's sudden pull away from her.

"What is it, adannem? Ulumma asked Uju who was frowning, "you look worried, is it still about what just happened?" Ulumma still pressed further to finish all she wanted to say, "i've forgiven you, you don't need to think of that again, it is passed."

"No, my dear sister. It's not that, its just that i was trying to recall the good old days, i would never had thought of this our situation four years back." she gasped. Ulumma found herself repeating Uju's word yesternight to her.
"Remember you told me the same thing yesterday" Ulumma said watching her intently. Uju smiled and nodded as Ulumma teased.

"Ehen, you look more beautiful than Akwanwa, when you smile." Ulumma teased further and Uju laughed out.

"Ulu, please i don't want to hurt my rib," Uju said amidst laughter, "seriously i thought i was ageing."

"Ageing? How come Igwe's son did not see you ageing when he was......." Ulumma winked at her and giggled in other to avoid completing the statement, instead she said used, "you know nu" to complete her statement.

"Ewuuu, this girl, you talk too much!" Uju said laughing, "but i didn't like that joke" she was serious now.

"Hmmm, don't pretend you didn't see that."

"Ulumma, you're shouting!" she didn't sensed the seriousness in Uju's voice, she still said on, praising her.

"The only ageing beauty that attracts a whole prince."

"In your shallow minds," both Uju and Ulumma turned back to see the mischievous Mgborie staggering with laughter, following her behind was Akwanwa, she covered her mouth to conceal her laughter, so that she won't get herself involved with anything with Uju. She thought it wise not to start any unnecessary rivalry with Uju, but Mgborie was funny though, so she couldn't hide her laughter.

"And who talked to you", Ulumma countered.

"Hmmm, but you shouldn't have insulted my sister to compare with your destitute of a sister" Mgborie said aloud, "coming to talk of the prince, all i can say is have a nice prince, and how will he marry a witch."
Ulumma rose violently to give her a slap but Uju witheld her from the action. Mgborie shifted backwards, just to avoid her touch, she hadn't fully recovered from yesterday's fight.

"Please, Ulu leave her to say anything, its me she's talking to." Uju calmed her.
Akwanwa felt guilt in her heart after Uju said that, she wasn't accustomed to initiating quarrels with someone who's does not have any score with her.

"Mgborie, please lets go", was all she could say.

"What's happening here?" Nweke who looked tattered came into the scene, seems he just return from hunting, he was with a grasscutter in his bag.

"Thank God you came, please tell this things to take their stinking body out of our kitchen, so that they won't contaminate our food." Mgborie said knowing that Ulumma wouldn't do anything because of Nweke's presence.
"Mgborie!" Akwanwa screamed at her. She was taking it too far. Uju was now dripping tears gently, making feeling more pity for her.
Oby now woke up to see everywhere almost filled with these same people that tortured them yesternight, she wondered what in the world was her sisters doing that they came in the midst of this ruthless ones.

"Keep on crying, witch" Mgborie said as she left for the kitchen.
Uju filled her palms with sand and looked up and cursed,
"I stand under this sky and swear under the watch of Amadioha, that if i and my sisters be witches let Amadioha strike us dead instantly, but if we're not, if we're not, and i repeat, if we're not the three of you that stand here and watch me, shall encounter the worst experience in your life in the same day, and this family shall never know peace. SO BE IT!" she said and threw the sand back to the soil.

"Uju watch your back!" Oby screamed from behind as Uju and Ulumma took to their heels. The king's guards had come for them to recapture them, Uju and Ulumma toured the bush like experts, cutting through every nooks and crannies, not minding getting hurt, Oby system was weak, that she couldn't run fast, that was why she was caught.
Uju and Ulumma ran with all their might and luckily they weren't apprehended.
They looked about and didn't see Oby.

"Oh, Oby is not with us." Uju exclaimed bitterly.

They looked dejected and hopelessly wondered to the nearest neighborhood.
The kings guards attempt to recapture Uju and her sisters weren't fully accomplished, they toured the bush in search of the escapees but all attempts yielded a futile attempt, Uju and Ulumma had used this bush like they had lived in it for several years.
The guards turned back in dejection to go back. They must have been feeling like they were so dumb to be outrunned by two "little girls".
So they went back with Oby in their hands, Oby started making futile attempts to break away from their holds, one of them gave her a slap on her face and she fainted.

Igwe was more disappointed when he knew that Uju and Ulumma were not apprehended, he kept wondering how 4 able-bodied men could not get hold of two "little brats."
Shows who they are.
Igwe was with ichie Memkpa, while he looked angered with a mixed feeling he grabbed his offor, which was the symbol of authority, and also which is used as a sign of sealing words as final order.
He looked at it and spoke,
"with this offor, as a symbol of authority and order, i hereby declare the two girls as outcasts."
There was a look of surprise on Memkpa's face, he'd not anticipated this, e'en though he had supported their lynching earlier before.

"Get the towncrier to announce this immediately." he ordered the guards.

Ifenna frowned at his father's declaration, and asked him to reverse his decision, but the king had said his order was his order.

"Father, you know what you've just done," Ifenna said bitterly, "you just jungled justice, now you've just paved way for nefarious activities."
Igwe Kalu ignored his son's speech and didn't even give him a face. Ifenna continued, "i'll leave you and your kingdom alone, let me go and stay as a guest in Amihie, that is even a better than staying in a doomed surrounding." Ifenna spat. His father didn't make any move to stop him, his mother would have but she wasn't around as she met with the umuada, a women socio-cultural organisation.
Ifenna took his belongings with him, ready to leave at any moment.
He left the palace but first he was going to visit Uju and bid her farewell. He headed first to Ararume's house but was stunned by what came to his sight. It was the beautiful Akwanwa dressed like a princess and adorned by her mother with expensive beads, waist beads and an expensive wrapper. She was going to a festival in Uzuogele where they were going to crown their king, she was also hired as one of the beautiful girls that'll dance for the new king.
Ifenna could not take his eyes away from her fair skin, and light slender hands and tall legs, she had some indigo on her. The person who put it on her must be an expert, it was her mother.
Akwanwa walked gracefully and majestically to him, and he surged.
"Now i have the prince in my home, i'm i not honoured," she bowed and asked him in. He had double mind of whether to ask her about Uju and leave immediately, or to spend more time with the sunshine beauty. Her voice also sounded melodious, but with slight difference from Uju's. She had a brilliant white teeth, and a lovely plait was done on her hair. Ifenna had definitely forgot his reason for coming as he talked and talked with her and founded unnecessary means to prolong it.
Nwabiala was very proud seeing her daughter talk with the prince, like they were friends. She observed intently the movement of his eyes as it tours the rich body.

"I'll have to go, so that i don't get there late" Akwanwa excused.

"So soon?" he asked still wanting to talk more.

Nwabiala subtly called on Akwanwa as if she was calling from afar. Akwanwa took excuse and left.

"Akwanwa, my beautiful daughter." Nwabiala hailed and she blushed, "how important is this festival than having a prince as your guest, not only as a guest but an admirer."

"Ewuuu, mama. Who told you he's admiring me?"

"If you tell me that you're blind, i'll believe you, but telling me that i'm blind indirectly when i saw everything going on." she said and peeped to make sure no one was coming.

"So you've been eavesdropping, mama" she laughed.

"Yes, to give help were a mother's help is necessary."

"But you'll be quick to scold me if i eavesdrop on yours" Akwanwa joked.

"Funny enough, you didn't even offer your guest any kola."

"oh i forgot."

"Go to the kitchen and take the fond there and give to him."

Akwanwa took the food to him, and he couldn't resist especially coming from a beautiful one.
Akwanwa lied that the food was cooked by her, and he accepted in good faith.
Ahurone saw this new development and jealousy grew in her heart like fort, likewise her daughter, so the rivalry began. That old home of quarrels and backbiting returned after it had gone on holiday, now to replace that unity the had to displace Uju and her sisters.
Life as an osu (outcast) was not a pleasant one. Osus of then was just like HIV of today, you can't buy anything in the market, speak to anyone, be greeted by anyone or even marry or be married to anyone who's a member of that community. It would be better to leave that community and sojourn in a distant land.
Uju and Ulumma lived with Echezona, their mother's brother, together with his wife and children.
But even a friend can overstay his welcome in his bosom friend's house. This was the case with Uju and her hosts. Long before now, they usually visited once in a while but now they'd come to live, they lived peacefully for two months and the story had changed. Echezona's wife couldn't accomodate them any longer, she called on her husband one day and demanded that they be sent back to their place, but Echezona tried hard explaining things to his wife but she was adamant. She had accused Ulumma of being rude to her, and Uju for bringing in all sort of boys into their house, even when all are just a big lie.
The truth was that Echezona's wife had begun seeing Uju as a possible threat to her stay. Uju's hardwork and industriousness made her feel inferior that she began seeing her as a possible potential husband snatcher, she even ignored the fact Uju was her husband's niece. Uju was very beautiful, she made better food than Echezona's wife, that's why she'd began seeing some of the traits of that potential husband snatcher. Echezona's wife had enjoyed the privilege that only few women enjoyed as a lone wife. Echezona decided that he'd be contended with only wife, so she was trying hard to resist what will make him have a rethink.
All hell was let loose when she got to hear about Uju's osu status, she made it loud and took it even more personal.
She made life unlivable for Uju, she didn't allow her touch her properties, the cooking materials. This raised concerns in Echezona that she called her one day for a talk.

"What is my wife talking about?" he asked with concern.

"Its the truth." she said with shame.

"And you kept it away from me all these while? What's wrong with you?" he said angrily

"I couldn't summon the courage to say that to anyone."

"So what was your offence."


"Nothing?" he said perplexed.

"I swear by my mother's grave, i did nothing to merit it. Madueke and his families conspired to accuse me and my sisters of witchcraft, and then we were sent to prison. Not long before we encountered the prince in the prison, he freed us without his father's consent, and we came back to see Madueke and his family occupying my father's house, they destroyed whatever belonged to me and some of the clothes that my mother left behind." she began to drip tears and cry out loud. Echezona caressed her by hitting her back gently, while she continued her story, "when we wanted to spend the night, they beat us and threw us out at the middle of the night." she said sobbing heavily.

"And what again?" he asked keenly.
"Later in the morning, while we're in the kitchen, the kings guard came after us and we took to our heels, and Oby was caught." she said with deep regret.

"Oby was caught? And you told me she was fine earlier on?" he said more furiously.

"Please forgive me, i never wanted you to know that we're osus for fear of your stigmatization."

"Stigmatization?" he said with an expression of disgust and shock.
"See, your mother was my only sister, she took care of me since our parents died at my tender age and brought me up and took care of me until i was man enough to be on my own. I took an oath before your mother to take care of you before she died. Don't try again to hide such information from me again." he said and Uju nodded.

"Nna anyi, is there anything you can do to settle our scores with your wife, i don't like what she says about me."

"Yes, i have a plan." he said, "I have an aunty in Ozalla-Abo who happens to be an osu too, who was banned from this village for reasons unmentionable. She'll take care of you i'm sure of that, she wasn't married to anybody and now she's old and lonely, she'll be happy to have you. Just be good to her" he said.
Uju felt like a little hope had been restored to her once again but she thought about being single all the days of her life and living the same lonely life. She had no option but to accept her fate as it is.

One would have thought that Oby would live her life as a prisoner but opposite from that, she lived in the palace like a princess.
It all started with Oby's sickness, when she was apprehended. She took ill and she threw up on her arrival to the palace, and it was before the queen. Lolo took it upon herself to treat Oby, her like for the young adolescent grew immensely. She didn't had a girl child, she just had three sons, and two died during the pestilence.
After taking care of Oby's sickness, she pleaded with Igwe Kalu not to take the young girl back to the prison yard.
Oby found joy in her new found home, she'd never been pampered like this after her mother's death. She was begining to do away with the sad memories of her mother's death which she bore in her heart. She'd found a mother asides mother. Lolo had claimed that she looked exactly like the girl child she dreamt of giving birth to but age didn't favoured her. Oby was pretty dark skinned and slender, she face was graced with brilliantly dark eyelashes and eyebrow, she got pointed bosoms which was still developing for a developing teenager.
Lolo adorned her with beautiful royal attires and finely weaved beads that made her more beautiful.
Oby on her first week of stay in the palace, looked timid and puerile but got acquainted to her new found home.
Ifenna was the happiest to welcome the new damsel, he took her as a sister and always loved her to go out with him, even if his mother insists she stay back to keep her company. The once "quiet-as-a-grave" palace had now turned into a "noisy-as-a-playground" one. Sometimes their noise are loud that it reached the hearing of the ichies that were meeting on an important issue.

"Igwe, you have one son whom we know but who's the second that we don't know?" one of them asked.

"Its our new found daughter, she's so lovely" Kalu laughed.

"Do you mind if we see who this lovely daughter is." Memkpa demanded smiling with anticipation.

"OBY!" Kalu called and she answered from within and raced towards him and hugged him on his stool and he reciprocated, she also turned and prostrated before the ichies. And their eyes and mouth were all wide opened in amazement and perplexity.

"Ararume's daughter?" they said almost in chorus. It seems one of them had something to say that would not suit the hearing of the teenager, so Kalu signaled her to go back to her room.

"Is that not one of them?" Memkpa asked, "The witches!"

"Please please please!" Kalu interrupted him in disagreement.
"That's what i don't want to hear from you again, i've never seen a witch that is so tender."

"If i didn't believe this before, it's now i'll fully believe it now." one of them said.

"Gbam," Memkpa agreed, "who would believe that you once convicted this same girl and sentenced her and now she's your daughter. Something fishy is really going on here."

"Somebody lied to me and you know it, and let us end this discussion on witches now." Kalu said as he strikes his staff on the earth, meaning that it is sealed.
He dismissed the gathering and retired to his room.
From thence, it was all over the villages, that the king adopted a dead man's daughter.


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