"Why are you here", he asked even though he felt in his heart that he'd asked a silly question.
"Its my uncle that is accusing us of witchcraft", Ulumma answered boldly but
not looking his face.
Not this voice.
He wondered whether it was the youngest who was asleep that could own such melodious voice. The other one awake looked older than the one that just spoke and their possibility of her voice being older.
Uju kept watching as her sister conversed with the prince. She wondered how so kind and polite a prince could be.
Ifenna squat beside Uju and rubbed her smooth cheek with smiles, he untied the bound tied round their wrists and ankles, he felt her smooth and slender arms.

"You're not saying anything?" he asked Uju suspecting she could own the voice.

Uju was still mute, unsure of what to say to him.

"You're the daughter of who?" he asked.

"Ichie Ararume," she said with diffident smile.
He dilated his eyes in amazement, he had seen the owner of that captivating voice, he tried to prolong their conversation to hear more of her enchanting voice.

"Wait. Did you said 'ichie' just now," he said as he drew closer to sit on the bare floor beside Uju. She was suprised to see a prince sitting on the floor for the first time in her life. She was begining to fidget inadvertently as if a god had come to have breakfast with her.

"Yes, I did." she muttered coldly.

"Where is he that he would allow you to suffer like this?"

"Oh sorry i did skipped a title from his name."

"And what title is that?"

"Late," she said bitterly in tears.

"No don't." he said as he crossed his hand round her and caressed her like a mother to a crying baby, "You don't have to but your mother is suppose to be here for you in stead of your father."

Uju broke into tears that she couldn't speak any longer.

"She too is dead." Ulumma answered him on her behalf. All her mind was to draw sympathy from him, maybe through him, the king could change his mind and reverse their punishment.

"I show my sincere sympathy for everything that has happened." he said.
The way he spoke was strongly reminiscent of one of her brothers whom she lost to the pestilence.
Ulumma was angry that Uju wasn't mentioning anything pertaining to their freedom. She had sensed some kind of move made by him which was quite deeper than that of sympathy. She never wanted to guess it wrong, so she cut in.

"If you really feel our pains, then do something to get us out of here," Ulumma finally broke the silence.

"Ulumma!" Uju exclaimed amidst tears.

"What is it" Ulumma said stubbornly.

"Its alright, my dear." he intervened, "i know what to do. But you have to do what i'll ask you to do codedly."
Their eyes were wide open, eager to know what the task may be. Ifenna walked through the back door and walked majestically to the guards, as if he was coming from the palace.

"Hey," he commanded one of them, "go to Ichie Memkpa's house and tell him i'll be visiting today". He was never going to visit the place but just to make sure he kept him off guard.
"You," he said to the one remaining on guard, "go to one of the maidens in the farm and tell them to bring back a bigger quantity of firewood incase it rains tomorrow."
His message was pointless but he had a reason which is to keep all of them off guard. The guard felt like the prince was ignorant of the prisoners.

"Please i'll go after my colleague is back, i'm the only one on guard", he said.

"Are you flouting my order?" he said angrily.

"No my prince, but you know it's not right to leave here unguarded".

"Go, i'll take care of it." the guard was still reluctant.

"GO!" he shouted at the top of his voice and the guard zoomed off.
He went back into the prison house and signalled the girls to come out, they were shaky but he drew them out and said to them,
"Go in peace and be fast, and also remember to avoid passing through Ichie Memkpa's place, do you get me?"
They nodded.
"And also remember not to leave Umudioga without my notice, do you get me?"
They nodded again.
"Now go fast and don't look back."
They walked fast out of his presence.
Ichie Ararume's compound had took a new look, Uju had expected the entire compound to be barricaded by grown up weeds, but it was very tidy and serene, which kept her wondering who could be the occupants of the house. Standing at a distance won't give answer to the numerous questions going through her mind but she had to move into the house to see for herself. She was with Ulumma and Oby whom also were not devoid of the same state of perplexity. Ulumma beckoned on Uju to lead the way into the hut to see what the change of environment could be all about.
They were shocked to their feet to see Onyema, Madueke's third son lying peacefully on the bamboo bed, he has gone so deep in sleep that he didn't shake amidst the whispers that Uju and Ulumma exchanged. This was one of the problem his father had with him right from childhood, he had warn him severally that a man doesn't sleep like a baby. In some cases, he used his brothers to make example but could he be blamed? Afterall there is a popular saying that, "two are born of the same mother but not created by one god."
Uju was surprised that he didn't wake amidst all the noise but her surprises grew when she didn't sensed any of their belongings around. She almost screamed but she thought it sane to wake the lad who was far gone into dreamland to ask some questions. Ulumma suggested a hard knock and probably a jar of water to bring him back to the real world but Uju ruled out such demand as it would not only cause a fight but to give Madueke another reason to forward another allegation to the king, and maybe send them back to that dungeon with a fiercer sentence. They were startled by a scream of "Amadioha" which was made by Mgborie who was troublesome as Ulumma, she was the daughter of Ahurone, Madueke's second wife. Uju couldn't help Ulumma and Mgborie exchange of abuse, indeed they fit each other, they were mate born with two weeks difference to Mgborie's favour.
This time around the sleeping lad was awoken by what had already grown into a physical clash while Uju tried her best to calm it down but fell helpless as Ulumma clenched her opponent's fists and and brushed her heel to her dramatic fall, but she regained her step and rose to her feet and dashed a blow to her graceful chin. That was hurting but she wouldn't let that subside, she wrapped her fingers tightly to let out a reprisal blow which hit Onyema who came in between them. He had been tactically enjoying the combat. He cared less about what he saw as a clash between the daughter of his mother's rival and that of his father's rival. What would he gain from seperating enemies at war. He was just moved to seperate duel because of Uju's barked at his nonchalance, which he reluctantly yielded to before he had encountered a strike from an infuriated tigress that hit him in his cheek just below his left eye. He would have avoided this ugly phase of the incident if he had made move to stop the fight when it hadn't escalated. He was capable of it having the advantage of being a man and also much older than the two. His newly acquired injury was so painful that his two eyes was shut and could not see the scene again.
Ulumma was now begining to have an iota of regret having hitten the wrong target, she bent towards him in remorse.
Mgborie could not help but take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to give her opponent the final beating.
She speeded towards her opponent, Uju saw it coming and crossed her leg against her as she fell on Ulumma instead of her initial plan, Uju never wanted to but hoped whatever may be the result of her action, would be understood to whom it may concern. Yes, she was going to save her sister from her opponent's subtle approach.
Ulumma turned with graceful pace to grab her opponent's fist with one hand and lift her from her groin and brushing her feet at close interval. Mgborie crashed on the floor rolling towards the doorstep, also hitting her face on the hard surface of the floor.
Ahuron, Mgborie's mother came in sight shortly, she seemed to have seen the ugly fall of her daughter.
She couldn't believe what her eyes had seen from the expression of her mouth opened wide. She pounced on Ulumma at the moment, this time together with Uju who was trying hard to regain strenght from the little injury.

"Witches o, you want to kill my own daughter, it will not work o." she raved.

Oby, without being told knew that this could result to something more serious, she was a kind of girl that avoided troubles. She was conscious of her skin that she couldn't stand the sight of bruise on her body. She had shifted backwards to view the duel at a distance, knowing fully well that her little strenght will do nothing to stop them, she was watching intently at her sister backing her to win the fight.
Her next line of action was to call a mediator to restore peace, she had one in mind.
The Prince.


There was little misunderstanding between Ifenna and his parents not long after the drama at the prison house.
Ifenna had tried all he could to convince his father to despise Madueke's allegation, that it was just an embellished tale.

"Then who made Madueke blind? You?" his mother spat angrily.

"Madueke is very evil and no surprise, he might have gone an extra mile for his selfish interest" he said insouciantly.

"Watch your tongue, son," Igwe Kalu cut biliously.

"Father, why not check these girls out, they're harmless, they can't hurt a fly."

"You now sound like you've been having an affair with one of them," his mother said suspiciously.

"Mother" he exclaimed angrily.

"Yes, you've been going their for quite some days, only the gods know how she charmed you and made you lose you senses."

"Thanks to your attitude this evening when i told you i wanted to go to Amihie, i would have been in this palace not knowing that goddesses would have been mistakened for witches."

"Goddesses!" she shrugged giving the "i told you" gesture to her husband.
Igwe Kalu chuckled making Ifenna wonder what amused him.

"You said you wanted to go to Amihie, right?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes", Ifenna answered.

"You'll go and i'll give you some message for your grandfather."

"Are you now sending me to Amihie now, so that you can mistreat the girls."

"Why, when you already told us indirectly that you've been making passes at her" he joked.

"Stop that, i don't like it."
"Admit it."

His mother grimaced in revulsion, it seemed she took offence in the joke her husband made but she didn't show it, but she did that indirectly and beckoned on her husband and son to go to bed.
They all went to bed, but Ifenna was still awake thinking of what might probably happen to those girls when he goes to Amihie, he didn't trust the look on his father's face even when he laughed.
He sneaked out of his bed to one of the room to one of the slave girls and sent her on an errand to Uju.

"Tell her to leave this village, first thing tomorrow morning, did you get me?" he instructed.
She nodded but didn't convey the message for fear of his mother getting to know about it.
After that day in Ichie Ararume's that saw a fight between Ulu and Mgborie, Uju and her sisters had gotten the harder treatment. Madueke had returned in the company of Nwabiala and Mbiaka, Nweke had also returned and like every one of them, he didn't take it lightly. Okala was the only one that took sides with Uju, while Nwabiala remained neutral, and didn't show much concern.
Uju couldn't speak because of her sobs, it was now coming in a quick progression, Oby couldn't hold herself either. Ulumma was now in the position to speak on their behalf but she made things worst with her arrogant approach directed at Madueke,

"I know that you've been trying to eliminate us," she began, "ever since our father died, you've made a futile attempt, thanks to the gods. But i'm surprised that you still can't admit the fact that you were not made to be rich like your hardworking brother, simply because you were too lazy to work." Uju opened her eyes wide in surprise. Where had Ulumma gotten this boldness from? She hadn't anticipated this, she never asked her to speak. Uju felt a mixed feeling of bitterness and embarrassment, she touched Ulumma to give her a pause gesture, as it wasn't meaningful to approach an elderly man with such words, even if he was on the wrong side, afterall, it is said in an adage that you can't chase the dog in a fight using even the foulest smelling excrement, Ulumma ignored all Uju's gesture, and continued, "your younger brother was working hard to acquire wealth when you were filling the whole village with your offsprings and .................."
A resounding slap landed on her right chin from the left handed Nweke, it really sounded like a thunder that Ulumma didn't open her eyes for some moments. It was here that Uju found her tongue, trying her best to hold back her fast dripping tears,

"Nnam ukwu, what have we done to deserve this callous treatment from you, that you're looking for a way to kill all of us in a day because of your selfish interest," Uju was so bitter that she didn't know when she let out those words. The left handed Nweke once again graced her smooth face with a resounding slap, Ulumma got angry and pounced on Nweke from behind. What was she thinking? Nweke was Madueke's eldest son, and might have seen over ten new moons before Ulumma.
Nweke bent with ease and turned to get hold of her, with ease also, he lifted her and held her up for minutes.

"When next you address my father, accord him some respect as a father of four healty sons not a father of sickling daughters," Ugorji spoke for the first time. Ugorji was the only son Ahurone bore to Madueke, about the same age as Agunna, just trailing him by the difference of one izu. Ugorji was a well built handsome young man, and had special bodily features that made gossip mongers wonder whether Madueke was his real father.
Generally, in Madueke's family, he was second to only Akwanwa in terms of beauty/handsomeness, not that others were bad. There were also traces of natural beauty in Mgborie, but her doggedness made her look like a tom-boy.
To the real issue now, Nweke's hands were begining to ache, he decided to drop Ulumma roughly on the floor. She collided with the foot of the chair made of mahogany, situated in the vast parlour of Ararume. She hurt her arms, but not with a serious injury, she laid unconsciously on the floor. Uju amidst been pushed to the floor by the force of that followed the effect of Nweke's left hand thunderous slap, still reached out to her sister to console her. Uju held her head tightly as if it was aching, Nweke looked at her as if he was feeling sorry for his action. Oby as usual stood as far as close to the exit door, ready to take off when there would be any advancement towards her, she looked at Uju and Ulumma with sympathy.
It had almost reached the middle of the night, the ikwikwi were making kwikwikwi sound, singing to the tune of music known to them only.
Ulumma reawoke to consciousness, and was surprised to see Uju and Oby besides her who were now asleep, she wondered how the fight had ended. Many questions went through her mind like "what i'm i doing here on the floor?"
She stood to her feet and went to check where she could see a room where she could stay with her sisters. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"So this big-eyed man have left his little house with his family to come and stretch their body here, eh?" she murmured to herself.

"Ulumma, you're up?" Uju said in a voice that almost startled Ulumma.

"Yes, adannem, but this people are really annoying"

"Ulu, please. The one they've done to you already is too much, please allow them to enjoy their sleep, please come to bed."

Ulumma looked at her sister with contempt, as she points to the bare floor as bed. How could she be this naive? She had repugnance for her sister's soft behaviour that she couldn't conceal her facial expression.

"Ulu, why are you looking at me like that?" Uju asked dazed, but Ulumma ignored her and turned her eyes away from her sister.

"I'm talking to you," Uju was careful in maintaining a hush tone in other not to wake those who are sleeping.

"I hate your attitude," Ulumma muttered as she role her eyes away from Uju who was trying to come in her sight.

"Ulu, please look at me." Uju pleaded.

"Say on," Ulumma said still not looking at her side.

"Ulu nwa, i know you must be very angry with me, just as it pains you, it also pains me to see ourselves in this kind of situation. I miss my brother but its painful that his whereabout is not known till today. I'll urge you to keep calm and be patient with life, we'll never remain in this condition. One day we'll all go to our husband's house and at least have were we can lay our head. It will be alright very soon." Uju spake still maintaining her hush tone.
Ulumma looked at Uju without saying anything, and then turned her face away again.

"Ulu nwa, talk to me, please." Uju teased her and tickle her side that she involuntarily laughed out loud, which awoke those who were asleep.

"Who for goodness sake would be disturbing our sleep at this time of the night?" Ahurone bursted out of her room, following her behind was Mgborie and then Ugorji, Nweke came out from his room to see what is happening and know what is going on at this ungodly hour. Uju held her mouth in remorse, Ulumma turned her gaze away from the disgustful sight of the Maduekes.
"Witches! Chatting and laughing and doing what is known to only them when humans are sleeping." Mgborie ran her mouth uncontrollably.

"Infact, they have to leave this house this night, before they harm us," Nweke commanded, they all supported.

"Throw who out?" Okala refuted coming out from the room, "please, please nobody is going anywhere, it is too late."

"What do you know we're talking about here?" Mgborie pointed with disdain to Okala.

Arguement arose amongst Mgborie and Okala and they were all up now including the blind Madueke.

"Dim oma, your words about this witches have been confirmed this night," Ahurone spoke panting heavily, "do you know they were laughing and discussing when we were sleeping."

"Then, there's no need housing death, let them be thrown outside."

"Gbam", they (except Okala) said almost in unison. Okala was surprised to see his mother of all people, also agreeing to this. His mother scolded him severely for taking sides with Uju and her sisters. It was now obvious that his objection was pointless and futile. He gave up.
Uju and her sisters were thrown out that night and they spent the rest of their night out in the dark.


Nnam ukwu - Used to address an elderly man, literally meaning, "my great father."

have seen over ten new moons before Ulumma - is ten years older than Ulumma

izu - week

ikwikwi - owl

Gbam - a remark of endorsement.


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