Uju was taken aback by his statement.
"You devil", she bursted out furiously.

"Stop shouting", Agunna replied her also
shouting at her, "you're just attempting to wake the untroubled spirits."

"That's it, you chose to visit your trap and ignore mama."

"I didn't"

"Yes you did"

It was at this point that Echezona intervened.

"It is okay, "he tried to find a voice amongst the exchange of words.

"I hope mama's spirit never forgives you for this, "she said bitterly, you're just as good as any murderer."

Agunna was angered by this last statement, and he left the house, they had expected him to be back sooner but the opposite was the case to their expectations, Agunna didn't come back. Uju was even more afraid, she reached for her lantern and set for the exit door which Agunna has gone through, she couldn't shout his name because it was very late in the night.

"Which sane person that will go out as late as that night?" Uju thought. "I hope nothing bad has happened to him".

Uju didn't gain much courage to go further searching for him, so she receded from her search for her brother.

"I couldn't find him", Uju muttered grievously.

"What!" Echezona exclaimed, "once it's dawn, you have to raise alarm to the villagers.

Uju was highly depressed, she has lost her mother and was likely to also lose her only brother. What will be of her and her sisters, their father's big-eyed brother will surely displace them from their father's house and they'll be like wanderers.
Uju came back to her real sense and hated herself for bearing such thought while Agunna hasn't been confirmed dead. Uju was waiting keenly for the day to break, even when Echezona and his wife was there for them, she was not able to sleep.

It was morning of the second afor of Ife Eke month, Uju has raised alarm to alert the villagers on her missing brother.

"Uju, what has happened", said ugly looking Madueke, Uju's late father's brother, running to Ichie Araraume's compound.

"Nna anyi, its my brother", Uju cried, "he's missing.

"I'm really sorry o",

Uju could feel the sarcasm in his tone, she knew how happy he would feel because he had had several disputes with her mother over land belonging to her father, and now the only 'threat' to achieve his aim is now missing.

"Don't worry to make more alarm, I'll go and look for him alone", he said. "I promise you he'll be back to you today",

Uju didn't trust his word. She felt deep in her heart that even if he finds him that he must surely do one or two things to harm the young lad's life. She tried to raise more alarm to draw more attention to the scene.

"No, don't", he said trying to restrain her from raising further alarm, "or are you trying to underrate my potentials", he was looking angry.

"No nna anyi", said Uju as she reluctantly succumbed to his restraints.

Mazi Echezona was now back to the house of the missing. Uju seeing him thank chi in her heart.

"Welcome, man", greeted Madueke, "you weren't invited, where you?"
Eche was angered by this statement but he tried hard to restrain his outburst of anger. Madueke could see the anger written all over his face, he also made more effort to incite his provocation.

"Why do you stare intently at me", he said looking straight into his eye, "are you going to beat me up?"

Uju was watching the two men scared. If this should get to a fight, it wouldn't be easy for her to seperate them. She feared most for what would happen to Echezona if it would result to the aforementioned. If Madueke were to be the underdog here, she wouldn't bother herself. She would love that ugly looking thing to be given the beating of his life.

"Please stop, i'm going to raise alarm o", she warned.

Just then, they saw three men, Nwakamma, Eriobu and Ochiora, who were friends to the late Ichie coming.

"You're welcome, young men", Madueke forced a smile.

The way in which Madueke addressed everyone as 'young man', disgusts Eche very much.
He almost wanted to condemn Madueke use of words, of refering to three titled men as 'young men'. He finally found a voice,

"Please Ichies I'm really sorry if you're offended by his words", Eche apologised on his behalf.

The ichies shrugged their shoulders to show that they care less of whatever that happens.

"We came to show our sincere condolence to the family of the deceased", Eriobu said on behalf of others.

"We appreciate your condolence, ichie", said Eche, "but we have a serious issue here now."

The ichies paid rapt attention to catch every glimpse of Eche's speech. Eche continued,

"we were still mourning our dead, when just late last night, Agunna the son of Ichie Ararume left the house to a destination unknown till now."

"Are you kidding us?" asked Eriobu facing other ichies.

"Seriously, he left out of anger"

"And you're sure he is okay?" asked Nwakamma.

"Well, he never had any signs of mental problem, unless his sisters has anything new to tell us."

Uju shook her head as a sign of saying nothing.

"Then we have to be fast to be rescue him from been hurt", Eche put in.

"Then we must alert the town-crier to give the news", said Ochiora.

"Won't that waste much of our time"

"Are we going to search for him all alone?" "you know of course that we will need the help of the youths to do this."

Eche nods in acquiescence.
The three ichies rose to their feet to leave to get prepared for the search. Uju was now having a feeling of loneliness despite her uncles' and sisters' presence. She swallowed hard and prayed in her mind that nothing bad happens to her brother.
It was a cold night in the heart of the Ezumezu evil forest, where terror was the king of the heart of every mortal who hath come to sojourn in its enclaves. What happened there as a normal day life where unimaginable in human world.
Unlike the world of human, spirits of all age where found, everything done there were preposterous. Noise could be heard as in the mortals world but going to the scene, you could see creatures floating on air like a foam on a river tide. Mortals could rarely or not survive here.

Agunna was stuttering on his feet, moving aimlessly to an unknown direction with something he had in his hand.
Suddenly a creature came in sight, having the head of lizard and hand of a bear, with the leg of what could be that of a wild cat. Agunna hid in the nearest cave and watched intently at it. Agunna was amazed at voice of the creature, it sounded like a wild storm that troubles the sea, after some minutes Agunna could see many other creatures of its like emerging from one hollow surface.
Agunna never knew he was taking refuge in the hollow of the horrific apparitions, he was as startled when he saw a scrawny creature emerging from one of the hollow cave closest to him, he was surprised that the creature didn't seem to see anything around it. The creature whom he had seen first begin speaking in a language which he couldn't decipher. But he could catch a glimpse of the word, "Anui manu shigi hi".

"What sort of language could this be?" he thought.

It was now clear to him that spirits of different origins dwelled there.
The other creatures spoke in a weird language different from each other but they could understand themselves. They were communicating easily.
"Yes", he thought happily in his heart almost shouting it with his physical voice. He had gotten the meaning of what the first creature had said to him. It was his language spoken in unconventional way.

"He probably could have been saying that he could perceive the odour of human flesh", he thought.
He quickly changed his position where he had continued his spy on them.
To his greatest astonishment he saw a very beautiful damsel, fair in appearance, her breasttts was cone shaped, her skin radiated like a polished mirror.

"What an embodiment of elegance", he thought.

He could see himself lusting after the young damsel. The damsel was growing in humanly approach.

"Who will help me", she cried while on the floor nursing the injury she has gotten.

Agunna could see the blood, it looked real, it was flowing. He had sympathy for the young damsel, and saw it safe for him to give her a helping hand.
He couldn't stand the sight of so beautiful a young damsel bleeding seriously. So he rushed to her rescue and bent down to treat the wound.

"It will be alright", he said as he examined the cuts.

He was almost carried into emotional trance feeling the surface of her skin. She wiggled her slender hips seductively when he reached out for her sides, Agunna was now lost in deep lust, he had almost forgotten about the injury he was to treat, and the strange damsel wasn't even crying as she had been doing when she attracted Agunna's attention.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" she pretend asking.

"Emmm sorry......I was, i was, "he stammered."

She saw that he was absent minded and gave him a pat on his shoulder. Agunna began to feel uncomfortable with her approach, she claimed she was badly injured but here was she making some nasty advances towards him. Was this a real human? How could a little damsel send such a seductive signal? Maybe he should ask her a question in a rude manner.

"Hey, young lady," he was mean in his speech, "who are you, i mean who is your father?"

"I'm Apunanwu the daughter of ichie Ugoji"

"From which kingdom," he asked suspiciously

The damsel saw the suspicious look in his face, but she didn't knew at the moment the answer to give to him, she thought of a better answer to forge for him and she finally finds her voice.

"You ask me too much question, and it's very dangerous to give a stranger the name of where I come from."

"If I must take you seriously then you have no option than to answer my question."

"I don't know you, and I can't tell you all about me," she spoke softly.

"If you don't, you wouldn't have told me in the first place, your father's name."

She saw her mistakes and succumb to his pressure.

"From Umudioga", that was the lie she could phantom, little did she know that she had made the biggest blunder.

"There's nobody bearing such name amongst the ichies."

"What do you know, are you an ichie?" she was gradually losing her temper.

"I can see you're sent but your mission just failed on your arrival"

"Hahahahaha," she laughed hysterically. "You're the person who failed, i was been a little patient before I destroy you " she suddenly changed into a strange creature consisting of half human and half cat and attacked him.
Agunna jostled with her until he bled profusely, his adversary has being so hard on him. He wasn't a wrestler but wrestle isn't for the playground alone. A man was at least expected to be able to defend himself to start with, be he troublesome or not. It took him courage not to give up even when he recieved a mutilating punch from his adversary.
He brought out what he held in his hand and thrust it in her side and she fell on his feet.
'Just like that?' he thought.
Despite he had spent several hours in combat with the bellicose damsel, he felt it was a facile victory. He hadn't expect such small object which looked like a child's play toy to bring down a belligerent damsel which he had spent hours in combat with.
Damsel? Or beast. Beast will be the right description for such a creature.
Though Agunna had never fought with a lady, he felt as if he wrestled with seven men or even wolves. His back ached profusely and he still bore sores in his well built body.

He moved to a shady nook in the forest and squatted there to nurse his wounds, while he was almost sitted he moved his neck to his left and to his right in order to massage his aching neck, looking at his left, he saw the other wild creatures advancing towards him in rage. He was suddenly overwhelmed by a supernatural force, where he soon found himself in an isolated area. A voice roared at him,

"What have you just done?"

"I'm sorry, great one", he said with great awe. "I thought it was my duty to help the young damsel."

"And what again?"
"I.......I", he was stammering.

"Speak up!", the voice roared in a very fearful manner.

"I lusted after the damsel", he forced the word outta his mouth.

After he had explained his encounter with the damsel, he had expected something a harsh reply but there was a moment of silence until the hoarse voice broke the silence.

"Look beside the maple tree by your right and drink the liquid."

"Now listen to me", the voice begin narrating, "this is not the bush where you hunt meat or pluck fruit from. This is an evil forest where nothing is real at all, don't talk to anybody, don't collect anything from anybody. Keep on moving till you get to your destination. You still have a long way to go."

"Please, great one," Agunna cut in, "what use is all these I'm holding?"

"What you're holding is a the akupe onoja, it's responsible for you still being alive in the evil forest, the last person who used it was Igwe Okala the great of Aro, and during his time, the kingdom was very powerful and full of boom, but he misplaced it and died two years later after he couldn't find it. That was 200 years ago. The gods might have a plan for you."

"Of what use then will all these be afterwards?"

"Like I said before, the gods know better."

"Wait a minute, you mean you are not Amadioha most supreme?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just a messenger", as he said this he appeared in his real form. He was a middle aged man with unkempt hair and beard.

Agunna was disappointed with what was before his right, he stood up in anger, with a suspicion written all over his face.

"And you had me worship your tricks", he said angrily. "And now how convinced should I be that you are not one of those deceptive spirits?"

"Young man, don't be mischievous, you've got every reason to believe my message and mind you, don't defy the works of the gods in order not to bring their wrath upon your soul."
Agunna held himself from arguing further. He now did whatever he was commanded. He went beside the maple tree and drank the concoction. He was now prepared to continue on the journey. He set out for the journey and never allowed himself to be distracted by anything.
Ochibiaram had just being buried, Uju and her sisters were in their incessant mourning mood, Agunna's whereabout still unknown. They had searched for him everywhere, in the villages, forests, in order neighbouring but all to no avail.
Sympathizers came frequently to express their heartfelt condolence to the orphans, food items were donated for their upkeep.
Uju's eye had swollen from her tear duct up to the skin of her eye brow, all because of her constant weeping, her body was becoming thinner as if she was ill treated.

She still look pretty even with her facial expression of gloom. Her sisters didn't cry as much as she had, which had made her credit scolding from some of the sympathizers.

"Uju, aren't you ashame that you're crying while your younger ones are watching", they teased.

Meanwhile, Madueke has been making further plan to take over what belongs to his brother, not minding whoever it may hurt.
Madueke had eight children whom he had had from three different women, he lived an uncultured life. Feeling of his presence was revulsive to many, he had bad manners of approach, and that is one of the reasons he had never been awarded a title which he long yearned for.
His late brother unlike him, was a kind hearted, humble and courageous man, he made apologies on behalf of his brother when he offends as somebody as usual. Madueke will never in his life say sorry to anyone, you can go to hell if you wish, he may say in his mind.
The death of Ichie Ararume came as a great shocker to the hearing of the villagers, people believed that the death wasn't natural but hadn't back up their claims. The late Ararume was coming from a town hall meeting and on his way back home when he started vomiting strange objects, he managed to get home, putting hands in his chest, he threw up more and then he gave up. His death was indeed painful to the entire village, he was given a befitting burial where many weep in sorrow.
But since Ararume's death, Madueke has been in strong contention with Ochibiaram over the ownership of Ararume's property but she had had the courage to defend her right over husband's property.
Madueke has in different occasion used his wives as a weapon in an attempt to smear her.

Nwabiala, his first wife dissociated herself from such plot which she termed as 'inhuman practice' and that made her won hate from her husband and her rivals, her husband had in some occasion threatened to throw her out and send her to her father's house but Nwabiala was a very important woman to him as she was more cultured and mannered than Ahurone and Mbiaka, his second and third wives respectively, and was the mother to three of his eldest son. Little wonder why he could just end all his rantings with empty threats but not act against her.
She had warned her sons against malevolence to their fellow human, but only Okala her second son that has adhered strictly to this warnings. Madueke on the other hand had also threatened to disinherit him, but he didn't care.
He had hated his father's attitude towards people and that had brought bad names to him. He had wish on some occasions that he had a better father, and had prayed to be reincarnated into a godly family headed by a responsible father like the late Ichie Ararume.
On the other hand, Nwona and Ihuchi, his brothers, followed the footsteps of their father.
Their father has promised them all Ararume's property which had build the zeal in them to oppress according to their father's directives.

"Who's there", Uju said as she walked to the door.

"Open this door and don't get me angry", said Madueke from outside.

"I'm sorry, Nna anyi." Uju pleaded. "I just wanted to be sure who I opened the door for."

"I didn't come here for any sympathy talks, I've come here give my last warning to you concerning that land you and your useless mother used for farming. Your mother is dead, and it will be advisable for you to choose whether to join her or stay away from that land."

Uju was dazed by such statement, but could do nothing but to let out a drop of tears. It looked so easy for her to start shedding tears, but the villain cared not.

"You can fill your dry wells with your tears, I don't care" Madueke continued, "your tears is never my problem, just leave what belongs to me and I'll leave you alone. I've done so much for you by not rendering you homeless, because that's what you deserve."

"Why are you so heartless, nnayi", Uju found her voice. "Why do you want to strip us of all our father left for us, haven't you had enough?"

"That word 'my father' right from the day the bïtch that made you together with my brother died. And now they've parted even right from when death took my dear brother."

"You called my mother a bïtch?" Uju wept aloud to the awakening of her sisters.

"I can repeat it if you wish, i said your mother is a 'bïtch'

"Wait, you just insulted my mother, Ulumma rosed up in anger, but Uju held her back.

"Oooooh, Uju leave me alone, she pulled from her hold aggressively.

"Will you beat me up? Madueke grimaced, "I've told you to stay away from that land if you love your life."

"Are you threatening us?" Uju said

"It's not a threat, it's a promise."

"Madueke, you're evil, you're a devil," the anger in Uju's voice made her to call him for the first time by his name.
He gave her a resounding slap that woke Oby from her bed.

"I hope that will be a reminder to you," he spat angrily, "your father didn't have the guts to talk to me like that when he was alive not to talk of a spoilt brat like you."

"The truth is that you've done nothing to deserve respect from me," Uju said bitterly, "if you were right thinking, you won't be like the proverbial hunter who has elephant on his shoulders, a big deer and many other species of animal he caught from hunting but still yearns to collect a little cricket which a poor farmer caught in his farm, stop being greedy because after all your possessions on this earth you'll still go to the creator, and even all the land you've being dragging, you'll get only 6 feet of it."

This word triggered his rage into action, and he stretched out his palms and reached out for her throat, Uju wriggled in discomfort, Ulumma couldn't keep watching her sister being strangled to death, so reached out for the giant pestle in defence of her helpless sister.

"My eyes!" Madueke screamed while Ulumma's hands were held up in the air still yet to hit but bewildered by what happened.
Has Uju done anything to him to defend herself, she thought, but Uju on her own was short of breath, she was still trying to get herself from the breathless moments she had just experienced.

"Cobra! Cobra!!", Oby screamed pointing towards the window frame.

"Cobra?", Ulumma asked perplexed.

"Hei, I saw the cobra pass here!", Oby said still pointing towards the same direction.

"My eyes!" shouted Madueke angrily, "can't you brats do something about this, I know you all want me dead but I swear by my father's grave that you'll never get away with this."

TBC AT 12Noon

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