[A Must Read] How I Masturbated 4 Times Daily For 7 Years & How I Got Delivered | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

[A Must Read] How I Masturbated 4 Times Daily For 7 Years & How I Got Delivered

I’m writing this to share my experience
with masturbation addiction, because

this has become a problem for many
teenagers and adults, both male and
female. I almost ruined my life with
incessant masturbation, i do it 2-4 times
daily, i derived pleasure in engaging in it
not knowing I was making my life
I started masturbating at the Age of 16
after watching a pornography and I
wanted to know if i’m matured enought
to Erupt. I masturbated for good 7 years,
I enjoyed doing it, it was quickie, I
masturbate to ease myself when i’m
restless, unhappy or tired. I was terribly
addicted to it, i do it in the bathroom, in
my room, or anytime i’m lonely. I enjoyed
it most especially when i’m watching
pornography, it was sweet, i didn’t have
a girlfriend, i was battling low self
esteem. It was crazy, it was fun,
especially when you’re about to Erupt but
immediately you Erupt, you become
remorsed for doing it. Masturbation
addiction made me loose so many things
in life, i was stagnant, disappointment,
delay to success, difficulties began to set
in, it almost ruined my s*x life.
It affected my health because i was
always weak, i was having heart burn,
burning discomfort in my abdomen
region, ache in my joystick region. It
affected me academically, financially,
morally and spiritually as a christian. I
needed to stop it cos I was already
seeing the repercussion, it was so hard
for me to stop it, I tried praying and
fasting but it didn’t work, I googled some
articles online on how to stop
masturbation, it worked, yes it worked
but I found myself doing it again after 2
months of abstinence. Well, according to
some medical doctors, it is very healthy
to masturbate, while according to some
pastors, it is a sin, while some pastors
say it is not a sin. Whichever way,
masturbation is addictive and most
people do abuse it. I abused it, it wasn’t
easy to stop but it deals with your
mindset. It can be good to masturbate
once or twice in a month but it can be
very dangerous if you masturbate
Once you start masturbating, it becomes
hard for you to stop, for me, i think those
who masturbate everytime are perverts.
Masturbation is still safer than s*x, but
it ruins you psychologically when you
become an addict. So many became an
addict like me, some are still an addict,
while some will be an addict. If you are
feeling guilty after masturbation, it
means you know it is bad. Masturbation
is good but when you become an addict,
then it is bad. I’m sure you want to stop
it but you just don’t know how to stop it,
i went through a lot when i needed to
stop it, it takes the grace of God to stop
chronic masturbation, if possible
deliverance. For me, i’ll rather advice you
to masturbate than to visit a prostitute,
but believe me abstinence is the best.
Masturbating everytime is evil..
I cried, I prayed and asked God for
forgiveness, promised never to do it
again, but I will come back and do it. I
became fustrated, I couldn’t speak to
anyone about it, whom do I talk to? that
i’m addicted to masturbation? God
forbid! I was only naive and foolish,
speaking to someone about it was the
best, not just anybody, speak to someone
who is sane and sage. I remember I told
someone about it and the silly advice the
person gave me was, ”masturbation
reduces the risk of prostrate cancer”, like
seriously? Is that what I need? Watch
who you talk to.
So many teenagers and youth
masturbates 2-3 times daily, which is
bad, you’re a pervert if you do this. It
would affect you negatively. How I got
delivered from masturbation wasn’t easy
at all, some of the 5 major steps i took.
1. I Talked To Someone/Counsellor: I was
having difficulties on how to stop this, i
decided to talk to someone/counsellor, to
seek an advice. They guided me, led me
in righteous path. You could go to rehab
center or groups, they are willing to help
you. I don’t know if speaking to a pastor
is adviceable cos sometimes, things like
this is not only about deliverance and
prayers or even fasting. You can pray,
fast about it but you should also consult
someone or people that are going to help
you fight it.
You can’t fight masturbation addiction
by yourself, talk to someone, don’t be
ashamed to talk to someone. Chronic
masturbation is still better than visiting
prostitutes regularly, so speak to
someone who you think that can help
2. I Got Myself Busy: Being idle is a
disease, when i didn’t have anything to
do, i tried to read some books, bible,
watch movies, visit a friend, i wasn’t
alone. Cos when you’re alone, that
thought comes straight into your mind.
I’ll advice you to just sleep. In my own
case, during this stage, i discovered my
writing talent, i also discovered
coolval22.com and I was inspired to start
a blog of mine, i started a Fiction & Non-
Fiction Stories blog. I got busy and
addicted to my blog and writing stories,
my blog now has over 3 million views out
of being idle and abstinence from
masturbation. Find something to do,
don’t be idle….
3. Deleted Pornography From My Phone
And My Life: This is important, to me i
still prefer you stay away from browsing
and camera phones, stick to non
browsing phones, phones that don’t have
video camera and start using Nokia
torchlight for some period. I was adviced
to stay away from browsing phones, i
had to use a non browing phone for a
long time. Although, its not easy to do
for some people to do away with
browsing and camera phones, but i’ll
advice you to delete every pornography
pictures and videos on your phone and
laptop, like i did.
4. Stopped Visiting Pornography Sites Or
Groups: There are so many p**n sites, i
ran away from them, i stopped visiting
them. I remember i used to bookmark
them, i had over 20 hottest and favourite
pornsites, i had to delete them. Also, i
know there are some p**n groups on
BBM, Whatsapp and other social media
platform, please stay away for a long
time. I stayed away from them and i
5. I Stayed Away From Sexchat or phone
intimacy: This is one of the most horrible
thing to do, s*x chatting, phone intimacy
is a gateway to masturbation, is it
possible to s*x chat and not
masturbate? Is it possible? No, it not
possible, the worst part is the s*x
chatting on Skype, or any video calling
media. Its dangerous, exchanging Unclad
pictures and all that, i just had to stop
all of it. You also have to stop it as well.
You just have to fight like I fought mine.
If you don’t have a girlfriend or s*x mate,
i’ll advice you to masturbate once or
twice in a month to ease yourself or
better still don’t masturbate at all if
you’re the pervert type.
This is my little story on masturbation
addiction, how I became a survivor, how I
fought it. I’m sure you can get some
helpful tips from my testimony.


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