Vacation in Obudu... Episode 31 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu... Episode 31

Entering the house, we discovered mum
and dad were still in their room. Time

was around 6:20am. Favour and I went
to our separate rooms.
Knowing that I had just climaxëd some
minutes ago, I was careful not to just lie
on the bed for fear of sleeping off
because my plan was to clean up the car
as soon as the rain stopped. Picking up
my phone, I decides to surf the net, but
due to the rain, my network provider
internet access wasn’t connecting.
Turning on my laptop, i decided to go
through some of my client’s project while
putting on my headphone as I also listen
to so music.
Not until about 7:10 did I realize the rain
had finally stopped falling. On my way
out of the room, I discovered mum and
Favour were chatting on the kitchen.
Greeting mum for the second time, I was
about to go outside when Favour said
Frank called her some minutes back that
they just got to “Yahe” (in Yala LGA,
C.river), that the rain made them stop
just before Ogoja for about 30 minutes.
She said he also tried calling me but my
number wasn’t going through. Told her I
had network issues because I could not
access the internet myself.
Heading out to the front of the house, I
went straight for the car to begin
cleaning it. Opening the door, I
discovered our sex smell had mixed with
the air freshener and the car had a funny
smell. Quickly I opened all the doors, and
took out the foot mats, so it doesn’t look
strange why all the door were left
Getting the car wash cloth, detergent and
water from the tank, I began to clean the
seats. It was then I discovered two wet
spots, one on the back seat and the other
on the front passenger seat. Paying
special attention to those areas, I
scrubbed thoroughly careful not to wet
the seats that much.
After which I cleaned the dashboard and
the other parts of the car. When I was
done with the interior, I had to actually
pour out a little content from the air
freshener on the seats to diffuse what
might be left of any weird smell. Closing
the doors, I quickly began washing
exterior of the car, during which Dad
came out of the house and saw me. We
chatted briefly before he went back
inside. When done, I opened all the doors
again and then washed the foot mats.
Took me about 25 minutes to round up
with the car and by 8:10am I was
already dressed and ready to go to the
college. Dad said we should go ahead,
one of the college drivers was coming to
pick him. Mum said she was just going
to pick some stuffs from her office and
would come back home. Mum drove,
while Favour sat in front and I behind. I
and Favour alighted at the same place,
while mum proceeded to her office.
We chatted as we walked towards her
(Fay’s) office and it was becoming
cloudy again.
“seems the rain means business” I said
after a little grumbling in the cloud.
“Tomorrow is New Yam celebration” she
“So? What has that got to do with the
rai?” I asked
“It must rain on the New yam day, else it
would be a bad celebration for the land”
she said as a matter of fact, before
adding “even if it doesn’t fall now, by
evening and tomorrow, we’ll see the rain”
“That’s one B.S I’ve just heard from you.
Seriously tell me you made that up?” I
asked doubting her
“It’s not for you to believe, just wait or
ask dad when you get back home” she
***N:B Dad confirmed it saying “even if
it doesn’t rain heavily or here in town, it
would rain in one of the villages” True to
their words, it rained like hell in the
evening and the next morning. Though I
felt it was just a coincidence***
After showing me her office, I proceeded
to the café. It was open but they were
running the place on their batteries as
the college generating set hadn’t come
on. Hence, i had no place to plug my
laptop’s power pack and after just 40
minutes my laptop went off because my
battery had been low.
Sat there for another 20 minutes hoping
the college power generating set might
come on but nothing happened. Stepping
out with my ear buds, i had no place to
go to. Fay’s office wasn’t on my list
because I felt it was too early. I decided
to sit at their “gossip center” while i
surfed the internet and check out girls
Surprisingly I didn’t mind the fact I was
the only one sitting there. 5 minutes
later, engrossed looking into my phone
screen and with my ear plugs playing, I
didn’t notice when someone walked up to
me until it was obvious by the shadow
that someone was standing in front of
me. Looking up, I saw Rose looking
sweet like a morning rose smiling at me
with her hot fire colored eyes.
Her cinnamon skin smooth as ever as she
stood wearing a black high waist legging,
slippers (female easy wear), white shirt
with inscription “daddy’s girl” that
revealed a black colored polka dotted
Momentarily I was caught staring at her
boöbs before she brought me out of my
reverie asking “Fury what are you doing
in my school this early?”
“I was looking for you” I said smiling
back at her as she made to sit next to
“you’re not serious” she said before
adding “you didn’t come back with Ella
“Nah.. She left me” before quickly I
added “I was already on my way home
when she asked me accompany her to
the hospital”
We went on to talk about the café and
why i left the place and she saying she
had come to see someone in school and
was on her way back home.
“so where do you stay? Calabar lane?” i
“Nah, around Eko hostel” she replied like
Calabar lane had some kinda plague
“I’m i supposed to know where Eko hostel
is?” i asked her
“Around Abuja hostel” she said pointing
towards the Schools’ back gate.
“No wonder” i said
“No wonder what?” she asked wide eyed.
“you look refined” I said looking into her
eyes smiling
“go jor” she said hitting my shoulder
“So what did you cook? I’m hungry” i
said to her in a way suggesting i meant
lets go over to her place
“I don’t cook, but come, I’ll make you
tea” she said as she stood up.

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