Jacob didnt go home that night,he lodged in an hotel,he had called Janet to say hi,his mother called too,but he refused to pick it up,he wondered why his mother was bent on making unnecessary trouble for him,he had enough on his plate already,work
consumed most of his time and energy,the little left was already being taken up by his heart robe Janet,so why would his mother be stiring stilled waters.....

It wasn't as if Janet craved for trouble,she hardly visited him at home,she was humble,calm,kind hearted,gracious and smart.Her family loved him,what else.
He rolled on the soft bed,pulling the pillow to his chest,his body quivered,there's something about Janet that usually stroke him up,he was experiencing feelings that can't be explained,in the office,home, and everywhere he found himself the only thought that sat gallantly on his mind was Janet Odenuga.

One thing that baffled him was Janets refusal to make love with him,the relationship is getting close to twenty four months yet,he had never seen the colour of her pants,the highest thing they had done was kiss,touch and hug and each time he tried getting her to talk about it,she would go stiff and moody.Mere thinking of her aroused him,his third leg stood up ,he pushed it down,his soul longed for her,and his body sought hers.

He thought about Katherine and he realised that both ladies were different in every way.The only thing they had in common was beauty,any other thing stood apart,but it was clear that they are made up of different items,its of no use comparing salt with sugar.His mother really liked Katherine,and consistently asked after her,even when he told her they broke,she tried all she could to bring them back,but he stood firmly on his grounds,it was a big NO from him.she had stopped trying and suggested other beautiful ladies,to which he declined,her friends daughter,chief that daughter,senator this daughter,most of whom were spoilt,cute but dull women,he wasn't even old at that.That reminded him about his Lunch with Katherine,honouring her invite was good because she could be a bag of trouble when she wanted to be,he remembered his time with Katherine,she had a great body,and good bedmatics,her full bosom,he loved handling them,her hips,her flat tommy,Kat could go extra miles to satisfy him on the bed.he didnt want to think about that now.

It was a warm saturday morning,days when you feel like partying,though she wasn't one for club stuffs,she still loved going out and seeing beautiful places,she had woken up in high spirits today,she soaked herself in a warm bath,she let her mind wander through the past two years,and all Jacob had done for her,she was a happy woman at twenty three,dating one of the most elegible bachelor in Nigeria,she sure knew she was an envy to many ladies,Jacob had crawled into her life suddenly,lighting up her world,his mother was the darkness that wanted to filter her joy,happiness surged through her body,at the thought of Jacob Adekunle Smith.He was patient with her,she had denied him access to her body with little explanation for it,she wasn't a church person though,but she had vowed to keep her body for just one man,her husband,and the father of her children,if she ever had any,she loved children.Jacob was tolerating her and she knew,she only prayed that he could wait,until she gave in,.....but would he wait? That question burned in her mind.

Janet thought about her lovely sister and her kind hearted mother,she loved her family,she gave her love to Jacob,leaving for her NYSC camp would be a bit difficult,she was in Lagos now,no thanks to Jacob.she hadn't even packed yet camp was just 7days away.

She had called Jacob to ask if he could make it, to take her out for lunch,but he said he had ''an all afternoon meeting with some foreign clients''.

She ate her brunch quietly reading a soft sell magazine,it was about celebreties and their rate of divorce, she was enjoying her meal of boiled rice and plantain with fresh fish stew supporting it with a can of coke.

The door bell rang,bringing her back from the world of celebs,she had sent Rose to get her some things,so she had to get the door herself,the bell rang again,the caller was being impatient,she stood to get the door.

She opened the door,and stood there staring at the caller,that was the least person she expected to see.......
Staring at Janet was Lucy her part time friend.
'Hello Jane' she laughed,waving her hand in Jane's face.

'Hi Lucy'she replied hugging her.

'How are you doing!'Janet said, hugging her tightly.

'Before i say something,won't you ask me in'Lucy said laughing.

Janet opened the door wider to let her in, 'Don't mind me,come right in' she said.

Lucy jumped on the couch,crossing her leg,Janet was least surprised,Lucy was a fun loving person,she lived in a beautiful house opposite theirs,she lived with her parents and her two older brothers,Her father was a medical doctor,who owned a psychiatric hospital and two other hospitals,he partnered various organisations,he was always busy,though strict he had a spoilt daughter,Lucy's mother owned the biggest supermart in the estate with over fifty workers.

Lousy Lucy as Jane and Hannah often referred to her behind her,loves talking,she would go and on about her handsome brothers and their money.

'Jane,you're always looking beautiful' She complimented,folding her hands on her leg.

'Pot calling kettle black,i can say the same for you too' she said smiling.

'Its been months i saw you'

'Huh,No,its just four weeks you've been to school.' she replied.

'How's Hannah and your mum' She asked.

'They're both doing fine,and you'she said playing with her hair.

'Aren't you going to offer me something to drink' Lucy asked

'Oh,sorry,i forgot my manners,what do i offer you?'
she said moving toward the kitchen.
What do you have in there?' she asked.

'I'ld have to check,so hold on'Janet answered.

'Jane,wait how about we go out and catch some fun!' she said going in to the kitchen to meet Janet.

'Yeees yes yes'She shouted.'i want us to go out' she said laughing.She was finally going to catch some fun indeed.She was already thinking of what to wear.

'Jane? Are you ok?' she asked suddenly.

'Ofcourse,i am,what made you ask!'

'Thats because this is the first time you'll agree to go out without much persuassion' she paused 'Am kind of surprised'

'well,i just feel happy today' she smiled with her eyes,'so where are we going to' she asked

'what do you think of FoodCo Restaurant?'

Janet rolled her eyes 'That Restaurant is expensive' she said

'Hey girl,the bill is on me,so relax'

'Fine,let me change my clothes then'

'Jane,you have ten minutes to do that,don't stay all day' she stood to go out 'I have to get dressed too.'

Janet knew Lucy was actually making jest of herself,giving her ten minutes,when She,Lucy,could spend two days dressing for a party,Janet wore a chocolate chenille fitted dress,with a white flat baby shoe,she used light make up,and held her hair with two red pin.She checked herself in the mirror,what she saw in there screamed lovely at her,it was thirty minutes of
dressing,yet Lucy was not out.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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