Jacob put the pillow closer to ears,his eardrums would burst anytime soon with her constant sneezing and sobbing.

Whoever said 'women are encyclopedia no man can read it all' must have been right to an extent.If crying could make things happen then she should have been pregnant with quadruplet by now.

The most annoying part was that she refused to be consoled."Arrhhh!" He grunted loud enough for her to hear and understand that she was disturbing him.If only making babies were something he could do alone,he would have provided her with as many as she wanted.

And if money could purchase one,he wouldn't mind the cost.To hell with his money then.she was beginning to depress him now.Jaiye's voice sounded in his ears again,but what was it about him and women.

When he couldn't bear it anymore,he got up and picked his pillow,marching towards the door.

"Where are you going to?" Jane's tear soaked voice asked.

Jacob hesitated for A̶̲̥̅ moment,"To the guest room."

Jacob picked his suitcase from the bed and walked out of the bedroom,he didn't have to be at the office early today.he was leaving to avoid any breach of peace with his wife.

When he got to the sitting room,she was seated on the couch holding her bible.she looked up at once."Honey your breakfast." She said,glancing at the dinning table where his breakfast of oats and milk sat.

"I'm off to work,have A̶̲̥̅ nice day." He said walking towards the door.

"Nice day hmmm,do you realise you're not being fair to me?" Jacob stopped in his tracks,his head did A̶̲̥̅ 180 degree turn around to face her.

"Define fair." He said dropping his case on the seat nearest to him,A̶̲̥̅ stealth coldness in his voice.

"You're being unfair when you won't console me,all you could do was leave the room alone for me,my tears are beginning to disturb you right?" Her voice was laden with emotion as she spoke.

Jacob picked his suitcase and made for the door when Jane pulled him from behind,"Maybe i should tell you D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚°,your friend Jaiye is A̶̲̥̅ very potent man,perhaps you should ask him how he goes about doing his business on the bed because if you must know,little Adora is about to become A̶̲̥̅ big sister because Cynthia is carrying another child already."Two fat tears rolled down her face as she said those last word.

Jacob felt he had just been hit A̶̲̥̅ heavy blow right in his groin,"You dare to question the potency of my manhood."

Jane had never seen him in D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° manner,she wasn't prepared when he grabbed her by the hand and began to pull her inside."Leave me alone." She pleaded.

"Where are you taking me to?" She asked when he didn't answer her.

"To the bedroom,i'm going to show you how potent i ⌣̶·̵̭̌·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊aм̤̣̲̣̥̈̇✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌·̵̶̭̌⌣." He said pushing her on the bed,he removed his belt and trousers and fell in with her.Against her pleas and sobs he had his way with her,breathing heavily all the way.

Kelvin shifted his weight from his first leg to the other leg,he picked his phone and began to scroll through as she went on and on.

"Its unbelievable how she can be A̶̲̥̅ damsel in one minute and something else the next,she's hardly at home on weekend's,and she hasn't introduced D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° strange man to us,even if she does i can never grow to like him because..." Adetoun spoke playing with the gold stone that line her white top.Her hair was neatly pulled back with A̶̲̥̅ white clip fastened to it.But her face was worry cresten.

Kelvin sighed,"Because?"

"Because i dislike whoever he is." Adetoun blurted out,as she picked the glass of cold water before her and took A̶̲̥̅ generous sip as if that would calm her.

"Perhaps Hannah is the one who is in love with him,at least it doesn't look like she's being forced to see him." Kelvin said he was beginning to loose interest in the topic of discourse.

Adetoun bowed her head,"That's true,i just wish she would stop,its so dishearting to see her that carefree and unconcerned." That was because it was affecting their friendship ties.

She got up to use the ladies,Kelvin's apartment was A̶̲̥̅ nice one given to him by the company he worked for.It was tastefully furnished with modern necessities and convenience.she enjoyed coming here because of the beautiful memories they had both shared here.I bet you don't want to know.

She stood across the door that led to the sitting room,Do you know why D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° is frustrating? Its because i'm helpless,i wish i could do something to bring back the Hannah i know." She lamented.

"Just so you might know." Kelvin yawned noisily,"You're frustrating me too,since you arrived about an hour ago,apart from exchanging pleasantries the only thing you've been discussing is your friend."

"But funny enough i know something you could do to help her." He was glad to see that light leap into her eyes again."Come with me."

Adetoun followed him obediently like A̶̲̥̅ loyal dog being led to his barn of bones.Kelvin led her to the most exciting room in the house:his bedroom.

"I'm prepared to do anything to make sure my friend..." Kelvin sat her on the bed and shut her up with A̶̲̥̅ kiss,his hands gently moving along her arms to caress them and up to her neck.

She led out A̶̲̥̅ groan when his hands came to rest on her bosom,"Baby..."

Kelvin took that as A̶̲̥̅ go ahead signal,he made her relax on the bed and began to unbuckle his belt.

Jane went through some of the personal items her mother-in-law bought for her over the weekend when she came visiting,it was the pure silk nightie that caught her attention,she picked it examining it again.

"Perhaps you're not satisfying him in the bedroom,as A̶̲̥̅ woman you must be dynamic in that aspect." Funmi's voice echoed in her head,although she had laughed when she took her aside to speak with her.

She had been afraid at first,thinking Funmi would spit fire and brimstone but to her surprise she was calm,considerate and understanding having gone through some of the doctors report that confirmed her and her husband fit to have children.

Funmi advised her to pray,relax and have fun with her husband,like that's not what they've been doing for the past two and A̶̲̥̅ half years.

Biola had been exceptionally happy when she explained to her,how Funmi was being so nice to her,but one thing she knew was that even if her mother in law was being patient now,would she be forever be patient? Will her balm of patience not run dry after some period of time.

She ignored the naseatious feeling she was having,didn't the doctor say,her homornes were merely reacting.

She examined the sexy night wear for the last time before opening her wardrobe,she tucked it and closed the wardrobe angrily.All thoughts of her birthday party carefully relegated to the back of her mind.

It was three weeks ago they had sex,she wasn't A̶̲̥̅ bit concerned even when her husband made any move,she gave him A̶̲̥̅ block.

She could hear sounds of approaching feets,she jumped on the bed,put off the bedside lamp and pulled duvet over herself and pretended to be asleep.

Jacob peered over her face to be sure she was sound asleep,he waited for A̶̲̥̅ while and when he heard her soft snore.he knew she was off for the night.

He moved to his side of the bed and brought his phone,he dialled A̶̲̥̅ number and listened as it rang."Hi baby good evening." He spoke into the mouthpiece.

Jane knew she would die under the sheets,as she held her breath and listened.Life was about to crush her in one blow,she contemplated standing up to confront him or wait till the end of the conversation.

"I'm taking you out tonight,she's asleep already,i'll pick you up in the next fifteen minute." He grinned as he listened to the other person on the line.he dropped his phone and got up.

Adetoun got up from the bed and sat on the chair facing the dressing table,she carefully buttoned her blouse,her eyes on the cloth,unaware of Kelvin's gaze.

She angled her head to A̶̲̥̅ corner,supporting her chin with the her hand,"I can't do that." She said looking up.

Kelvin was insisting on meeting her parents and family,saying it was high time he met them.But how would she explain that she was an orphan because she never knew the love of her parents.Except the love bestowed by Jane and her family and the one man she would forever be indebted to,Jacob.

"I don't think i'm asking for too much dear." He came to sit by her holding her hands,stroking them gently.He was indeed A̶̲̥̅ caring man and A̶̲̥̅ loving one at that.

"I want to know your real family,i want to meet them,are you not ready for A̶̲̥̅ commitment,i wouldn't have stayed till now if i didn't have intentions," his voice was filled with passions and he tightened his hold on her.

Adetoun squeaked,"you're hurting me." She said.

He dropped her hand,"Do you love me at all? Or was i just A̶̲̥̅ piece of instrument to you?"

"No dear,you're more than i can explain and i do love you." But not enough to show you the real me,how would i be sure you wouldn't run out on me.she wished she could utter D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° words to him.

"Jacob and the Odenuga's are the family i have,they took care of me when i had no one to stand by me,accept them please." A̶̲̥̅ single tear slid down her cheeks in support of her feelings.

Kelvin lowered his head in thought,"Irrespective of what your parents might have done,i want to help you just let me.Will you?"

Adetoun stared at him,and the only response she could offer were the tears that streamed down her face
"That was an expensive joke you pulled on me and i could have broken your head."Jane smiled throwing A̶̲̥̅ slice of green apple in her mouth,she chewed noislessly.

She sat crossed leg on the mat while Jacob sat on the patio styling her hair,or rather put,making A̶̲̥̅ mess of her hair.She remembered what he did and smiled again.As soon as he dropped the call the other night.she lifted the duvet to see him picking out A̶̲̥̅ shirt.

She jumped up,and he burst into hysterical laughter making mockery of her.He had only made the call to make her get up because he trully wanted to make love with her that night.He was actually coming in to plead with her when she quickly pretended to be asleep,and being A̶̲̥̅ smart man A̶̲̥̅ devised A̶̲̥̅ means to make her get up.

Jacob ended up apologising to which she accepted before making love to her,but D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° was different because he wanted it right in the bath tube.Her hands and legs did some acrobatics that night,but all in all it ended well and she had slept off with A̶̲̥̅ satisfatory smile on her face.

The two weeks that followed had been none like other,he was paying more attention to her and cheering her up too.They both studied the ovulation calendar and strategised on what and what not to do.

And D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° evening he had surprised her by returning home early from work,"Yep..quite expensive but it worked big time." He laughed too.

"You could go on and on denying me your beautiful body so i had to find A̶̲̥̅ way,wait.." He paused to take A̶̲̥̅ glance.

Jane looked back,"what's it?"

"Do you think i would ever cheat on you?"He asked her,he knew he had said something delicate."Be honest."

Jane looked him in the eye,"You can't."

"You trust me that much?"

"If i didn't i wouldn't sentence myself to love till eternity."She smiled,her eyes on the expensive white gold ring that adorned her fourth finger.Jacob turned her around and lifted her hands to kiss them,but instead he kissed her cheeks and pulled her into his embrace.
"I love you baby." He whispered into her hair.

Adetoun was glad to be coming home for the weekend,at least Kelvin's plea to meet her parent would cease for A̶̲̥̅ while.Many might think i'm dragging my shoe on the floor,but i won't blame them because they haven't tried on my shoe,its heavy for my feet.

"I alone can feel the bumps in them." She thought to herself shaking her hand gently.She only wished the author of her life had written an entirely different script for her character,perhaps she would understand then.She had locked her parents in the darkest safe of her heart before throwing the key into the lagoon.

 would be A̶̲̥̅ tedious task for anyone to try unlocking closed doors with lost keys.The other issue that bugged her mind was confessing to him the lady behind the woman she had become.Would he ever accept her after knowing the real her.

Nothing kills faster than the fear of the unknown,if only she could foresee his reaction,she would at least know if to tell him about her past,before it came hunting her in the future.she heaved A̶̲̥̅ sigh and glanced at her partner who had an earpiece stuck in.

Some people were just lucky,she wondered if Rekia had any trouble with the way she lived her life,always happy,having fun and never tired of cooking or partying.

"We're almost home." Rekia smiled,removing her handsfree,she tugged at Toun's arm.

Adetoun looked at her,"Hmm,but awaits us there?" She asked.

Rekia smiled,"If you're bothered about Hannah,i'll tell you D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚°,she'll come around when she's ready so don't push it so you don't end up pushing her away totally."

Maybe Rekia was right to an extent,maybe.she picked her phone,it was kelvin calling to know if they had gotten home.

They soon arrived at home,and just as they drove in Hannah was about to drive out.she got down to say hi."I'll be back soon,i want to see Dagger."

"Dagger?" Adetoun called again.

"Oh sorry,i'm going to see my boyfriend,i'll be back before you know it dearie."She smiled as she got into her car and drove away.

"Did you hear that? She's going to see him again."

"Dagger right?"

"What responsible man bears dagger?"Toun sighed,"I wish we had stayed back in school to read for our exam." Toun lamented as she got down to close big black gate.

"I'm glad we're home anyway." Rekia said turning off the ignition,she got down and brought along their handbags before locking the car.

Jane got down from her car and locked it,she held her handbag and walked into the store,she raised her hand to acknowledge the security man at the entrance greeting.

The staffs greeted her one after the other and she replied as she walked to her office,she removed the key from her handbag and entered into her office,making straight for her table.

The sales accounting came in to give her some report and list of goods needed,Jane went through it and decided to go around the store to see things for herself,she got up and examined herself in the mirror before stepping out.

There were customers miling around the place,some were buying and others were just window shopping,she saw A̶̲̥̅ young girl crying in the toys section,she moved closer and eavesdropped on the mother telling her daughter that she couldn't afford the large doll she wanted begging her to take the smaller one.

She wished she had A̶̲̥̅ daughter too,at least buying her A̶̲̥̅ toy would not be A̶̲̥̅ problem,"Excuse me ma."She said to the woman who looked like she was in her early thirties,as she looked up.

"Good afternoon ma." The other woman answered,raising her head to face Jane.Jane bent down to pet the girl and asked why she was crying,after her explanation,Jane asked her to pick her choice of toy and the girl hurriedly picked the beautiful large doll.

"Aww!" Her mother exclaimed,"I know she likes it but i can't afford that,there are other nice dolls she can pick from." A̶̲̥̅ frown creased the woman's forehead perhaps she was doing A̶̲̥̅ mental calculation of the money with her.

"Please ma,let me foot the bill." Jane insisted as she beckoned to one of the sales attendant to come and pack it.The girl looked up and tugged at Jane's gown,"Thank you mummy."She looked happy as she spoke.The woman was full of gratitude when she learnt that the toy was now her daughters and that Jane was the madam of the store.
Jane watched as the little girl broke into A̶̲̥̅ cute smile,holding the doll with all of her power.Nothing touched her so much then the girl's appreciation and the fact that the girl had called her mummy.she went round the store,it took longer time than anticipated before returning to her office,she had barely taken her seat when she was informed that she had A̶̲̥̅ visitor,she wasn't expecting anyone.she was surprised to see her friend Ajoke being led in trolling by her side was her two year old baby boy.

"Ajoke!." Jane jumped off her seat to embrace her friend,she was so happy to see her and so was Ajoke.She looked radiant and more beautiful too.

"Come and sit down baby boy."Jane said lifting the boy into A̶̲̥̅ seat.she returned to sit down too but not before making A̶̲̥̅ call to order for some refreshment.

"You're not bad o." Ajoke laughed,Jane could still sense those old streak in her,as jovial as ever.

"You nko,see your baby all grown up,you couldn't even inform me that you're coming here abi?"

"Don't mind me i wanted to surprise you dear." One of the attendants came in with refreshment for them,they were served their drink in A̶̲̥̅ glass.

They two women launched into talking,they looked so happy again.Jane seemed delighted especially to receive her one time roommate and her son,Olayinka.

She saw them off but not before giving the little boy gifts and she made sure to extract A̶̲̥̅ promise from Ajoke to come visit her since her husband had been transferred and they now lived in the estate.

Today seemed different,Jane noticed unlike before when she would feel mushy mushy over seeing A̶̲̥̅ pregnant customer or little kids,she seemed happy today.And all in one day two kids actually called her mummy,that was definetly A̶̲̥̅ good sympton of pregnancy...aww says who? Jane smiled to herself.

If today was anything to go by,she believed that God wasn't asleep over her issue.Yeah....she believed.

"I can't believe it,that after D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° week its all over." Adetoun said jumping up in excitement in the sitting room."Are you not happy?"

Rekia nodded,"Hmmm happy indeed,when we have two powerful four units course to write D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° week,look you better sit down and read before Hannah comes back from work."

Adetoun returned to her work,they both knew the moment Hannh returned home,she would turn on the home theater to disturb every living soul in the house as she rocked to jamz,even when she knew they were studying for their exam.

It was hard holding the cane for an adult,she couldn't concentrate any longer,she picked her phone to play some games."Wait....Rekia why is that you don't have A̶̲̥̅ man in your life?"

Rekia coiled up in an instant,she wasn't expecting that question,"A̶̲̥̅ man? I have A̶̲̥̅ God so why do i need A̶̲̥̅ man,tell me."

Every one sure had. A̶̲̥̅ past,she wondered what Rekia's past was about? "I think you're right,but i do hope you plan to get married some day."

Rekia left that last comment unattended to,as she opened her book and picked her pen.

Jacob paced about the patio,after A̶̲̥̅ while he sat down,his head bowed in thought,the patio was at A̶̲̥̅ vantage position where cars coming in could see who sat there upon coming close.

Jane got down from her car and rushed to embrace him,"How are you darling?" She smiled as he held her hands.

"I'm fine...but i think."

"You think what?is anything the matter?what happened to you?" She asked all in one breath.Jacob led her inside to see things for herself.

"Open the door." Jane said,she was beginning to get afraid now.

Jacob shaked his head.

Jane unlocked the door and pushed it back,the sitting room was filled different colors of baloon strewn all around,she was surprised as she stepped in.

Jacob came in with her,"Happy birthday in Advance Oyindunmade.

"Oh no." She jumped into his waiting arms,she was at A̶̲̥̅ loss on what to say.

"Thank you so much dear." Jane laughed,today was. A̶̲̥̅ great day indeed.

"Happy birthday in advance." Nnamdi said coming from behind smiling behind the tray of drinks.

Jacob accepted the drinks and made A̶̲̥̅ toast,it was A̶̲̥̅ beautiful nights for the junior Smiths.

Jane looked at the baloon strewn on the floor,Jacob had insisted she left it there as A̶̲̥̅ constant reminder of what is to come,and that was five days ago,tomorrow she would be celebrating her birthday in the midst of her loved ones,she snuggled closer to her husband in bed,she had to catch some sleep now if she didn't want to look bad on her special day.
Rekia walked past Hannah's room,she was clad in A̶̲̥̅ short jean and A̶̲̥̅ brown sport polo,she had just finished baking in the kitchen,she heard Hannah's phone ring,she walked away knowing she was in the room.

She was returning to the kitchen to clean it,and the phone was still ringing,if the person was still calling,then it had to be an important one.she knocked on Hannah's door but there was no response.she pushed open the door to see Hannah on the floor snoring loudly and her phone ringing on the bed.

Rekia picked the phone,it was her mother calling,she woke her up to pick the call before leaving the room and closing the door.

"What took you so long?" Detoun asked coming out of the kitchen.

"I woke Hannah up to pick her mother's call." Rekia answered,"Are you done cleaning already?." Detoun looked up,"Yep,i'm what did mother say?"She inquired,it was late in the night,so why would mother be calling.

"I didn't ask her."Rekia answered turning back,she walked to the sitting room almost colliding with Hannah.

"Where is Toun?" Hannah asked rubbing her eyes.Rekia looked her friend from head to toe,"She's on her way here,anything the matter."

"What did mother say?" Detoun stood crossed leg at the entrance of the sitting room.

"Can you believe tomorrow is Jane's birthday party,mother called to remind us to be there." Hannah said.

Adetoun walked in and sat down opposite her,"And?"

"And? Is that all you will say?"

"What else ⌣̶·̵̭̌·̵̭̌✽̤̈̊aм̤̣̲̣̥̈̇✽̤̈̊·̵̭̌·̵̶̭̌⌣ i supposed to say,Rekia and i have tried to remind you but you weren't listening,and why do you think we're still up at D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° time of the night,we've been baking,we'll do the icing tomorrow morning,because we're attending the party."Detoun explained to her.

"I can't believe D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚°,i need to inform Dagger that i'll not be able to see him tomorrow."Hannah said,panic in her voice she dialled his number and was on the phone for A̶̲̥̅ while as they both argued over something before he finally agreed to her request.

"Dagger D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° ,dagger that,dagger everything.Hannah what has come over you?"Detoun said,her eyes portraying the sorrow she felt within.

"It is you girls that have failed to reason with me,i'm in love with.." Detoun cut her short."You're in love with dagger right?what sensible human bears such A̶̲̥̅ name anyway,open your eyes and see,D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° dagger love will lead you no where." She hissed.

"Easy girls let's not quarell over D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° issue."Rekia said,she could foresee A̶̲̥̅ brewing storm already.

"Wait....what's your problem Detoun,D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° guy in question is my boyfriend,and if that name turns your head,his real name is Damola,and he's into real estate management.Give me A̶̲̥̅ break girl because i ain't doing anything i'm not supposed to be doing."Hannah fired back.

"I wouldn't like to take sides here,but Detoun is right,i think you should take things easy with Damola,men are not what they say they are."Rekia said.

"Are you two conniving against me now?alright i get your point then,i'll think. About it."Hannah walked out of the sitting room.

"Goodnight." She said before turning into the corridor that led to her room.

Morning morning morning.....Jane rolled from her side of the bed,she raised her hand to place it on her husband but the space was vacant.she opened her eye one after the other.

It was morning already,she rolled to her husband's side of the bed,she must have rolled on something,she shifted A̶̲̥̅ bit and picked up the card,it was A̶̲̥̅ birthday card from Jacob.she read each word carefully and A̶̲̥̅ sweet tear slid down her face.

She stepped down from the bed,and a sweet aroma wafted through her nose,by the bedside was A̶̲̥̅ covered tray,she slid the cover away and her mouth watered at the sight of the dishes which promptly reminded her that she had little food for dinner last night,she dashed to the bathroom where A̶̲̥̅ red card board hung wishing her A̶̲̥̅ beautiful birthday,she smiled as she opened the door.

She brushed and showered and returned to her bedroom,on the bed was A̶̲̥̅ selected dress with A̶̲̥̅ happy birthday tag on it.Where was Jacob she wondered,walking amidst the baloon she sat back on the bed to devour her breakfast before going down to the sitting room.

D̶̲̥̅̊ɪ̣̝̇s˚˚˚° could pass for the most colourful decor she had seen,"Jacob" she called but there was no answer.The door opened and he walked in smiling.

"Happy birthday sweetheart." He said coming towards her,he embraced her.In his arms,she felt warmth,passion and so much love for her."The mother of my unborn child."He whispered into her hair.

"I'm taking you out,right away." He said,"But you must come to the bedroom first."

He carried her up the stairs and placed her on the bed,"And here is my birthday gift." He said removing his shirt,he got into bed and stroked her chin gently,moulding her face in his hands he kissed her on the lips.

Jane let her face wander to the man sleeping on the bed,he had been so faithful to her,she only wanted to make him happy or was that too much to ask from God.

Her birthday party had been A̶̲̥̅ blast,with everyone peering at her stomach even when they didn't ask her question,she could read the question in their eyes amidst their smiles and well wishes.

On her dressing table lay A̶̲̥̅ key car,the new car her husband had given to her in the presence of all their friends,Jaiye and Cynthia with Adora were there too,plus the unborn baby,Lucy and her baby girl was there too,Ajoke and her baby boy,Adetoun,Jane and their friend Rekia,Biola and her step dad kenneth had come too not leaving behind Mummy Funmi and her sister in law, Jackie.

It was A̶̲̥̅ full house indeed,she was so happy as they wined and dined to celebrate her day.They had returned leaving her and Jacob to finish the celebration.In A̶̲̥̅ corner of the room were the gifts she received,tomorrow she would got through it with her husband.She wondered why sleep had defied her today of all nights.

The only thing she wanted was A̶̲̥̅ child,or had they made one already?

To be continued tomorrow at 11am

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