''Sir,i think you should take home your family.''Doc Philip said adjusting the stethoscope that hung freely down his neck.He was a middle aged man,one of the most senior doctor in the hospital.

He looked handsome except for some little wrinkles on his forehead.

He rarely showed his face except for emergency and on special occassions when prominent persons are involved.''I just want to see her face.''Jacob persisted.

The doctor looked at him and a smile etched on his lips.''I'm sorry sir,no one is allowed.'' he walked straight away,taking long strides as he went across the corridor.

Jacob watched him leave,he felt paralysed,and he was gradually loosing his hurt most that he could do nothing to help her situation,he returned to the reception where Funmi and Biola sat.''Lets go home.''

Biola got up first,her eyes red with tears,''What did the doctor say?'' she asked,her heart beating fast,and Jacob's face was not helping matters.''We'll discuss in the car.''

Funmi put her arms across Biola's shoulders,the woman shuddered.She was also tired from crying,the incident shook her to the core.

Jacob started the car and without saying a word to the women,he drove home.He was constantly matching the break,they had to take a twenty minutes rest,when Jacob had almost hit a petrol tank.

At home,Funmi helped her friend get down.she only nodded at Jaiye who had just arrived as she walked her friend and in-law to be inside the house.

''How is it?''Jaiye asked staring at his friend who had become drained in the space of two days since the incident occured.
''She's still in coma,although the bullet has been removed,Jaiye i'm going off my mind,i can't take this anymore.''Jacob said locking the car with extra energy.

''You're the man,so be strong.Who will console your mothers when you breakdown?''Jaiye asked patting his shoulders.''She's going to be fine,okay.''

''Alright.''he walked into the house while Jaiye followed from behind.''What about the other lady?''

''Peroso...sorry Amaka,she's fine,she responding well to treatment too.'' Jacob stopped all of a sudden,''I wish this was not happening to me.''

''All will be well,be strong okay.''They entered the house and sat in the sitting room.Each to his thought.....

''I will not forgive myself if anything happens to Jane.'' Adetoun said cleaning her tears.

Hannah sat at the other end of the sofa looking away.Both girls had almost gone crazy when they received the news,Toun especially.

They had been warned to remain at home.Since no one was allowed to see her.They were putting it to good use anyway,crying from morning to night.

''Jacob is not even picking his call.''Hannah hissed all of a sudden.''I wonder what is happening to him too.''

''Hannah i'm so sorry i got you into this.''Toun cried.

''Its nobody's fault,lets just hope for the best.''Hannah sighed.''Dinner is getting cold,lets eat.''

''I just lost my appetite.''
Jacob drove as fast as he could,the hospital was still 120minutes away.he was glad to have escaped Jane's and his mother,since the doctor warned that he should be there alone.

He lied that he wanted to have some fresh air,he had to drive carefully out of the compound,now that he was on the highway,he drove at top speed.

He was directed to the Doc. office,the man gave a smile,''Are you alone?''

''Yes,on your orders.''Jacob said.Doc Philip picked a pen on his table,''I was afraid you would bring the women,pls come with me.''

Doc led the way to the elevator,when they got up,he walked into the private ward,where important personalties were attended to.

The post on the door read Female Ward,the doctor opened the fourth door by his left.Jacob rushed to the bed kneeling by her.He dropped the flowers he had brought along by her window,giving a fresh warmth to the room.And Jane smiled...

''She woke up this morning,and requested to see you.''Doc Philip said.''I allowed you since she was keen on her request,she needs all therest she can get so don't make her talk for long.''

''Jacob...Jacob...''She called quietly as the doctor left closing the door carefully.
''I'm here sweetheart.''he kissed her fingers one after the other.

She smiled,her fingers in his hair.''I love you.''

''I love you too darling,you scared us all.''Jacob said sitting by her bed.

''I didn't mean to.''Jacob placed a finger to her lips.''Shh...shhhh just smile for me,thats all i want.''


''She's fine too,please get well so that i can make you my wife.''he smiled.

''My husband.''she said,her face was pale,and she was weak,it was evident in her speech and posture.


''They are all fine okay,relax.''

Jacob must have dozed off,when the door creaked open.The Doc came in with a nurse following behind.
''I wish i could capture this,so that everyone will know that the strong business man who speaks and argues boldly on national Tv has a weak spot too.''Doc philip smiled touching Jacob's shoulder.

''You can leave now,i want to administer some drugs.''

''I'm staying'' Jacob said,taking his seat by on the blue couch that sat across the bed.

The nurse came forward with a tray containing drugs,injections,and a file.After administering her,the doc asked what he would like to have,to which Jacob declined.

''Excuse me Mr Smith,i'm afraid there is a little problem.''The Doctor turned back.

''Is she not responding to treatment?''

''She is''The Doc gave a quick smile.''The problem is that,there are men of the press waiting outside to speak to you.''

Jacob thought for a minute,''I'll send for my friend,he'll handle it,thanks.''

''I'll have the nurse send you some refreshments,and please don't make her speak for long.''The doctor left.

Some minutes later when the nurse returned with some snacks and a pack of juice.He asked where Amaka was receiving her treatment.He checked on her before returning to Jane's bedside.
Jaiye and Bash arrived later,they were able to wade off the press,before leaving for home.
Funmi and Biola almost screamed down the house when Jacob informed them that he had gone to see Jane.The Doc had only allowed them to see her two days later when she was better and could speak.

Jane would be discharged at the end of her second week in the hospital.Everyone was there with flowers to see her home,she was better and strong now.She would be staying with her mother for the week.

When the others had left,Jane still held Jacob's hand.
''I will never let you come to harm again.''he whispered to her,cradling her arms.''I have some confessions about Katherine to tell you.''

''I have... .....''Jane began.

''Shh...shhhh....sleep.''he smiled at her,placing her head on the pillow.
Jacob drove as fast as he could,the hospital was still 120minutes away.he was glad to have escaped Jane's and his mother,since the doctor warned that he should be there alone.

He lied that he wanted to have some fresh air,he had to drive carefully out of the compound,now that he was on the highway,he drove at top speed.

He was directed to the Doc. office,the man gave a smile,''Are you alone?''

''Yes,on your orders.''Jacob said.Doc Philip picked a pen on his table,''I was afraid you would bring the women,pls come with me.''

Doc led the way to the elevator,when they got up,he walked into the private ward,where important personalties were attended to.

The post on the door read Female Ward,the doctor opened the fourth door by his left.Jacob rushed to the bed kneeling by her.He dropped the flowers he had brought along by her window,giving a fresh warmth to the room.And Jane smiled...

''She woke up this morning,and requested to see you.''Doc Philip said.''I allowed you since she was keen on her request,she needs all the rest she can get so don't make her talk for long.''

''Jacob...Jacob...''She called quietly as the doctor left closing the door carefully.
''I'm here sweetheart.''he kissed her fingers one after the other.

She smiledher fingers in his hair.''I love you.''

''I love you too darling,you scared us all.''Jacob said sitting by her bed.

''I didn't mean to.''Jacob placed a finger to her lips.''Shh...shhhh just smile for me,thats all i want.''


''She's fine too,please get well so that i can make you my wife.''he smiled.

''My husband.''she said,her face was pale,and she was weak,it was evident in her speech and posture.


''They are all fine okay,relax.''

Jacob must have dozed off,when the door creaked open.The Doc came in with a nurse following behind.
''I wish i could capture this,so that everyone will know that the strong business man who speaks and argues boldly on national Tv has a weak spot too.''Doc philip smiled touching Jacob's shoulder.

''You can leave now,i want to administer some drugs.''

''I'm staying'' Jacob said,taking his seat by on the blue couch that sat across the bed.

The nurse came forward with a tray containing drugs,injections,and a file.After administering her,the doc asked what he would like to have,to which Jacob declined.

''Excuse me Mr Smith,i'm afraid there is a little problem.''The Doctor turned back.

''Is she not responding to treatment?''

''She is''The Doc gave a quick smile.''The problem is that,there are men of the press waiting outside to speak to you.''

Jacob thought for a minute,''I'll send for my friend,he'll handle it,thanks.''

''I'll have the nurse send you some refreshments,and please don't make her speak for long.''The doctor left.

Some minutes later when the nurse returned with some snacks and a pack of juice.He asked where Amaka was receiving her treatment.He checked on her before returning to Jane's bedside.
Jaiye and Bash arrived later,they were able to wade off the press,before leaving for home.
Funmi and Biola almost screamed down the house when Jacob informed them that he had gone to see Jane.The Doc had only allowed them to see her two days later when she was better and could speak.

Jane would be discharged at the end of her second week in the hospital.Everyone was there with folwers to see her home,she was better and strong now.She would be staying with her mother for the week.

When the others had left,Jane still held Jacob's hand.
''I will never let you come to harm again.''he whispered to her,cradling her arms.''I have some confessions about Katherine to tell you.''

''I have... .....''Jane began.

''Shh...shhhh....sleep.''he smiled at her,placing her head on the pillow......
''I'm waiting outside in the car,pack your things,i'm taking you home now.'' Jacob clicked the red button on his cell phone.he was trying to surpress his anger.

Unconsciously,he was tapping his foot,he had left scores of work unattended to at the office,because he wanted to drop by Jane's to check on her.She had left her mother's house on Sunday,he'd asked her to stay away from the store for a while to rest and recuperate better.

He was driving to her place already,he had to take a back turn on instinct just to check if she was at the store anyway.And to his surprise her car was parked in.

Jacob raised his head when there was a tap on the window.he rolled down his glass.''Get in'' he started the car as she got in.

''My car?'' Jane said.Jacob drove out as the security man opened the gate throwing a salute,he turned on the radio without a word.

''How do i get my car?''

Jacob matched the break in anger,causing the car to swerve forward.Jane jerked in her seat.
''Bash will get it.'' he increased the volume of the radio making conversation impossible.Jane got the message and kept her calm.
He parked outside their compound,while Jane picked her bag to get down.''How are you feeling today?'' his face was drawn away as he spoke.

''I'm better.''she said looking at her fingers.''Do you need anything?''he asked to which she replied no.

''I'm sorry for the way,i reacted this afternoon,i left works unattended to,only to find out that you're not taking the diagnosed rest.''he explained calmly.

''I gave you that store,i own you,put that at the back of your mind.''he said.''Thanks for reminding of that.''Jane said as she got down.

''Promise me that,you'll take the next two days off.''

''Its alright,i promise.''

''I got you this.''he said giving a basket of fruit,provisions and wine.

''Thanks dear.''she collected the basket.

''I'll call you later,Bash will bring your car soon,take care...I love you.'' He reversed the car and drove away.

Jane stood by the gate watching his car,as he drove away.She was strong enough to go to the store.Moreover whats the use staying at home.She looked at the basket in her hand,he was caring,but....he was overdoing it.

She went in closing the gate,her two rats were in the sitting room as usual,arguing loudly.They got the basket and began to offload it excitedly.

Jane was glad the day was finally over.She had yam and fish stew for dinner.The event of the past few days flashed in her memory.

She had explained to Jacob how sad she was when she learn't of Pero's baby.She came home that night trying to hide the truth.Her sisters soon suspected her foul mood anyway.

She was left with no choice than to confide in them,by morning the girls came up with the idea.The girls were the brain behind it all.Pero fell for the money and busted Katherine.

Jacob felt happiness in him,when she shed light on the issue,though she was afraid at first,she was able to pull through.He came clean about all that happened with Katherine while she was dating Jane,Jane was a bit suprised,she wished she could be bold enough to tell about Dickson,her NYSC foolishness.Jacob had taken the girls for a special treat the next day.
Jane was glad the day was finally over.She had yam and fish stew for dinner.The event of the past few days flashed in her memory.

She had explained to Jacob how sad she was when she learn't of Pero's baby.She came home that night trying to hide the truth.Her sisters soon suspected her foul mood anyway.

She was left with no choice than to confide in them,by morning the girls came up with the idea.The girls were the brain behind it all.Pero fell for the money and busted Katherine.

Jacob felt happiness in him,when she shed light on the issue,though she was afraid at first,she was able to pull through.He came clean about all that happened with Katherine while she was dating Jane,Jane was a bit suprised,she wished she could be bold enough to tell about Dickson,her NYSC foolishness.Jacob had taken the girls for a special treat the next day.

She was glad,she was home now.Jacob had gotten all the necessary papers and document for their travelling within the space of three days.

They were scheduled to leave on Thursday for their shopping,her dreams were finally becoming a reality.

She was already dozing when Jacob called in,he apologised for what he did in the afternoon,and promised to make it up to her.He explained that he wanted the best for her.Not quite long,an unknown call came through.she picked it on the third ring.It was Lucy calling,she had been admitted in the hospital five days after her final paper.

Lucy had revealed that,she had a little misunderstanding with Taliroyce,and he got furious,at the end of the minidrama.She got into the hospital,she was eight months gone already.

The doctor warned that,should be beaten again,she might not survive the child birth.This had sent a chill down her spine.She shuddered at the thought of losing her friend.

Her parents were making matters worse for her,they distanced themself from her.And she was still hiding her baby's father identity from her brother.Not wanting her brother's to get violent,should it get to their ears of how Tali treats their kid sister.

Only Jane who knew he was,and she was even prevented from speaking to him.When Lucy dropped the call at some minutes past one o'clock.

She was tired and her eyes were teary,it hurt to know that Lucy was making her useless.The poor girl needed help now than ever,at least someone to console and strengthen her.

She would be discharged on the morrow..

Isn't it absurd,Lucy was crazy in love with Tali,a man that beats her.She was forced to close her eyes when the strong arms of sleep gnawed at her eyelids.
When a debtor postpones his day of payment,don't worry that day would soon come.

Such was the case of Jane's wedding,oh the wedding is 6weeks away,oh its three weeks away.And finally its here just two days away.

Their trip for their wedding shopping was successful,Ajoke,Cynthia and Jane had gone on another shopping session to make sure all was intact.

She and Jacob united their love again,casting away all grudges to make their day a colourful one.

Since her return,she had been a regular caller at the spa,Funmi ensured that,she was given a full body treatment,her eyes,nose hands,fingers,toes,necks,legs and every visible part of her body,was washed with various kinds of ointment and cleansers.She had enjoyed being immersed in water with sweet scenting oils and cleanser but she got tired when the session was growing endless.

Adetoun and Hannah would tease her non stop,that she would soon become a mermaid but encouraged her to do Funmi's biding.She remembered the day her dress was brought home.

The girls screamed non stop,Toun continued to stare at the gown in awe.Even Funmi was pleased with the style and design.She had arrived home one evening to catch Hannah wearing it,she forgave her sister knowing she was merely excited and happy for her.

Adetoun agreed to best her after so many persuassions from Hannah and Jacob.Jane was lucky to have two pregnant ladies as her lady in wardrobe,Jaiye's wife Cynthia had insisted she would partake too.And three of her trusted beautiful female workers would be among the bride's maid.

All the dresses and shoes were settled.She had even parked most of her things,Jacob had refused toodisclose where they would be having their honeymoon.Jane was content to enjoy the surprise anyway.

Funmi and Biola were planning it,working more than the event planner Jackie.All the designs for the cake and dishes were choosen.

Kenneth was there to give her moral support and was ready to bear every expenses put to him.

Jane checked herself in the mirror,she loved the lady she saw.Fastening the tiny gold necklace to her smooth neck.she smiled to herself.

Tonight was their grand party,Jacob's friend had planned it for them,most of his friends and few close associates would be coming too.So she had to look her best and make Jacob proud.

Hannah and Adetoun were dressed up too,they would be leaving for the party anytime soon.

The wall clock struck twelve midnight,Jane looked around,her disorganised room was evidence of her wedding taking place soon.She was supposed to be sleeping,tomorrow evening was her engagement ceremony.

Ajoke and Cynthia would be there to help her dress.She wasn't too sure about Lucy.But..she hoped she would be able to make it.

Her mind glided to the episode at Katherine's house,what if she had died?what if Amaka had died?what if..?

There was so many what ifs running through her mind,she was nervous,anxious at the same time.She hoped nothing would destroy her day.

She had become worried,when she learnt that Katherine had been released on bail of five million.She picked her bible and prayed.

That seemed to comfort her,she reminisce the event of the last evening.She had mesmerised everyone at the party,in her red daring crazy gown coutsey of Jacob.He had bought it specially for her.

He almost went crazy when she emerged in it,he had eyes for her only.She prayed those cute eyes,and sexy lips would forever remain hers,no matter what turbulent water they encountered.

This night,all her doubts had been erased about the marriage.She would be getting married to Jacob Smith,every other person,can get a map,find a car and drive to hell.She fell asleep with a beautiful smile on her face.

The family of Smith and Odenuga invites the pleasure of your presence,at the holy matrimony of their children.

Jacob Smith Adekunle
Janet Odenuga Oyindunmade

Venue: The Redeemed Christian Church of God,Lagos.
Reception follows immediately at PiLLaRows Event Center.

Dress code:Female...Pink

Wedding theme: Pink and Blue.

For the customised Gele's and Fila,

Direction:From anywhere in the world,board a bus to Lagos.

Come one! Come all!!

Attendance is strictly by invitation.

Jane examined herself in the mirror over again,the young woman standing beside her who happens to be the make up artist smiled.She wanted to be sure she looked good.

The artist smiled again,Jane took her seat on the bed sipping the glass of warm milk carefully so as not to ruin her lip gloss.she placed the glass down on the table.

''Iyawo drink up,its almost time.''Ajoke walked in,wearing a wine satin gown that fitted her perfectly,her potruding belly helped fill up the space of the material.she sat by Jane adjusting her veil.

''Green will you drink some milk?''Jane asked Green,her little beautiful cousin,she was just two and half years,but she was smart and preety.She was a product of the union of her mother's younger sister and her doctor hubby.

''No,aunt Jane,i'm full,but i don't mind a pack of juice.'' her little voice sounded cool and firm.There's this funny air about the small girl. Jane's aunt had warned her that Green could be a pain in the neck anyway.

Jane loved the little girl,she wanted to have kids too,as much as five.She smiled as Lucy handed her a glass of juice.

Jane looked at her well painted fingers,she had thought the engagement party would never end.Jackie played her several videos of engagement and Cynthia,Jaiye's wife helped Jane choose one.Jane was a bad one on the dance floor,so in the morning Hannah and Ajoke and Cynthia had put her through some nice steps.

She put those practice to good use,last evening.It seemed it wouldn't come to an end,with the series of kneeling and embracing,dancing and singing.Her feet hurt because of the heels,Adetoun helped her massage her legs.Thanks to those miracle pills Ajoke gave to her,she woke up hale and hearty this morning.

The make up artist took a lot of time,she insisted that she didn't want an eye lashes fixed,the artist informed Jackie who spoke with Jane to allow the artist do her job.Her face was cleaned and painted nicely.

Then she moved on to make little Green's hair and powder her face.Her white gown was a miniature of Jane's.

The Ac was high because,the artist insisted that Jane needed to look fresh.''You have to finish that,so that i can get you more.''Ajoke said,while fitting Jane's sequin embellished peep toe bootie.

The door opened and Hannah walked in,sexy was to say the least,she looked good in her pink floor lenght pisa gown.Her face and hair was rolled up and curled dropping to her face curtesy of the artist.''Mother called,she asked if we are on the way already.''

''We're ready.''Lucy said,fastening a necklace on,she looked a bit weak,but she was steady,she wore the same gown as Ajoke and Cynthia.

Jane looked around her and bristled with laughter,''Whats funny sis?''

''I'm just happy that i'm surrounded by kids.''she said.

''Kids?''Ajoke asked.

''They're all cute and i can't wait to have five of mine''Jane smiled pointing at Lucy and Ajoke's potruding belly.Every one rattled with laughter.

The three other girls were ready too,adorned in pink floor length pisa gown just as Hannah.
''All is done now.''The artist certified her perfect after taking several shots of her.

''Jacob just called,they're leaving home already,on their way to church.''Adetoun said coming in,her creamy white gown clung to her beautiful body.

''I hope we didn't forgot a thing.''Jane said standing on her feet.She was just perfect,as she spoke her eyelashes fluterred giving her that sexy look.


Lucy led a short prayer.....Jane led the way to the car,followed by Green and Adetoun,the others trailed behind them.

The cars were decorated with the wedding theme blue and pink,the drivers were waiting already.Adetoun helped Jane into the back seat,and sat with her,while Green the little bride sat in the front seat.

The others filed into the two other cars and the drive began.
''Bash speed up.''Jacob said,sitting at the back seat,in the decorated car,at the back of the car was a card that read ABOUT TO WED.

''Relax man.''Jaiye said in his seat,he looked cool in his black suit with bow and waist coat.

Jacob glanced at Jaiye and Bash they all looked suit up,just for his special occassion,he was trying to be strong,he adjusted his glasses.

He was devilishly handsome,if there was anything like that,he looked the perfect,sincere groom in his black suit and pink shirt.He was panting to see Jane,to put his ring in her fingers and make her an official Smith.

He had no doubt,that she would steal every one's attention,he couldn't wait to get on their honeymoon.He smiled to himself.Things were working just as planned.

He glanced back,Paul was driving the other guys,Funmi had left earlier with some of her friends,adorned in gold,she was a spitting beauty.

Jackie had been over there as early as 6 in the morning,she had been calling them to hurry as the officiating ministers and their family and friends have arrived.
Jane arrived at the spacious,5000 seater church,she looked around her,and felt lost.

Everywhere she turned they were people miling about,the church was almost filled up,and people were still outside,cars filled the compound.Half of the faces she saw were strange.

She watched from the window,she wasn't even aware the crowd would be this much.
''Mum,we're in the church,where are you?''Adetoun called,as the car packed.

Jane watched some uniform men hurrying towards their car,she was afraid at first,but relaxed when they saluted the driver and opened the car door for her to get down.

Kenneth walked behind them,in his blue overflowing Agbada,as Jane got out her first foot,there were several camera shots,and when she finally made it out,the shots almost blinded her,all the journalist wanted to have a shot of Jacob Smiths bride.

The others got out too,the guards had to wad off the news men while they made passage for the bride and her father.

The others trailed behind,as they proceeded into the church,where the choir sang in a sonorous voice the processional hymn.

Jane took her seat on the decorated high chairs reserved for the bride and bridegroom in front of the church.Soon afterwards Jacob arrived with Jaiye,Paul and about ten other men dressed in suit.they took their seat and the programmes began.

Jane thought she would go blind with the millions of shot,they were about five men videoing the proceedings.

Jacob didn't have a chance to stare at his bride,just sideward glance,he wasn't satisfied he wanted to take her in his arms and kiss her until she was out of breath.

He glanced at his mother and father,his father looked funny in his Agbada and her mother was all smiles.

Jane's family sat at the other side,most of her father's family were on seat,they all looked happy.

They minister prayed for them,and there was a brief exhortation on the reasons for marriage.

The minister stood on the podium,lifting the microphone,he looked at the large congregation as he spoke,
''Today Jacob and Jane are about to get married.''he paused.

''Is there any person who know of any reason why this two should not be joined together,let him speak now or forever hold his peace.''The minister declared.

Jacob and Jane stood facing the large congregration,there was a shrewd silence in the church,an awkward quiet enveloped everyone.

Jacob wondered how his mother had able to invite so many people,he saw dignitaries that he had personally invited too.

Jane thought the same too,there were so many faces before her,she prayed that her day of joy would not end in shambles.

Jane suddenly went pale,Jacob could feel the tension rising in her body,he was also feeling nervous in his suit.

The minister repeated his announcement,yet there was no response,on the third repitition,there was a loud cough from the middle pillar.

Funmi's soul was leaving her body gradually as she looked her husband in the face,he only smiled at her in his Agbada,he looked awkward.

Biola stole a look at Jane first,then her daughters,she sent a silent message to God in prayer as she closed her eyes in fear,Kenneth held her hands under the chair.

Jacob held Jane's hand tightly,sharing faith and hope in one spirit.

Every eye turned to see the middle aged woman who just coughed,the woman hung her head low in shame as thousands of eyes turned towards her.

The minister coughed,he asked the couple to be,if each knew of any reason why they may not be joined, they answered no too.

''If there is no impediment,Jacob Adekunle Smith,will you have Jane Odenuga to be your wedded wife to live together,will you love her,comfort her......... long as you both live?

Jacob:I will,God helping me

The same question was asked of the bride,
Jane:I will,God helping me.

Kenneth came out and gave Jane's hand out to Jacob.

The couple said their vows,and put the ring on their finger.

The minister continued,This day,i present to you,Mr and Mrs Jacob Smith.The latest couple in town.''

There was a thunderous applause from the congregation,amidst cheers and congratulations.

''The groom may kiss the bride.''

This was the moment,Jacob had been waiting for,he turned to his wife and pulled her into arms,lifting her veil,he kissed her lips softly,there were screams from the congregation,and everyone clapped.

Jacob felt her body melting in his arms,he hung on to self control,he prayed the programme would end soon.

Many had tears of Joy,on their faces,some married ones kissed their partner too,it was a day of joy and rejoicing.

Funmi left her seat to hug Biola,the men did the same too.

And as they say,what the Lord has joined together,let no man put assunder.

The other programmes were done,and the couple walked arm in arm out of the church.
The couple arrived at the reception venue,PilLawRows.

Dignitaries began to arrive,their family and friends too.There was a loud noise,as a convoy arrived.
''Who is that?''Jane asked her new husband.Jackie had instructed them to remain in the car,while Jaiye and Jackie and their mothers took control.
Jacob stared into her beautiful eyeballs,this is the woman i love he muttered.
''What did you say?''She asked.
''Thats the governor.''he replied pulling her close.

''Janet i love you.''he whispered quietly.

''I love you too.''she cried.

In the twinkle of an eye,the hall was filled to the brim,the Mc took the reins and the couple was invited in.

Jane had removed her Jacket,leaving the tube which hung firmly to her body,on her neck sat a 8.19 carat heart shaped brooches,and a shell white diamond earring.

The make up artist had freshened her make up now.Jacob walked into the hall with his men.

Everyone looked at him,wondering where the bride was.

From the speaker came Flavour's Ada Ada,he began to ask around,singing along.
''Have you seen my beautiful baby?''

The hall rolled in laughter,next came Flavour's Chinny baby,he walked around the hall making gestures.

Jane and her comitee of friends were outside laughing.

''Oya follow me,come and see my wify,Jane na beautiful baby o,Adanma a.''Jacob sang Flavour's Adanma.

Jane stepped in with her friends behind her,Jacob on sighting her rushed to meet her,but her friends pulled her back.Jacob's friends did the same.

It was a tug of war as Jacob finally caught her,lifting her up,he cried.
''I finally found her.'' he put her down and they danced to their seat amidst laughter and clappings.

The Gov.gave a short speech before the programme commenced, the couple had their first dance and first food together after cutting the mountain sized cake.

Gifts were presented to the couple,The governor gave them a ticket to have an holiday in any resort of their choice.There were so many car keys,and gift items filled the hall.

Jane was awed,she wondered how they would get all that home.The reception ended and food was served,every continental dish was available.

There were assorted wines to consume,Jane was walking up to meet her mother when Jacob stopped her,pushing her through the crowd,he hurried her to the car.

They were in the car now,''Whats happening?''She asked.

''Are you afraid?''Jacob asked in return.
''You're here,i have no reason to be afraid.''

''Good.''he held her hands.''We're on our way for our honeymoon.''

There was a smile on her lips,''I didn't inform my mother.''

''I did.''Jacob smiled embracing her.

''I love you Janet''he kissed her forehead.

They boarded the plane,it was a tiring flight,the arrived at their destination at last.

Jane carried sleeping Janet in his arms,while the driver picked their luggages.

As they set foot at the resort,Jane woke up.''Where are we?''she asked rubbing her eyes she was a beauty to behold.
''Welcome to Ponta Dos Ganchos,Brazil.''Jacob smiled.

''Wow.'' she said stepping out as the car pulled to a stop.Their bags were carried,and he let Jane rest her head on his shoulders as they walked in.

It was sunset in Brazil,everything about her exudes style and glint.The environment was a beauty on its own.

After completing the form on arrival,they were taken to their room.Jane opened her mouth in surprise,the decor was exquisite-Murano chandeliers,she touched the polished parquet wood and silk curtains.

Jacob dropped the luggages in a corner,Jane stepped on the large private terrace overloking the olympic sized pool,which features a cool pictursque.

Jane was stunned,everything here was a glamorous mix of regal gold and soft biege furnishings,wood floors and curtains cascade from the mezzanine bedroom down to the large below.

Jacob let her enjoy the view for a moment,on the walls were hand painted mural,its not hyperbole to say your jaws will drop at the sight of this fairy tale retreat of turrets domes.

''Come.''Jacob's voice echoed in the room.he showed her a petal strewn table on the private island distractingly romantic.

He pulled down the zip of her dress sensously,the gown balled to her feet.
''You're beautiful.''he whispered.

Jane smiled,her beauty was ravishing,she had only her lingerie on.''Jacob i want you.'' she said.

''I want you to,i want to make love to you.''Lifting her on the bed,he fell in by her.

Unhooking her lace bra,he exposed her succulent bosom,they were taut and sexy, he grabbed them with hunger,tickling her gently.

Jacob kissed her lips,as she moaned softly.Jane's trouser,shirt and singlet had disappeared.

''Be my husband tonight.''Jane moaned.
''I will teach you how to make love to a man dearie.''

''But first,the bath.''Lifting her,he carried her into the bath,pulling off her pants.
''Lets go on a wild.... wild.... ride.''
The beginning of their life journey has come.

To be continued at 3pm.

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