My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 15 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 15


Blood splashed on Bison’s hand, he could not
believe what he
just saw, he looked through the tiny window
of the slaughter
room and saw about 8 police men advancing
towards the building, they were armed with
guns, and one
of them who had
probably seen his man holding a gun had shot
him in the arm,
Bison looked at the machete in his hand, he
looked at Peter, Bison knew he had to escape,
that was the
most important thing
now, he raised an alarm to inform his men
that they were under
attack, Bison’s men went to the arsenal and
carried guns and hand thrown grenades, they
then went to
confront the police, they
marched out of the building and planned to
surround the building
and defend themselves, but as they were
marching out those that were in front faced
the wrath of the AK 47 as
the police shot at
their direction mercilessly, they all managed to
get out of the
building as some of them passed through the
window, they formed a circle around the
building and shot at
the police, one of
the kidnappers carried a grenade and removed
It’s cork, he then
threw it at the first group of police, as the
police saw it coming, they didn’t need to ask
Google what it was or
what to do before
they split for their dear lives, the grenade
exploded within four
seconds as It’s sound echoed through the
forest …………………
John felt uncomfortable as he heard the loud
he tried to figure
out what it was, it was either a grenade or a
car had just
exploded, but he had not seen the police carry
grenades, he relaxed and assured himself that
the police
would triumph, 15
seconds later they heard another explosion,
John could not take
it anymore, he got down from the car and
went to the trunk, what are you trying to do?
Joy asked him, what does
it look like? He
replied, I can’t just sit here while my dad’s life
is in danger, I’m
with you bro, TJ said as he also got down
the car and went to the trunk, Promise offered
to help to as he
got down from the
car, Promise was an ex-soldier, he was
dismissed from the army
when he was caught hacking into one of their
computers, it had been long, he thought to
himself, now he
needed to feel the
moment again, John handed TJ and Promise
vest each and
gave them guns, AK 47 to be precise,Promise
taught them how to reload the guns as they
were probably
novices, they looked at
the way Promise talked and knew he had
experience, they
nodded their heads in understanding when he
had finished talking, John went to the window
side and
kissed Joy
passionately, they might he seeing each other
for the last time,
John wore his bullet proof vest, and he,
TJ and
Promise left Joy and the driver alone in the
car, Promise me
you’ll be back Joy
shouted to John, John didn’t reply, he wasn’t
ready to make any
Promise he couldn’t keep
Nelson and his men were still at battle, he had
lost 2 men
from his group but he
didn’t know about the others, he cocked him
gun and shot at
three kidnappers killing them instantly as he
still lay on the floor with his men, the battle
continued ……………………
The people in the
dungeon were happy and scared, at last the
police had come to
their rescue …………………… a few metres away
Peter laid low on the floor as he heard
gunshots, his heart was Still
ybeating because
few minutes ago he was about to be beheaded
like a bull in the
abattoir, he slowly crawled away from the
slaughter room and back to the corridor, he
saw a pair of trousers
hanged on a
window, he didn’t need to write a letter of
permission before he
took it and wore it while sitting
Bison went to his room in the building, he
brought a box from
under the bed and
opened it, it contained a pair of police
he had always
prepared for this day, he put on the uniform
and carried a gun, he then sneaked out
through the back door
John and Co had jogged through the distance,
they were now at
the battle scene, John looked to his right and
saw a police officer coming out through the
back door of the
building, the police
officer was making suspicious movements,
John looked at his
face and recognized him instantly, it was one
of the kidnappers, the one who dropped the
key, the one who
ordered men around,
the police officer now increased his pace,
told Promise and
TJ to carry on as he went after Bison
All the men in Nelson’s group were nowhere to
be found, he
raised his head to
get a proper view when a bullet hit him in the
chest, he laid down
in pain, the bullet had hit his chest but he still
felt the pain, suddenly a kidnapper stood
before him and
aimed his gun at him,
the kidnapper pulled the trigger but the gun
clicked empty, he
was out of ammo, the kidnapper quickly
reloaded his gun and aimed it at Nelson
again, Nelson swallowed his
spit, he was face
to face with death …
Suddenly three bullets pierced the kidnapper’s
chest before he
could pull the trigger, Nelson managed to look
back and saw
Promise with a gun, Nelson felt relieved,
Promise had just saved
his life, Promise advanced to where Nelson
was and dragged him
to safety with one hand like soldiers do while
he held the gun in
his other hand, when they reached a safe
Nelson tried to
stand up, he looked into Promise’s eyes and
said thank you, I
hope John didn’t come with you? Nelson
asked, the poor boy
couldn’t just sit and watch Promise answered
him, Promise was
right but Nelson didn’t want John getting into

To be continue

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