My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 16 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 16

TJ was
not used to handling guns but he knew that
once he pulled
the trigger bullets
would come out of the gun, he remembered
how he used to play
COD (Call Of Duty), an action video game, he
lay on the floor and aimed, he took his first
shot at a kidnapper
and missed, then he
took two more and he got a kidnapper in the
arm, suddenly a
soldier jumped over him followed by more
soldiers, soon up to 20 soldiers arrived at the
scene and took control
of the situation,
Nelson was impressed from where he stood,
he had told one of
his men to go back and tell the soldiers that
they had an emergency before they even
started the
attack on the kidnappers,
and within 30 minutes the soldiers had
the soldiers came
with more sophisticated weapons, the enemy
were falling like bowling pins, Nelson looked
on in amazement,
the soldiers had
better strategies than the police, within 10
minutes they had
already got very close to the building, they
rounded up 5 kidnappers and marched them
out, the soldiers
also came out
with the hostages, one of them wore only
boxers, they still had
chains dangling from their hands and feet, the
soldiers had used their guns to break the
chains, Nelson counted
five people but he
could not see Peter among them, he waited in
anticipation for
Peter to come out from the building,
he saw a man wearing only trousers jumping
through the
window, the man
stood up and ran with his hands up towards
where the soldiers
were, Nelson did not need to ask Google who
it was, still feeling pains in his chest, Nelson
ran towards Peter as
if Peter was a
goal keeper who had saved the last penalty in
a penalty shoot-
out, Peter was scared at first when he saw a
police officer running towards him, he raised
up his hands
the more and said
please o! please! I’m not among them o!
Hetook a closer look at
the person running towards him,
Nelsonnnnnnnnn! Peter shouted he ran
towards Nelson, the two friends
hugged themselves as
everybody looked
John had been
running after Bison for 7 minutes, Bison had
idea anyone was after him, John started
getting tired, he went
down on his knees
and aimed, boom! The first shot got Bison in
his left buttocks,
Bison fell to the ground and tried to stand up
again, as he stood up John gave it another
shot, this time he got
Bison’s right lap,
Nelson walked tiredly to where bison was and
knocked him out
with the end of his gun, John didn’t know
where the strength came from, he pulled Bison
by the leg back the
way they
Nelson and
Peter were under a
tree, Nelson told Peter that John was alive,
but he doesn’t know his whereabout,Nelson
feared that John had
been shot among
the police officers, they started searching
among the dead police
and kidnappers on the ground, Peter’s heart
was heavy, TJ knew John was not among the
dead people on the
floor because he
saw him go after a man dressed in police
uniform, as TJ opened
his mouth to speak, he sighted John coming
of the woods with a man on his shoulder,
there TJ said as
Nelson and Peter
looked in the direction where TJ pointed, they
all ran towards
John as he dropped they man he was carrying
on the floor, John ran and hugged his father,
Nelson inspected
the man John
dropped, it was Chike Uche also known as
Bison, he was wanted
for the murder of his
15 police officers and 17 kidnappers were
killed, 5 police
officers were
injured and 3 kidnappers were injured, a police
officer read out
the stats for Nelson as they were going back
to where their cars were parked, they walked
for 1500 metres
before they finally
reached where their cars were parked, John
could not wait to see
Joy, he walked elegantly like a soldier who
come back from war triumphant, Nelson
looked forward, he
could not believe his
eyes, his car windshield was broken and blood
had splattered on
the front seat, the driver, lifeless, had his head
on the horn as the horn sounded
continuously, John immediately
ran to check on
Joy, nooooo! He shouted, Joy had been shot
the chest, he
looked at her face and said don’t leave me,
It’s gonna be alright, Nelson looked away, one
of the kidnappers
who probably
escaped had shot Joy and his driver, Joy
managed to look at
John, I love you, she said slowly and she died,
John cried like he had never cried before,
To be continue...

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