He poured himself a glass of drink,and gulped it down at once.
He had only his briefs on,at last the lamb
lay obediently beneath his gaze,he bent low to sit by the side of the bed,tracing a finger along her neck.
He got up from the bed as if he remembered something,he pulled open a drawer,there lay a condom,he picked it,tearing the pack.he opened the drawer and dropped it there,no,he wasn't going by protection,he wanted the real thing raw.
He smiled as he walked towards the bed,he was about to lay on the drunk figure,when a heavy blow landed on his nose,he was taken aback as he tasted blood,a kick was sent to his groins,he lost consciousness as he slipped on the floor.
Jane stood from the bed,wiping the blood from her hands,Toju groaned in pain as he held his nose with one hand and his groin with the other.Music blarred from the party hall.
She bent to examine the man on the floor,'That'll teach you a lesson not to follow every thing in skirt'
Toju groaned again.
'Do you have anything to say?' she asked.
He looked away as he tried to get up.
Just then,the door flung open,someone came in holding a pistol and a rope,the person had a covered face.They both tied Toju with the rope.while the other person took snapshot of him.
'This never happened,i was not here tonight' Jane smiled.'And if you dare breath a word of this incidence to anyone,i'll post those snapshots online;is that understood?'
Toju managed a nod,Jane made to walk out when she turned back,picking the wine bottle she emptied its content on her boss.
Jane returned to the party,greeting people as she walked by sipping her drink,Hannah was on the dance floor with a strange guy whose name she didn't know.Lucy swayed her hips too,as she rocked the dance with her partner.
She had been engrossed in her drink,when she suddenly raised her head,she closed her eye to open them again as she saw two figure approaching her table,it just couldn't be,she thought.
It seemed she had a little too much to drink this evening,the two figures were walking hand in hand,she gulped her drink and played with the piece of steaks in her plate.
'Hi' Jacob greeted her.
'Hi...hi' she stammered.'I thought you said you were not coming?'
'Not to worry,i'm here now' he smiled.
Beckoning his partner forward,a young lady who looked ravishingly beautiful in her red flay gown,she had a soft look in her eye,and a quick smile to her lips as she held out her hands to Jane.
'Hi' she said in a soft voice.
'Hi' Jane said.'I don't remember meeting you somewhere'
'Yes,yes you two haven't met,her name is Adetoun,and she's my girlfiend' Jane heard him say as they both walked away hand in hand.
Jane thought she would fall,but she steadied herself as her deriere came in contact with her seat.
Bode,Ajoke's fiance stood with his friend Demola outside having a drink while they made some conversation,
'She's been gone for sometime now.'Bode said glancing at his wrist watch'I hope she's fine.'
'Love is indeed powerful,who would believe that mighty Bode could ever be tamed by a lady'Demola laughed.
'Well,thats my business'
'And mine,when you begin to fret over her absence in less than thirty minutes.'
'Its alright,i haven't seen Tojudaniels since he left our table'
'Same here,its his company,he must be busy attending to so many people.'
'Thank God,we've got his contact.'Bode said sipping from his glass.
'And here she comes,lover boy' Demola beat Bode's palm as Ajoke walked towards them.
'l'm sorry i kept you guys waiting.'she smiled.
'Thats not a problem' Bode said,as Demola gave him a knowing smile.
'I got carried away,chatting with some friends'
Just then Jane appeared with Jacob and another young lady.
'You came' Ajoke said.
'Yes,i did come' he smiled softly.
Meet my fiance' Ajoke said as Jacob held out his hands to Bode.'Bode here's Jacob,Jane's boyfriend.'
Jacob exchanged pleasantries with the two other men,Bode was excited at meeting the well known Jacob smith,he got his card.Jacob felt ashamed when Ajoke introduced him as Jane's boyfriend,he could sense the awkwardness in Jane too.
The voice of the Mc came over,requesting for Mr Toju for the vote of thanks,Ajoke and Jane nodded a smile.
Ajoke saw Bode and Demola off,while Hannah stood with Adetoun and Lucy chatting.
Jane and Jacob stood some meters apart from the others.
'That was such an expensive joke' Jane smiled.
'I merely wanted to see the jealous streak in you and i was glad you handled it well,though you went pale on the instant' Jacob mocked her.
'Will you be coming over to my place tonight?' It was too bad,she didn't get her anticipated kiss.
'No,Bash will be driving me home'
'Its late!'
'We both know what might happen,should i decide to sleep at your place.' They both smiled as everyone drove away each to his destination.
Everyone must be asleep save her,she kept tossing on the sitting room couch,tonight's party had brought so many thoughts to her mind.
She was glad that she was able to apprehend Toju,who had her on his target for that evening.she just hoped the thing didn't backfire on her.
Another issue that got her mind boiling was the game Jacob played on her,she had believed he was saying the truth not until he came back with the lady both laughing hysterically.Before explaining the truth,she had jumped on him.But Jacob said,the lady lived with him,that was what got her confused,how could such a grown up lady live with a sexually active man and claim,nothing is going on.
She had to trust in Jacob,but having a beautiful lady in the house was one hell of a temptation.she tried to clear mind of those thoughts,it just wouldn't go away.
She went to the kitchen,opened the fridge and poured herself a glass of cold juice,drinking it did nothing to calm her.she returned to the sitting room.All that seem to occupy her thought was Jacob,Jacob and Jacob.she wished he had stayed in her place,but she didn't trust herself not to get too emotional with.He had looked so handsome in his fitted shirt,he dressed simple but looked special and how he gazed at her,she was so much in love with him,that she could eat him raw.
After thinking and tossing,she finally slept off.
There was sound of activity all around her,she opened one eye then the other,the midday ray stole into the sitting room.Jane stretched lazily as she stood up from the couch.
The aroma of food wafted through her nose,she turned towards the dinning to see the others seated,they all burst into laughter.
'We decided not to wake up,knowing you were stressed from the party' Ajoke said serving herself.
'I slept late last night' Jane yawned again.
'You were probably thinking of hmmm,hmmmm' Hannah smirked.
'You naughty girl,what are you talking about?'
'If Hannah's not going to speak,i will' Lucy said,'It was so obvious you were smitten over Jacob last night,and the glances you two exchanged was over the moon.' she laughed.
'You girls are so naughty' Jane laughed walking towards her bedroom.
It was 11 by the wall clock,and christmas was 48hrs away,she and hannah would be leaving for home today Lucy inclusive.Ajoke was also leaving for home.
She walked to the bathroom,had a warm bath,taking her time in the bath.she toweled her body dry,rubbing some sweet smelling lotion on her soft skin.
She soon joined the others at the dining.
'I hope you guys had fun at the party?' she asked.
'Yes,i did' Lucy said smiling as she pushed her plate to a side.
'I did too' Ajoke said 'I was so happy to see Bode'
The other girls laughed.
'Someone hasn't spoken?' Jane rolled her eyes.
'Huh,the party was fine.' Hannah smiled.
'So who was the guy who had you to his sides all day?'
'When did you become so nosy sis?'
'I learned from you' Jane laughed.
After breakfast,Lucy and Hannah voluntered to take care of the dishes.
'You ladies do not have all day o,we still have to pack,and we must be on time before Bibi starts calling.' Jane warned.
'Alright ma'am' Lucy laughed as she walked into the kitchen.
'Hmmm hmmmm' Ajoke sighed.
'Hmmmm' Jane replied.
'Enough of the hmming' Ajoke said
'Alright then,thanks for your help last night.'
'I was only helping myself by helping you dear'
'I think,that would teach him a lesson'
'Yes,it would,considering the threat we made.' Ajoke said holding Jane's hand.
'Does that mean,its over?'
'I believe so.'
'You need to see his face when i punched his nose and kicked his groin,for a moment i thought he would faint.' Jane said.
'Toju is a strong man.'
'Who finally made the vote of thanks when he was no where to be found.'
'The HRM manager did.' Ajoke answered.
'You remember Demola?'
'Yes,that handsome man that came with your fiance.'
'He asked for your contact,but i told him you were already in a relationship,and when he learnt that it was Jacob Smith,he stopped asking.'
'I'm glad you did that for me.'
'What are friends for'
'We need to celebrate our victory over Toju' Jane said.
The door to the kitchen flung open, 'And what are you guys celebrating?' Hannah asked.
'Everything,life,happiness and all' Ajoke said.
'I need a glass too' Lucy said.

By 2pm,they ladies were done packing,
'Tomorrow,i'll have to go christmas shopping for my family' Jane said.
'I hope we'll have a swell time this christmas.'Ajoke smiled.
'I hope so too'Hannah chipped in.
'I know so' Lucy laughed.
'I trust you' Jane smiled.
They carried their bags outside,stuffing them in the trunk.
'We'll drop Ajoke at the park,promise to keep in touch,its a week and some days anyway.'Jane said holding Ajoke's hand.
'I'ld call you too,Merry xmas in advance' Ajoke laughed.
Lucy had the wheels,Ajoke sat beside her.
'I'm still wondering what Bibi has to say to us'Hannah whispered to Jane as they sat...
'I'm fine over here and you?' Hannah said cradling the phone closer,her hands playing with the hem of her gown.
'I'm fine,and i would have loved it better if you were here'Ade's voice echoed over the phone from the other end.
Hannah felt a knot in her stomach,she wished the same too,but voicing that was not a good one.The coversation continued,Hannah excused herself saying she had some work to do.
Jane who was seated on the couch watching a soap opera yawned noiselessly.
'Who was that?' she asked,shifting her attention from the Tv screen to her beautiful kid sister.
'A friend in school.'
'A friend?'
'Yes,my friend.'
'And you were on that call for more than hour!'
'Jane,you're intruding.' Hannah said staring askance.
'I'm sorry ma.' Hannah heard Jane say.' But i know there is more than you're letting out.
'C'mon,i could feel the tremor in your voice as you spoke on the phone,its even in your eyes' Jane paused to get her breath.'I just hope you're not in love already.'
Hannah stood up abruptly stoning her sister with two arm rest,as she left the sitting room.
The family of the Odenuga are sitted for dinner,Rose their househelp filled their plate.
'This looks nice' Jane said scanning the dishes.
'She cooks better these days' Bibi said smiling as she cleaned her cutlery with a serviete.
'I hope it tastes good sha' Hannah said scooping a spoonful of porrige in her mouth.
After Rose was done serving,she asked if she could leave for the day,and Bibi nodded her away.
'Look at you,is there anything you can cook?' Bibi asked.
'I'll let Jane be the judge of that'
'She has improved over the months i guess.' Jane laughed.'I love eating vegetable porrige'
'we know' Hannah said.
'I'm so glad to have you two home for christmas.' Bibi smiled warmly at her daughters.
'Bibi,i'm glad too'
'I already did my shopping,and i'm going to surprise you young ladies' Jane looked at her mother as she spoke.
'I'll be christmas shopping tomorrow,its going to be tiring i know,but i don't have a choice.'
'Can i come with you?' Hannah asked.
'Yes,you can baby sister.'
'I'm now a big girl' she argued.
'No matter how big you are,you're still my kid sis' Jane teased her,as she drank a glass of water.
'Young Ladies,i equally have a surprise for you' Bibi smiled,light streamed into her eyelids as she spoke,an evidence of happiness.
'Bibi,now that we're home i think its high time you tell us this secret or surprise whatever' Hannah said.
Jane watched mother and daughter as they spoke.
'Don't be in a hurry sweetheart,i'll let it out soon'
'Jane aint you going to say a thing.'
'I know Bibi will tell us when she's ready.' Jane smiled.
'And i hope,this secret stuff is worth the wait.'
'How's Jacob?' Bibi asked.
'He's fine.'
'Are you two having a fight?'
'No no,we're fine'
'That young man is just like the son,i don't have.'Bibi said,'I don't want you to do anything that can jeopardise your relationship.'
'Hmmm,I've heard you Bibi' Jane said,her mother could launch into a lecture,and she was stressed out from being on the road for more than four hours stuck in traffic.
'He comes here when he can,and sometimes,he sends his driver here.' Bibi continued.
'And again i'm glad to have you girls home'
Jane yawned noisely to tell her mother,that she was tired.Hannah cleared the table when they had finished eating.Slumping on the couch.
'I warned you not to lie down immediately after a meal' Bibi chided.

Jane went to her room,she turned on the bedside lamp.she was happy to be home and some few months time,she'll be free.
She filled the bath with warm water,soaking her skin for more than thirty minutes,she felt alive once more.she lay on the bed,she was about to switch off the lamp,when a call came through,it was Jacob.
They were on the phone for three hours,she also spoke with the young lady he brought to the party.Her heart thumped loudly when she heard the lady speak again.she cautioned herself not to be judgemental.If they were dating,Jacob would not have brought her to the party.
She wondered if she was being unnecessarily jealous afterall.Or was she feeling guilty again,she had never cheated on Jacob,and those days at the orientation camp cruised into her thoughts,she shoved it away quickly.Everyone was not going to be as crazy as she was then,thanks to Ajoke for her efforts and Jacob's, else it would have been a different story entirelly.
She thought of her shopping tomorrow,if she really intended to do a good shopping,she must start out early.she had more than enough money in her bank courtesy of Jacob Smith.
Was he ever going to propose to her? What would be her response should he propose? Had his mother finally come to accept her into the family? What bothered her most was Bibi's surprise,she only hoped it was worth the wait.
Unconsciously,the cold hands of sweet sleep enveloped her and she drifted into the land of the unknown.......
Adetoun packed her newly fixed brazillian weavon to the back,Jacob had insisted she make her hair for christmas,he'd promise to take her to his company's party on the 30th.He'd taken her to the salon of his choice,sat while she made her hair.She was so happy as he smiled at her through the mirror,she wished for a seconds,he was her man.Her mind flashed back to the time she had spent in Priye's arm.
A naughty tear escaped her eye,she quickly wiped it away,Jacob had warned her strictly never to weep in public places.
He paid and they left,he took her to a eatery,where they ate before leaving for home.
Since they returned,he had been in his room arguing with his sister and mother.
She stood by his door,eavesdropping.she opened the door and walked in.
Jacob stood by the window his back to the door.
'What do you want?' he asked without turning back.
'I think you should listen to your mother and Jackie'
'What did you just say?' he turned to face her.'Have you been eaves dropping on me?'
',I......' Adetoun stammered,she was afraid as she spoke.
'Who are you to advice me on who to listen to?' he closed his eyes.
'Close the door when you leave'
Jane and Hannah had just returned home,they walked in carrying some packs and a christmas tree.
'Huh,i'm dead tired' Hannah said bumping on the sofa.
'You're so lazy,we still have to decorate this tree you know'
'I just want to take my bath and sleep.'
'Would you believe that Jacob hasn't called me all day'
'Why don't you try his number?'
'Its switched off.'
'How about his office line?'
'He said he wasn't going to the office today.'
'Then stop worrying sis,i'm sure he's going to call you soon' Hannah said heading towards the kitchen.she returned with two glasses of cold water.
'Thanks' Jane said.
'Bibi should be back by now'
'Well,she's not.'
'You're so cool about Bibi's surprise'
'Why should i worry myself,tomorrow is here already.'Jane said getting up.
'I want to have a bath,excuse me' Hannah said.
Just then a call came on her phone.
'Prophet Hannah,Jacob is calling already' she shouted,took a breath before picking the call.Bright sparkles shone in her eyes as she laughed.
Jacob opened the door to Adetoun's room gently.He had just finished speaking with Janet on the phone,he enjoyed listening to her voice and her laughter.
'Whats for dinner?' he asked.
'Eeeeeh' She shouted startled.'You scared me Jacob'
'I'm sorry,about that.' he said.
Adetoun faced the other side,holding a book to cover her face.
'I said sorry i'm sorry' Jacob walked towards the bed.
'About what?'
'This afternoon'
'You're right,there's nothing to be sorry about.' she insisted.
'Give me a smiling face,then'
Adetoun forced a smile,
'Thats a fake one' he insisted,'Or do you want me to....'
'To do what?' she rolled her eyes.
'Tickle you ofcourse'
'No,no,please don't do that.' she laughed.
'I was angry because you don't understand what you're putting your mouth into? Jacob explained all that happened to her.
'Your mother slapped you?'
'She did and never apologized' Jacob said.
'So,you left home because of that.'
'Yes,now she wants me to come home for christmas and thanksgiving'
'Why don't you want to go,' she paused.'Am i the reason?'
'No,you're not.'
'Please go home'
Jacob stood up,pacing the room.Adetoun got up from the bed,'I want you to listen to your mother and Jackie.'she pleaded softly.
Jacob stood still for some minutes,'I'll think about it.'
'Tomorrow is christmas' Adetoun persisted.
'I don't want you to push me' He said.'And the same applies to you,why don't you want to communicate with your parents too?'

Adetoun stood still,Jacob held her hands,
'You have to forgive your parents for what they did.'
'I don't want to talk about it' Adetoun said.
Jacob pleaded with her to let go,she cried again,while he cradled her hands softly.
'Lets make a deal' he paused to know if she was listening.
'What,if i decide to attend thanksgiving and you also give your parents a call,to let them know you're safe and okay.Jacob said looking into her eyes.
She was still,looking blank and unconsciously playing with her hair.
'Please say something'
'I have agreed,but not now,probably after sometime i will.'
'Sometime is no time dear,you have to make up your mind.'
'Jacob,i still can't do that.' she said close to tears.
'Jacob,we'll talk about this later.'
'Its okay.I'll speak to someone who will put you through with school registration.'
'No problem' she said.'Jacob,i'm so glad for all that you've done for me.'
'You're welcome darling.'
'How can i thank you enough?' she smiled at him in gratitude.
'You really want to know?' Jacob laughed.
'Yes please.'
'Come closer' he pulled her into his embrace,he kissed her soft lips.
'Please ma'am feed me,i'm so hungry.' he whispered into her ears.'Only then,will i accept your thanks.'
Bibi sat cuddled on the settee,her lean frame relaxed and weary from crying,after the family returned from christmas eve service late last night.
She had no idea of how to break the news lingering on her mind to them,what would be their reaction?would they accept what she had come to accept.
Her eyes hadn't known sleep,it was 4am in the morning already,christmas was going to be a long day.Her eyes darted to the covered christmas tree,her daughters had decorated,and the gift she hid in it.
She thought of her late husband,and how he loved celebrating christmas,she sighed again,staring into the unknown.
Jane sleep walked into the kitchen,she opened the fridge with one eye closed and the other open.She poured herself a glass of water,drinking as she walked into the sitting room.she was surprised to see her mother cuddled on the settee.
'Mum,you're up already' she said walking towards her.Bibi gave no reply.
'Mum,are you awake?' she asked peering into her face,her eyes were opened but her mind was far away.Jane was afraid,that her mother was dead,shaking bibi violently,she shouted Hannah's name.
Bibi was startled,
'Jane' she said.
'Mum what happened to you,i've been speaking to you and you didn't even hear me.' Jane said,breathing heavily,she was glad her mother was alright.
'I've been thinking.' Hannah heard her mother say from the door way.
'You scared me Jane,what happened?'
Jane explained to her sister all that happened.
'Bibi,what are you thinking about?'
'Your father.' she said quietly.
The atmosphere grew cold on the instant.Jane sat beside her mother holding her hands.
'We all miss him' Jane said.
'I miss him more.' Bibi replied.'I have always loved him,not for once did i cheat on him nor him on me,he provided all that i want,he catered for you two,he was my everything,he made me laugh,wipe my tears away and brought joy into my life.I can never forget him'
'I don't want you to spoil our xmas spirit,we miss daddy too,we love him,but God loves him more.'Jane said.
Hannah held on to her mother not saying a word.
'I'm happy,to have you two' Bibi said,as mother and daughter clung to each other.
It was christmas indeed,the streets were decorated,Jacob had his house decorated too,the xmas breeze was blowing,and everyone
seemed excited.
Adetoun had been woken up by Jacob with a paint of water this morning.He'd carried her shoulder high around the house,while she pleaded to be put down.
She was so happy today,Jacob was showing her what it means to be cared for,to be loved.She loved the glow in his eyes and the soft sound of his laughter,his voice seems to occupy the house.
She'd taken her bath,and dressed up.He told her not to prepare any food,because,a home delivery christmas meal would soon arrived.And true to his words,a full course meal was delivered,Adetoun ate to her fill.
Jacob took her to the cinema,where they watched a movie,she was excited to be seen in the company of such a man.She didn't know he was a famous man until they'd gone out together and people stopped to greet him.He had a smile for everyone.
She'd asked why he was so happy and he said'My heartrob is coming home tomorrow'.She knew who he was referring to.She hoped the lady knew how lucky she was to have him.
They'd returned home and he'd asked her to change into a more befitting dress,as he was attending a christmas party at Jaiye's family house.
She bubbled with excitement as she rushed into her bedroom.
Jane had been woken up by Jacob's call,6am in the morning.He called to wish her a merry christmas,sending kisses through the air.He'd asked her to step out of the door.She was used to his surprises by now.
A man was waiting outside to deliver her a wrapped present.she went to Hannah's room,she was on the phone with one Ade,whom she usually referred to as Pink shirt or something.
They both opened the present to find a cake novel,she was so excited,on it was scribbled a note,'To the one i love'.Both sisters burst into laughter,Jane knew who made the cake,it was a specialty from Jackie Bridals.
Hannah bit off a little part,and Jane pinched her for that,they took shots of the cake.Jane read the hand written card in it,and her heart was filled with love for this man she cared about.
Soon,the house was agog with activity,Bibi at the hem of it all.Bibi,Hannah and Jane were all busy in the kitchen.
Bibi cleared her throat to get the attention of the two ladies chatting.
'Bibi' Hannah said.
'I....I..just wanted to inform you ladies that we'ld be having company for Breakfast.' Jane heard her mother say,there was a slight tremor to that voice.
'Who?' Jane and Hannah asked in unison.
'Well,thats the surprise i have for you guys' Bibi said slicing fresh carrot in a bowl.'Lets hurry up and get dressed.'
Jane and Hannah looked at each other,with different thoughts on their mind.
A christmas breakfast surprise,i can't wait.
Adetoun felt like a doll in her blue gown standing beside Jacob the giant in all his glory.she had seen people casting glances at her.Most especially female envious eyes.
Jacob walked with the gait of a man who had value,he stopped at almost every table,shook hands with people or bowed.
The party was in full swing when they arrived,Jacob soon found Jaiye playing hostess to a group of friends at a table.
They shook hands in men fashion,before making space for two seats.Out of no where a lady bustled out,planting a firm kiss on his cheeks,Jacob returned that with a kiss on her hands.The beautiful lady gave her a smile too.
It was later she got to know he was Jaiye's fiancee.Her body calmed down,she was mad when the lady kissed him,causing her to remember the kiss they shared just yesterday.she shoved the memory away.
The elder Jaiye's soon came to their table,the older man pulled Jacob to a corner whispering into his ears.The young man had smiled in return before claiming his seat.
A young man at the table who looked a replica of Jaiye had been trying to get her attention,he would have passed off for a twin if not that he looked a bit younger.Adetoun frustrated all his attempt at making polite conversation with her.
Jacob pretended not to notice what was going on,engrossed with in a talk with another man while he sipped wine from a glass.
'Hey' a female voice said from behind.
Jacob turned to see Katherine walking towards him in a bump skirt that was just below her butt.
'Jacob' she smiled.
'Hi' he said excusing himself from his partner.
'You don't seem happy to see me' she said angling her face to a side to emphasize a tiny diamond necklace reaching to her bosom.
'Why? I'm glad to see you.'he smiled,'How's business and the family.'
'We're fine.'she paused.'I saw a clip of you and a lady,i suppose is Jane on paper at a party.
'What about it?'
'Well,if thats Jane,you've got every reason to be smitten over her.'Kat winced.'And i hear you brought a young beauty to the party this afternoon.'
Jacob tried to stir the conversation away from Jane and Adetoun.Until Kat was finally able to squeeze an invitation out of him to his company's party.
The rest of the night was fun,dancing with everyone and enjoying himself to the fullest.
After tidying up the kitchen,and putting finishing touches to the food.The family assembled round the xmas tree,its light shone brightly and they laughed.
Bibi prayed,giving thanks to God for keeping them alive and healthy and asking the Lord to protect them and give them the best of christmas gift.
With a final amen,they sat by the tree,Hannah dug under it and brought out wrapped gifts,she began to unwrap them excitement swimming in her big eyes,
she found a pink shoe and bracelet,'This must be for you sis'
Jane exclaimed,she seemed excited too.
'The bella shoes?' she squeezed her face.
'I thought you liked it' Bibi said.
'Yes,but its too expensive Bibi'
'Can anything be too expensive for me to provide for my daughter?'
Jane smiled in gratitude hugging her mother.Before Hannah threw herself over the two of them,laughing and screaming.
'What did mum get you' Jane asked anxious.
Hannah threw a paper on Jane,before hurrying inside,she returned with a Guitar.
'I'm proud of you mum' she said hugging her mother.
Bibi had promised Hannah a Guitar,and payment for a teaching lesson last xmas.Hannah in turn had given her mother a hand woven shawl,while Jane bought her mother different set of cooking utensils,a cookbook and a set of necklace.
There was a smile on everyone's face when the door bell sounded,Bibi's mind became alert,this was the moment she had been dreaded all day.
Hannah answered the door,a middle aged man who could not be more than 50years came in wearing a blue crisp shirt on Jean.
Bibi came forward ushering him to a seat,Jane and Hannah exchanged glances.
The man whom Bibi addressed as Kenneth greeted the ladies,they set the table for breakfast.
There was an awkward silence in the room,Bibi introduced the man as a friend.
Hannah glanced at her sister expecting her to speak.
Jane ate while making little conversation with Kenneth.Hannah was angry with the way Jane made friend with the man,and how he stole lovely glances at Bibi.
'Bibi,who is this man to you?'Hannah asked rudely.
Every other person at the table was taken aback.
Bibi's lips quivered as she picked and dropped her fork twice.
'You were here,when she said Kenneth is a friend.' Jane saved her mother the embarrassment.
'I was talking to Bibi and not you' Hannah said mildly upset.
Kenneth looked at ease,it was as if he'd expected this all along.he ate his food and maintained a calm posture.
'Mother,can you please answer me.' She growled again.
'I think,you should...... .....' Hannah cut Kenneth short.
'Hey,i wasn't talking to you'
Kenneth did not show if he was angry.
'Hannah,can i speak with you in my room for a minute please?'
'Jane,i am not speaking with you.'Hannah answered,her voice had risen by a pitch.
Hannah answered,her voice had risen by a pitch.
Bibi coughed,to get everyone's attention.
'I'm sorry about this,i should have explained it all to you before now.' Bibi's eyes were red.
A flicker of warmth exuded from Kenneth as he looked at her,he had caused her all this.They had agreed that she break the news to them before breakfast.
'Mother,get on with,we're listening.' Hannah bellowed.
'Would you let her speak or not?' Jane said.
'Kenneth is my friend,a very good friend of mine.' bibi tried to explain.
'Kenneth is a male,mother what kind of friend is he?'
'I'm dating him!' Bibi dropped the bombshell.
'What?' Hannah exclaimed,anger setting in her eyes as she looked from her mother to Kenneth.
Jane seemed to take the news in a mature way,trusting her mother judgement's in whatever she did.
Kenneth sat quietly like a mother hen drenched in a heavy downpour.
'Mother,you're already dating?' Hannah said.'I can't believe this of you.'
'Hannah,you're being rude to Mother,and i wont take such from you.'Jane chided her sister.
'Its barely two years,and you're sleeping with another man.'

kenneth had never been so embarassed in his entire life,he was putting so much at stake because he loved this woman.
'Hannah,don't be silly'Jane shouted from across the table.
'How can you sit,and watch a man from nowhere take dad's place?' she screamed standing up from the table.
'Please calm down.' Jane said.
'Don't come near me' she screamed.'Mother,you were never in love with father.' she cried.
'What was the drama all about then?she hissed. 'The crying this morning and all that'
'Calm down'Jane pleaded softly.
'When i saw you crying this morning,i thought you missed Daddy,not knowing you were already seeing someone else.' she hissed on Kenneth.
'Its not what you think Hannah'Bibi tried to stop her from doing more damage with her tongue.
'I don't ever want to see you in this house again,Kenneth or whatever your name is.'Hannah screamed,she rushed to the table picked a fork and threw it at him.
Kenneth dodged the fork in time moving towards the door,he cast a glance at Bibi before exiting the door.
'Hannah,you must be out of your mind for doing that.'Jane said.
'I hate you Jane,i hate you mother' she rushed upstairs as the tears spilled over her face.
'This christmas breakfast is a disaster.'Jane said going after her kid sis.
Bibi fell on the chair as the water threatened to spill,this was not the christmas she envisaged.
Jane dropped the call,she just spoke with Ajoke on phone,her voice was sonorous as always,her friend was so full of exciting gist,she was happy that at least someone was happy.

she slipped on a robe,she had some few things to say to her mother.The Kenneth saga soiled xmas mood,as the house was cold,no hearty laughter or blarring music.
She had to clear the plates of food,as she could only eat little herself.Lucy had come by later to remind her of the party they were to attend.Jane had turned her down,Lucy did not push it much,seeing the pain in Jane's eyes as she spoke.Jane was sorry to disappoint her truly. 
As she got to the corridor,she stopped by Hannah's door.Since she left the table,she had refused everyone entry into her room,no lucnh no dinner,her silent wailings caused Jane's heart to knot.The sobbing had ceased,all she could hear was a soft snore from a tired body,she pulled the robe tighter,fitting the belt to her waist.

She walked to Bibi's door,it was slightly ajar,she knocked softly,Bibi's voice came through asking her in.
Jane glanced around the room,their parents bedroom.Although she noticed a few changes,her mother had cleared their father's picture to a side,only the wedding frame hung freely across the wall.Was that a sign that,her mother had cleared their father off her mind.she hoped not.
'Were you sleeping?' she asked coming towards the bed .
'No dear,i was just relaxing.' Bibi informed her.
'Do you mind tea,i just made a jug.'
Jane nodded her head in the affirmative.Bibi poured her another glass.
'I came to speak with you' Jane cleared her throat.'Can i go on?'
'Ofcourse my big baby' Bibi forced a wan smile.
'I'm so sorry about the embarrassment Hannah caused you this morning,she's only a child,she'd come to terms.' Jane said.
'I'm glad you understand' Bibi smiled holding her daughters' hand.
'Do you truly love him?'
'I truly loved your father,and not for once did i cheat on him,he gave me life,joy and supported my career,i still think of him.'
'No,i mean Kenneth.' Jane said,gently stroking Bibi's palm.
'Mother,you can confide in me.'
'I love him,we've been dating for seven months now,he insisted on meeting you two.' she explained.
'I hope you find a way to apologize for Hannah's behaviour'
'I have'
'Its good to know,you found love again,i think i like Kenneth.'
Mother and daughter embraced each other,an happy feeling engulfed the two.
Jane sank on the bed,tired,she picked her phone,she thought about her rufffled xmas celebration.She watched the expression on her mother's face it was that of peace.she must really love this Kenneth of a man too.
She hoped,Hannah would have calmed down by morning.she had so much love for her kid sister.
She was already falling asleep,when Jacob's call came through,they were on the call for a while,he eagerly reminded her of their date on the morrow.
He also noticed the sad note in her voice,and she explained to him all that happened.He urged her to take it off her mind,that all would be well.He wasn't even surprised that Bibi was going out.
Blowing her kisses through the air.He wished her a peaceful night rest.

To be continued at 9pm.

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