You look lively' Ade said opening a can of malt for Hannah.
'You can say that again' Hannah said as she
sipped from the glass he poured for her.The Sug club looked quiet today,people strolled around,some holding hands,some laughing as they spoke out aloud.Their table sat in a corner where they had a good view of the surrounding.
'I like this transformation,its good to see you laughing again' He said putting a piece of meat in his mouth.
'Thanks,nice shirt'Hannah smiled
'Thanks,you're looking good too'
'But,come to think of it,why do you like pink colour' She asked.
'Well,growing up among 8girls isn't easy.'He smiled warmly sipping from his glass.
'8 girls? How come?'
'Thats a story for another day.'
'I'll remind you to tell me anyway.' she said.
'I asked to see you because,i have a delivery for you.' Ade said looking into her eyes.
Hannah face sparkled in delight,'A delivery? From who? If i may ask?'
'From me to you.' he said calmly.
'I can't wait to see it.' she smiled.
'I know you're leaving school tomorrow,but i still want to give you a christmas present' he said bringing out a small package from his bosom pocket.
'Whats in there?' Hannah asked.
'Well,they are for your eyes only' he gave her the little package.A smile edged on her lips as she carefully unwrapped the package.
Suddenly her eyes widened in excitement,as she examined the diamond beaded earrings.
'Oh my! Is this for me?' she asked.
'Yes,it is for you,don't mind the size,its all i can afford.' Ade smiled too happy she liked it.
'This is not small,its so lovely and i like it,its small,beautiful,real and sparkling.' Hannah gushed excited.
'I'm glad you like it.'
'No,i love it.'
'Do you promise me that you'd wear this for christmas.' Ade asked with a pleading note in his voice.
'I will,its so cute.'
'How about,you try it on'
Ade helped her wear it,he took a snapshot of her smiling as the earring dangled lightly on her ears.
For the first time in four days,she had a peaceful night rest,she'd slept soundly like a baby.She woke up refreshed and calm.
'Its so good to see you're happy again' Cynthia smiled as she folded her cloths in a box.
'It feels so good to be alive and healthy' Hannah smiled warmly.
'You still don't trust me enough to confide in me' Cynthia said.
'I still don't find it necessary to talk about it.' she laughed.
'When are you leaving'
'As soon as i'm done packing this bag.' she said pointing at a small box.
'I'll be leaving by weekend too'Cynthia said.
'I can't wait to get home,i've missed my family so much'
'Me too,I haven't seen Rukayat in two days now.' Cynthia said worried.
'You worry too much,she's probably having fun somewhere' Hannah said not willing to spoil her mood.
'I have some freshly boiled yam and fish stew,do you care?'
'Oh i care' Hannah said getting a plate.
She served herself,and settled to eat,she picked a piece with her fork,she bite into it,and smiled.
Christmas was sure going to be fun...
It was just like a dream,the days were competing,racing fast,days sped into week and Christmas was just 10 days away,the excitement in most people was so readable,that you would find it hard to resisit from laughter on sighting a tensed adult looking forward to yuletide.
Jane was not left out in the burstle as she spread a big smile for everyone who cared to take a look.Coupled with the fact that Hannah was home already,Lucy called again and again and Jacob talked non stop about nothing but her homecoming.
The only thing that threatened Christmas had been resolved earlier,which was Ajoke's depression,she had carried on in her mood for days non stop,banging doors,hitting tables,flinging objects and throwing clothes.Jane had never seen her in such a mood.she hardly spoke to anyone,it was the same thing at the office,her boss offered her some days off but she refused to stay off work.Jane had thought several times on how to approach her,but was unable to come up with a reasonable way.Her first two attempt was a disaster,so she stayed off.
The long awaited opportunity arrived one saturday morning,and as usual she heard noises coming from Ajoke's bedroom,she took courage and went in. As luck would have it,she lay on the bed facing the wall and did not see her come in.
Her room was dishevelled,shoes,bags,clothes flung here and there,not a space to lay foot on.
'Ajoke' she said calmly.No answer came,because she didn't hear someone call her name.
'Ajoke' she said,louder.
'Ajoke' this time a pitch higher.she turned back carefully,froze at the sight of Jane before regaining composure.Jane saw some snapshots on the bed,she picked them,they were Ajoke's most treasured item,pictures of her fiance,Bode the engineer.The lovely moments they shared together captured on paper.The pictures were smeared with tears,that did prove one thing,he was definitely the cause of her agony.
'What happened between you two' Jane asked her eyes on the door,incase Ajoke reacted funny.
'Bode----bode.......' she broke into sobs.Jane moved closer afraid to touch her.
'What has he done?'
'Jane,he let me down,Bode let me down,he broke my trust for him,he did......he.....'Ajoke stammered.
'You need to calm down,put your thoughts together,if you want me to understand' Jane said moving the clothes,to sit by her.
'Oh! Jane,you can't believe this.' she said breaking into fresh tears.
'What is it?' Jane aksed.
'Bode has a kid,a child that can no longer be referred to as a baby,because that child is 8yrs old' Ajoke screamed.
Jane didn't see that coming,not at all.Of all the things she expected,that was the least.
'A baby?' she sighed. A child out of wedlock from another woman.That could spell doom.She now understood her agony and the pain behind her sorrow.Little wonder the poor lady was about to destroy herself.
'Thats not the end of the road,neither is it the end of the world' Jane said,that was not what she wanted to say.she stood up from the bed in fear of a heavy slap.But those words seem to clear the chaft out of Ajoke's face as she sobered up.
'If Bode could summon courage to tell you this,then he...' Ajoke caught her off.
'No,he sent me an encrypted mail with pictures of the child'Ajoke explained.
'And when he spoke to you?'
'I haven't spoken to him since then,i deleted his contacts,refused to pick his calls or read his several text messages.
'You shouldn't have done that,you taught me to learn to hear other people's side of the story,not to jump into rash decisions or anger,but now.' Jane paused for breath.'You're doing the same thing girlfriend'
Jane talked to her like a sister,encouraged her to pick his calls,she even went as far as arranging a meeting for the duo,after having quite an exchange with Eng Bode.
It turned out well,Bode explained that the mother of the child was no more and that the child lived with his mother.
Things returned to its former self after Jane and Ajoke had a heart to heart discussion.
The future looked bright once more and Ajoke became her vibrant self once again,laughing,joking and having fun.
Jane felt elated that she had been an instrument for her friends ' reunoin and happiness.she enjoyed playing the role of peacemaker.Jacob would indeed be proud of her.

The spirit of Christmas filled everyone,old and young,male and female alike,office burstled with vigour as the end of the year closing party moved closer.Jane was on the organising comittee as the secretary.And headturner,business tycoon Jacob Smith was a guest of honour for the day.

Jane had invited him personally too as her date,she also invited Hannah to the party,not leaving out lousy Lucy.Ajoke also invited Bode and his friends.The Party indeed promised to be fun filled,as Jane looked forward to it.Most importantly she wouldn't miss the opportunity to steal a kiss from her darling Jacob.
But,she had to wait.
It was just two days away............
'Stay at the bus-stop,i'm coming to pick you'Jane said dropping the call.
'I'm coming with you'Ajoke said straping a sandal to her feet.
They drove to the bus park to pick Hannah.
'My sister is a chatter box just like you'Jane said clutching the steering.'I hope you two like each other.'
'I hope so too' Ajoke said smiling.
'When last did you speak to Bode?'Jane asked.
'This morning,he'll be returning from Abuja this evening.'

They arrived at the park in no time,locating Hannah had been so easy because of her fair skin colour.she hopped into the car and Jane drove home.she made the introduction in the car.Hannah looked so excited,clinging to Ajoke like a long lost sister.They chatted away leaving her out.
'Hey,hey,hey' Jane said to get their attention.
'We'll be stopping at the market to get some fresh pepper and chicken.'Jane announced.

Ajoke got down to open the gate,while Jane drove in,Hannah helped carry some of the food items they bought into their apartment.

Hannah changed into a comfy clothe,and helped Ajoke prepare the meal.Jane was on the phone with Jacob,He's on his way home from the airport.she reminded him of the party and he promised not to miss it.He'd sent her a kiss through the air and she received it happily,basking in the warmth that flowed through his voice.

She wondered how he managed to have so much effect on her from such distance,she placed the phone to her heart imagining it was Jacob.
'Madam food don done o'Ajoke said knocking on Jane's door before coming in.
'Oh,its you'Jane yawned noisily.'What says the time?'
'Some minutes to 7pm'Ajoke replied sitting by Jane's bed.
'I must have slept off!'Jane said scrambling to her feet.'Oh my God,i need to make dinner'
'And where do you think you're rushing to?'
'The kitchen ofcourse.'
'Not to worry,we made dinner already.'Ajoke smiled playing with her weavon curl.
'Yes'Ajoke drawled.'Hannah and I'
'I hope today's not december fools day because...'Ajoke cut her short,as she held her hands and walked her to the dinning.

Jane took in the set dinning,and uncovered the dishes,surprised was drawn all over her face.
'You did this.' Jane said smiling as she sat down.
'No,i did it.'A voice said from behind Jane.'With little help from Ajoke'
'Ajoke,is that true?' Jane asked.
'Yes' Ajoke said serving herself.
'I told you,she's not going to believe me'Hanah said making herself comfortable.
'Not until i taste the food' Jane laughed,'Who knows if you've over seasoned it'
'Go ahead and taste it'Hannah said smiling at her sister.
Jane blessed the meal,and scooped a spoonful of rice and stew in her mouth,chewed and swallowed it,she took a drink from her glass.
'This is tasteful,you have improved so much on your cooking.'Jane said.
'I take that as a compliment'Hannah laughed biting into a piece of chicken.
'I think your phone is ringing'Ajoke said.
'Hannah,could you please get my phone from my bedroom'Jane said.
Hannah returned with the phone,but the call had ended,she was about to drop it when it rang again.
'Who is calling?'Ajoke asked noting the hesitation on her face.
'My boss'Jane said.
Hannah looked from her sister to Jane.
'Pick it'She said.
Jane excused herself from the dinning to pick the call,she returned in some few minutes time.
'What did he say?'Ajoke asked eagerly.
'Just some few questions and last minute arrangement,and reminding me to arrive early.'Jane said sipping her drink.
'Why where you hesistant to pick the call.'Hannah asked.
'Its a long story you don't want me to bore you with.'Jane said.
'Its alright'
Dinner was over,and the three ladies,sat in the sitting room.Chatting while they watched a music channel.After a while Ajoke excused herself,saying she wanted to get some rest as she envisaged a busy tomorrow.Leaving the sister's to catch some talks.
'How's Bibi?'Jane asked,crossing her leg on the sofa.
'She's fine and healthy,she sends her greetings'Hannah answered.
'Did she let you on,about the proposed talk?'
'No,she said she's going to share it whenever you're home,i'm only wondering what Bibi is hiding.'Hannah said,letting out a sigh.
'I can't wait to be home again'Jane smiled.
'Same here'Hannah picked the remote to changed the channel.'Have you heard from Jacob?'
'Yes'Jane said giggling,with light floating in her beautiful eyes.
'I see the spark in your eyes,at the mention of his name.'Hannah smiled.
'I hope one day,when you feel true love,you'll remember this night'Jane said.
'When is he arriving tomorrow?'
'He said to call him when the party commences.'
'I can't wait' Hannah said.
'Yes,me too.'Jane shifted in her seat.'Remind me to call Lucy as early as possible,you know she never keeps to time.'
'I will'
'Ajoke's fiance is also coming for the party.'
'Really,i hope this party is going to be so much fun'
'I hope so.' Jane said thinking of Jacob as she said so.Tomorrow is going to be a long long day.
Hannah had gone to answer the door,
'Welcome' she screamed as Lucy stepped in the door.
'Hannah!' Lucy said excited,pulling her into a embrace.
'How are you Lucy?' Hannah asked.
'I'm fine and you?' Lucy said.
'I'm cool as always' Hannah smiled.
'Will you two come in or forever stay outside'Jane shouted from the kitchen.
'I think going in is a better option'Hannah said pulling Lucy along.

Jane emerged from the kitchen draped in a blue apron smiling as she held out her hands,Lucy hugged her tight.
'Welcome to our humble abode.'Jane said.
'Meet my flatmate,friend,sister and fellow corper'Jane said pointing to Ajoke who just strolled into the sitting room.
'Hi' Lucy smiled.
'Hi Lucy'Ajoke answered.'I've heard so much about you already.'
'I hope,i'm in the positive.' Lucy said.
'Hmmmm' Ajoke pretended to think.'In between i guess'
The ladies burst into laughter,
'You're here on time,this is the first time i'll see you doing that.'Jane said.'Ajoke and Hannah will keep you company while i set the table for breakfast.'

Jane bristled into the kitchen and finished up her cooking,before arranging the table.she removed her apron and called the others to join her.
Lucy and Hannah kept the table alive,with Ajoke.Jane merely listened,laughing and dropping few comments.The room looked very lively.Breakfast was over in no time.
'You look a replica of Mother Mary in that!'Lucy said walking into Jane's room.'I'm sure you're not wearing that to the party.
'I like it' Jane said examining her look in the room.
'You can't wear that'Hannah said.
'I have no other suit i can wear.'Jane complained.
'First thing first,please pull off that skirt,while we search your clothes for some nice suit pant.'Lucy said.
Hannah and Lucy rummaged through her wardrobe,while she sat on the bed combing her hair.
'Yes,i found one.'Hannah said.
'Let her try it'Lucy said handing Jane the pant trousers.
Jane tried it on.
'This is perfect' Lucy smiled.
'Its tight' Jane said.'Too tight for my liking.'
'How about,you wear it with this shirt?'

After so much arguement,Jane conceeded to do their wish,her boss had called her non stop.Ajoke emerged from her bedroom wearing a tight fitted white pencil skirt with matching white shirt.she looked so beautiful with her weavon dropping on her shoulders.

Jane looked cute too,her pant trousers fitted her body like a second skin.Hannah and Lucy dressed too.
Jane drove them to the conference hall to be used,got them seats before dashing off to find her boss.He scolded her as expected,filling her in on the necessary.

The official party took off by 12pm,the hall was well decorated and staffs were all on seat,Jane sat by her boss on the high table,she searched everywhere for Jacob but couldn't sight him.
The MC introduced the invited guest,Jacob Smith was second on the list,he rose up with dignity,an heavy applause sounded as he walked to the high table between two beautiful ladies.
As he gave the opening speech,Jane's heart exploded in warmth.she loved the way he exuded so much respect from people.How lovely it would be to get introduced as the fiance of such a young,handsome rich man.she tossed off the thought from her mind.
After so many other speeches from men of substance in the business world,bruncheon was served.The company awarded its hardworking employees and read their financial statement for the year.The programme came to an end at exactly 2:30pm.
Jane followed her boss as he left the table,he made a call to check if the hall for the dinner party was ready.
'Have you had anything to eat?' Toju asked.
'No,i'm fine'Jane answered.
'What do you think about the programme? He asked again.
'It was fantastic,just as planned.'Jane answered impatiently,she wanted to meet with Jacob as soon as possible.
'You seem to be in a hurry to answer me.'
'I want to attend to my friends'
'My invitation still holds for tonight' Jane heard him say as she walked away.
As soon as she escaped her boss,she searched frantically for Jacob,as he was no where to be found.Lucy and Ajoke sat between two men whose face she couldn't make out,laughing as they ate.Hannah was at large too,not after the several warning she had issued that she behave herself at the party.She brought out her phone to dial his number when a man of about the same height as Jacob popped by her side,he looked composed in his grey suit,he blocked her way with his body.
'Hi' he said,as she made to move away.
'Hi' she answered non challantly.'What can i do for you?'
'I'm Cole,and you are....'
'I'm busy please,if you don't mind.' Jane made to leave,the man looked disappointed as he held out his card to her.
'I wouldn't mind a call,as soon as you can.'
'Bye' Jane said taking the card,she dialled Jacobs' number.

Jane's heart did a summersault when she saw him holding her sisters hand,was that a pang of jealousy?oh no.Jacob is a man of intergrity.she walked towards them,
'Hello' she smiled.
'Hi dear'Jacob hugged her unwilling to let her go.Jane loved the way his hands cradled her back and his body breath warmth into hers.Hannah looked on,it seemed her existence had been forgotten.
'Hmmm,hmmmm' she coughed.
'Oh sorry miss' Jacob said as he held Jane hands in his.
'I searched the whole hall for you too'Jane said.
'Well,thanks to Hannah who was able to save me from the hands of those press' He said giving Hannah a knowing smile.
'No thanks,let me excuse you two' Hannah smiled tugging at Jacob's suit.
Jane and Jacob smiled at each other,none offering to say a word.
'What do you think of the official party?'
'It was a nice one.'
'So where are you staying? My place? An hotel?' Jane asked.
'Staying? No,i'm not.Jacob said.'I'm leaving as soon as i can'
'Is that some kind of joke or what? Jane said,her countenance changing.
'I have an important meeting tonight,my clients would be arriving anytime from now.' Jacob explained.
'Send one of your capable man to attend to them' Jane pleaded softly.
Jacob looked at her hesistantly,this meeting was not one he could avoid to delegate to another,they are about to seal a multimillion contract with a foreign company.
'I want you to be at the dinner party tonight.' Jane said,His failure to attend would leave her in the hands of TojuDaniels,that was not something she wanted to think about.
'This is not....' The sound of his phone cut him short,he picked the call.After a brief chat he hung up.
'I have to go now dear,those clients just arrived,they'll be at the office in no time.' He smiled.
'You're leaving.' was all she could manage to say.
Jacob was not happy to leave either but duty calls.They walked to where his car was parked.Bash came down to open the door for his boss.The atmosphere was tensed, 'I do not want to make false promises,but i'll do all i can' Jacob said.He made to peck her but she dodged him.he entered the car,waved her bye and his driver zoomed off.
'I can't find my purse' Jane said as she searched her drawers for it.Ajoke sat by her bed fitting a tiny necklace as she examined herself in the mirror.
'You should check the wardrobe,i saw it there some minutes ago.' Ajoke said,her blue floor length gown looked beautiful on her,exposing her bare shoulders.She had bought the gown specially for the party,she was sure her fiance was going to like it.

Jane found her purse,she kept her phone in there.Her body hung tightly to the white backless gown she adorned,her beauty was second to none,she straped the gown's neckrope tightly,her curve was well accentuated,she had worn the dress amidst cheers from her friends and sister.she had decided not to attend the party because Jacob would not be coming.She had worn another dress since Jacob would not be there to see her,so who was she dressing to please?Thanks to her friends,they helped her change the dress and urged her to attend,just to have fun.Toju's parting word echoed in her head,she would have no choice than to be his date,Toju's date!,it sounded bitter to her ears.Just for tonight's party anyway.

The devil you know,they say,is better than the angel you don't know.She felt really sad that Jacob had left her to attend to some meeting whatever.she clamped a gold wedge on her feet.
'Ladies where are you?' she shouted as she moved to the kitchen to get a glass of cold water.she gulped it down in one drink,that would probably calm her disturbed nerve.
Hannah emerged from the guest room wearing a black mini gown,
'Thats too short' Jane exclaimed.
'I wasn't asking for your opinion sis.' Hannah answered playfully.
You're not going to the party in that.' Jane persisted.
'She is' a female voiced said from behind.Jane turned to face Lucy who had on a pink skimpy gown also.
'I see' Jane said.
'You ladies look beautiful'Ajoke said coming out.
'Thats the spirit girl'
The ladies trotted into the car with Lucy at the wheels blasting the music.
The ladies arrived on time,people had started arriving too.
Without much ado,the party began.Ajoke's fiance arrived,and she introduced him to the other ladies,he came along with one of his friends.
Jane admired his fine features,as he sat beside Ajoke holding her hands under the table,a silly tear was about to escape,but she stiffled it,she was not about to embarass herself.
TojuDaniels was calling her phone,for the hundreth time,asking her to come to his table,music perfomances had began already,As she ate,she caught Bode's friend spying at her.She must be looking beautiful tonight with the glares and stares that tend to cut away every piece of clothing she had on.
Bode refilled their glasses with wine,Jane was careful not to drink too much.She scanned the hall with an hawk eye,Hannah and Lucy sitted with the same men thay sat with during the official party this noon.The guys looked a bit cool and she relaxed her feature,she was going to do all she could to enjoy the party.
She was laughing at Bode's joke when a strong male hand gripped her,she almost spilled the content of her glass on her white dress,she wished it was Jacob,but his grip was not as strong as that.Her mind knew it was be Toju and indeed it was.
'Good evening,ladies and gentlemen' He smiled at everyone at the table.
'Toju!' Bode's friend asked alarmed.
Tojudaniels starred back at the guy whose name was Demola,recognition sparked in his eye as a wide smile spread across his face.
'Demola?' he asked.
'Yes' the men stood up slapping each others back before embracing.
'And here's Bode too' Demola said.
Jane and Ajoke looked on,awde at the stageplay unfolding right in front of them.
'Bode' he almost shouted,the men looked overjoyed to meet again.
'I knew it,we would meet again.' They excused themself and left the table,Ajoke and Jane could not stop laughing.Jane was happy that Toju was gone at least for the moment.
The men soon returned,smiles on their faces,Toju asked that Jane be excused as she was needed.Jane stood up quietly,not wanting to create a scene.
Toju walked her to his table,hand in hand introducing her to others as a very good friend and a helping hand in the organization.
'What would you like to drink'Toju asked.
'Anything.' Jane answered without much ado.
'Let me pour you a glass of champagne.'
'No,a fruit wine will do' Jane said.
Toju tried to make little conversation but Jane was not willing to play the game.she saw Hannah and Lucy laughing,probably having fun,she envied her friend and her sister.A strong male hand envelope hers under the table,she removed her hand startled.
'We'll be back soon' he said holding her hands as they made way across the hall,stopping to greet friends,staff and guests.
'Now the floor is open,let the music play on,this is the first dance for tonight's party.' The MC announced.
Crowd of people miled to the dance floor in two's and three.
'The first dance' Toju said.
'What about it?'
'I want to have it with you.'
'I'm not dancing with you' she said.
'Just one dance' Jane heard the pleading note in his voice,they walked back across to the front,she saw the secretary from her former department giving her a bad eye as the boss held her hands.
The music was soft,and dancers moved to its steady rythm,Toju held her hands at first,before pulling her close,letting him cradle his hands at the small of her back,his body was warm but not like Jacob's,she felt like stoning him for disappointing her tonight.Jane moved her leg to the beat,the dance floor was getting crowded.she needed some fresh air,as the alcohol she took earlier was beginning to take its toll on her.Toju saw that she was growing tired.
'I think we should go outside,you need some air.' He said holding her too close for comfort.
'Yes' Jane managed to say.
They had to squeeze out of the crowded dancers.It seemed like eternity when some cool air washed over her face.He relaxed his hold on her and she relaxed more on him.He seemed to be enjoying the feel of her soft body on him.
'Lets find somewhere cool to relax' Toju said guiding her towards the corridor.Jane made no hesistation as she followed him sheepishly.
A pair of eye watched from afar,as Toju and Jane walked away.
Toju was glad his plan was working well,he moved her along fast,he would have carried her but that would raise suspicion.He went down the hall,turning right as if he was going to the gents,he looked to see if they were being followed,Satisfied that they weren't,he opened a secret door and carefully dragged a sleeping Jane in,closing the door firmly.
He lay her on the bed,she sat down without much fuss.
'I.....I ......want a glass of wine' she asked.Toju went to get it,he returned in no time,placing a bottle of champagne on the table,filling their glass.
Jane downed the glass once,while Toju began pulling off his cloths.
'Its high time the business.
'Its high time the business of the day began' He grinned wickedly.

To be continued at 7pm.

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