Toju had been of good behaviour this past week,he still gave the ocassional winks,and seductive smile once in a while.But never passed his boundary,he had stopped asking her to dinner or lunch since she would never honour his request..

Jane was putting on good manners too,she was enjoying her stay in the boss office.
Just when she had began to relax her guard and feel free,he sprang up a surprise one afternoon.She was about to round off work for the day,when he came around to her table.
'My clients in New york have resheduled the meeting,so we'll both be flying over on Thursday.' Toju said in his most official tone,which Jane understood very well.
'Excuse me?' Jane asked surprised.
'What part of that do you not understand?' he asked.
'We' she said emphatically.
'The company is requesting you go along with Mr Tojudaniels on a meeting,what is so hard to comprehend in that Miss Janet Odenuga?' Toju said.
'The company? Says who?' Jane said getting up.
'You have no right to question my orders,this is an official request.' Toju said without flinching.
'I should have been informed earlier.' Jane said.
'You have two days to get prepared.'
'I do not even have a passport or a visa'
'Submit the necessary documents and information,you'll have them by Thursday morning.'
Jane remained mute,it seems her boss just won the battle.
'Anything else you want to know?' he asked staring her in the eyes.
'Nothing' she said calmly,closing her system.she picked her handbag and stood away from her desk,facing her boss,she looked in his eyes as she spoke,
'Toju,i hope this travelling or meeting whatsoever will be as official as you just painted it else.......' she left the other half of the statement unspoken.
'Is that supposed to be a threat?' Toju asked as Jane walked away without as much as a sideward glance.

It had been a stressful day in all,as Jane drove home with Ajoke.The day was far spent,the hot weather was being inconsiderate,
Jane had a cold shower and slept off,she was woken by the incessant ringing of her phone,it was hannah.
'Wad up sis' her voiced boomed through the phone.
'I am fine,how are you?' she answered in a sleepy voice.
'I guess i called at a bad time' Hannah said.
'No,i just woke up.' Janet replied.
'I've been trying to get Bibi's line,but its not going through anything the matter?'she asked.
'Thats because her phone got last missing yesterday' Jane explained.
'I was worried,thats all.' Hannah said.
'So when are you coming home?' Jane asked.
'Anytime this week,i miss you guys so much.' Hannah said from across the phone.
'I miss you too,i'll be home for xmas too,since my company closes next weekend.'
'That'll be great,i can't wait to see you all.' Hannah laughed.
'Better,i'ld like you to attend my company's end of the year party.'
'Wait till i get home.'
'And that reminds me,Bibi said she has a surprise for us both,she refused to gist me,saying she wanted you to be around when she breaks the news.'Jane said excited.
'Have you any idea about it?'
'Not yet' Jane said.
'Alright,i have to go now,my regards to Bibi and sexy Jacob.' Hannah said laughing.
'You're a naughty girl,bye' Jane dropped the phone on her bed,she was about to get up,when Jacob's call came through,she had a lenghty chat with him,he was going out of the country on an important meeting.
Jane prepared a dinner of boiled rice with fried plantain,while they ate,she told Ajoke of the forthcoming travelling with her boss,
'I see no reason to panick,you have handled him once,you can always handle him again' Ajoke assured her.

The next day at work,she submitted the necessary documents and information.Toju had been as official and strict as required,he maintained his space,only talking to her when necessary.
And on wednesday afternoon,she had her passport and visa in hand.

Ajoke had told her not to worry,that all would be well.she prepared a small travelling bag,and put in the necessary document,indulging in a late night movie,she slept late,looking forward to what Thursday had to offer.
'I'ld be on my way now' Jane said picking a portable suitcase and hurrying out the door.
'See you later,and be a good girl' Ajoke replied standing by the door with a brush hanging loosely in her mouth.she closed the door and walked into the bathroom.
Jane typed furiously away on her PC,her fingers cringed beneath her,she stole a glance at her boss who hadn't said more than hello to her since 2hrs ago,he sent her mails instead.
She checked her watch for the uptenth time,Toju hadn't spoken a word about the travelling they were to embark on.he kept giving her work,and files to attend to.
'Where are you going to' Toju asked as Jane stood up.
'What about lunch?' Toju asked staring at her.
'Toju...i''Jane said word by word.
'Are you through with the workload on your table?'Toju asked.
'I'll finish up when i have lunch'Jane walked out of the office.

Ajoke was surprised to find Jane in the cafeteria,
'What are you doing here ma'am?' Ajoke asked.
'To have lunch ofcourse' Jane said sitting.
'I thought you were travelling with the boss?'
'That cow of a man has not said a word about it since morning' Jane whispered quietly.
'Do you have an idea what he's up to?'
'How can i?'
'I hope he's not playing games anyway.'
'For his sake,i hope so.'
They ate their Lunch discussing about Office rumour in silent tones.
Jane returned to office,she was about to sit when her boss baritone voice filled the air.
'You're eight minutes behind lunch hours' he said without looking up.
'No,i'm not' Jane replied checking her watch at the same time,only to realise she was behind time indeed.
'Miss Jane you are,and you'll definitely pay for it.' Tojudaniels said.

The official closing hour was 4pm,her boss kept tossing her work and files to work on.she kept a watch on the wall clock.
It was quarter to five,yet Toju looked like he was not prepared to go home anytime soon,she had decided not to complain so as not to give him an advantage.

She brought out her handsfree and began to listen to music,moving her feet to the steady beat of the song,she worked on.
When the last of her file had been treated,she began to clear her table.
'The meeting we're supposed to attend has been cancelled'
'Better late than never' Jane mumbled under her breath.
'You were saying?'
'I wasn't talking to you'
'I see,you should be heading home now'
'How about a quick dinner?' he asked trying his luck.
'I can make you say yes'
'No' Jane answered squaring her shoulders.
'Is that a firm no?' Toju asked smiling.
Toju laughed,his voice echoed in the room,the atmosphere was cool and silence engulfed since most employees have gone home.
'Not,yes to you.I mean .....'she stopped as Toju walked towards her table.
'You mean yes to me' he smiled'Okay,just a quick dinner,i don't bite.'
'Thanks,i've got to go now' she picked her bag and walked to the other side of her table.
'Not so fast young lady' Toju said as he circled the table and stopped right in front of her.He placed his hands on her shoulders,Jane displaced them instantly.
'Relax,i mean no harm.' He said'Is it a crime to admire a beautiful lady? Is it a crime to ask for a retaliation of feelings? Is it a crime to want to kiss you?' he asked in one breath.
'Yes,it is' she said steppingaway.he pulled her back roughly,pushing her on a seat.

Jane tried to push him back but it was a futile effort,he pinned her to the seat,and bent over her.
'You can scream for all i care,no one can hear you.'
he said licking his lips as his mouth came down to hers,Jane fought frantically,pushing him with all her might,he placed his hands over her bosom and she screamed,from her position,she picked the vase from the table and with the strength left in her,she hit his head,he dropped her fast,reeling in pain as he held his head.
Jane picked her bag,she was about to open it when a knock sounded,she froze on her feet,her hands filled with sweat instantly,she thought of what to do,she yanked the door open and rushed out,running towards the elevator.
Wouldn't it sound harsh to say men are animals'Ajoke said throwing a ball of semo in her mouth.
'You can say that again' Jane agreed.
'He deserved what he got.'Ajoke said.
'I couldn't agree better,immediately i sighted the vase,i picked it and finished him'
'I hope you didn't cause him too much harm'
'A satchet of panadol and some rest and he's on his feet again,maybe a little cut too' jane said.
'l'm glad you stood up to him.' Ajoke smiled warmly.
'I'm glad i did too.'
'Who was knocking?'
'A female,i didn't get a good view,but i can bet,i saw the marketing manager's secretary.'
'Don't you think you should apologize?'
'No,i'm not going to' Jane said clearing the table.
The buzzing sound of a phone came on.
'Jane you have an international call' Ajoke shouted.
'That must be Jacob' she said.
Seconds turned to minute,and minutes grew into hours,Hannah's eye refused to honour sleep,she tossed and turned,sighed and cried.It was just too hard to believe that Rukayat was now Ade's girlfriend.

She had turned him down not because she didn't love him but because she had a steady relationship going with Rotimi,and had no excuse to cheat or leave him,she wasn't a heartless Naughty Lady.

She'd woken up the next day with a swollen face,she was clueless on what to do or say,she just wanted to pack her bag and go home.If not for Rotimi who had insisted on seeing her before she left.
She stayed in all day,thinking and feeling was in the evening she decided to go out and get some fresh air.
She walked to the school field,she watched the ongoing departmental match,she was enjoying the match and was beginning to loosen up when a fair guy walked up to her,she had turned him down instantly.she walked away from the field,it was some minutes to six,she decided to visit Rotimi.
She didn't call before hand as she wanted to give him a surprise,she board a bike to his place,she opened the gate after knocking without a response.
She climbed the stairs humming Mariah's Touch my body,how she came to love that song was something void of explanation,she knocked the door persistently,she pushed it slightly and it opened,she walked into the sitting room,there was no one in sight,except for a handbag and a shoe.she heard noise coming from one of the bedroom,she wondered why Rotimi allowed his sister to bring in her boyfriend.she tiptoed towards the bedroom,and peeped throught the hole but couldn't see anything,she walked back to the sitting,she got herself a glass and a pack of juice,she had almost emptied her glass when it occured to her that it could be Rotimi in there with a lady.

Instantly,she became uneasy,a cold shill swept all over her,she dropped her glass and walked boldly to the door,she threw it open with a loud bang to find two Unclad people making out.
They both looked towards the door at the same time,shocked to find an intruder at the peak of their enjoyment.
'Rukayat!' Jane screamed shocked at the sight before her.The lady covered her face with the bed spread.
The two adults scrambled for their clothes in a haste.
The water felt cold on her body,her mind was boiling in a turmoil,she wished she would just wake up from this bad dream and all would be over.
She'd slept for fifteen straight hours,she'd woken up to find 68missed calls from Rotimi,she put on a black gown and a sandal.
'Is something wrong?' Cynthia asked.
'No,just a slight headache'
'A slight headache?,and you slept so long,with this slowpoke look on your face,and a red eye?'Cynthia countered.
'I'm fine thanks.'Hannah answered.
'When you're willing to talk,i'm all ears dear.'
'Thank you.'
'Have you seen Rukayat?she didn't come home last night.I just hope she's fine.' Cynthia said folding her bedspread.
Hannah walked out of the room without saying a word.
'Hannah' a voice said,Hannah who was lost in thought turned to see someone standing by her,no doubt it was Rukayat.
She became alert,'Get out' she said calmly.
'I have come to apolgize for ... ...' Rukayat stammered.''
Hannah looked on as she rambled with words,finding it hard to make a sentence.
'I am ......sorry,i didn't....'
'You have to come apologize for sleeping with Rotimi right? ' Hannah said quietly.
'I ....know.....' Rukayat fumbled stupidly.'I'm sorry.'
'You know what?,i'ld love to listen to your apology,maybe you should take time to compose something nice,and presentable lies.'Hannah said in the coolest of voice.
'Okay' Rukayat walked away.

Hannah watched her laeve,something jacked in her telling her to get up and squeeze life out of her deceitful friend.But,she maintained her calm,rather then scream or vent,she wept.

Spilling the tears was just like letting out the she let it flow,she cried till her eyes became sore.It is one thing to catch your boyfriend cheating on you,it is another to catch your friends making out behind you.

Her hanky was wet with tears,she wiped her face allowing the cool evening breeze wash over her face.she felt betrayed by friends and woondered why this was happening to her.
Rotimi had let het down,and she was going to break up with him up.No excuse would ever sound right for his action.He'd just tossed down her wall of wrapped trust.he would never be able to assemble them..Never.

It was getting dark already,she must have dozed off,she sat alone,watching the birds fly from tree to tree with a free spirit.Why couldn't she be free like these birds with nothing to worry about.
'Why? Why? Why?' She screamed into the dark night.
She was tired and weary from crying all day.
'Hello' a strong male voice echoed,all was still for a moment.
She could feel her breath quicken in worry,she turned back to see who had just intruded into her thought.
'Come and help me with the dishes' Jane said walking towards the kitchen.
'I came earlier,but you were enjoying a tete a tete with your caller' Ajoke laughed slipping on a flipflop to join Jane in the kitchen.
'Jacob will be coming home with the first flight Monday morning'Jane said enthusiastic.
'Do you miss him?' Ajoke asked rinsing the washed dishes in warm water.
'Of course i do'
'I bet you do,its scribbled all over you' she laughed.
'Thanks dear'
Jane tapped Ajoke lightly on her shoulders,
'A penny for your thought sis.'
'Too small a value for thought revealing' Ajoke smiled.
'Lets see'Jane pretended to think,'A crisp ten naira note.'
'I'll manage that'
'Let it out'
'Would you believe me,if i told you i was thinking about you and Jacob?'
'What about us?' Jane asked dropping the dish in her hands.
'What if Jacob proposes to you after your service.'
'No,i don't think he'll do that anytime soon.' Jane smiled warmly easing her weight on the other feet.
'Why? There's nothing stopping him from doing so'Ajoke said.
'But,i....i am...'
'Calm down,you're not ready?'
'Yes,i'm not ready.' Jane said
'When will you be ready?when he walks down the aisle with another lady,when his mother finds him a beautiful girl?'
'No,its just that,i wasn't expecting that.' Jane answered her thoughts in turmoil.
'its alright,i'm sure when he asks you'll be ready.'
'Yes,i hope so.I can't wait to see him again'
'Me too'
'Ofcourse not,i can't wait to see my fiance not Jacob'
The lady's burst out laughing.
Jane resumed office with the hope that her boss would be fine,she arrived early than usual,sat behind her desk going through her finished work,taking calls and making appointments for the boss.
She had just dropped the telephone after a lingering conversation with Jacob and his father,she had been surprised but was able to steady her voice and thoughts to give reasonable and smart answers to his questions.She liked his tone on the phone and hoped he'ld like her when she finally meets him.
Could Ajoke be right?Would Jacob propose after her programme,she prayed against that,she'd envisioned herself as Mrs J Smith,but now she realised she was no where ready to become a married woman.
Her boss strolled in with the confidence of a man who had it all,he muttered a quick hello before taking his seat,he ordered for coffee while he answered a call.
Jane buried her head avoiding his face as she worked on.A knock came on the door,she answered,it was the marketing manager's secretary again,she greeted her,as she sat in front of Toju for close to an hour,conversing in low tones.
Jane wondered what they were discussing quietly,the two must have something going between them she thought,as she excused them.she gave them ample time to finish their conversation.
She came in minutes later,to find the duo kissing on the boss' seat,they were startled as they didn't hear her come in.The secretary adjusted her blouse and walked out in two seconds.
'Courtesy demands you knock'Toju said speaking to her.
'Well,i did knock but you were probably too busy to hear' Jane answered.
'This is my office,i am the boss.'
'I'm not contesting that title with you anyway.'
'Jane,you're being rude'
'So were you yesterday.' she said with a pitch to her voice.
'I see' Toju said nodding his head.'Luckily for me,my head is intact even after your attack'
He was turning the table on her to make her feel guilty,and she picked it fast.
'No,it was your attack,i was only defending myself'Jane said.
'You're bold and thats one thing i like about you.' Toju said.
'Thank you sir' Jane said in a mock tone.
And that was it,she read out his appointments for the day,he gave her orders and work resumed again.Jane prayed the days would roll by,and be through with the programme.Hannah would be home in two days time.Christmas was fast approaching and the office was abuzz with it.

As she drove home today,she smiled,no Lunch invite,and no molest attempt was made on her today,Ajoke sat by her,looking out of the window.Deep in thought,she didn't want to disturb her so she hummed as she drove.

Ajoke was quiet most part of the evening,speaking only when necessary,Jane knew something was amiss,but couldn't lay a finger on what it was.
It was unusual for Ajoke to be quiet.Dinner was quiet this evening.
'Is it something you want to talk about?'Jane asked.
Jane felt hurt with the reply but decided to try on.
'Don't you think,you should let it out,a problem shared is half solved.Jane said.
Without any fuss,Ajoke stood and walked to her bedroom.
Something was definetly very wrong with her.
Jane cleared the table and sat by herself in the sitting room.
Ajoke's phone rang from the dinning table,it was her fiance.she knocked but Ajoke refused to open the door,The phone rang again and again.she had a total of 18missed calls and several unread messages.
Something is amis.
You startled me' Hannah said,when she saw it was Ade.
'I didn't mean to' he said sitting by her.
'How did you know i was here?'Hanny said,wiping the tears from her face quickly,she didn't want him to know,she had been crying.
'Trust my instincts.' Ade said smiling.Hannah loved the way his mouth cropped each time he smiled.
'To what do i owe this visit?'
'I came to tell you before yo.....'
'That you're dating my friend right?'
'How did you know?' he asked surprise.
'Well,she told me,and i'm happy for you guys'Hannah gave an insincere smile,those words sound bitter in her mouth.
'You're happy?'
'Yes,i am.' Hanny answered turning away quickly as a tear escaped her eye.
'I still want to be your friend,i'm glad you understand.' Ade said picking little stones from the floor and throwing it into the air.'I want you to know,i still love you'

He held her hands as he spoke,she felt a calm descend upon her,understanding seered through her,as she held unto him.
'Hannah,i know you're sad,something is troubling you.'
Hannah could not restrain herself as twin tears rolled down the side of her face.
'You can always confide in me'Ade said wiping away her tears.
'You have asked to know,and i'll tell you.Your newly acquired girlfriend is a cheat,i caught her making out with my boyfriend and i feel like strangling her' Those were the words she wanted to spit into his face,but that would mean hurting him,the last thing she wanted was to cause rift between the duo.
'I'm fine Ade' she replied in a quiet voice that surprised her.
'Are you trying to convince yourself that you're fine?i can see it all over you' he persisted.
'I'm i that readable,i didn't know i was so transparent.' Hannah smiled for the first time in 28hrs.
'Please talk to me' Ade insisted.
In low tones Hannah explained all that happened leaving out the name of the lady.

The cold air was chilling,she leaned close on him when a shattering clap sounded from behind,she jumped up in fright.
'Bravo' the voice said.
Ade stood waiting for the owner of the voice to appear.
'Lets run away please.' Hannah pleaded.
Ade merely shook his head.
'Please,lets leave' she pleaded with him.
A body appeared through the little shrubs,
'Its you' Hannah shouted.
'Yes,its me.' Rotimi said.'Tell your friend to excuse us'he said pointing at Ade.
'No,i will not leave here' Ade said maintaining his grounds.
'Who are you to talk when i speak?' Rotimi said moving towards Ade.
'Who are you young man to hurt her feelings? To cheat on her?'Ade replied menancingly
Hannah envisioned a fight brewing between the two,
'Please stop this,its childish,stop it' she stood in between them.
'Let us be,she is my girlfriend.'Rotimi said.
'Was' Hannah corrected.
Rotimi was taken aback by that.
'Was?' he asked facing her.
'Tell your friend to excuse us for some minutes'Rotimi said calmly.
'Ade please' Hannah said.
'Are you sure about that?'He asked.
'I'll stay around,okay?,you can always yell incase he goes funny.'Ade said walking away.
'Thanks.' Hannah said.
'Can we talk like mature adults that we are' Rotimi said.
'What do you have to say?'Hannah asked standing few meters apart from him.
'What can i say? I have offended you.' He said going on his kneels.
Hannah didn't see that coming,was that genuie or a trick?she thought.
'Its okay.' she said.'We both know this relationship is over'
'Please,you can't do this to me,i'm truly sorry about yesterday.' He said.
'Of all people,you chose my friend.Why?' Hannah shouted.
'It was the devil using me.'
'So,you now have a partnership with the devil right?'
''Hannah,i'm very sorry,she seduced me.'' Rotimi pleaded close to tears.
'I forgive you' Hannah said crying.
'You forgive me?' he asked surprised.
'Yes,if God forgives,why can't i?'
'Thank you so much,i'm so happy,oh thank you.'he said as lights of happiness washed over him.
'But.....'Hannah said looking up.
'Please no buts.'Rotimi said.
'Its over between us.' Hannah walked away before he had the chance to say anything.

She saw Ade standing nearby,she ran over to him hugging him tightly as the tears spilled again.Together they walked away.
'Did he touch you?'he asked looking all over her.
'No,he didn't'
'Are you alright?'
'Yes i am'
'Its late,you should be returning to your hostel now.' Ade said.
'I know' Hannah said.
'Let me walk you down'
The morning ray escaped through the opening by the curtain,Hannah yawned loudly as she opened her eyes.
The wallclock stared her in the face it was midday already,she felt tired as she stood from the bed.

She switched on her phone,a call came on instantly,she knew it was Rotimi,she'd switched it off because of his incessant call lastnight.she picked it,
'I told you to stop calling me,have you no ears.' she screamed into the mouthpiece
Hannah had spoken before she realised it was Jacob,he was calling to say hi and to ask when she'll be home.
She sunk back onto the bed perplexed,she thought about the past three days and wished it was just a stage play and the curtain would be drawn soon.Alas! She thought wrong.
She got up reluctanctly,and sat by the dressing table,only Cynthia was in,reading a magazine,The image staring her in the mirror was definetly not Hannah Odenuga.
'Whenever you're ready to let it out,you have my attention'Cynthia said dropping the magazine.
'Thanks' Hannah said without looking up.
Her phone rang,this time she checked the caller Id,it was Ade.He said he'd tried her number earlier in the day and would like to take her out,just to get her out of her dark mood.she declined saying she was alright.He had insisted she see him as he had a surprise for her.
She had a bath,brushed and put on fresh clothes.Her stomach rumbled,the worms were signalling a protest if no food got to them soon.she rumaged her cupboard,she boiled some water and made tea.
At least,that would calm the worms for the moment.she bundled her hair in a head net.
Shade had left for home the day she finished her last paper,only Cynthia and her slept in the room,Rukayat was no where to be found.
She soon dozed off,where she had a nighjtmare,a masqurade pursed her round the room,when he finally cut up with her,he raised his knife to slash her,it was then she woke up.she did the sign of the cross,covering herself with the blood of Jesus.
It was past noon already.she walked outside the blocks of hostel,most students had gone home,few were seen loitering around in two's and three's.she found a quiet corner where she sat ruminating about her life,she made up her mind to desist from wallowing in self pity lest she sink into depression.
She walked into the hostel with life,a new spirit sprang up in her,her fire rekindled.She called Ade to let him,she's available whenever he's ready.

To be continued tomorrow at 11am.

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