• Yesterday night a medical doctor on my BBM contact-list corrected me, where I said

"I also consider it dirty for a male to tongue where urine comes out however femalecore is not uterus where urine comes out, get the difference. Don't go and drink urine."

The correction is : Uterus is commonly known as womb and not where urine comes out.

Bravo mr Doctor &
Apology to my distinguished members.

•Remember, whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.

• If we can calculate the amount of breath we take everyday, you will find out that you take approximately 21,000 breaths each day.

•Snakes dont have eyelids.

•Eating watermelon can significantly reduce blood pressure.

•Ebola was the most-searched topic of 2014, according to Yahoo.

•If you want to download a Youtube video, just add "ss" to the URL between www. and Youtube

•If a rat wants to die it bites a cat's tail.
~ Chinese Proverb

• Study had shown that people consider january to be the longest month, the reason behind this is because of christmas and new year festivity which people involve themselves in and it consumes many people's money and now they want January to end so that they can collect their salary and funny enough the month won't obey them.

Hayatu a friend on my bbm wrote on his BBM: "Blessed are those who finished their December salary in December for they shall know the true meaning of endurance in january".

•According to some psychologists, human beings are not capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex.
Shine your eyes !!

•Brushing your hair with 100 strokes a day will not make it shiny and healthy — the built-up friction will actually damage it.
Wow could this be the reason why you once posted a hadith that it is forbidden to comb the hair everyday in islaam, now this makes sense.

•Chris Brown says he lost his virginity at the tender age of 8.

•When your lover dump you, there is tendency that you will love them even more, its called "Frustration attraction" it means that the individual who was dumped will love and lust for the person who dumped them even more. Its natural.

•Women find men more attractive when they realize that women have attention for him.
You can make a girl fall for you by conniving with girls to show that they are attracted to you, if your favorite girl sees the love they show to you and how attracted they are to you then there is a high possibility she will psychologically fall for you.

•Did you even know that BeyoncĂ© never finished high school known as secondary school

•Men's biggest complaints about women include: the silent treatment, bringing up things he's done in the distant past, and being critical.

• The most annoying response of all time is "K".
Oh my GOD, after all the long write up and now you are replying with "K".
May the rain fall on you.
Seriously is so annoying, I have deleted some people like that cox of it.
In other words ''K" means "Bleep off". I appreciate if you keep your damn mouth shut.


There are people who openly worship devil, they are called satanist. Satanists believe that the devil is a freethinking hero who rejected a capricious, domineering ruler in favor of free will.

• Asian hair grows 30% faster than Caucasian hair, while people from Africa tend to have hair that grows slower.

• Good sex is better than any sleeping pill, says expert. You are bound to fall asleep after having good orgasm, that's making sure you satisfy each other till both of you reach orgasm.
Couples who fall asleep after sex tend to get a perfect night's sleep.

• Did you know all the blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes?

• There are still 5 people alive who are born in the 1800s, and they are all women.
Right from ancient times, most women live longer than men. Some men live longer than women but women are the majority who live longer and this living longer makes them hustle for the children, endure troubles and woes.

To testify to this fact that women live longer, look at your neighbour's house or even your family, you will realise the fathers or grandfather are almost or all gone to the grave.

There are still 5 people alive who are born in the 1800s, and they are all women.

•A weapon is an enemy even to its owner.- Turkish proverb
You don't believe me ? then ask those who commit suicide by accident.

• If you want to know someone's character, look at the friends he keeps.-- Chinese Proverb

• Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.- Turkish proverb.
Be patient one more time.

• He that has no money has no friends. ~Arab Proverb
Become wealthy and you will believe me that if you have no money then you have no friends.

•The life of this world;
"When a rich man falls they say it was an accident; when a poor man falls they say that he was drunk".- Turkish proverb

•To kill a lion is to be ready for war ~Ethiopian Proverb

•This is specially for men
"Don't look at the shape -- look at the character." - Turkish proverb

•Beautiful woman, beautiful trouble. ~Jamaican Proverb..

•Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead. -Chinese Proverb

Hahaha this one na wickedness now.

• The CIA believes that ISIS has between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters on the ground.

• Jamaica invented chocolate milk.

• A lot of men feel threatened by a funny woman as they think of her as a rival or worry that they'll become a victim of her loud tongue.

• The Egyptian Pyramid workers were paid with beer: 1 gallon per day.

Anne by email said:-
My elder brother is currently having an affair with his best friend’s girlfriend, who is also a close friend. My brother confided in me and I don’t want to confront her about it. She would get angry with my brother for telling me what they did if she knew, and I’d feel bad about spoiling the friendship between them.
But I get really mad that such a disgusting thing could be going on in a group as close as ours. I swore to my brother I wouldn’t tell anyone, not even my own boyfriend. They’re still sleeping together and I don’t know for how long I could conceal their shameful lust.

Never trust your friend with your wife or fiancee. Am gonna be bringing you more of this confessions by GOD's willing, from different people including married wife to make you understand that there are many things you don't know going on behind the door and you might have been a victim of such.

People shine your eyes, hmmmm.

Basically almost everything you learned in university can now be found on Wikipedia for free.

• When crying for help, call out specific people (eg. "you with the red shirt!"). It makes people more likely to act.

• In an article published by Daily Mail of United Kingdom in 2008, young women were reportedly becoming more promiscuous, with more sexual partners than men.
By the age of 21 they have had sex with an average of nine lovers – two more than their male partner.
And a quarter have slept with more than ten partners in the five years since losing their virginity – compared with a fifth of young men.
Young women are also twice as likely to be unfaithful, with 50 per cent admitting they have cheated on a partner.
The sex survey, for More magazine, also found women crave more sex but still believe men enjoy it more than they do.
The survey found more than half of the women were not in love with the person to whom they lost their virginity.

• Not just Arab men or muslims that sit when they want to urinate. Most German men sit while they pee and are taught that standing to pee is unhygienic.

•Never fear shadows.... they simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby.

• I'm so bored of being bored because being bored is really boring.

• 90% of women have their left bosom bigger than their right bosom. Reading facts will give you an edge over many people & prove you to be a paramount person. You can tell your fiancee or wife this & she would be surprised how come you knew something about her which even her doesn't know until now. She might even suspect you are a wizard. Just don't tell her its all women just be more specific that her own left is bigger than right when she confirms it she will give you an accolade. You may unravel the fact to her after playing the game.
Just like most women don't know that their femalecore is the most pleasurable exciting part of their body when stimulated.

• Study had shown that Men are totally hardwired by evolution to prefer curvy women. Right from ancient days, men prefer curvy women to shapeless women.

• A new study suggests that hand-washing dishes might lead to a significantly lower risk of developing allergies, especially early in life. Therefore using your hand to wash your plate will help you in future against many allergies.

• Your sadine or Geisha can last forever without spoiling.
Many canned goods can last indefinitely, though while they don’t spoil, canned foods lose their nutritional value and flavor over time. The term
“edible” then becomes a bit subjective.

• Study has shown that Men who share selfies online show more signs of psychopathy. A psychopath is a person who has a serious mental illness that often result in violence behavior.

• Studies have found that around 92% of husbands are taller than their wives.

• Do you know that women also have hair on their legs ? Unlike men, women shave their own in other to flaunt like a damsel.
A British survey estimates that women spend 72 days of their lives shaving their legs.

• Perchance, men with ring fingers longer than their index fingers tend to have longer manlinesses and more attractive faces.

The type of airplane that crashed yesterday in france is widely used, the A320 is one of the most widely used and dependable aircraft produced by Airbus. Every two seconds the type of the plane is landing somewhere.

• If you are under the age of 38, statistics show that the funniest joke you will ever hear in your life is a joke you haven't heard yet.

• Something amazing about horse: A horse can look forward with one eye and back with the other.

• Have you ever wonder why we forget things ?
Scientists say the brain purposely forgets certain memories in order to avoid information overload, and emotional hangovers.

• For fans of chewing gum, I bet you don't know this: Rubber is a main ingredient in modern chewing gum. If you are chewing gum then you should know you are chewing rubber.

• Facebook is testing disappearing posts, where users can schedule a status update to expire at a predetermined time.

• bestfri(end)

Go for marriage \=D/

• This world and its people can be crazy at times, do you know that Today is "TELL A LIE DAY".

• If you could only have one type of food for the rest of your life, the healthiest possible choice would be bosom milk. Advise to men, If there is no food at home and you hungry and your wife bosom still produces milk you can tell her to pour milk for you in a cup or go directly by sucking, doctors say it is the healthiest.

• Have you heard the news in 1999 ? That two women were burnt down by a lightning strike when the underwire in their bras worked as an electrical conductors.

• Pigeons remember humans by face. If you chase one away, it will probably avoid you during later encounters without you even chasing it the next time it sees you.

• Some people don't care whether GOD exist or not. Not caring whether or not there is a god is called Apatheism.

• You can get intoxicated or get high from smoking the tails of scorpions.

• There is news going round that women who don't wear bra their bosom tend to sag, well actually wearing a bra does not prevent sagging and may actually cause bosoms to even become saggier.

• Every 10-13 seconds, a couple gets divorced somewhere on this earth.

• Sad but true, the CIA once spent $20 million training cats to spy on the Soviets, but the first spy cat was hit by a taxi and died.

• The richest man ever lived Mansa Musa had a fortune of $400,000,000,000 at the time of his death in 1331.

• Nigeria makes more movies every year than the US.

• There is male animals that give birth, surprised ?
Seahorses are the only fish with a neck and the only family of animals where the male gives birth.

•Boxer, Sugar Ray dreamt of killing his opponent and backed out, but a priest convinced him to fight, he ended up killing the opponent.

Should we continue ... Ahaha

| Funny but true, each year, an average of four people die trying to put their pants on.

| Eating Eggs With Raw Veggies Boosts Nutritional Benefits:
Mixing eggs with raw vegetables may increase carotenoid absorption almost ninefold, entailing a range of benefits including longer life span, fewer chronic illnesses and a reduced cancer risk, according to a new study

| Muslims will surpassed christians as the highest population due to the promulgated polygamy amongst muslim, there may be more Muslims than Christians in the world by 2070, this is according a research by Pew study.

| Research has shown that while older siblings tend to live longer and have higher IQs, younger siblings tend to have more sex. If you don't believe me check your dead family relatives are they first born ? Hardly will you get one.

| In India a woman is rape every twenty minute.

| There are more muslims in Israel than christian. Arab citizens make up about 20 percent of Israel's majority Jewish population.
| If your head is cut off, you can remain conscious for 25 seconds - Meaning, you can still blink & do everything.

| You know what they say ?
If you place a ripe banana next to a green tomato, the tomato will ripen due to the ethylene gas produced by the banana.

And lastly

| Things happening behind closed door which you don't know, it could be you;-

She confessed: "I've been sleeping with my boyfriend’s father for a while now and I’m pregnant and the baby could be his. The thing is, I’ve also been sleeping with my boyfriend. I’m scared as I’m only 19 and an undergraduate. I know what I did was wrong, but I don’t know what to do about it. My parents will kill me if they find out. Please help!
by e-mail.

The World's Oldest Person Dies in Japan.
The world's oldest person, who is 117th years old has died in Osaka, japan. Staff at Misao Okawa's nursing home said the woman died of heart failure. She reportedly lost her appetite before dying.

• Fake friends are no different than shadows, they stick around during your brightest moments, but disappear during your darkest hours.

• Breastmilk, is 88 percent water. Studies show that healthy, exclusively breastfed infants under 6 months old do not need additional fluids, even in countries with extremely high temperatures and low humidity. Offering water before six months of age reduces breastmilk intake, interferes with full absorption of breastmilk nutrients, and increases the risk of illness from cofntaminated water and feeding bottles.

• Vigorous exercise, the kind that makes you sweat, get red in the face and breathe hard, may be better than moderate exercise when it comes to living longer, researchers said on Monday. The study by Australian researchers is based on more than 200,000 adults over age 45. The study participants were followed for more than six years.
In a nutshell no matter the age old or young, male or female, Vigorous exercise, the kind that makes you sweat, get red in the face and breathe hard can make you live longer than a moderate exercise. The study by Australian researchers is based on more than 200,000 adults

When you talk, you are repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.

• Do you always cry when cutting onions, well there is a logistic I believe will work. After peeling onions cut in half and soak in water for about 5 minutes. Now, when you cut these onions your eyes will not water.

• French was the official language of England for over 300 years. If you don't believe me then ask Google.

• Guess what science says; According to scientists, fish were the inventors of sex.

• A group of vultures is called a wake, committee, venue, kettle, or volt.
A wake of about 30 vultures can skeletonize a human corpse in less than five hours.

• I believe you must have heard of the genius called Albert Einstein, well let me tell you something about him:
Einstein was stopped so much in public, he would reply, "Pardon me, sorry ! Always I am mistaken for Professor Einstein."

• Do you remember Omar Gonzalez — the man who jumped the White House — he was concerned the atmosphere was collapsing and needed to inform the President.

If you smoke weed and intoxicant drinks well you might as well behave like this.

To be continued.

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