Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5...Episode 5 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Adebimpe The Facebook Girl Part 5...Episode 5

I got home that evening, I was so restless and uncomfortable, I began to walk to and fro inside the room and flashing back to all what bimpe said in her car.
“Can this be true?”
“Should I believe bimpe?”
“Or is bimpe pulling another stunt?”
” Is bimpe trying to cause trouble?”
“Can betty really do something of such?”
“But she has been so nice to me”
“But can she really dump me?”
I thought over and over about everything
and couldn’t figure out how to approach
and handle the situation on my own. I
picked my phone and called segun to
update him about what I heard from
bimpe. He said he was suspecting that
bimpe wanted to cause trouble between
betty and I but he said I should try and
see betty and try to find out from her in
a way that she wouldn’t suspect me of
hearing informations about her. He gave
me some steps to follow and put me
through on how to handle the situation.
After eating dinner at night, I picked my
phone and called betty.
ME: hi dear
BETTY: my love, how are you and how is
work today?
ME: fine but stressful.
BETTY: eyah sowie, first week at work is
always stressful, you know, trying to
adapt to the environment, and so on…..I
have really missed you honey.
ME: ***confused. Isn’t it the same girl I
was told negative things about?*** same
here honey. I can’t wait to see you too.
Can we see this weekend?
BETTY: hmmmmm, I don’t think so
ME: why dear?
BETTY: I will be visiting a sister in
ikorodu tomorrow for her daughter’s
wedding, I won’t return until sunday
ME: really?, and you didn’t tell me all
this while?.
BETTY: onihaxy, I told you in my room
the last time we met that I will be going
somewhere this weekend.
ME: okay, I remembered, so how about
next weekend?
BETTY: next weekend?, its likely I travel
on or before then.
ME: travel?, to where?
BETTY: daddy just called me this
afternoon that he wanted to see me this
weekend and its very urgent.
ME: and you didn’t bother to tell me?
BETTY: I’m sorry dear. I had it in mind to
call you tonight and inform you,
ME: okay, hope its not something serious
BETTY: not sure jaree. Even me sef, I
don’t know why he sent for me urgently, I
will be boarding same flight with henry
when he is leaving for abuja.
ME: so when are you returning?
BETTY: can’t say or predict sha, but I will
spend atleast a week.
ME: haa, its long ooo, I will miss you so
much, how will I cope without having you
around me?
BETTY: I’m missing you already, I just
have no choice than to honour his call, I
will be back soon honey.
ME: dear, but I need to see you before
you travel dear.
BETTY: really?, how do we see since you
will be busy during the week?
ME: I don’t know ooo.
BETTY: ok dear, can it wait till I’m back?
ME: ***confused*** ok dear, no problem,
when am I meeting your dad?
BETTY: you will definitely meet him but
not now.
ME: but why dear?
BETTY: I haven’t told him anything about
you yet, let me do that first when I get to
abuja, after that, I can now do the
ME: ***still confused*** ok dear, no
We continued talking for about 5 minutes
more before I ended the call.
I was still in the room and confused and
moments later, I got a chat message
from bimpe.
BIMPE: hi dear,
ME: hi bimpe, how are you?
BIMPE: I’m good. Have you found out
that thing from your wife?
ME: not yet, I intended seeing her
tomorrow but she said she would be
going for a wedding. And also, she said
she would be travelling to abuja to visit
her father.
BIMPE: hahahahahahahha.
ME: why the laughter now?,
BIMPE: should I tell you the truth?
ME: what?
BIMPE: she is travelling to meet that guy
I told you about, not her dad, remember I
told you they have been exchanging
romantic calls and also making plans.
ME: what??????????????.
To be continued on Monday

Adebimpe wil be posted on weekdays only (Mon - Fri)

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