When The Tide Of The Heart Changes....Episode 7 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When The Tide Of The Heart Changes....Episode 7

The shattering sound of a breaking glass is
heard hard and loud as something breakable
and made of glass shatters in the background.
Johnny’s heart thumped and skipped as he
heard the destructive havoc onyinye was
causing all over the house, breaking things,
shouting at the top of her voice shrieking like
a whipped dog.
Johnny sat on a lone chair in the bar,
carrying his face in his palms with a bold
bottle of whisky in front of him. “must she do
this all the time, must she flare up whenever
she sees another woman around me? Johnny
lamented as he was taken aback to an
incident that happened a month ago at the
abuja shopping mall, they went to shop and
onyinye was busy picking things and he was
checking out the wine section when he
bumped into an old friend, they greeted
warmly and was still in the middle of
exchamging numbers when onyinye jumped in,
before anyone could say “I” the poor girl’s
phone was already tiny bits as onyinye sent it
to hades with a thunderous shattering sound,
slapped the living daylight out her eyes,
dropped the items she picked and walked out
of the mall shouting at the peak of her voice
at no one in particular leaving johnny
Jessy was clutched just a few steps from him
with a little amount of blood tickling down her
face. her face was swollen and blank now, lost
those sparkling beauty and life it use to beam
Johnny’s heart sank and he watched jessy. he
could av sent onyinye sprawling on the floor
with slap but jessy have stopped him… the
way it starts is always like a flash.
“What dah f##k is going on here” Onyinye
shouted, as she walked in looking at johnny
and jessy dragging one pillow to hit each
other with. “John i said what is going on
here?” her voiced thundered again as he was
moving closer dropping her golden gucci
designed bag on the floor.
Johnny and jessy just mopped at her, with
their hands still subconsciously grabbing the
white pillow at the two opposing ends.
“So Johnny just because i left barely 5hrs ago
you already brought some w###e into this
house?” she ranted.
“Excuss me i am not a ………………..”
**tawwaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii** jessy was
interrupted as a very angry thunderous slap
sent her sprawling on the flour clutching her
face with her palms in pains.
“Onyinye have u gone mad?” Johnny barked in
surprise as he pulled her to himself which she
reacted by sending a hot slap from sambisa
squarely across his face with a cracking
sound “So u thought i had gone back to my
house” she barked back.
Before he could recover from wave of shock
the slap sent through him, onyinye was
already hurling tons of breakable things at
him and Jessy, it was total CHAOS. a glass
flower vase she threw hit the wall and
shattered sending tiny debris flying
everywhere, one of them hit jenny just beside
her eye brow with a piercing certainty.
blood tickled as johnny rushed to her side,
onyinye changed her tactics as she left the
room breaking anything her hands touches as
she cursed and swore..
Onyinye left minutes later but the damage she
left behind would take days to fix.
Johnny boiled some hot water and cleaned
Jessy’s wound with it, gave her some
he could care and concern in her eyes hidden
deep within the pain that surged through her.
Johnny clasped her in his arms and she
surrendered herself fully into the fleshy wall.
his arms sweetly wrapped around her back
caressing them.
Johnny knew in his mind that He needed
To be continue

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