Vacation in Obudu...Episode 52 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu...Episode 52

Breakfast was tea, boiled yam and egg
sauce. Eating alone at the table, Favour

at a point brought out her dress to show
me before going back into her room. I
literally rushed my meal and hurried off
into the bathroom thereafter. While i was
dressing up, Rose called to remind me
that her 10am is 10am and i shouldn’t
be late. Dad came back around 9am.
By the time I left the house somewhat
around 9:15am, mom hadn’t returned
from the cooking. And from the look of
things, Dad was also attending the
wedding. He had asked if i wasn’t
coming along to which i told him i would
only be able to meet up for the reception
because I had to use the café and brief
my colleague online about the task at
hand, and also what he should do while
he awaited my arrival in Lagos. This
meant I would spend a little time at the
Favour later confirmed the fact that Dad
would attend when she walked me to the
gate. She added “Make sure you hurry up
and come for the reception in time”
before giving me a kiss as i exited the
“Sure I will. Might even meet you guys at
the church. That’s why I’m leaving this
early” i said as she closed the gate. I
then walked a little further from the gate
before I saw a bike man whom i asked to
take me to Jude’s shop. Getting there, i
picked a bottle of (a non-alcoholic) wine
and put inside his freezer and decided to
sit back and kill time. I had something
planned out in my head for Rose
because this was obviously going to be
our last fvck session, at least before i
leave town. I intended to make it a
memorable experience. I remained at the
shop and somewhat around 9:30am,
mom made a surprise appearance.
“mummy good morning” we greeted her
in unison.
“Hehehe… Fury, what are you doing here?
Are you not coming with us for the
wedding? Didn’t Favour tell you about
it?” she asked me
“She did o. mommy.. Told her i wouldn’t
be able to attend the mass because i
have to do something important at the
cafe this morning. I would meet you guys
for the reception ” i replied
“When did Jude’s shop become a café
then?” she asked
“When i got there, I was told the café
opens by 10am on Saturdays. So I just
came back here to kill time” i replied
cooking up another lie.
“Ok.. Ehen, Jude, how much is this
your…..?” she went on to ask the prices
of some items. Then paying for the ones
she wanted, she asked Jude to wrap
them as wedding gifts, saying she would
return to pick them after the mass.
“Mommy when is the wedding mass
starting?” i asked when she was about to
leave. Pun intended
“My dear 10am o, I”m late already” she
said laughing as she left. By the time she
left, it was already 15 minutes to 10am..
10 minutes later I left for Rose’s hostel
with the wine after calling her to tell her
I was on my way from Jude’s. When i got
there, but foe a few people moving
around and some doors open, the place
was literally scanty and quiet as
compared to what one would ordinarily
expect to be a noisy students hostel
during weekends. Her power generating
set although was turned on, but there
was no sound coming from inside her
I knocked and heard her ask who it was.
“Fury” i responded.
“Gimme a minute” she responded as I
heard her moving around in the room.
Some 30 seconds later, she asked me to
come in and lock the door behind me.
Opening the door, i realized she had just
walked into the kitchen. Locking the door
as she had instructed, i called out
“Rozay!!!” because i noticed her standing
behind the kitchen blind. Then she
stepped out from behind the blind just
when i was about to ask her why she
stood there.
“Welcome sir” she said in a girly tone.
My balls missed a beat that moment
when i saw her. Rose had on the most
ridiculously short, pleated (black)
Burberry schoolgirl skirt I’ve ever seen a
girl her size put on. The type we see
South African high school girls put on in
their videos with hot laps everywhere. It
was almost the same length as a hockey
dress if not shorter. Then she had tucked
in a skin-tight white short sleeve shirt
that made me wonder if she could breath
properly. Also the first 3 buttons were
undone. Then revealing beneath the shirt,
was a pink lacy bra that cut just right
over the nipplës of her jugs, while leaving
out a good portion of her areolas. The
last piece of clothing she had on, was a
black short tie which she knotted just
My words got stuck in my throat as i
noticed the involuntary movement of my
Adams apple when i swallowed my
saliva. My mouth shut open in surprise
thereafter because i was awe struck and
Seeing how helpless i was groping her
body as i had already stripped her näked
with my eyes, she then asked “Are you
looking for Rose?” in that same
secondary school girl tone.
Now being a very shy person, I’ve never
done a role-play with any girl before
primarily because i had no idea how to
bring it up. But each time the idea came
up, it was always easy dismissing it
saying Nigerian girls are not that
creative or into such kinky stuffs. But
seeing and hearing her at that moment, I
immediately had an idea of the game she
wanted to play. So I made up my mind to
play along and not kill the fun. “Yes,
where is she?” I replied with a question
Smiling back a little nervously, perhaps
because she hadn’t done it before or due
to the realization that i had gotten the
hint, she continued ” Rose left for Ogoja
this morning, she went to see her friend
that just put to bed. She would be back
Still finding the whole game funny, I
fought back laughter when i said “Oops,
so what’s going to happen now? She and
I had an appointment. And she didn’t
deem it fit to call me!!”
Visibly overjoyed that i was finally ready
to play, she said “I apologize on her
behalf sir. By the way I’m her younger
sister, my name is Seduction and I came
in for the weekend last night. You must
be?” she stretched out her hand to me
more confidently.
Blushingly i shook her hand saying “Fury,
Nite Fury” as she gave me that
sometimes annoying girls hand shake.
But it wasn’t annoying this time around
but sexy
“Oh, great… She told me you were gonna
come around and that i should keep you
company. Please have a seat” she said
as she pointed to the bed.
As I sat down, i placed the wine just by
the side of the bed wondering what her
next move would be. She walked over to
where she had obviously placed the
remote control of her home theatre
system, just right at the foot of the
electronic stand and picked it up while
backing me.
As she bent down, the skirt that could
barely cover her as§ cheeks
automatically shot up “incidentally”
revealing a sparkling white secondary
school girl panties covering her as§.
“What a p***k tease, seduction indeed” i
thought in my head as she turned on the
music player from the the remote control.
Then opening the lid of her laptop, she
just pressed the space key and “Nishike”
by the Kenyan (abi na Tanzanian) group
Sauti Sol started playing. Damn, if all
these were meant to wet my appetite or
were they to turn me on, then they surely
had the desired effect.
To be continued

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