When the tide of the heart changes.....Episode 14 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

When the tide of the heart changes.....Episode 14

Johnny was discharged after 3more weeks in
Doctor Frank made sure he was kept to make
full recovery before discharging him.
Yvonne on her own part rarely left his side
only going home to freshen up and cook him
home made meals..
She told her mum she would be staying in her
own personal apartment for the meantime so
as to be free enough to stay with Johnny as
long as it takes.
Doctor frank helped all the way through the
discharging process.
Dropping them off to their apartment and
helping him into his house.
Johnny took a long missing look at his house
as he was guided in by Doctor frank.
The compound and his magnificent mansion
seemed new to him after being away for such
long time.
The whole compound was well kept and neat,
obviously the handiwork of hassan.
He turned and gave Hassan an appreciative
smile and nodded on his way in.
His only problem was who was responsible for
what happened and why?
“You know am still trying to figure why
someone would want me dead” He told Doctor
Frank on getting to his sitting room and
relaxing on the white leather cushion that
adorned his sitting room.
“Seriously Mr Williams, I advice you lay low
for now… the person responsible is still a
mystery and nobody knows if he or she will
attempt it again..”
“Attempt it again” Those words echoed into
him and sent shivering dread into him.
who knows if he will survive it again if such
happens again, he thought deep within.
It took Johnny about 1 more month to bounce
back fully both from the wound and the
He regained his normal self and resumed work
a week after.
But everything have changed in him, their is a
craving deep down
him, a yearning that have over taken him and
he knew it was all about Yvonne.
Suddenly he feels his world is perfect and
complete because she was in it.
“Baby i want us to go out for dinner tonight”
He whispered into her ears as they were
watching television in his sitting room.
“But you know am about to cook now” She
“Baby dont mind doing that today, tomorrow
is another day” He said all smiles and teeth…
She went in to change wondering why all of a
sudden he came up with the idea of them
eating dinner outside tonight..
They drove into capelo chinese cuisine with
Yvonne looking more radiant than ever clad in
a red shinny shimmering long tight dinner
gown, red heels and a little diamond tear
necklace with her hairs packed to a single
pony-tail at the back.
They sat at Johnny’s specially reserved seat
with his name tag on top of the table.
Yvonne couldn’t help but notice the drastic
change in the waiters and attendants, even
Johnny himself was slightly different this
particular night, wearing a broad grin, shaking
hands with most people he greet inside the
“Your order sir”… the waiter expertly said as a
plate of food was place in front of Johnny and
Yvonne with the waiter popping a bottle of
champaign to fill their glasses.
“Uuuuhm is it just me or is this waiters kindof
weird tonight” Yvonne commented looking at
“And i cant remember you ordering anything
here..” she said again eyeing him.
Johnny smiled mischievously, opened his
meal, revealing a well prepare Chinese rice
with chicken source.
Yvonne followed as she opened hers, her eyes
watered at the content which was nothing
near food.
A gold slim ring with a perky little sparkling
diamond stone perched gracefully on it
making it reflect tiny bits of light from the
Yvonne covered her mouth with her hands as
he eyes widened transfixed on the ring before
Tilting her head up she saw Johnny kneeling
on the floor with eyes looking watery and
“Miss Yvonne Adesua…please will you share
the rest of my life with me?…. out of great
humility i ask ‘Will you marry me”
Yvonne stood up casting a glance all around
the environment, Most people were now
standing and all eyes were on her now.
The married women looked on with smiles
probably remembering theirs.
She could see them asking her to say yes in
their eyes, some were even giving slight nod.
The young girls were mostly looking, some
already wishing their were the one standing
there now.
She tilted her face downwards at Johnny,
looking into his fierce searching eyes, she
could make out an ocean of affection inside
them, love born out of sincere affection.
“Yes…Yes i will marry you” whispered with
both laugh and tears on her face.
Johnny picked the ring, she offered her fingers
and the ring gracefully fitted in perfectly..
He dragged himself up and she jumped into
his arms as their lips found each other and a
loud ovation oozed from the people around.
attendants popping numerous champaign for
everyone around and Johnny announcing he
would pay the bills of anything everybody
(Actually this is exactly the way i have
planned my future engagement…Oops just
leaked my secret hope my future wifey doesnt
see this…lolzzz)
“Baby we are going to your house from here, i
want to meet your mummy for the first time
officially, you know you’ve never let me meet
her before.”
Johnny and his fiancee drove off to Yvonne’s
house, yvonne already called her mum to
announce she is coming with someone to see
They got to house and the gate flew open,
Johnny drove in and his jaw dropped at the
size of the massive compound, the numerous
fleet of exotic cars and the crown jewel; a
magnificent edifice that can easily pass for a
Yvonne ran inside ahead of Johnny as he
relaxed himself on the cushion taking in the
flawless interior decoration of the house.
“Mummy mummy he proposed” Yvonne
announced happily on joining her mum in the
dinning flaunting her ring at the same time.
“woow thats an expensive ring….my little
angel is no longer a little girl… am happy for
you my love” Her mum remarked taking her in
for a hug.
“mum he is waiting downstairs” Yvonne
reminded her…
“Oh yes now lets go and finally meet him”..
Johnny tensed up, tilting his face forward as
he heard foot steps approaching, it was
obvious she was approaching with her mum.
Ok this woman looks familiar” Johnny thought
as the figure approached along side Yvonne.
“Noo it cant be” his heart shouted within.
He could make out that chubby size and
figure, oooh that colour…
that fat cheeks….
Johnny was crossed face to face with Bimbo
…To be Continued…

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