My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 11 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure....Episode 11

John was troubled by what Nelson just told
him, he went back to
the sitting room and sat on the couch, could
father had been
kidnapped by those wicked men? He asked
himself, he went to the fridge to get a bottle
of water, but this
time he sipped it slowly
instead of gulping it like a dragon that wants
to put out It’s fire,
countless thoughts occupied his mind, Joy sat
beside him and held his hands, she had
listened to their
conversation, she felt
sorry for John, she had lost both her parents
few years ago in a
car crash, but she had gotten over it, she
wouldn’t want him to lose his father, she
looked at his face and tried
to console him,
he looked into her eyes and his heart melted,
he almost smiled,
he then held her head and placed it on his
10 minutes later, John looked at Joy any saw
that she had
slept off, he stood
up and carried her to the room where Becky
was, he placed her
on the bed gently and kissed her, he went to
the room where the guys were and he lied
down on the spare bed,
he was deep in
thought until 1 pm when nature came and
closed his eyes
Kemi woke
up with a smile on her face, her concubine
had satisfied her more
than her husband
ever did, she even wondered maybe that was
the reason why
John’s mother left, maybe he could not
her in bed and she left for that reason, wise
woman, Kemi
thought to herself, she
had made the right choice, but she herself
won’t leave the house
for her husband, when he comes back with
John, that is even if the useless boy was
found alive, she would
send an assassin to
take care of them, her concubine was still
sleeping, she didn’t
blame him, he had worked like a bull, she
up and wore her cloth, she carried her hand
bag and left his
house, she drove
back to her husband’s house as she had to go
to work that
corpers woke up early except John, he had
woken up around 8:30
am, he stood up
and walked towards the bathroom, he brushed
his teeth and had
his bath, he saw a new T-shirt and a pair of
jeans on the bed, he didn’t need to ask Google
before he knew it
was for him, he was
happy he was not going to wear the smelly
palace guard clothes
again, he went out of the room and walked
towards the dining room, there they were
eating breakfast, he
greeted them before
sitting down with them at the dining table,
the house help
brought his own breakfast of moin – moin
pap and placed it before him, he ate silently
without saying a
word, when they had
finished eating,
Nelson announced to them
that a police pickup
was waiting outside to take four of them
home as John would go later because he had
some important issues to
attend to, John
then interfered, he told them what happened
to his father, they all
felt sorry for him and hoped that his father
was not in the hands of the kidnappers,
Tomiwa and Becky were
inside the police
pickup, Joy and TJ had refused to go, Joy
she was going to
Nelson’s place with him until he was ready to
go, he was the only person she trusted, TJ
was not going to leave
his friend in this
state of mind, he called his father using
Nelson’s phone, it was
his father’s assistant that picked the phone,
his father was out of the country, he told the
assistant to tell him
that he would be
spending a few more days in Enugu, the police
pickup left on the
journey to Lagos carrying only Tomiwa and
Becky, John wished them safe journey

To be continue

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