My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 12 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure... Episode 12

The hunter and
his wife wore their best clothes and began
their journey to the
palace, they were going to meet their new
son-in-law. Nelson received an expected call,
one of the
chiefs called to inform
him that the king was dead and the police
needed to make an
investigation and state the cause of death, he
knew the king was dead already because John
had told him so, he
was dressed in his
police uniform already, he asked John and his
friends to excuse
him, he had to get to the king’s palace, he
went out of the house and he and his driver
set out in his Toyota
Prado SUV, John was a
little bit scared, it just occured to him that if
he was identified as
the one who poisoned the king he might be
charged to court for murder, it would be a
case that he could not
win, it would be John
vs the entire community, ………………
The hunter
and his wife
were close to the palace, they had almost
gotten there when they heard people wailing,
the hunter feared that
the king was dead,
and his fear was confirmed when a girl told
him that the king had
died the previous night, after hearing this, his
wife Chinyere immediately sat on the ground
and stared
wailing, their son in law
was dead, that hunter shouted on his wife to
get up from the
ground immediately, they stormed towards
the palace and were about to enter the palace
when two men who
looked like balotelli
stood in their in their way one of them asked
where they were
heading and told them to state their business,
the hunter narrated their reasonfor being
there, the guard told
him that the king was
dead, but he still allowed them to enter, the
hunter and his wife
were inside the palace, they were lucky to find
Chinelo easily, Chinelo was wailing and her
mother quickly
went to console her,
Chinelo told them Of she and the late king’s
love affair, they
exclaimed after hearing what their daughter
Said, they would be in big trouble if their
daughter ever got pregnant,
the hunter asked
about John and the female corpers from
Chinelo, she told him that
she had not seen John or any of the female
corpers but TJ had tried to come and rescue
her, the hunter shook
his head in self
pity, the situation had turned around
Nelson arrived at the palace with his officers
who were specialized in such matters, they
ordered that no member
of the palace should
leave, the specialist examined the king’s
corpse, they came up
with a result within 30 minutes , they didn’t
need to ask ifa before they knew he was
poisoned, they told Nelson
their findings, he
announced to the palace that their king was
poisoned, the people
in the palace shouted ahh! Nelson’s men
their work, they started first by interrogating
the palace
cooks, they separated the
people who prepared and served his food,
Nelson personally went
to interrogate Chinelo, he was told the king
had died in her room, he saw that she was in
a sober mood, he told
her to calm down, all
he was going to do was to ask her some
questions, she nodded
her head in approval, he started by asking her
what the king was doing before he died,
she answered shyly and
told him that they
had just finished making love, when he
suddenly fell down and
died, he asked her if the king had forced her
have se*x, no she replied, she had done it
willingly, he asked her if
she was happy to
have been in the palace before the king died,
she said yes, Nelson
examined her carefully, with his psychological
instinct, he knew she was not lying, she
looked young and
harmless but then he
reminded himself that looks could be
he asked her how
old she was, she said she was 16 years old,
Jesus! Nelson said within his mind, she was
underage, the king
had definitely
committed child abuse, but he couldn’t do
anything about it even if
the king was alive, the king had authority over
such matters, he stood up and went out of her
room, he placed
her under the low
priority suspect level, Sir, one of Nelson’s men
called him, he told
him his attention was needed in the kitchen,
when he got there another officer told him
that they had tested
the food that the king
had eaten the previous night, it contained
some toxic substances
which they believed to be poison, Nelson told
the chiefs about their discovery, he noticed
that one of the chiefs,
chief Doherty aka chief
Dotmann was not present, he asked about him
and he was told that
chief Dotmann had travelled to Lagos two
days ago, Nelson ordered that his men should
round up all the
cooks and take them
to the police station for serious questioning,
Nelson left the palace
and went to town to buy some more clothes
for John and his friends, as his driver was
about to drive his car
into his compound,
he received a call from one of his men, his
informed him that
after torturing the cooks, one of them
confessed to have poisoned the king’s food,
Nelson went into his house
and told John that they
had found the person who poisoned the king,
John was relieved
when he heard what Nelson said, maybe he
was not the one who was responsible for the
king’s death, he was
glad someone else
had also wanted the king dead, but one thing
he didn’t know was
To be continue

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