My Wonderful Adventure,...... Episode 13 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

My Wonderful Adventure,...... Episode 13

Chief Dotmann woke up around 10 am, he felt
satisfied, the lady
who he slept with had left him in bed, he had
met her in a night
club, from there they drove to his apartment
in Lagos, he remembered the instructions
given to him by
the native doctor, he
had chewed the green kolanut before sleeping
with the woman,
now it was time for him to chew the red one,
he pulled the drawer beside his bed and
brought out the red kolanut,
he chewed it
immediately, now the process was complete,
the woman’s spirit
would bring him more money, but she would
any moment after 24 hours, now he could do
away with his range
rover and buy
something better, he picked his phone to call
Ijeoma, he hoped she
had completed the job, Ijeoma’s phone rang
several times but no one picked It, he prayed
all was well,
never wasted time
picking his calls, he stood up and went into
Nelson picked his
phone up and tried dialling Peter Adeboye’s
number again, still it
was switched off he
sat down on the couch and looked at John,
suddenly an idea came
to his mind, why hadn’t he thought of it? He
suddenly remembered that he had helped Peter
install a police tracker
inside his car, he
still had the details of the tracker inside his
laptop, he picked up
his phone and called the specialist who helps
him install trackers into police vehicles, within
15 minutes the man
got to his house,
Nelson gave him the details and he didn’t use
up to 5 minutes
before he located the car, it was about 12,000
metres away from their current location,
Nelson picked up his
phone and called all
his men, they were going for a serious
John and his
friends offered to come, Nelson didn’t like the
idea but he said they could follow him under
the condition that they
were going to
remain in the car, they all agreed,
men didn’t take long to
arrive, John and his friends entered the DPO’s
car, they then set out on their mission,
Nelson’s phone rang and
he picked it, one of
his men called to inform him that after
further torture the suspect
had confessed that she was sent by chief
Nelson thanked his man for the good job and
the call, he put two
and two together, now he knew why Chief
Dotmann was absent,
that was a business for another day, right
now they had to find his friend
Adeboye was no more
lonely in the dungeon, his captives had
in more people,
five more people to be precise, four men and
one woman, the men were also unclad and
had their hair shaved, he
was shy being
Unclad in front of strangers but he knew he
would have to get used
to it
The tracking
specialist whose name was Promise was the
one directing the police
convoy, he was also
in Nelson’s car which was the car that led the
way, he told the
driver to stop the car, he looked at his laptop
and told the driver to take the next turn on the
right which he did,
soon they were off the
tarred road, following the map on his laptop,
he directed them
through different turns, John thought the road
felt familiar, it felt just like the road the
kidnappers took them
through, Joy and TJ
also said the same thing, they made this
known to Nelson, Nelson
knew it had to be the kidnappers,
informed them that they were 1500 metres
away from the cars
location, Nelson ordered his
driver to stop, now they had to continue on
Nelson went to
the back of his car and picked a bullet proof
vest from the trunk, he ordered his men to
remember to wear their
vest and make no
noise as they moved, he told John and his
friends to remain in his
car no matter what happens,
so Nelson and
his 24 man squad walked for about 1400
metres when Nelson
spotted Peter’s car
parked in front of an uncompleted building,
Bison’s building, he
split his men into three and ordered them to
surround the building, Nelson took one last
look at his AK 47, they
were going in hot
Kemi had finished preparing for work, her
daughter Lisa was still
sleeping, Lisa had just come home from a
party that she went to the previous night,
Kemi didn’t bother to
disturb her, she picked
up her car key and went outside to her car,
started the
engine and set off for work, she remembered
her husband, she picked up her phone and
dialled his number, it
was switched off,
she hissed, why was she even bothering
herself, she got to the
traffic light, it was already on red so she
stopped, she remembered her sweet experience
in the hands
of chief, she
smiled to herself,
soon all chief’s wealth would
be hers, all she
needed was 24 hours, before the balm that
baba gave her would take effect, she had
rubbed the balm on her
laps before going to
the club, baba had instructed her that any
she slept with
after she had rubbed the balm on her laps
would be under her control,
the traffic light went from red to
yellow and finally green,
she drove off and continued her journey to the
To be continue


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