Lets Have Fun.. Ladies And Gentleman On a1000laugh How True Is This? | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Lets Have Fun.. Ladies And Gentleman On a1000laugh How True Is This?

Don’t make a woman cry! There is nothing as expensive as a woman’s tears. When a single drop of tear comes out, it first mixes with L’oreal Eye
Liner; 7,500 Naira
and Revlon Mascara; 8,500 Naira,
then when it rolls
down the cheek, it mixes with Estee Lauder Foundation; 11,000 Naira, Zaron Blush; 15,000 Naira and Mac Powder; 19,000 Naira.

Then, finally, when it touches the lips, it gets mixed with Maybelline Lipstick; 12,000 Naira
and Avonlip Gloss;
5,000 Naira.

A single drop of a woman’s tear
is running for about
78,000 Naira, so please, don't make her cry.

But you can make a man cry, it is only Vaseline; 150 Naira and Powder; 200 Naira.

Total for men; 350 Naira.

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