10 Types of Girlfriends who’ll make Your Life Hell | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

10 Types of Girlfriends who’ll make Your Life Hell


10 types of girlfriends who’ll make your life hell
If you’re on a date with a girl or have started dating a girl recently, keep an eye on these 10 types of girlfriends who’ll make your life a living hell. If you see these traits in the girl, point it out at a convenient time and talk about it with her.
But if she can’t change these bad girlfriend traits, you may be setting yourself up for a frustrating relationship that’ll take you nowhere but downhill over the coming months!
#1 The extremely clingy girl. When a girl is addicted to you or loves you a lot, it’s obvious that she’d want to spend a lot of time with you. But has your girlfriend crossed the thin line separating ‘want to be with you’ and ‘can’t do anything without you’?
When a girlfriend gets too clingy, or wants you to be involved in every little thing she does, she may not realize it herself, but she’d start to suffocate you. And most importantly, she’ll stop growing as an individual, and would end up as a boring extension of you. And that’ll leave you annoyed, and leave her more confused than ever about why you’re distancing yourself from her. 
#2 The obsessive possessive girlfriend. Your girlfriend’s possessiveness could seem flattering at first, but if she hates it when you do anything without her, or go out anywhere with your own friends, you may start to hate that side of her for it without realizing it. And a girlfriend who’s possessive would always feel insecure each time you meet another girl, even if it’s just a friend. And before you know it, both of you would be fighting every time you go out or meet anyone.
#3 The runz girl. There are a few girls who see you as a great guy who could introduce her to a better world. You may be the guy who’s got a lot of connections, or the guy who’s cooler than everyone else. And she may believe that being seen around you could open a lot of doors for her.
The relationship could start out perfectly, but within a few dates, you may find that she’s more eager to go out with your friends and have a nice time together than cozy up with you on a romantic date. And as time goes by, once she’s used you as a stepping stone and doesn’t need you anymore, she may even start to ignore you or pick flaws all the time. 
#4 The unapologetic girlfriend. Are you dating a girl who just can’t apologize or admit her mistake? She may apologize in jest for trivial things, but for the things that really matter, she would prefer to give you the silent treatment than accept her fault.
This is a scary kind of girl to date, because she may seem like a sweet girl who’s a lot of fun. But in reality, she may be extremely egoistic and she would break you rather than accept defeat in front of you. She believes she can never make mistakes, and she’s too proud to ever admit to a mistake. And considering the fact that giving in to each other now and then is a big and important part of a happy relationship, you’d just be walking into a trap where you’re the only one hurt and feeding her ego all the time. 
#5 The whiner. This kind of a bad girlfriend always whines. She complains and never has anything positive to add to the conversation. She talks about how bad her work is, how sad her life is, and how depressed she always is. If your girlfriend can’t ever just see the bright or happy side of anything, she’s probably too negative. And her negativity will rub off on you and you’d feel drained and tired each time you meet her.
#6 The confused girlfriend. This is the type of girlfriend who just doesn’t know what she wants. She’s always confused between choices and is almost always unsure about any decision she takes.
She even flirts with other guys constantly and probably sees you as the standby boyfriend who she calls when she’s not getting attention from anyone else. And the worst part is that she may even ditch you for another guy if she finds someone better than you. Dating this kind of a girl will leave you weak and shattered, and it’ll be a big blow to your self confidence because no matter how good you are, she’d always want something more. 
#7 The dominating and demanding girlfriend. She’s the kind of girl who full of expectations and demands all the time. She’s a control freak and always wants things done her way. She’s bossy and expects you to do as she says all the time. You may be a nice guy who cares for his girl, but for this kind of a girlfriend, that’s not enough. She loves being bossy and wants to control your life and everything in it.
#8 The too opinionated girlfriend. Opinions are good, and opposing opinions can even be healthy at times. But this type of a girlfriend takes it too far. She’s got her own opinions and she’s too rigid to change it no matter what you say, or even if she’s wrong. She changes her mind only when she wants to, or if her friends convince her. But no matter how hard you try, she just doesn’t trust your opinions or suggestions.
#9 The sneaky snoop. She snoops on you all the time, the very second she gets an opportunity to do so. You may be loyal and truthful, but she still sees a reason to doubt your intentions all the time. She spies on you, looks through your cell phone, and calls and interrogates your friends even if you say you were late because you had to meet a friend. She won’t trust you because she probably has trust issues, and unless you’re okay with her constant doubts and interrogations, avoid dating a girl who never trusts you. It’s not healthy for a happy relationship. 
#10 The fighter. This girl is scary when she gets angry. Her face reddens with rage and she quivers like she’s going to explode. She may even punch you on your face or make a scene when she gets angry because she’s probably too hot tempered and all she sees is red when she gets angry.
If you can tread around her hot temper, that’s good for you. But if you just want to be yourself and not cower in fear each time she gets angry, stay away from this girl.

If you’re dating a girl and see any of these 10 types of girlfriends in her, talk to her about it. And if that conversation doesn’t fix it, perhaps it’s best for you to walk away before she makes you feel miserable and broken from the inside!

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