Total Love........Episode 63 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love........Episode 63


‘He must be an evil spirit too.’ Daniel thought. He didn’t know what to do.

The man finally arrived laughing out
loud. Darasimi held on to Daniel both
were very afraid. The man stretched a
black powder forward to Daniel to take.
“You’ll need it in your journey.” He
‘D.. Don’t worry sir.’ Daniel stammered
taking a short pace.
“You better take this! You’ll need it!” The
man uttered again.
“NO!” Daniel replied walking swiftly.
They got to another place and met this
same man again, begging them with the
substance he was holding but both
refused to collect it. They walked some
distance later and met him for the third
time and still refused the man’s
substance. “Now, if you come to beg me
for it, I won’t give you!” He uttered.
The King was totally confused on the
throne he was sitting on. He was looking
here and there to confirm if Tony is not
in the palace again. The princess got
down the staircase and greeted the King.
“I’m going back to school.” She uttered.
‘Now, there’s no one that can disturb
you. Don’t behave irrationally, and tell
your friends too to tread softly.’ He said.
“Alright Dad.” She smiled. ‘… But dad, the
man we met here this afternoon, isn’t he
your friend?’ She inquired.
“Yes.. I don’t know why his dead body
came to visit me.”
‘He possibly can’t be dead. He looked
cute and okay, dressed in nice outfit. Can
a dead man do all that?’ She thought.
‘See my daughter, Tony has died. Let go
of his story and head for school, its
getting late.’ He replied.
“…Concerning the issue of Dan and
Darasimi, why did you send them to the
forbidden forest?” She asked wondering.
‘For them to die. Daniel is of no use to
me. He’s an ingrate, a foolish boy who
can kill you because of an ordinary girl. I
shouldn’t have done that but I was over
tempered then. It serves them right
though.’ He uttered.
Ruth wondered. “Bye.” She left the
Funke and Ruth were together crying
profusely. They couldn’t talk but
continued with their tears. “So Raymond
has turned bad too, sending people into
evil forest and enjoying on his foolish
throne!” Gloria exclaimed.
‘Urgh! Darasimi!’ Funke continued
shouting. Her cloth turned wet and was
crying without control.
At least, it looked obvious that they’ll die
there because even the greatest hunter
mustn’t pass a quatre of the forest or
will be attacked by spirits. They couldn’t
control the rate of their tears. Two
children in their final year, will die just
like that?
Dan and Darasimi proceeded in their
journey. Still hoping not to see anything
wild and bad. Not quite long after they
left the man, Darasimi was bitten by a
poisonous snake.
Immediately, she loosed control, her
system changed and her tounge turned
and she couldn’t talk properly. Daniel
was with her at the same spot weeping
continuously, he didn’t know what next to
The old men with walking sticks and
dressed in a white dresses walked down
their and halted on seeing them. Daniel
didn’t even run and show his fear for
seeing them but remained at the same
spot shaking Darasimi and crying
‘This girl I’m looking at is already dead.’
One of the men uttered.
“Huh?” Daniel rose his head and stared
at the three men and glanced at
DARASIMI! He shouted.
“She’s not dead at all.” Another man
uttered among them.
‘She has just thirty minutes to spend on
earth if the forest black powder isn’t
used on her.’
“Black powder?” Daniel asked anxiously.
‘Yes that’s it. The powder should be with
Wisdom. You should have met him on
the way.’ The last man guessed.
‘Powder, Man?’ Dan repeated and ran
back, searching for the old man. He
glanced at the wrist watched on him. It
was 3:30 pm exactly, thirty minutes

The King left the throne for the room to
take a short rest. He laid on his bed and
different thought continued flowing
through his heart. He wasn’t feeling
alright again, maybe because I saw Tony.
He thought.
Different kinds of food were prepared for
him as lunch but couldn’t eat. His mind
wasn’t at rest and lost his appetite. Some
minutes later, the Doctor was invited to
come and check if he’s alright but his
condition started growing worst.
The Queen that had been eating and
forgotten she saw a corpse neglected her
food on seeing the Doctor entering into
the palace. They rushed upstairs to
check on the King, it was just as if he
wasn’t the one that banished Daniel and
Darasimi some hours back, when he was
The palace became sour and everyone
afraid. The first time that kind of illness
occurred to the King, it was Dan’s mouth
organ that saved him despite the
Doctor’s help to assist.
The Queen thought of the mouth organ
and ordered the guards to go and search
his room for the mouth organ. They
found it at last. One of the guards who
knew how to use it played differently on
it, but every minute, the King’s condition
grew worse.

Daniel was still running up and down to
save Darasimi. He had sustained
different injuries for running so fast in
the forest. He kept on falling and
standing, to save a soul.
He glanced at the watch again, it was
3:45. Fifteen minutes more.. He thought.
He finally saw the man some distance
ahead of him and rushed there. The man
turned his back at him.
He prostrated on the dirts and stones
there and started begging the man for
help, but he refused. He continued
begging him and was crying out but the
man didn’t answer him. He stood up just
rushing back when his pocket bible
dropped from his pocket.
He picked it up and wondered. “Why have
I been running helter skelter when there
is something that can save me? Why I’ve
I been disturbing myself when I ought to
have used my mouth to draw out the
poison and pray for her?” He ran back
there and still met her groaning in pains.
He had used his singlet to tie her leg. On
getting there, he located the exact place
and punctured it. He drew out the poison
from her leg and continued praying
mindfully. After this, he raised his head
and met her closed. “Nothing looks as if
she’s still alive.” He thought and rushed

To be continued


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