Total Love........Episode 50 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love........Episode 50


Funke was in the room, weeping profusely. She was unhappy that Raymond left like that, though it wasn’t his fault. Gloria was out then, she went out to get a cup of sugar, not quite long after she arrived, Tony got to their place.

He was moody, with an angry look. He got in as usual, the gate was opened. He called on the two friends to come out to see him. Gloria rushed out while Funke
walked outside also moody. She was
angry to see him, as his friend.
“Although, his girlfriend has been
snatched.” She thought.
‘I’m sorry to bother you. I officially came
here to apologize to you about all that
happened. Please, I don’t want you to
disclose all what you heard to anyone.’
He begged.
‘What we heard? Disclose?’ Gloria
Funke was leaning against the wall, just
staring at him.
‘I’m sure you guys heard about the
incidence of Damilola, please, don’t tell
anyone. And, she knows you guys heard
all we discussed, she might be trailing
us. I don’t know how you’ll do it now but
its dangerous staying here. He explained.
“It doesn’t concern you….”
Some hefty guys came in and carried
Tony in the presence of the two friends.
Gloria and Funke took to their heels.
The white Toyota bus was on a great
speed along an express way that leads to
a village in Oyo state. They’ve already
left the Kingdom with Tony and drugged
him that he didn’t know what he was
doing any longer and his image has
The five guys including the driver was
laughing inside the car there. They were
happy they got that kind of job that will
replenish their pockets. They all got
ready, they were very close to a village
and around a stony area with a
continuous great speed, they managed to
stand up and threw Tony out of the car
on great speed, he hit his head on some
That was the way they usually use to
eliminate anyone, they don’t use guns,
just drugs.
THE AKINOLA FAMILY, a family blessed
with money and children. They have a
big building and boys’ quarters in that
house. The man and his wife blessed
with two children. Three female children
and a male child. The mother works and
the father works likewise, Mr Akinola was
a tough and a no-nonsense man, he
doesn’t pity anyone no matter who you
Raymond was already forgetting his
pasts with Funke, at keast he had no
choice and had always hated two wives,
whereas his father even married just a
wife despite all what happened. He
started living happily with his new wife,
Gloria and Funke left the village the
exact day they witness what happened to
Tony to prevent them dying. The
neglected their parents to save their own
lives and moved to a far village from the
exact one they were in.
They had no place to go to, no food to
eat. Although its better that way,
Damilola had started looking for them in
the village and her friend. Their parents
went so worried about there whereabouts
and wellness, its something that will be
forgotten soon.
The two ladies where assisted by an old
woman in the village they just go to, she
provided them with all what they’d need,
although old. They started wondering on
how she was able to get food and
everything she needed.
Deolu was on a normal speed. The driver
for the Akinola, he noticed a body lying
beside the road but neglected him. He
drove Mr Akinola to that village to check
on some amenities regarding the work
he’s into.
‘Wait.’ He ordered the driver and stared
at Tony where he was dropped.
He came down from the car and called
the driver to follow him and assisted him
inside his car.
The guys Damilola sent returned to the
normal place they do meet and called her
to tell her about their moves. She got
there few minutes after she received the
call with her friend, Dolapo. They met the
guys smoking cigarette as usual and
taking alcoholic drinks. One of them
stood up and talked on seeing them
walking in.
‘We’ve searched everywhere, those girls
aren’t longer in this Kingdom’ he uttered.
‘No.. You can’t tell me that. They must
be hiding somewhere, you can’t tell me
that you can’t find them. I’m not safe.’
She replied.
‘Yes now.’ Dolapo added.
“Na true talk we talk for here oh. We don
check the entire Kingdom and Villages
under it, we no see them.” Another
uttered with a bushy hair on him.
‘Do you guys really mean this?’ Dami
asked again.
‘Why we go lie! Madam, waka this place
jere.’ A guys said from the back.
Tony was rushed to the hospital, he was
totally unconscious, despite Mr Akinola
wasn’t nice and was difficult, he helped
Tony on the way. The hospital attended
to him immediately and was admitted. Mr
Akinola cancelled where he was going to,
and went back home so he would come
back to check on him later.
He got home and changed his clothing,
he took a nap while the driver was
outside with the gate keeper gisting.
Grace Akinola, the wife was already at
work then, the children were not around,
each had gone to school.
He got up some hours later and headed
to the hospital, the Doctor told him Tony
was still unconscious, and asked for his
relationship with him.
It was 5:49am the following morning,
Tony coughed from the sick bed, he
opened his eyes but his head hurts. The
Doctor was alerted to check on him, he
was examined by the happy Doctor who
was happy to see him alive. “What is
your name?” The Doctor asked him
‘Name? I don’t know my name.’ He
replied slowly, looking around him.
‘Huh?’ The doctor stared at the Nurse
beside him.
‘Amnesia?’ The Doctor asked himself.
“Where are you from?” He asked him.
‘Me?’ Tony asked again, his voice wasn’t
that strong to be questioned.
“I can’t remember.” He replied.

To be continued


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