"Hello Oga" Emmanuel spoke immediately Dennis picked the call, his voice shaking.

"Hello, who am I speaking with?" Dennis asked, after munching a spoonful of rice.

"Na me Emmanuel"


"Oga Police, I one guy I don kill my Pa for house o"


"Pa, I don kill am fo Pa" he repeated, trembling as he spoke.

"Who did that?" Dennis was shocked, he stood up from the dinning table immediately.

"Walahi, I no see him face Oga"

"Okay, you know what? Come meet me at the Saro Police Divi.. " Dennis paused, remembering that he wasn't supposed to involve the police as Uche was a suspect too. "

"Wait for me at Erinsic, I'll meet you there now" Dennis ended the call, he quickly gulped down some water from the dinning table and turned to leave, he ran into his mum.

"What's the matter? Where are you going to now?" The woman asked

"Mum, you need to leave this house now" Dennis said in a command tone.


"Yes, you need to leave now. It might be dangerous to spend another minute here"

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere" the woman refused and walked away from his front.

Dennis ran after her and knelt at her front, "I'll explain later, you just leave now in my red car"

"Leave for where? What's the matter with you Dennis? You've been acting so strange of late" She slammed. "You are on leave but you've been leaving the house early and coming back late"

"Mum, there's no time to explain. You have to vacate here now, go to any of your friend's place, I'll call and tell you when it is safe to return"

"No son, I won't leave here till you tell me what's going on here" the woman was adamant.

"Okay Mum stay here" Dennis flared up and got up from kneeling. "I'm leaving here now, wait and you'll know what is going on"

"You're not going anywhere, none of us is leaving this house"

"Listen mum" Dennis pleaded once again. "Someone is coming here to kill me now, he has been paid already. He might hurt you if he doesn't find me here, please leave immediately. I'll explain later to you"

With that he was able to calm his mum, she stared at him for a moment without being able to say anything.

** 4pm**

"Enter the car" Dennis said as he pulled by where Emmanuel stood at the front of Erinsic.

Emmanuel entered the car without wasting time, he was visibly trembling, sweat oozed out of his body like someone who sat near fire.

"Who killed your pa?" Dennis asked as he drove off.

"Oga, me I no see him face"

"When did it happen?"

"E never tey wey I come see my Papa, I come comot"

"You mean not long after I left?

"Yes Oga"

"Did the person see you?"

"No Oga, Me I run comot"

"Okay, calm down Emmanuel. You have to cooperate with me and tell me everything, huh?"

"Yes Oga, I go tell you everything"

"Good, do you remember that guy that took other part of that rag?"

"Oga, I know him face well well, Me I no know him name"

"Okay, that means you'll know when you see him"

"Yes Oga"

"Good, but what other thing did he ask you about that day?"

"The Oga ask me say where my Oga husband wey I dey barb hair shop?"

"He asked for your Oga's husband shop? And you showed him?"

"Yes, him say him wan barb him hair and him give me five thousand to barb my hair too"

"Wow! Do you know what he did with the rag you gave him?"

"Ha Oga, him pour one powder for am"


"Yes Oga"

"Okay" Dennis kept quiet till the end of the journey. He drove into an hotel and lodge Emmanuel into a room, he warned him severally to stay indoors before he left the hotel
"We'll make sure we get those who are responsible for this, they won't go unpunished" she bent towards him and whispered to his hearing.

He responded with a slight smile, she smiled back at him and released his palm from her soft grip.

"We'll be back" she said and walked towards the door.

"Let's see Doc" she said to the doctor and walked out with him, followed by Uche.

Dennis moved closer to Bode, he saw Bode's retina moved to his direction.

"You'll be fine soon" he said softly with a smile. "I'll be back, let me hear what they have to tell the doctor.

He was about to open the door when he heard something. He turned back to confirm, Bode called his name again. He rushed back to the bed.

"You can talk ?" Dennis exclaimed with great surprise in his eyes.

"Don't let them know" Bode cautioned, "I don't have much strength, listen carefully"

"Okay, go ahead" Dennis looked back to be sure no one was watching, he placed his arms on the side of the bed and paid attention

"You have to find Bola's gateman. The last exhibit we saw, that rag. You know it's a half part"


"I saw the other part at that Gateman's office, I used it to clean my trouser the last time I went there"


"I believe the gateman carried out the murder or the person who did it divided the rag into two"

"Okay, did you see the person who shot you?"

"Yes, he was on a bike but his face was covered. He ..." Bode could not continue as Helen and Uche walked in with the doctor.

Dennis bent his head over the bed like someone who was crying, Helen and Uche looked at them suspiciously.
Dennis resumed work with a lifeless mood the next day, he hadn't been able to fulfill the reason for his leave , rather things had become more complicated.

Bode who had been his main source of inspiration and encouragement was just recovering in the hospital and according to the Doctor's prediction, Bode would still need up to seven days to regain strength. And even after the seven days, it was obvious that he would have only regained enough strength to be discharged from the hospital and not to continue with any investigation.

Now Dennis faced the enormous task of finding Bola's gateman and also fishing out the mysterious gunman who had his face covered when he shot Bode.

Dennis thought of where to start from, there was nowhere he knew to go ask about the gateman, he wouldn't even recognise the gateman if they ran into each other. But he had a clue which he didn't know how useful it could be about the mysterious biker, he remembered Inspector Uche mentioned that an old drunk who loitered around the restaurant area said something about the bike man.

He took a look at his table and saw so many files and document he needed to attend to, he picked them one after the other and started checking through them.

For the first time that morning, a knock sounded on his door.

"Come in" he answered the knock.

"Good morning sir" A petite lady curtsied as she walked in with a document.

"Good morning, what can I do for you?" He responded.

"I was asked to submit this file to you today"

"Ehen, what file is that?" He asked, taking it from her, "and who are you?"

"I'm Bisi, the new accounts research officer"

"Huh?" He seemed surprised. "New account what?"

"New research officer, sir" she replied, also surprised by his response.

"New research officer? I don't recall that there was any vacancy for that post" he dropped the file on the table.

"I was employed last week sir, you were on leave"

"New account officer?" Dennis muttered, shaking his head. "You can go, I'll see you later"

He watched her leave the office before picking up the report she brought. He read through it carefully, each line of the report annoyed him as he read, there was no relevant details of the research work in it.

He dropped the file back and was about to stand up when another knock sounded on his door. The Chairman came in.

"Good morning sir" Dennis stood up to greet.

"Good morning Mr. Michaels, how was your short leave?" The man replied, extending his hand to Dennis for an handshake.

"Fine sir" Dennis replied, trying to force out a smile.

"Fine?" The man stared at Dennis' face as he sat down. "But you don't look like you've rested enough"

"I couldn't sleep well last night" Dennis took his seat too.


"Everything is getting complicated as the day goes by"

"I don't understand you son"

"Sir, don't bother about me anymore. Thanks for your understanding and the break you gave me, I think we should go to business now"

"No, you won't be able to work well if you're unstable" the man refused to change the subject. "We sent you guys to the states to learn more so that you can improve on your efficiency but I'm sure you can't be efficient this way"

"I'm fine sir" Dennis insisted.

"No you're not. Look at you, very early on a monday you're already looking dull as if it's a friday afternoon" the man said as he stood up from his seat. "If it will help, I'll give you another week break on one condition"

"Oh sir! What condition is that?" Dennis asked excitedly, his eyes showing gratefulness.

"You won't go on another official leave this year and when you resume, you'll start work efficiently"

"Oh! God bless you sir" Dennis moved out from the table and placed one knee down to show his gratefulness.

"It's okay" the man said and walked out.
Dennis arranged his desk properly before packing his bags, he hurried out of the office happily and drove out of the company within few minutes.

He headed straight to the hospital first to see Bode hoping to possibly get more information from him.

On getting to the hospital, the hospital officials prevented him from seeing Bode. He was informed that the police had instructed that nobody should be allowed to come near the victim except the officers in charge of the case gives the permission.

He left the office in disappointment and left for Bola's place in order to check for any clue and ask about the whereabouts of the gateman.

After walking about the place fruitlessly for over an hour, he made his way to the restaurant in Bode's street to find the drunk who saw the biker. He didn't need to ask anybody anything as a dirty old man was the first person he saw as he parked his car.

He guessrd from the appearance of the old man that it was he and he followed the man as he walked through a narrow route just beside the restaurant.

After walking for less than two minutes, the man entered into an old apartment. Dennis looked around amazed at the kind of environment he was in, he had never been to the ghetto area of Etyle. He followed the man to the house and knocked on the door.

The Old man wasted no time in answering the door.

"Come in my son " the man smiled and welcomed him like he was expecting him.

"Good afternoon sir" Dennis walked in and closed the door behind him.

"I know you were following me" the man said in his strong Hausa accent as he empty a bottle of local gin into a plastic cup.


"Join me my son, life is sweet" the man offered him gin. "An Old man like me should not get scared of anybody following him, have your seat my son"

"Thank you sir" Dennis sat into an old sofa which shook as if it would collapse.

"Don't worry my son, calm down. The chair is a very strong one, it cannot fall " the man mocked Dennis, seeing him scared as the sofa shook. "What have you come here for?"

"Sir, my friend was shot at the front od the restaurant on saturday, you said you saw the person who shot"

"Oh Son, I remember you. You are the policeman that came with your Lady colleague yesterday" the drunk man mistook him for Uche.

"No, I ... "

"I knew you would come back, why didn't you bring the lady along today?"

"I'm ..."

"I remember something now" the man walked close to him and kicked his shoe. "That man on the motorcycle was wearing the same type of shoes you wore yesterday"

"Huh? The same type of shoe I wore yesterday?"

"No o" the man staggered backwards. "I didn't say you're the one o, you are a policeman"

"Don't worry, just tell me. Are you sure he was wearing the same type of shoes I wore yesterday?"

"Yes, I saw the shoes very well"

"Hmm" Dennis stood up and walked closer to him, he looked straight into his eyes and asked. "What about the trouser the person wore?"

"Bla... Black trousers and black hand gloves"

"Interesting, so why didn't you tell us yesterday?"

"I didn't remember until now when I remembered the shoes you wore yesterday"

"Okay thank you, I'll have to leave now. I'll be back"

"Okay, goodbye my son"

Dennis was on his way out of the house when his eyes met something, he paused and looked at it carefully. He moved closer and bent down to pick the hand towel. He brought out the phone and compared the half towel in the picture with the one in his hands. He was sure he had found the other part of the exhibits.

"What's that?" The old man who watched him asked.

"Nothing, whose towel is this?"

"My son, he brought it home some weeka ago when he brought back his belongings"

"Who is your son and where did he pack his belongings from?"

"Any problem officer? Why are you asking about my son?"

"Nothing" Dennis smiled to assure him that there was no problem. "I'm just curious"

"Okay, my son is Emmanuel, he used to work as a gateman, he came back home after his rich Boss died"

"Eeyah, where is he now?"

"He is..." The man stopped abruptly as a young man entered through the door that moment.

"Inaini Pa" the young man greeted his father in Hausa language and left without waiting for a response.

"Hey, oya come hia" the man called him back.

"Oh!"he hesitated before walking back. "Wetin I want pa?"

"Come hia and meet this police man"

"Ehn police? Wetin I do pa?"

"Hahaha" the man laughed at his son. "This policeman is our friend and he has only come to ask about a murder that took place on Saturday"

"Good afternoon Oga" he bent a little to show respect. He was about to rush off when Dennis held him back.

"I heard that you worked in Bola's house as her gateman?" Dennis asked

"Huh... Ye.. Ye... Yes Oga" the question threw him off balance.

"And you brought this with you when you returned?" He raised up the rag.

"Me I dey use am for my shoe"

"Where is the other part?"

"Ermm... Walahi, I no know where he dey, kai na one Oga don collect am"

"Who collected it?"

"Na one Oga like that, walahi I not fit remember im name"

"Can you remember him?"

"Yes Oga, I know im face well"

"Okay" Dennis smiled and dipped his hand into his pocket." Here is my complimentary card, call me tomorrow. I have a good job for you"

"Oh! God bless you Oga, thenk you" he took the card gratefully.

"You're welcome" Dennis said and turned to the father as he made his way out of the house. "How come you speak better English than your son?"

"Hehe, he lived with his mother who was an illiterate and was only sent to me seventeen years later, after his mother died"

"Oh! I see, thank you sir for your cooperation" Dennis said and left after saying goodbye.
*3pm Monday*

"What else did you find there Uche?"

"Nothing more, just that guy. Have also sent messages to the Authorities in Cameroon, they should be on the lookout for Mark"

"Good, I think we should also try find more information about the particular place he is and help them with the information"

"We've gotten the details from the Airport authorities this morning, he stopped at Yaoundé, but we don't know if he's still there"

"Good, if we can get him quickly, we should be able to conclude if he's involved in the murder or not"

"Come on, the only charges against Mark and his guys are drug trafficking and illegal possession of arms, he isn't involved in Frank's death"

"Yeah, that's true. We have to go back to that old man at the restaurant area"

"Yes, but I hope he'll be able to tell us something tangible this time around. I don't get how useful the information of a mysterious bike man who came from nowhere and returned to nowhere can help us"

"Yes, I hope he'll tell us something different this time or we should just meet someone who can provide a better clue"

"Yes, but the one who can provide us the best clue is Bode. I believe he knows the murderer and the murderer knows that he knows too"

"But he can't talk or write now "

"Yes, we can't get any reasonable clue until he is strong enough to give us"

"It's okay" Helen stood up to her feet. "Let's stop the talk and act"

She took her car keys and moved towards the door, Uche stood up slowly and followed her out. Few minutes later, they were on their way to the Bode's street.

They went straight to the corner where they found the old man the last time they visited the place but he wasn't found there. After walking about the place asking about him for twenty minutes, they finally found someone who knew the man's house and agreed to lead them there.

They got to the old house in the ghetto in a few minutes, the door was widely opened and the house was in disarray. It looked as if there had been a fight in the house as everything was in disorder.

Helen brought out her pistol and entered into the house carefully, Uche followed her in the same manner. She walked tactically forward, looking around to find if anyone was in the house while Uche bent down to check the scattered environment. He noticed a drop of blood on the floor and alerted Helen about it. She quickly moved back and placed a knee on the floor to observe it.

"Let's check the other rooms carefully" Helen said to Uche.

They moved forward into the other rooms and found nothing until they went out to the backyard. They found more traces of blood which led to a local bathroom built with bamboo and cement bags, as Helen took away the door made of corrugated iron sheets, she met the horrible sight of the man in cold blood.

"Jeez, he's dead " she announced to Uche who joined her quickly. "This is still fresh, the killer may still be around. Lets check around carefully, don't let him go"

They moved around the compound swiftly, searching all corners and possible hiding place .

"I don't think the murderer is still around, the murder could have taken place about one hour ago; that's enough time for the person to escape" Uche said, dipping the gun back into his pocket.

"Call the office and order some guys here, let them come and clear up this body" Helen ordered as she kept her gun also and walked back into the house.


"Hello Oga" Emmanuel spoke immediately Dennis picked the call, his voice shaking.

"Hello, who am I speaking with?" Dennis asked, after munching a spoonful of rice.

"Na me Emmanuel"


"Oga Police, I one guy I don kill my Pa for house o"


"Pa, I don kill am fo Pa" he repeated, trembling as he spoke.

"Who did that?" Dennis was shocked, he stood up from the dinning table immediately.

"Walahi, I no see him face Oga"

"Okay, you know what? Come meet me at the Saro Police Divi.. " Dennis paused, remembering that he wasn't supposed to involve the police as Uche was a suspect too. "

"Wait for me at Erinsic, I'll meet you there now" Dennis ended the call, he quickly gulped down some water from the dinning table and turned to leave, he ran into his mum.

"What's the matter? Where are you going to now?" The woman asked

"Mum, you need to leave this house now" Dennis said in a command tone.


"Yes, you need to leave now. It might be dangerous to spend another minute here"

"What do you mean? I'm not going anywhere" the woman refused and walked away from his front.

Dennis ran after her and knelt at her front, "I'll explain later, you just leave now in my red car"

"Leave for where? What's the matter with you Dennis? You've been acting so strange of late" She slammed. "You are on leave but you've been leaving the house early and coming back late"

"Mum, there's no time to explain. You have to vacate here now, go to any of your friend's place, I'll call and tell you when it is safe to return"

"No son, I won't leave here till you tell me what's going on here" the woman was adamant.

"Okay Mum stay here" Dennis flared up and got up from kneeling. "I'm leaving here now, wait and you'll know what is going on"

"You're not going anywhere, none of us is leaving this house"

"Listen mum" Dennis pleaded once again. "Someone is coming here to kill me now, he has been paid already. He might hurt you if he doesn't find me here, please leave immediately. I'll explain later to you"

With that he was able to calm his mum, she stared at him for a moment without being able to say anything.

** 4pm**

"Enter the car" Dennis said as he pulled by where Emmanuel stood at the front of Erinsic.

Emmanuel entered the car without wasting time, he was visibly trembling, sweat oozed out of his body like someone who sat near fire.

"Who killed your pa?" Dennis asked as he drove off.

"Oga, me I no see him face"

"When did it happen?"

"E never tey wey I come see my Papa, I come comot"

"You mean not long after I left?

"Yes Oga"

"Did the person see you?"

"No Oga, Me I run comot"

"Okay, calm down Emmanuel. You have to cooperate with me and tell me everything, huh?"

"Yes Oga, I go tell you everything"

"Good, do you remember that guy that took other part of that rag?"

"Oga, I know him face well well, Me I no know him name"

"Okay, that means you'll know when you see him"

"Yes Oga"

"Good, but what other thing did he ask you about that day?"

"The Oga ask me say where my Oga husband wey I dey barb hair shop?"

"He asked for your Oga's husband shop? And you showed him?"

"Yes, him say him wan barb him hair and him give me five thousand to barb my hair too"

"Wow! Do you know what he did with the rag you gave him?"

"Ha Oga, him pour one powder for am"


"Yes Oga"

"Okay" Dennis kept quiet till the end of the journey. He drove into an hotel and lodge Emmanuel into a room, he warned him severally to stay indoors before he left the hotel.


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