Ini had just finished cleaning the house when she heard a knock on the door. She walked gently to the door and opened it to find a short man and a Lady there.
"Good evening Madam" Inspector Helen
started with a smile, " we are police officers from the station at Saro road, we've come to see you about something important"
"Alright" Ini replied in a low voice as she opened the door for the August visitors to come in.
She ushered them into the living room and ensured they were seated comfortably.
"What can I offer you?"
"No, thanks. All we need is your attention and cooperation"
"Alright then" she replied and sat on a stool opposite them. "So how may I help you?"
"Do you know the person of Mr Kelvin Okafor?"
"Ermm"Ini stammered, visibly surprised by the question. She wondered what Kelvin had to do with the police. "Yes, I know him"
"Good. Who's he to you?"
"He is... He was my boyfriend"
"He was? What happened between both of you?"
"Ermm, nothing really" she lied. "Things just didn't work out between us"
"Hmmm... Are you sure of that? No cheating problem?"
"Ermm... Kind of" she paused and stared sternly at the inspector. "But what's the reason for this?"
"Oh! You don't know? Well, Kelvin was arrested and he's still in our custody now for the alleged murder of his friend, Frank"
"Murder of Frank? Frank is dead?" Ini stood in shock and disbelief.
"Yeah, Frank was found dead in his Salon yesterday night, a police man found blood stains outside and traced it inside"
"Oh my God! Who could have killed him?"
"We don't know that yet, but Kelvin was the one who had the last encounter with him before his death"
"I don't think Kelvin could have killed him"
"That's why we are here and that's why you must cooperate with us"
"Okay" Ini sat back on the chair. "I will"
"Can you tell us all that really happened here on Sunday?"
"Yes, I will" Ini accepted and began to tell them all that happened in details, from the strange phone call to her return home to find Kelvin and Amarachi on the bed.
"The phone call you had, have you tried that number again since yesterday?"
"Can we have the number?"
"Yeah sure" Ini checked through her phone and extended it to the male officer who copied it and dialed it on his phone.
"It is switched off" he reported to Helen.
"Okay" Inspector Helen replied. After been quiet for some minutes, she spoke up again. "But It was dangerous to go and meet someone you've not seen for a long time who just called you on phone, you could have been hurt"
"Yeah, it was really foolish of me. I agree"
"Did you notice anyone watching you that day ?"
"No, I didn't"
"Okay, who else knows this your friend that called you?"
"No one except for Bola, a friend of mine who was supposed to get married to Frank"
"Okay" Helen paused as she jotted down something quickly on her notepad. "Do you think Kelvin could have killed Frank?"
"No, I don't really think Kelvin could have done that. I don't think he'll kill anyone for any reason"
"Kelvin never knew that you saw him and Ama, don't you think he could have killed Frank to prevent him from telling you?"
"No, I'm sure Kelvin can't take anyone's life"
"You're sure?" Helen smiled briefly, "were you not also sure that he couldn't cheat on you?"
"Hmm, yes. I was"
"That proves you didn't know him well. Where's Amarachi?"
"I don't know. I didn't meet her at home when I returned"
"Where could she have gone to?"
"Ermm... The only place she could be is her Parent's house in the village"
"Okay, thank you. That would be all for now, we'll get back to..."
Uche interrupted Helen, he quickly whispered something into her ears.
"Oh! Thanks, how on earth did I forget that?" She thanked him and then turned to Ini. "Can we see Amarachi's room? Where you caught them"
"Oh yeah, sure. But it must be very dirty, I've not entered there since yesterday"
"It's okay"
Ini led them to Amarachi's abandoned room, she stayed at the entrance and watched them do their job. It was not long before Helen found something.
"Here's a stained handkerchief and a knife" she announced.
After properly scrutinizing it on the floor where it was, beside the bed. She allowed Uche pack the exhibit carefully into a container with an handkerchief in his hands.
"I'm sorry Ini" Helen spoke to Ini who was overwhelmed and short of words. " I think you'll have to follow us to our station for further interrogation"
"Thanks for coming, we were just planning to visit your residence soon" Inspector Helen shook Bola's hand and ushered her to the visitor's seat in her office.
"Thank you" Bola replied and sat down comfortably, waiting for the inspector to get seated too.
"Alright Bola, let's get started. What is it you wanted to tell me?"
"I know the killers of Frank"
"Huh?" Helen asked, doubting what she heard.
A knock sounded on the door, interrupting their discussion.
"Come in please" Helen answered.
In came Officer Uche, looking fatigued. He saluted his boss.
"Where have you been?"
"I didn't go too far ma, I only went to torture that Criminal again to see if he will confess but he didn't"
"Hmmm... Just sit down here Uche" she pointed a seat to him. "I think someone has a valuable piece of information for us here. Here's Bola, the deceased Frank's girlfriend. She just said she knew who killed him"
"The killers?" Uche reechoed and took a deep look at Bola. The look on his eyes was that of someone who knew her from somewhere.
"Yes, that's what she was about telling me before you came in"
"Oh! Is this not Miss Olatunbosun?" He asked, directing his question to Bola.
"Yes, I am" she replied him. "I don't remember meeting you anywhere"
"Yes, I just happen to know your Father very well"
"Oh! Okay"
"So, can we hear from you now Bola?" Helen who was already getting impatient cut in quickly.
"Yes, please go ahead and tell us what you know" Uche added.
"Frank was murdered by Chief Olatunbosun" Bola announced and paused to see their reaction.
"What do you mean? Which Chief Olatunbosun?" Uche asked.
"My father, he sent people to kill him. He didn't support our wedding, he killed him to stop us from being together"
"Are you sure of what you're saying?" Uche countered, "the Chief I know is an upright man"
"So you know this Chief very well." Helen directed her question to Uche.
"Yes, who doesn't know him? He's the leader of the RTA party"
"Oh! Jimoh Olatunbosun?"
"Yes" Bola answered
"Hmmm, but how are you sure he sent people to kill Frank?"
"He told me himself"
"Wow! That's serious, but what evidence do you have to prove this?"
"None yet, but I'm sure when you torture some of his boys, they'll tell you the truth. I want you people to arrest him "
"Okay, we'll see what we can do about that. Do you have any other information for us?"
"No, not yet"
"Okay, but I have some question to ask you", Helen paused and waited to get a go ahead from Bola. "You went with Frank to Ini's house earlier that day before the murder took place, do you find anything strange that day?"
"Nothing really strange" Bola cleared throat before she continued. "We caught Kelvin and Amarachi, Ini's friend having sex"
"I heard Frank was devastated by the incident, is that true ?"
"Yes, it is. Poor Frank, he used to be obsessed with Amarachi. I tried to make him calm that day before he left my house"
"Okay, but you were not surprised by the incident?"
"No, I wasn't. I already caught Ama and Kelvin cheating sometime before but I was called a liar when I told Ini."
"Hmmm, I see. Tell me, what was your mission to Ini's house that day?"
"It was her birthday, I just went there to celebrate with her"
"Okay" Helen paused for a while and started again. "Kelvin said he and Amarachi were drugged that day, how true do you think that is?"
"Hehe" she chuckled, "drugged? That's a lie, both of them are cheats"
"Hmmm" , Helen inhaled deeply and took another brief pause before talking again.
"Lastly, do you know anyone who is Nike Adejumo?"
"The question made Bola shiver a little before answering. "Yes I do, I met her through Ini but I've not seen her for a long time now"
"You had no recent conversation with her?"
"No, not at all"
"What about her phone number? Do you have it?"
"No, I don't"
"Alright" Helen sighed, "that will be all for now. Thanks for your cooperation"
"Thank you" Bola replied and stood to took her leave. She shook hands with Helen and Uche who had been silent all through the questioning.
"We'll still need your help as our investigations continue"
"Okay, I will be ready to help you anytime" she said and walked out of the office leaving Helen alone with Uche.
Helen and Uche remained in silence for about three minutes, analyzing all the answers they had gotten individually.
"What do you think about Chief Olatunbosun's matter?" Helen broke the silence.
"Ehn?" Uche seemed startled by the question and took some seconds before answering. "I think we should forget it, Chief Olatunbosun is not someone to toy with. We have enough lead to work with, we have Kelvin in our custody and we just found the knife in Amarachi's room"