Total Love.....Episode 13 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Total Love.....Episode 13

The princess was eventually alright,
Daniel was with her althrough, she woke

up and saw Daniel by her side. She
began her thoughts as usual. “Maybe he
loves me, or he wants me to know that he
cares for me a lot.”
‘So how are you my Princess?’
‘I’m alright, I’m sorry I frightened you.
This will be your first time of seeing me
this wasy right?’ She smiled.
‘Yes, I was so much surprised.’ He
‘How pathetic, I wish God never created
me.’ She commented.
Daniel rushed into her comment.”No!
Never think of that again, if you mostly
visit pages on facebook, you’ll see that
what’s happening to you is just a little.
Different people are out there, many
dead, many begging for money, many in
prison suffering for what they’ve not
done. Its not your power but the grace of
God.’ He replied softly.
‘Then if God wanted to create me like
you, he would have created me like you.
He did this deliberately, why me, why not
another person.’ She said sadly.
The Queen and the King were already
outside the door, eavesdropping.
‘Nooo! I still say no! So if it wasn’t you,
who could have gotten it? God is great in
his power, he does thing you’ll think he
has done you bad. Like now, let’s talk
about this asthmatic patient. She was
asthmatic, she didn’t know God, she
engages in all kinds of bad things, she
had been crying to God for a good
husband but she didn’t get. There was a
day she had an attack, she was rushed to
a different hospital from where she was
usually rushed to, it was there she met
her husband. Can you now see, assuming
she wasn’t asthmatic, she may have
found someone who isn’t the will of God
for her life and mayn’t meet the right
man. God has planned our lifes, he
knows what we’ll pass through before
attaining our joy.’ He said, looking sad
‘This boy’s words are powerful’ the king
said softly to the Queen.
‘I’m touched, sincerely.’ The queen
‘God! God! God! All is God right? Why
hasn’t he designed my life to the right
path and let me meet the right person, if
that’s his will.’ Ruth said to him.
‘All isn’t God, satan too can be blamed
on this. Although, if God doesn’t allow
satan to do things, it won’t come to
pass. The satan I’m talking about isn’t
the satan of the bible, that satan maybe
included but not the ultimate one. The
King or Queen, as the leader and
paramount rulers of this Kingdom, many
will hate them, for some reasons, for no
reason. Many might have done this to
you, but God will also allow it to bring
some promises to pass.’ He added.
‘Which is the satan of the bible, what’s
the bible all about? She asked.
‘You don’t go to church? Do you have a
bible?’ He inquired.
‘We don’t go to church here, I don’t even
think there is a bible in this house.’ She
‘You don’t go to church?’ He asked
surprisingly. “I wish you all can start
going.” He said.
The door was opened suddenly, Daniel
and Ruth were afraid, it was the King
and the Queen that entered, both looking
good and smiling.
‘And we all will start going to church as
from this Sunday.’ The king uttered as he
was entering.
‘Huh?’ Princess was surprised.
‘Dad, mum, so you’ve been out there?’
Ruth asked.
‘Sure.’ Queen answered.
‘I’ve been touched by all what Daniel was
saying, I’m impressed. Now, you won’t
only be playing me mouth organ, you’ll
start preaching to me too.’ The King
Daniel laughed, he was so much
surprised. “Aaah! Dad, that will be tough,
please Dad.’ He begged.
‘So where are the guards? You both
aren’t with any of them. Its unlike you.’
Princess uttered.
‘I sent them away, so we can listen to
you both well.’ Queen smiled.
‘Now, Daniel. You’ll just go out now, I’ll
give you money, you’ll go buy each
person a quality bible out there. The
driver will take you there.’ King smiled to
Daniel prostrated happily. “Thank you
sir.” He laughed.
He rushed out as he was told, to get the
To be continued

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