
Kelvin was seated quitely reading the Tuesday's edition of Guardian Newspaper when he heard a voice asking of him
outside. He walked out to find one of his stylists conversing with Bola

"Please let her in" He said quickly and walked back inside.

"Hi honey" Bola greeted as she walked in and proceeded to give Frank a peck. " You didn't call me since Sunday, why?"

"Nothing, but I would have called you today. We really need to talk"

"Yes, here I am honey" She replied sitting on the table in front of him. " I've missed you so much"

"Look Bola, you need to know that... He was still talking when she brought her mouth close to his and she engaged him in a kiss.

"Come on, stop" He exclaimed, breaking free from her grip.

"What's the matter Honey?"

"We shouldn't be doing this, I'm not your boyfriend"

"Come on, don't tell me you don't feel anything for me after everything that happened on Saturday"

"I don't" he said firm and stood up from his seat facing the window.

"Come on" Bola laughed " I know you are joking, I saw it in your eyes while we made love on Saturday". She stood up and walked towards him hugging in fr behind.

"You saw nothing in my eyes" He said taking away her hands from his body and facing her " I was not in my senses, I was drunk"

"No, don't give me that. You confessed you were looking for me through out the Party, why were you looking for me?"

"I wasn't looking for you, I was looking for someone else"

"That's a lie, you don't loose all your senses when you take alcohol" she said and looked into his eyes. "You even asked me to take you home"

"No, I couldn't have asked you to take me home"

"Yes, you did"

"If I really did, then I must have thought it was my Friend Kelvin I was talking to"

"That's a lie. Come on, why are you doing this?"

"I'm sorry, I just have to tell you the truth. I don't feel anything for you, what happened between us was a mistake."

"A mistake?" She asked already shedding tears "You took advantage of me"

"No, I swear. It wasn't intentional, I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing"

"That's a lie, I don't believe you were drunk. You just put up all that pretense to make me take you home. How would you explain that just a bottle would take you out"

"It's true, no pretense. I don't take alcohol, so my system was probably not used to it"


"I'm not lying Bola"

"So, you are going to use and dump me and go after you silly girlfriend ehn?"

"I don't have a girlfriend"

"You don't have a girlfriend?" She paused and caressed his face "then we can start up something"

"No, we can't. I'm in love with someone else"

"Is that person better than I am"

"Bola, she's your friend"

"My friend?"

"Yes, Amarachi"

"Oh! That slut?"

"Don't you ever call her a slut again" he replied slightly raising his voice.

"Okay, I see. That was why she was acting concerned while you were blabbing in the party. Well, I told her not to come near you again. I told her you are my boyfriend"

"You did what?" Frank asked already getting angry

"Yes, that slut isn't good enough for you"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy, call me whatever you want, but you can't use and dump me and go for that cheap girl. Never! "

"I said don't call her names again "

"What if I do?"

"Just get out of this here now"

"Are you ordering me out"

"Get out" he shouted at her.

"Okay, I'll go. But just know you've not seen the last of me" She said and walked out of the salon angrily.

"Is there any problem sir?" Frank heard his tiny stylist voice mumble.

"Get out of here, I didn't call you" He picked up his keys and headed home although the day was still young.


"It good to meet you here mam, I never knew you were a senior staff in Videx" Kelvin said as Ini walked him out of the company's building.

"Yeah, they say people are like water. They flow, and we can never
tell where we'll meet each other again"

"True. We'll, I must commend you. You're really good at your job, I never thought a Lady could discuss so intelligently with me"

"Come on, ladies ain't dumb, they are the most intelligent creatures on earth"

"Hmmm. So when are we meeting again?"

"I thought we've discussed that already. We'll present your proposal to the board and get back to you"

"No, I'm talking about us. Both of us, when do we meet again?"

"Come on, run along. Your colleagues are waiting in the car"

"Please, I'm serious. Can I pick you after work tomorrow?"

"It's okay" she replied smiling

"Alright. Its a date, 4pm tomorrow" he replied and hurried to the car to meet his colleagues who were already getting impatient and stared at him suspiciously.
"So tell me, who is that lucky guy you are going
out with tomorrow?" Amarachi asked
"He works in your department?"
"No, he doesn't. It's Kelvin. The guy that helped
fixed our car two weeks ago"
"Oh! Where did you meet again?"
"He came to the company to negotiate a business
"Okay, so he added a date proposal too?"
Amarachi joked.
"Yeah, silly you. What of your manager?"
"Um, we are going out this weekend"
"Wow! That's great"
Ini picked up her cell phone and stood up to walk
inside before she suddenly remembered
something, "Ehn Ehn, I spoke with Bola earlier
today" She said giving Ama a serious look
"She said something like you trying to snatch her
"Snatch her boyfriend?"
"Yes, she said since you've been after the guy, he
doesn't give her attention anymore"
"No, why would I snatch her boyfriend? I was
only chatting with Frank at the Party, I never
knew he was he was her boyfriend"
"Frank, which Frank? Her boyfriend's name is
"The one I was chatting with was Frank and she
already warned me not to come near him again"
"Well, that's what she said when she called me
today. I was even trying to explain that I've not
seen you with any guy since you came here but
she insisted you've been talking to her guy and
he's about to break up with her because of you"
"No, I warned him not to call me again the last
time he did" she replied and picked her phone to
search for Frank's number, she scrolled through
her call logs and found the number that called on
Sunday. "Here is his number, let me call him
"Do you really need to"
"Yes, lets settle this"
After some seconds of silence...
"Hello Amarachi, I was about to..."
"Excuse me please, I want you to clarify things
with your girlfriend. Tell her nothing is on between
us so she would stop disturbing me"
" What girlfriend? I don't have one"
"Bola, your girlfriend. Please settle with her, I
don't want any problems with her, thank you"
Amarachi ended the call.
"Ini, there's nothing between us" She continued
speaking with Ini
"I know girl, Bola is just a hot tempered girl. I
didn't even see you with her boyfriend. I thought
she said they had a quarrel and he wasn't
coming to the party"
"He came, you saw us together. He was the one I
was talking with when you asked me to join you
backstage before the toast"
"Oh! But the guy I saw with you wasn't Ken"
Amarachi's phone rings.
"He's calling back"
"Pick it up, lets hear what he has to say"
Frank voice came through the phone again.
"Hey, Amarachi. Bola is not my girlfriend, I only
met her recently"
"Why do men always like to lie?"
"No, I'm not lying, she is just an acquittance"
"And you came to her birthday party?"
"Yes, she invited me. Moreover, I came in search
of you"
"Hehe" Amarachi gave a short laugh "You came in
search of me? How on earth would you know I
was coming there?"
"I know she's your friend, I've seen you together
"It's okay please, you're beginning to get on my
nerves now. You said you just met her few days
ago, and you know she's my friend, you've even
seen us together before"
"Believe me, I'm not lying. My office is close to..."
"Pleaaaase... I've had enough of your junk
already. Don't call my phone again" she said and
hung up.
"Amarachi doesn't believe I'm not Bola's boyfriend, she wouldn't even give me a chance to explain" Frank lamented.

"Hmmm bro, what I think is you do need to give yourself a break, you need to get yourself off this matter for sometime" Bode added.

"That's true, few weeks ago you were always cheerful till we met those girls, please don't allow anything weigh you down, you have lot of other things to set your mind on" Kelvin joined.

"I'm trying, but I just cant seem to stop thinking about Amarachi"

"Okay, what I think is that you have to take a break from work and chill out with other friends, your other girlfriends. I'm sure you'll be able to get your mind off or find someone better" Bode continued

"No, I object. If the guy likes Amarachi, let him go for her. Explain yourself vividly to her and she should understand you" Kelvin cut in

"How would I do that? She doesn't even want to hear from me"

"I think I may be able to help" Kelvin started. "I have a date with her friend tomorrow, I can convince her to help you speak with her"

"No please, don't let my problems ruin your date, I'll sort it out myself"

"No, it won't ruin my date. I'll just present it carefully"

"I insist, don't mention anything to her friend, I'll just sort out myself with her and probably find a way to forget her"

"It's okay bro, if that's what you want" Kelvin replied patting him on the shoulder.


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