"Good evening sir", Frank stood up to greet as he sighted Chief Olatunbosun coming close with two body to where he was. He had refused to take the drinks he had been
served, he only sat on the seat he was offered to sit on when he waited for about two hours without the Chief showing up.

Chief Olatunbosun only replied his greetings with a contemptuous look which later turned to a smile of the same nature.

"Sit down" he said sharply to Frank as he sat on the sofa opposite to Frank's crossing his legs.

"Let me remain standing sir"

"No, sit down boy. I'm not punishing you, I want to talk to you like a gentleman"

"Thank you sir" he replied, reluctantly taking his seat.

"Good. So boy, tell me how much you want from my daughter?"

Frank was startled by the question, "nothing sir, I don't want anything from her"

"Then why did you impregnate her?"

"Ermm... Sir, it was a mistake sir?"

"Hahaha, mistake? Or you saw a rich girl and wanted to take advantage?"

"No sir. I never knew that she is your daughter"

"Silly boy, I know you didn't know. You would not know she's my daughter and try to mess with her. You only saw a rich girl and wanted to take advantage"

"No sir, it's not like that"

"Oh! Shut up boy", the man said and paused, he made a signal to one of his guards and the guard brought him tobacco. After some seconds of deep inhaling and exhaling, he let out a deep sigh of relief.

"She says you love each other so much. So when is the date for the wedding?"

"Ermmm..." He stammered as he didn't know what to reply.

"Pick a date and get back to me quickly" the Chief said as he stood up and proceeded to the door, he turned back again,

"Next time when I call for you, don't be scared. Don't mind what the media reports, I don't bite people" he gave a wicked smile, "you can go now".


"Did anyone annoy Ini outside?" Amarachi asked Dennis who sat on a chair close to the hospital bed and held her right hand in his.

"I don't know about that, I went to get something in my car and also make some calls. So I wasn't with them all through"

"Okay" she replied calmly

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing really, just concerned about her, it looked as if her countenance changed when she came in then. She didn't even say anything to me. She just picked her bag and left with her boyfriend without letting him finish preparing the tea for me"

"Oh! That's strange"

"Yeah, I really hope nothing happened to her"

"Hmm, we'll find out later" he replied and changed the subject, " the doctor said you would be allowed to leave tomorrow"

"Yes, so I can resume work on Monday" she replied smiling.



"You're not serious. You are taking a week off. I'll inform the management on Monday"

"Oh! That will be too much. What about the research work?"

"Don't bother, I'll submit that for you. The most important thing is for you to get well"

"Hmm, thanks"

"It's nothing dear"
"Why did you drag me out like that?" Kelvin asked Ini as they got to the hospital parking lot.

"What were you doing with her?"

"What was I doing with her?"

"Yes. I saw your hands on her face when I came"

"Yeah.I was making tea for her when the breeze from the fan I switched on blew some milk powder into her eyes"


"I was helping her clean it off"

"Get into the car."

"Get into the car? I think you need to apologize to her for the way you behaved in there"

"Apologize to someone who was trying to snatch my boyfriend?"

"Come on, what do you mean by that?"

"Get into the car or I drive off" she threatened starting the car engine.

"Ini, what's this all about?" He asked getting into the car reluctantly. "I don't understand"

She didn't give him a reply but drove off instantly without saying a word despite his questions.

"Should I drive you to your house?" Or you'll take a cab here?" She asked as they got to a roundabout.

"I'll drop here" he said and alighted from the car as she parked at a side " I'll talk to you tomorrow" he said and walked away.

She drove off instantly without giving him a reply. In less than twenty minutes, she got to her house. She walked in and settled into a chair, she thought about the whole day's event. Did anything really occur between Amarachi and Kelvin? Or what Kelvin said about helping her clean off the milk powder correct? She remembered her primary and secondary school days where Amarachi had been always favoured than her, there were several occasions where she believed Amarachi took what belonged to her.

One of them was when Amarachi came into their primary school and defeated her -who was the former champion - in a school quiz in their final year, this made Amarachi become the school champion till they left primary school, that was when they became friends after a brief clash and advice from the head teacher.

They were very good friends until their senior secondary school days again when something else happened. Ini was in SSS1A while Amarachi was in class B. Ini had gone with a male friend(who was considered to be the most handsome guy in school) in her class to visit sick Amarachi in the school clinic. After the visitation, the boy became more interested in Amarachi than Ini, this caused another clash between them but was settled when the boy was discovered to be a thief.

Several other events occurred after that but they still remained inseparable and their friendship bond waxed stronger as the challenges hit them.

Ini decided not to allow Amarachi rob her of Kelvin, she blamed herself for asking Kelvin to meet her there and decided she wouldn't allow them get close to each other anymore.
As she spent time to think about it she got angrier at Amarachi and wondered why Ama decided to flirt with Kelvin even after having other guys after her.

Kelvin got home at about six thirty pm, he was already tired to he settled quietly into a sofa in the living room. He wondered why the whole house was quiet, he was expecting to meet his friends at home. He called their names but didn't get any reply. After a few minutes of staying in the living room without doing anything, Bode walked into the house looking tired abd dejected.

"Kelvin, where have you been since morning? I've been trying to call you and it's not been going through."

"Not been going through? " He asked and brought out his phone from hus pocket to check, " Oh! Sorry, no network on it"

"Chai!" He exclaimed and collapsed into a chair

"What happened? Where is Frank?"

"Only God knows where he is o"

"What do you mean? Didn't you go and watch football together?"

"I'm not coming from the football viewing centre. I'm coming from the police station"

"Police station? What business do you have in the policr station?"

"I went to report that Frank has been kidnapped"

"Hahaha" Kelvin laughed thinking that Bode was only making a joke, " how would Frank be kidnapped na? Is he a kid?"

"I was in his salon when some armed men came and took him away, only God knows where they took him to"

"Come on, are saying the truth"

"Yes, look here" he pointed to a swelling on his face, "I received a punch for trying to help him"

"Ah! That's serious o. What do we do now?"

"You don't have to do anything" they heard a voice say outside the door, "I'm here already"

Frank opened the door and walked into the house tiredly and sat on the floor in the middle of the sitting room.

"Oh! Frank, what happened, what did they do to you?"

"Do to me? Hahaha" Frank laughed uncontrollably, " No one did anything to me, I only went on a visit to my In-law."

As closer move to Frank revealed that he was drunk,

"Oh boy, this dude is high o" Bode said to Kelvin.

"Let's take him inside first"

They took him up and both moved him into his room.

"Don't take me anywhere, I need to go prepare for my wedding now. Don't take me anywhere! " Frank wailed as he was been carried into his room.


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