
"Wow! That guy must really like you, tecno phantom z is a really good phone"
"Yeah, but i never wanted to accept it, he forced me to"

"Taa! You want to say you don't like it?" Ini teased

"No, I'm not saying that, but I really didn't want to accept it"

"Thank God you did, I was thinking of giving you my other small phone before and now Manager has presented a better option, I hope you'll give him a better option too" Ini continued teasing her

"Naughty girl, what better option?" Amarachi laughed.

Just then Ini's phone rang.

"Yeah... hehe... naah... naughty you... ok, you call me when you're on your way... Yeah...sweet dreams", she dropped the call with her face full of smiles.

"Ehn, what is it?" Ini asked after noticing the questioning look on Amarachi's face.

"Who is that?"

"When did you start monitoring my calls?" Ini replied with another question.

"Come on, tell me. Is that Kelvin?"

"Yes, he wants us to go out after work tomorrow"


"Yeah, that .means you'll be driving home alone tomorrow"

"That's okay"

"Hehe, you'll be alone at home, don't miss me too much" Ini continued in a sarcastic manner.

"Naah, I won't miss you at all"


"She's pregnant? Wow! That's some real mess here" Bode commented.

"I don't know just know what to do, I was just trying to forget about everything and this is coming up again"

"So what are you planning to do?"

"I don't know, I'm confused"

"Are you sure she isn't just making this up to tie you down"

"Hmmm, you have a point there. That's what it must be. How didn't I think of that before "

"I don't just trust that girl, she's kind of desperate"

"Yeah, thank you Bode. I'll demand that she shows me her pregnancy tests result and..." he paused and thought for a while "how am I even sure I'm the father of her baby if she's really pregnant? "

"Ooh! You see?"

"Thanks bro, I'm less worried now" Frank smiled " by the way, where's Kelvin, I've not seen him since I got home"

"The dude is in his room probably chatting with his new girl"

"Hehe, lucky boy he is"

"Yeah, things are going smooth between them"

Chief Olatunbosun sat calmly on the sofa and placed his legs gently on a stool, he came into the city after deciding to surprise his daughter with a visit since she had not been seen in his house for months.

"Bola, hurry up with the cooking. I'm very hungry. I have to eat before I leave here tonight" he called to Bola who was busy in the kitchen.

His eyes met a sheet of a paper on the centre table. "Henry, get that paper for me" he motioned his body guard who stood not too far from him.

"Sinarline hospital laboratory , pregnancy test result" He read, he folded the paper and kept it in his pocket.
Wow! Bola is pregnant, he thought to himself, Ken has finally done it. Its now time to finalise the wedding plans. He earlier made up his mind to give the couple a token of twenty million naira after their marriage ceremony.

"Food is ready Dad, should I serve it on the dinning table?" Bola asked carrying a tray of Pounded Yam and vegetable soup.

"Bring it here Bola, an old man like me doesn't need to stress himself to eat" he replied with humour

She dropped the tray on a smaller table and moved iy close to where her Dad was seated.

"Here is it, Daddy enjoy"

"Is this pounded or poundo" the man asked.

"Ahn ahn, Daddy. You know I injured myself the last time I tried to pound yam na"

"Its okay my daughter, I will manage it" He said and started eating the meal.

"So, when will you and Ken choose a date for your wedding?" He asked as he swallowed lumps of the poundo yam.

"Dad, I broke up with Ken"

"Ehn?" The man coughed as the information surprised him

"Hey, sorry Daddy. Why don't you finish your food before we talk?"

"No" the man refused and washed his hand

"come on, get me my handkerchief and stop looking like a dunce" he said to his body guard. "Why did you break up with him? That boy is a good boy and his father is very rich". He continued with Bola

"Dad , it's not all about money. He abuses me all the time and even keep numerous girlfriends"

"But why didn't you tell me all these? I would have asked his father to speak with him?"

"Dad, he promises to change always but he never does"

"Okay. So, what about the baby you are having for him?"

"Baby for him?"

"Yes, are you not pregnant for him?"

"No o, Daddy. I'm not pregnant " she said twisting her face.

"What about this?" He replied bringing out the test results from his pocket.

Bola came back to her senses as she saw the test results with her father, it was then she remembered that she had dropped it carelessly on the table because she wasn't expecting anybody to visit her.

"Daddy, it's not for Ken"

"Its not for Ken? Then who?"



"Yes sir"

"How can you break up with Ken without telling me?" He asked and without waiting for her reply he continued, "now you are pregnant for somebody else. Are you sure this Frank is a good boy?"

"Yes, he is"

"Are his Parents rich?"


"Didn't you hear me? Are his Parents rich?" He shouted at her

"I've not met them?"

"And you got pregnant for him without knowing his parents? Okay, what does he do for a living?"

"He has a barbing salon"

With this, Chief Olatunbosun burst into rage and stood up. "Are you crazy? You got pregnant for a barber?"

"No, he is not an ordinary barber, he has a salon with other employees"

"Tell the gold digger to see me before this week runs out", he said and walked angrily out of the house pushing his body guard who held his handkerchief for him violently.
Ini walked out of the company's gate to meet Kelvin who parked his car by the road side not far away from the gate.

"Hello Princess" Kelvin greeted as he welcomed her with a warm embrace, "how was your day?"

"It was awesome" she replied smiling back. He walked her to the passenger's seat and opened the door for her to enter.

Ini waved back at Amarachi who hailed her as she drove past them on her way home.

"That's my friend Amarachi"

"Oh! You work at the same place?, kelvin asked as he settled into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, we even stay together"

"Oh, she must be a nice girl. My friend really likes her"

"You told me that already. What I don't understand is why Bola lays claim to him even though he's not her boyfriend"

"They have a lot of things together, but he doesn't date her"

"They have a lot of things together? But I thought you said they met recently"

"Yes, we met with you guys before he met her"

" How come they now have a lot of things together?"

"You won't understand dear. Lets forget about that now" , he replied igniting his car. "Where do we go this evening?"


"Hi Ama" Amarachi received a Whatsapp message from Dennis

"Hello sir"

"I told you not to refer me as sir again, we are not about to discuss official matters now"

"Sorry, Dennis"

"That's good. Hope you didn't experience too much traffic congestion on your way home"

"No, the road was kinda free"

"Okay, thank God. So your friend drove home with you as usual?"

"No, I drove home alone today. She went out with her friend"

"Her boyfriend?"

"Kind of"

"Hmm... Amarachi"


"I don't know, but has anyone really told you how beautiful you are?"

"Oh!" She added a smiley, "  thank you"

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just saying the obvious truth"

"Come on, stop flattering me please "

"I'm not. You know what?"


"You are not only extraordinarily beautiful, you are also super intelligent"

" OMG, stop this Dennis  "

"Just saying the truth dear."


"Can we go out tomorrow evening?"

"It's okay after work"

"Wow, thanks. You don't know how glad I am now. I'm dancing shoki"


"I can't wait dear. I'll wait with outside the gate immediately we close at the office"

To be continued

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