I and Ogechi...Episode 12 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

I and Ogechi...Episode 12


Hmmmm, we got to the bathroom oo, and what happened there is better left unsaid.

The summary of the whole matter is that I
was bathed by those two witches who used

hard brushes to scrub my body as though I
was infected with the deadliest skin disease
they didn’t want me to transfer to Mr.
Chang. I felt so bad because I couldn’t even
give one of them a slap. They were just so
good at dodging them. All I could do was
frown and get angry with everyone,
especially Cynthia for allowing me to go
through that. Must I meet Mr. Chang?
After 30 minutes I was out of there looking
as shy as a bush man who just encountered
humans for the first time. Cynthia came to
my room to take me to Mr. Chang. I
couldn’t look her in the eye due to what
just happened, and she made fun of it. ‘It
must have felt pretty cool being bathed by
ladies’ Cynthia said. I didn’t say anything in
response. ‘Hey, are you angry with me? You
know it wasn’t intentional. It’s just a norm
here. Come on, snap out of that mood. We
need to go see Chang. How I wish I can
have that done to me by some cute Chinese
guys’. ‘You can if you want’ I retorted.
‘They are a couple of them who’ll be more
than willing to help you out’. ‘I prefer you to
them’ she said carelessly. ‘I’ll be back in a
little bit. Get dressed.’ She said and left
the room. A short while later she came
back and we left to see Chang.
Chang welcomed me like I was a distant
relation who just got back after so many
years away and I wondered why. I wasn’t
even introduced to him anymore. It seemed
like he already knew all there was to know
about me. Even Cynthia was surprised at
that. Chang dismissed Cynthia and those
who were with him, leaving just both of us.
‘How are you doing young man’ Change
asked. ‘I’m doing great’ I replied. ‘Enjoying
the party?’ he asked again. ‘Pretty much’, I
replied. ‘You have an edifice here. I almost
mistook it for a hotel’. Chang laughed and
we kept exchanging pleasantries for some
minutes before he started letting me in on
his success story. It was almost like mine,
but not exactly. He fell in love with a girl
from the same background as his, back
then. The girl took advantage of the free
education scheme that popped up then and
performed excellently. She was later
awarded a scholarship due to her excellent
performance. Chang said he was struggling
to keep his family going as he was the
breadwinner of the family. He hoped that
things will turn around soon enough so that
he could pursue his dreams of owning a
martial arts academy as he was a master
of martial arts. But things changed when
the girl he fell in love with came back and
told him she was pregnant. He was happy
about the news, but the girl wasn’t. She
suggested an abortion but Chang objected.
Problems began and they later agreed to
give birth to the child and let Chang have
her while she went ahead to marry a
Chinese billionaire who promised her heaven
and earth. According to Chang, the man she
ended up marrying took excellent care of
her to a point where he, Chang began to
wonder if he would have taken that much
care of her.
Lin was the product of their union, and
Chang had not remarried after then because
he lost fate in women and resorted to what
Nigerians refer to as flexing. The truth
remained that he didn’t want his daughter to
have any of such experiences, so he called
on me to help him out. How was I supposed
to help him? I thought to myself. The man
didn’t even know me. What even made him
think I could help him? So many questions
popped in my head and I got really
confused. Chang said to me; ‘I’ve known
you before now’. I asked how, and he told
me Cynthia is a really good friend to Lin.
He said they had been discussing about me
on phone and Cynthia mentioned that I was
a respectable man. ‘She told Lin you
weren’t like a lot of the other guys she had
come across’ Chang said. She also said
you’re not forward and can barely express
yourself before women. She said you’re not
a flirt, and all that. She even said that
judging from your actions around her, she
dared to believe you’re a virgin’. Chai!!
Cynthia don finish me! After saying all
these things he laughed. I was already
feeling embarrassed because of those
things he said Cynthia told Lin. I couldn’t
wait to leave that place to see Cynthia and
unleash hell upon her. I controlled myself
and pretended like I wasn’t bothered by any
of those details. But then I asked him why
he laughed, and he said;
‘I heard your name is Jesusboy’
‘That’s correct Mr. Chang. Does it sound
‘Not exactly. Just the boy part of the name.
It goes a long way to confirm all Cynthia
told Lin about you. Never mind, I’m okay
with that. I love boys. I just wish every man
would add boy to their names if that would
make them be of good behavior’.
I couldn’t take it anymore being seen as an
innocent naïve boy, so I spoke out.
‘You see, Mr. Chang, Cynthia doesn’t know
me that much. All she told your daughter
are just what she thinks I am. I’m not
saying I’m a bad person, but I’m not exactly
all she said I was. Especially the part she
said I can’t express myself before women.
Those are just speculations not facts. So
please make no judgments based on her
insinuations.’ If you think of me as the best
of councilor due to those things you heard,
you might be mistaken. Nevertheless I’ll
help you in the best way I can’
‘Definitely you will’ he replied confidently.
‘What do you want me to do for you, Mr.
‘With much hard work I have acquired a lot
of wealth which I will have to leave behind
for my daughter when I’m gone. I don’t
trust these guys that keep hanging around
her. They’re all gold diggers. I don’t want
my daughter to end up with any of them.
Boy, I want you to marry my daughter. That
way I’ll die knowing my daughter and wealth
are in safe hands’
‘What?’ I replied almost screaming.
‘Come on boy, quit the drama. You might be
a nice guy, but you need money and a good
girl for a wife. All these I offer you today
and it will be my pleasure if you take them’
I was short of words, and my entire mind
was greatly troubled. I didn’t know what to
say to him. I kept rolling my eyes round
and round until Chang’s priest came in and
told him it was time to make prayers to
Buddha. He told me he was going to
converse with me again soon. I said okay
and thanked him, and he left. Obviously, I
had a lot to meditate on.
I went out and joined the party. The two
girls I was with before Cynthia came to take
me away rushed to me the very moment
they saw me back at the party scene. But I
dismissed them because I wasn’t in the
right frame of mind to engage them in the
conversation they required. I sat at a dark
corner viewing all that was going on.
Cynthia was dancing with virtually everyone
who was on the dance floor. She really
loved dancing, as much as she knew how
to. All the while I sat there analyzing Lin
over and over again to see if she matched
my kind of girl. Even if I agreed to marry
Lin, I would be assassinated before long.
There were lineup of guys plotting their way
to that girl’s fortune, and I would just come
in from Africa and shut them out? No nah,
they definitely wouldn’t take it lightly with
me. But that was sure not to happen, or
was it?
It got pretty late and I started feeling
sleepy. Cynthia obviously wasn’t going to
retire anytime soon, so I didn’t bother
saying a word to her before I went to my
room to sleep. My soul had almost
transported itself to another realm when
Cynthia called it back as she burst into my
room with an orange transparent night gown
which was designed to reveal whatever hid
beneath it. She shut the door behind her,
leaned on it and stood there staring at me
with a dangerous grin. And then she started
moving towards me in the same way and
manner the Indian ladies do when trying to
impress their husbands on their wedding
night. It was clear to me that all was not
well because she wasn’t an Indian girl, and
that definitely wasn’t a wedding night, let
alone being ours. Unlike me, I was unable
to figure out what to do to avert the
situation before it got out of hand. I just
lay on my bed watching Cynthia perform to
no music. Her moves were so captivating
that I lost the power and will to do anything
more than lay still and take what was
coming. She drew nearer and nearer
stylishly until she got to the edge of the
bed I lay on, knelt on it, and then GBAM!
To be continued.

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