Vacation in Obudu....Episode 19 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu....Episode 19

We sat there waiting for the next 30
minutes for both girls as the guys kept
calling them. “we dey come” was always
the reply at the end of the calls.

Finally Juliet was visible walking down
towards us. Dark and tall, Blue leggings,
All Black Isabel Marant sneakers, white
floral chiffon top, camping bag on hand,
Ray Ben shades. This chick was
complete. When she got to where we
were, she hailed guy 2 and the rest of us,
ignoring guy 1.
She entered the car and came behind to
where I and Frank were sitting. Frank
moved making way for her to sit by the
window and him in the middle. But i
refused, pushing him to one end, making
way for her to sit between me and the
window. She just smiled as we behaved
like two teenagers on heat before finally
interjecting saying “don’t worry guys, I’ll
seat between you two”
Taking her position, she placed her
hands on both our laps saying “there we
go”.. I swallowed nothing hard. Boy..,
everything about this girls reeks of one
with confidence and one who knows what
she can do. Frank began to engage her in
some little talks just as guy 3 alerted us
that Ella was on her way.
I looked out the window to see her
emerging from another corner of the
street. Light skinned, average in height
for a girl, White Bum shorts, red top,
shades, hand bag, blue wedge sneakers…
Wait a minute… WTF.. Ella was the same
girl i saw in church during that family’s
harvest thanksgiving procession…
“Hehehehe, this trip is getting better” i
said to myself
She entered sitting between guy 2 and 3.
Minutes later, we were on ranch road
heading towards the ranch. Interacting
with juliet on the way, i got to know that
she was actually friends with Guy 1 and
that they had a biz that went sour, so
that’s why she ignored him but it wasn’t
serious as both were forming for each
Ella on the other hand just interacted
with Guy 3 and Guy 1 in front. Jude was
only interested in driving and his music.
Within 40 minutes we were at the base of
the ranch.
Jude alighted and signed us in, paying
the gate fees and then drove us to the
water park.
Within 10 minutes we were in after
arguing with the attendant that we were
all students so we could pay half the
price. Unfortunately not even the girls
had their students I.D card with them.
We took some group photos before
proceeding to the changing room. The
time was already 3:45pm and the
attendant at the changing room told us
she was closing for the day, hence we
take our clothing with us.
A family of about 6 were just leaving the
pool when we headed out of the
changing room. They had just turned off
the power generating set, hence the
slides, fountain and jacuzzi weren’t
working at the Fun pool, so we decided
to move over to the standard pool.
Minutes later, both girls emerged from
the female changing room. Juliet had a
one piece swimwear and a scarf tied
around her waist, while Ella was on two
piece Bikini, both still putting on their
Guys 1 and 2 had already begun smoking
and drinking. But my eyes were on Ella,
although she was chubby, all i saw in her
was my favourite por.n star “Audrey
Bitoni” (google her to get a description).
But all the while we hadn’t spoken to
each other and severally she caught me
staring at her booobs.
We all got into the water, except Guy 3
and Ella who just stood out and lit
herself a cigarette from the pack Guy 1
Nervously i exited the pool and walked
up to her. In all sincerity i didn’t know
what i was gonna say to her, but
reminding myself of the fact that i’ve got
fury between my legs, i still went ahead.
FYI, i seriously suck at chatting up girls i
admire. I’ve got absolutely no punch line,
hence the major reason i admire slim
girls with big titties but have never dated
or approached one before. Except my
first love sha.
But in a way, sheer providence have
always made it possible for me to get
laid. Although not as much or with whom
i would have preferred.
Sorry for digressing…
“you know, i was hoping you could teach
me how to swim!” i said trying to
maintain my composure.
Puffing she asked “so how do you know i
can swim?”
“Easy, the best always wanna allow
amateurs show themselves first” i
“Don’t be too sure of yourself, i might
actually have a phobia for water” she
said revealing a lovely set of dimples
Since she made the discussion easy for
me to flow, i decided to pour myself
some yogurt to maintain my cool.
“A thousand bucks says Ella swims
better than you Frank” i called out to him
in the water. Frank is actually a water
Then turning to face her i said “A person
with phobia for water wouldn’t be putting
on the most sexy two piece Bikini I’ve
seen physically by the pool side”
“you are not serious fury” she replied
smiling before adding “so you haven’t
seen something like this before”?
“nah, only in pages of fashion mag and
Hollywood movies” i replied feeling i had
just delivered a line.
Puffing out some more she asked, “So
where exactly do you come from?”
Taken aback by the question I answered
“I’m a Nigerian” maintaining a straight
face and my cool
“Hahahaha, leave me alone Fury…. Of
course i know you are a Nigerian, just
that you strike me like someone who’s
always indoors, hence by now you would
have seen sexier Bikinis than this” she
took a sip of the McDowell drink in her
cup while maintaining eye contact with
I watched her for some seconds till she
put the cup down before replying her.
“Whatever, nothing changes the fact that
you look absolutely stunning in your two
piece, which on its own looks lovely”.
Then taking her hand and pulling with a
little force, i added “Come on, come show
us what you’ve got”.
“okay ok ok, lemme finish my stick.” said
as i released my grip on her hand.
By now Frank and Juliet were all over the
pool. Jude was now walking towards us,
Guy 1 and 2 were on the diving board.
Guy 3 wouldn’t not touch the water.
Joining us, Jude just took for himself a
bottle of coke. I had felt he wad gonna
mix with one of the alcohols like the
other guys did, but he responded he
doesn’t do alcohol also.
After about 5 minutes, taking my hand
this time around, she said I’m ready. I
followed her and watch her clim the
diving board pushing guy 1 and 2 away..
Before i could say jack, she was in the
water after an incredible “back-fleet”,
some 12 ft below..
I was stunned. Ella swam like a swan. I
joined her much later around the 6ft part
and we sat together and talked about
everything and nothings. Told her i was
drooling when i saw her in church, her
gown was awesome bla bla bla….
***fast forward***
30 minutes later, we were kissing and
brushing bodies against each others.
Guy 3 still wouldn’t touch the water
making the rest of the group forcefully
take hold of him to drop in the water.
Juliet told Guy 2 and Frank that she’ll
give anyone of them head once the can
show their D**k was bigger than the
Frank won the day, and me thinking she
was kidding, she gave Frank head. Just
about 10 up and down mouth movements
on his D**k, with the rest of the group
cheering. He didn’t cum though.
Another family group just came around,
took pictures and left almost
Grabbing my D**k under water, Ella said
“I’m sure you would have lost out to
To which i whispered in her ears, “I’m a
good 8inchs”
She kept on feeling it as she spoke
saying “I’d love to see it”.. Just then
Jude called out to me…
To be continued

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