Vacation in Obudu... Episode 50 | A 1000% LAFF AFRICA

Vacation in Obudu... Episode 50

When i got to the clinic, mom was
already there because Favour’s car was

parked outside. I knocked, waited for a
response which was given by mom before
i opened the door. I freaked out when i
stepped in because i didn’t know what to
say seeing mom seated on the chair
opposite Favour.
Favour was seated on the bed and with
the smiles on both their faces, it was
obvious what ever they were discussing
was not related to her illness. Greeting
mom and then Favour, the only place
available for me to seat was next to her
on the bed. I sat careful of the space
between us as i felt mom would be
observing me.
I had expected mom’s demeanor to
change as soon as i came in, but instead
she was still full of smiles asking me
how my day went and if i was able to do
what i went to the café to do as it rained
for most part of the day. I wanted to say
I was there but couldn’t access the net
for most part of the day due to the bad
weather, but something inside me
decided against it. Instead i told her i
gone to see another classmate of I and
Frank when the rain started so i had to
stay there with him and later made use
of my phone as a modem.
We went on talk about nothing in
particular that I can remember until her
aunty (the matron) came in much later
with the doctor from the previous night.
She was adviced by the young doctor to
take the remaining week off and rest
because she broke down having been
stressed out over time. Her aunt added
some more advice in their local dialect.
We left the clinic by some minutes past
5pm with mom passing the key to me to
drive. Favour sat in front with me and on
our way mom asked that i drop her in
the market and continue home. “I’m
sorry” she said looking at me as we
continued our trip home.
“Its ok” i said moving my right hand to
hold her left hand and squeezed it a
little. Neither of us said anything more
untill I pulled up at the gate. She made
to go out so she could open for me, but
I’ll have none of that as i asked her to
seat back. I parked and alighted from the
car and went on to open the gate.
Finally inside the compound, i locked the
gate and helped her move her few items
inside her room. Dialling Frank, he said
they had already called mom that they
were going to be late as the rain didn’t
allow them start what they had gone to
do in time. Ending the call i returned to
the room.
30 minutes later, mom returned from the
market with some groceries. Dinner was
just the 3 of us by 8, dad and Frank
returned by past 9pm. I called it in
almost immediately because i was
The next morning i woke up by 5am and
just ran through my mails and
complaints from some clients. Putting on
my laptop, i did a little work till about
7am when frank woke up.
By 9am mom and dad had left separately
with both cars leaving the three of us at
home. Frank called Juliet to come around
and by 10 she had arrived to join us for
breakfast on the dinning table. We all
sat in the living room chatting and
watching the tv screen till about 11:30
when Juliet said she had a 12 noon
lecture and was on her way. Frank left
with her after he quickly rushed into the
bathroom to freshen up.
Favour moved next to me as we both
cuddled on the couch. Some 40 minutes
later, we exited the shower together, after
going in to clean up from the sex we
both had in the living room. We both
proceeded to sleep in our various rooms
after that.
By 4pm we both sat outside the house
under a tree. With her laptop she ran
through some of her office files. Frank
returned around 5pm with dad’s car..
Mom came in some 30 minutes later to
see all three of us seated outside. She
asked about dad when went in a didn’t
see him. Frank said he just called him to
come pick the car.
20 minutes later we heard a car honking
by the gate, and i went to see who it
was. Opening the smaller gate, I saw dad
behind the steering of what was a brand
new 2012 suv. Happily i closed the
smaller gate and ran over opening the
bigger gate with Frank and Favour
looking at me with surprise.
As soon as dad drove in, they both
screamed in joy as they saw the car.
Mom wondering what was happening
rushed out only to jump like a teenage
girl on dad when he handed over the car
key to her. She gave him that kinda kiss
that makes young guys like us turn away
saying “eww” –but she no send us sha–
She called us together and said a prayer
of thanksgiving.
Dolly called somewhat around past 6pm
saying she would be needing me by
Wednesday latest next week at the office
so i should prepare to cut my vacation
short. Mrs Adamu also called me later in
the evening during dinner to brief me on
what i would be doing saying I and kunle
were expected to handle a clients project
and would be working with the client in
their office for two weeks beginning from
the upper week. She also told me she
was putting together some files ii would
be needing and would mail them to me
later in the night so i can start getting
ready. It was then i realized I had spent
just two weeks in Obudu. And to imagine
the number of activities that had gone
Ending the call, i broke the news to them
that i would be leaving on Tuesday
saying that was my head of department
calling to give instructions about a task i
would be going back to carry out. My
boss had already called me earlier. The
rest of the Dinner was fun filled only that
i noticed Favour tried to force a smile
every now and then. By 8pm dinner over,
both dad and mom were no where to be
By 9pm i sat chatting with Ella, Rose,
Fay and Laura. Laura said she was
coming to Obudu on Sunday and would
spend the night with me and leave for
Lagos via flight from Calabar the next
day as against Enugu that was closer to
Ogoja. Told her i was going to Lagos on
Tuesday and she suggested/insisted that
we leave then for Calabar on Monday
together so we fly first thing Tuesday
morning. According to her, as a matter
of fact she was putting a call right then
to her agent to get her two tickets for
Tuesday morning flight. My duty now
was to book with Jude to pick me and
her from ogoja on Monday so we leave
for Calabar.
Favour in her own case was very sad
asking what would happen to her now?
Ella kept sending me nudes with her
putting on different panties. Rose was
bothered by the fact that i hadn’t
checked up on her.
5:30am Friday morning, we all left for
morning mass with the car. After the
mass, we drove to the parish house for
the priest to bless the car before heading
back home.
Frank usually having his PGDE lessons
on Fridays and Saturdays was the first to
leave the house. He left with Fay’s car.
While dad and mom left later in the day
together in dad’s car leaving Favour and
I behind.
Our sex session started immediately i
closed the gate when dad and mom
drove out. From the living room to her
room and finally where it all began, the
bathroom, we fvcked silly.
I left the house by 1 to the college,
stopping over at Jude’s to book the
Calabar trip telling him we would go
through Ogoja to pick Laura. At the
college i met with Frank and Juliet for
lunch at that restaurant. He had to leave
us there for a lecture while Juliet left
soon after. I had called Rose to meet me
up and when she arrived, she just
requested for pie and mineral. Minutes
later, we left.
We sat at their gossip center killing time
for her 3pm lecture. When it was time,
she left and i went back home to sleep
after talking with Fay for about 20
Dinner was just three of us as mom and
dad had gone out to visit another family
that invited them for dinner. Immediately
frank entered the room with his laptop
saying he got school work to do. I and
Favour just sat in the living room and
talked. She and mom would be attending
a wedding the next day and asked that i
join them. Sinc i had plan to see Rose, i
told her i would be working. Her anger
and disappointment was very obvious
when she bloated out “cant you sacrifice
just one day for me?” and stood up and
left the living room.
I was gonna change my mind and follow
her to agree when a text came in from
rose which read:
I wish to invite Mr. Fury to the above
titled event
Venue: Room x, xyz hostels Obudu
Time: 10am to 4pm prompt
Caveat: phones, friends and relatives are
strictly not invited.
RSVP: Rosemary***
After reading it, i typed a reply saying “I
will be there” and sent it to her.

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